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Super Mario Advance

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This page contains changes which are not marked for translation.

Title Screen

Super Mario Advance

Also known as: Chaoji Mario 2 (CH)
Developer: Nintendo R&D2[1]
Publishers: Nintendo[1] (JP/US/EU/AU), iQue[1] (CN)
Platform: Game Boy Advance
Released in JP: March 21, 2001[1]
Released in US: June 11, 2001[1]
Released in EU: June 22, 2001[1]
Released in AU: June 22, 2001[1]
Released in CN: June 30, 2004[1]

EnemyIcon.png This game has unused enemies.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.

DevelopmentIcon.png This game has a development article
PrereleaseIcon.png This game has a prerelease article
DCIcon.png This game has a Data Crystal page

Super Mario Advance is the first game in the Advance series and a complete remake of Super Mario Bros. 2. It is not, contrary to popular belief, merely a port of the All-Stars version: though certainly similar, using most of the same assets, as a GBA launch title, Advance has several new features added to show off the 32-bit system, like voice acting and a lot of sprite scaling and rotation. It also incorporates a few elements from BS Super Mario USA, such as the scoring system. In addition to the updated Super Mario Bros. 2, this package includes a special version of the original Mario Bros. arcade game.

The game serves as a follow-up to Super Mario Bros. Deluxe, a Game Boy Color game that remixed the first Super Mario game in very similar ways.


Read about development information and materials for this game.
Development Info
Read about prerelease information and/or media for this game.
Prerelease Info
Super Mario Advance (China) Full Debug - COSU SEL DEBUG.png
iQue Debug Build
A debug build of the iQue version, built from partial source code included in the 2020 Gigaleak.

Super Mario All-Stars Leftovers

These graphics were unused in All-Stars, and they're not used here either.

Placeholder Text

Before After
Hmm? Oh, okay.

The three orange tiles are パワ床 (instead of パワー床; POW Block), スイショウ (Crystal), and フラスコ (Flask), and mark where those graphics are loaded in VRAM. All other placeholder text from All-Stars has been removed.

Tiny Slots Icons

Considering this game's scaling fetish, these could still be used.

These tiny slot icons were discarded in favor of the larger slot icons.


So the stereotypical Italian can't even get his hands on a tomato?

Two versions of vegetables present in the NES game go unused in Advance: the updated tomato that was present but unused in the All-Stars ROM, and the onion which was used in All-Stars but is no longer used in Wart's room.


Several tiles from the NES version were revamped for All-Stars and ported over to Advance, but remain unused.

Sma unusedtiles1.png

The mountain and cave tiles from the NES version.

Sma unusedtiles4.png

The ice block that composed the terrain in some sections of ice levels in the NES version.

Sma unusedtiles7.png

An unique type of rock, unlike any other in the game.

Sma unusedtiles5.png

A non-animated and differently-drawn whale tail.

Sma unusedtiles3.png

A strange and somewhat crudely-drawn block.

Sma unusedtiles6.png

Part of an alternate brick pattern?

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Unused Enemies

Squeak I tell you, squeak! Monoclyde

These object graphics are loaded during world boss fights, and match up with Mouser and Tryclyde (including the palette of the new snake). They're just edits of pre-existing sprites (Mouser's being a Porcupo, and Tryclyde's being a Cobrat). Given that Fryguy and Clawgrip have new boss intros, these were likely meant to be for the same purpose.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Unused Sounds


Robirdo, whose voice clips are the same as regular Birdo's but slightly slowed down and with a phaser effect applied, is never heard saying "I'm gonna finish you off!" in-game.


Wart was supposed to have had a longer death cry when you defeat him. He says "(ribbit) Ooh, you're (ribbit) tough! (ribbit)".

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Regional Differences

Anti-Addiction Screen

Super Mario Advance Chinese Note.png

The Chinese version has an anti-addiction screen added to the start of the game per Mainland China regulations.

Original Translation

抵制不良游戏 拒绝盗版游戏
注意自我保护 谨防受骗上当
适度游戏益脑 沉迷游戏伤身
合理安排时间 享受健康生活
Healthy Gaming Advice

Resist unscrupulous games; decline pirated games.
Pay attention to self-protection; beware of being cheated.
Moderate gaming benefits your brain; indulging in gaming hurts your body.
Reasonably arrange your time; enjoy a healthy life.


Japan International China
Super Mario Advance Japanese Title Screen.png Super Mario Advance European Title Screen.png

Super Mario Advance Chinese Title Screen.png

Since the Chinese version was released in 2004, the copyright info was updated accordingly. A credit was also added for iQue, Nintendo's mainland Chinese marketing brand.

Title Screen

Japan US/Europe China
Super Mario Advance title.png Super Mario Advance (USA, Europe) title.png Chaoji Maliou 2 (C) Title.png

Game Select Screen

Japan US/Europe China
Sma1 jpmenu.png Sma1 usmenu.png SuperMarioAdvance-CHlevelselect.png

In Japan, Super Mario Bros. 2 is known as Super Mario USA for multiple reasons. Trademark symbols were added at the end of Super Mario 2 and Mario Bros. in the international releases.

In the Japanese version, the cast roll is more or less the same as previous versions, except Toad's name has been changed to Kinopio, his Japanese name (in fact, he's the only character with a different name in Japan to get this treatment). The Japanese version corrects the Birdo and Ostro swap, while international releases additionally take the time to change Hoopstar to Hoopster, Triclyde to Tryclyde, and Clawglip to Clawgrip, reflecting the spelling they had in manuals.

Game Select Sound

Unsurprisingly, the selection sound for the main game ("Super Mario USA" / "Super Mario 2") was also changed between the Japanese and international versions.

Interestingly, it seems as if the final International dialogue is cut short to say "Super Mario 2" instead of "Super Mario Bros. 2" or "Super Mario Bros. Deluxe 2". This is evidenced by the audio found in the July 2020 leak.

Japan International
(Source: Original TCRF research)

Character Select Screen

To do:
Check if the text in the Chinese version has any differences.
Japan US/Europe
SuperMarioAdvanceJPCSS.png SuperMarioAdvanceUSCSS.png

In Japan, the text in the character select screen says "PLEASE SELECT PLAYER" like the original versions, while the international releases change that to "CHOOSE A PLAYER".
