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Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games (Wii)

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Title Screen

Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games

Also known as: Mario & Sonic at Beijing Olympics (JP), Mario & Sonic aux Jeux Olympiques (FR)
Developers: Sega Sports R&D, Racjin
Publishers: Nintendo (JP/KR), Sega (US/EU/AU)
Platform: Wii
Released in JP: November 22, 2007
Released in US: November 6, 2007
Released in EU: November 23, 2007
Released in AU: November 22, 2007
Released in KR: May 29, 2008

AreasIcon.png This game has unused areas.
CharacterIcon.png This game has unused playable characters.
MinigameIcon.png This game has unused modes / minigames.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
ModelsIcon.png This game has unused models.
MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.

See, this is why server preservation is important.
This game/console's online features are no longer supported.
While this game/console's online features were once accessible, they are (as of May 20, 2014) no longer officially supported and online-exclusive features may be documented as now-unseen content.

For the first time in history, Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games places the titular mascots together in a game that isn't about beating each other up. It isn't the last.

A Nintendo DS Version of this game was also released on the same day.


MAS2008 DreamHammer4.png
Unused Events
Who knew all those Dream Events would be such a Nightmare to finish on time?

Unused Characters

Silver, Jet, Donkey Kong, and Birdo all exist in the game's filesystem as playable characters but are left unused. A lot of their animations are unfinished to varying degrees, the most severe being Birdo, almost having no animations. Additionally, non-playable characters such as Charmy, Lakitu, Espio, and others, all have IDs as playable characters, but are likely not intended to become playable, as they only have referee or other miscellaneous animations for their purpose.

These unused characters can be loaded by using the Gecko codes below. ONLY ONE override code is to be used.

Player Override CPU Override Player List
041CD914 60000000
0041CDE70 60000000
06553454 00000040

The game can handle up to 16 different (or the same) characters. Here, "XXXXXXXX" is to be replaced by whichever character you wish to take that slot. These go in sequential order. For example, first XXXXXXXX is player 1, second is player 2 etc.

Character ID (Decimal) Character ID (Hex) Character Name Used?
0 00000000 Mario Yes
1 00000001 Luigi Yes
2 00000002 Peach Yes
3 00000003 Daisy Yes
4 00000004 Yoshi Yes
5 00000005 Birdo No
6 00000006 Bowser Yes
7 00000007 Donkey Kong No
8 00000008 Wario Yes
9 00000009 Waluigi Yes
10 0000000A Sonic Yes
11 0000000B Tails Yes
12 0000000C Knuckles Yes
13 0000000D Amy Yes
14 0000000E Shadow Yes
15 0000000F Dr. Eggman Yes
16 00000010 Silver No
17 00000011 Vector Yes
18 00000012 Jet No
19 00000013 Blaze Yes
20 00000014 Shy Guy NPC
21 00000015 Toad NPC
22 00000016 Lakitu NPC
23 00000017 Charmy NPC
24 00000018 Espio NPC
25 00000019 Cream NPC
26 0000001A Boo NPC
27 0000001B Bullet Bill NPC
28 0000001C Goomba NPC
29 0000001D Eggman Robot 1 NPC
30 0000001E Eggman Robot 2 NPC
31 0000001F Kiki NPC
32 00000020 Big the Cat NPC
33 00000021 Mii 1 Yes
34 00000022 Mii 2 Yes
35 00000023 Mii 3 Yes
36 00000024 Mii 4 Yes

(Source: final kaoss)

Donkey Kong and Silver are playable in Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games and Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games. Jet and Birdo only became guest playable characters in Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games. Birdo is exclusive to the 3DS version.

One thing of note is that they all have the same voice as Mario, and use some of the other playable character's icons in some of the events they can be played in with the expection of Birdo (who doesn't use one due to being the most unfinished out of the other three cut characters) as Silver uses Blaze as his icon, Jet uses Vector as his icon and Donkey Kong uses Waluigi as his icon. However, their names do appear on the placing list and the results texture as it means that they were originally planned as playable at first but got cut at further notice.

Unused Graphics

Nintendo DS Connectivity

A scrapped connectivity feature between the Wii and Nintendo DS versions of Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games was planned for the game but scrapped for unknown reasons. Remanents of this feature still exists in the game's data. In the main menu, these graphics would appear for when the Nintendo DS Connectivity option is selected in the Main Menu.

Early Hammer Throw

An unused graphic for the instructions page for Hammer Throw shows an earlier version of the game. Upon throwing the hammer, the camera appears to zoom in on the character. This is unlike the final version, where upon throwing the hammer, the camera focuses on the hammer rather than the player.

Additionally, the text used for "WR" and "OR" lack an outline in the earlier version. "WR" is also colored black in the earlier version, whereas in the final, it is colored white.

Early Final
MAS2008 Hammer Early.png MAS2008 Hammer Final.png

Early Dream Fencing

Similarly, another unused graphic for the instructions page for Dream Fencing shows that the aim of the game was originally to reach a certain number of points, rather than depleting your opponent's health. Everything else remained the same.

Early Final
MAS2008 DreamEP Early.png MAS2008 DreamEP Final.png

Early Dream Table Tennis

Yet again, an unused graphic for the instructions page for Dream Table Tennis shows an earlier version of the arena, with smaller banners, and incomplete lighting and reflections.

Early Final
MAS2008 DreamTT Early.png MAS2008 DreamTT Final.png

Instructions Page Placeholder

The instructions page for Dream Platform contains a placeholder graphic.

MAS2008 DreamAQ Placeholder.png

Banana Peel Item

A graphic for a Banana Peel exists in the game's files but is not used in any of the Dream Events.

MAS2008 BananaItem.png

Unused Audio

Test Tone

A one second test tone is found at STRM_03, STRM_04, and STRM_38.

Rank 2nd & 3rd

STRM_11 and STRM_12 are unused tracks for completing an event in 2nd and 3rd place. The final game uses the 1st place theme for both rankings.

Unused Events

There are three tracks likely intended for unused events. They were possibly made for the unused Dream Events as they are placed near the final game's Dream Event tracks, but it is unclear which events in particular.

STRM_30 is a tropical, mambo-inspired track. It is speculated to be for Dream Rowing or Quadruple Sculls.

STRM_33 has a space/futuristic feel, fitting with Dream Basketball or Dream Shooting.

STRM_35 is an intense-sounding track. It is unclear what this could've been used for (possibly Dream Hammer Throw, which received further development than the other remaining Dream Events).

Dream Canoe

STRM_37 is another unused event theme. Unlike the other three, this one was used in the Nintendo DS version of Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games for the Dream Canoe event. In the Wii version it would have presumably been used in either Dream Rowing or Quadruple Sculls. Strangely, this track is not placed with the other event tracks, being placed after the Trophy theme at STRM_36.

Test Loop

This song is titled TEST_LOOP. It is the only music file to not follow the format of STRM_##. While it sounds similar to the "Replay" mini game track from the DS version, it was more likely just a placeholder.

Voice Clips

To do:
The game seems to have tons of unused voice clips in it's files, possibly even more in the Japanese version. Check what is used and what is not and add the corresponding audios to this page. Create a sub-page if necessary and add the other languages.

Mii Unlock

It seems that Miis were planned to be unlockable characters instead of being available from the start.

New Circuit Class

When unlocking a new Circuit Class, the game doesn't warn you, it just says that you unlocked a new Circuit.

Unused Text

DS Connectivity

Some unused text strings relating to the scrapped DS Connectivity exists in the game's files. They both say 'DS Connectivity' with varying degrees of capitalization.

DS connectivity


Unusual Music Length

While almost every other Wii game with BRSTMs for its music uses looping points in order to loop its audio, this game instead makes most of its music repeat in the audio stream several times. This causes the length of what would normally be a typical one-minute track anywhere from five minutes all the way up to nearly thirteen minutes before fading out. While the fade out usually can't be heard if the game is played normally, if one were to hang on the pause screen (the music still plays in the pause screen), an event, or a menu, eventually the audio will slowly fade out, before the whole song loops back again from the very beginning.

This also leads to the music of the game having an overwhelming large size for a Wii game, taking up more combined space than the actual game itself. Neither of its 2010 or 2012 sequels on the Wii does this, making this game an anomaly when it comes to audio.

Unseen Texture

In the Skeet event, there exists unseen geometry inside the gun, which is likely a leftover from the scrapped Double Trap and Dream Shooting where the characters would need to reload the guns when running out of ammo. There is a load-in texture where it could've been that the guns would've required extra bullets.

(Source: Shesez)

Reflective Bottom in Trampoline

In the Trampoline event, there is a reflective background of the ceiling that is unseen from the player. By moving the camera into the ground, this specific oddity can be seen and it's slightly blurred out with the textures being very low-res overall.

(Source: Shesez)