Sonic Spinball (Sega Master System)
Sonic Spinball |
Also known as: Sonic the Hedgehog Spinball
The Master System Sonic Spinball is a rushed port of the already rushed Game Gear version, which is itself a demake of the rushed Genesis version.
To do:
Level Skip
In the Options menu, play sound effects 00, 02, 01, 05, 06, 06 in the Sound Test. Now, during gameplay, pause and press Down to go to the next stage.
Free-Movement Mode
Also in the Options menu, play sound effects 00, 09, 00, 01, 06, 08 (the screen will shake to confirm). Now, during gameplay, pause and press 2.
Build Date
Present at 0x4C8D:
1994-05-30 P.M. FINAL REV. 22 (M)
This can be displayed in the Options menu by playing sound effects 0, 5, 0, 3, 6, 0.
Uncompiled Code
Present at 1EFAE is a fragment of code, likely from a printout of the code.
FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF52 :103E8000FFFFFFC025F60FC025A00FC025580EFF6D :103E9000FFFFFFC025F60FC025A00FC025580EFF5D :103EA000FFFFFFC025F60FC025A00FC025580EFF4D :103EB000FFFFFF020010000A001B0019021A020F88 :103EC0000014001A0018000A020E0018021600184A :103ED0000415001602190015041604150217000D2A :103EE00000130215061A04130009001B0219040A24 :103EF0000419061A060B001B041A081A0A080019EE :103F0000081A0C16061A0E1A1018060D021C000FBD :103F1000021B060C001B081B0A1B0C1B0E1B101D92 :103F2000001C02FFFF1B000C0009001A021A001BF4 :103F300002160016021B041B061D00FFFF1A0019C3 :103F40000011001C00130014000E00080009000AF4 :103F50000011010D001C010B000C000F0017001DCB :103F6000001D011A01FFFF12001900140012010BBD :103F700000100010011300170018001701FFFF7A4E :103F80003E1A32FFFF3224C82A0280010000097E57 :103F900023666F22D3D7AF32D6D73E1032DED7C9D1 :103FA000C9C9C93289DA7832D7D77932D8D73A89AC :103FB000DAC3A27FC9C9C9C97EB7C8E5CDB67FE15A :103FC0002318F4F3DBBE3A0CC8D3BF3A0DC8F64051 :103FD000D3BF010007AFD3BE0B78B120F8FBC9C92E :103FE000A77CDD7D247D9C7BCF7BDD7DFA7B247CE3 :103FF000544D52205345474100000000000000008E :00000001FF0AF4 :103F50000011010D001C010B000C000F0017001DCB :103F6000001D011A01FFFF12001900140012010BBD :103F700000100010011300170018001701FFFF7A4E :103F80003E1A32FFFF3224C82A0280010000097E57 :103F900023666F22D3D7AF32D6D73E1032DED7C9D1 :103FA000C9C9C93289DA7832D7D77932D8D73A89AC :103FB000DAC3A27FC9C9C9C97EB7C8E5CDB67FE15A :103FC0002318F4F3DBBE3A0CC8D3BF3A0DC8F64051 :103FD000D3BF010007AFD3BE0B78B120F8FBC9C92E :103FE000A77CDD7D247D9C7BCF7BDD7DFA7B247CE3 :103FF000544D52205345474100000000000000008E 88 1C58 C5 M PUSH BC 1C59 21 00 00 M ld HL,RobotnicShipAnim 1C5C M XREF CreateState 1C5C CD 00 00 M CALL CreateState 1C5F D1 M POP DE 1C60 38 00 M JR C,AppendRightError_1988 1C62 21 4B D7 M ld HL,StateRight 1C65 19 M add HL,DE 1C66 71 M ld (HL),C 1C67 M AppendRightError_1988 1C67 _YSpeed 3 1C67 FD 36 28 06 M ld (IY+ItemYSpeedHi),lo(3*SpdFac) 1C6B FD 36 27 00 M ld (IY+ItemYSpeedLo),0 1C6F 1C6F _Goto EndItemsCheck 1C6F 18 00 M JR EndItemsCheck 1C71 1C71 ;=== Re Entry (into the volcano) === 1C71 Reentry: 1C71 _AppendRight ReentryAnim 1C71 M XREF AppendRight 1C71 CD 00 00 M CALL AppendRight 1C74 M bcs AppendRightError_1992 1C74 38 00 M jr C,AppendRightError_1992 1C76 C5 M PUSH BC 1C77 21 00 00 M ld HL,ReentryAnim 1C7A M XREF CreateState 1C7A CD 00 00 M CALL CreateState 1C7D D1 M POP DE 1C7E 38 00 M JR C,AppendRightError_1992 1C80 21 4B D7 M ld HL,StateRight 1C83 19 M add HL,DE 1C84 71 M ld (HL),C 1C85 M AppendRightError_1992 1C85 _YSpeed 3 1C85 FD 36 28 06 M ld (IY+ItemYSpeedHi),lo(3*SpdFac) 1C89 FD 36 27 00 M ld (IY+ItemYSpeedLo),0 1C8D 1C8D EndItemsCheck: 1C8D FD 7E 05 ld A,(IY+ItemYHi) ;Check if hit stop point 1C90 FD BE 31 cp (IY+ItemParm0) 1C93 bne EndItemsNext 1C93 20 00 M jr NZ,EndItemsNext 1C95 1C95 FD 7E 04 ld A,(IY+ItemYLo) 1C98
Developer Messages
Each level in the game has a secret monitor with the text “見る” on it. Breaking this monitor will display a message, depending on the level:
Level 1: '08-XX-XX...' Level 2: 'XX-31-XX...' Level 3: 'XX-XX-71...' Level 4: 'XX-XX-XX, SFX GET THAT???'
Combining all four messages results in a hint to play sound effects 00, 08, 03, 01, 07, 01 in the options menu. Do so, then break any of the hidden monitors to display another message:
TRY THESE SFX! 02-11-66, 09-01-68, 02-15-66, 04-25-57, * * * FIND THE REST ON YOUR OWN ***
These are the codes for huge sprites, the free movement mode, the level skip, and fast music, respectively.
There is also an additional message, not connected to the others. Play sound effects 00, 03, 01, 08, 09, 02 in the options menu. Breaking any of the hidden monitors will now display this message:
- Pages missing developer references
- Games developed by Sega Interactive
- Pages missing publisher references
- Games published by Sega
- Games published by Tec Toy
- Sega Master System games
- Pages missing date references
- Games released in 1994
- Games with uncompiled source code
- Games with hidden developer messages
- Games with hidden development-related text
- Games with debugging functions
- Games with hidden level selects
- To do
- Sonic the Hedgehog series
Cleanup > Pages missing date references
Cleanup > Pages missing developer references
Cleanup > Pages missing publisher references
Cleanup > To do
Games > Games by content > Games with debugging functions
Games > Games by content > Games with hidden developer messages
Games > Games by content > Games with hidden development-related text
Games > Games by content > Games with hidden level selects
Games > Games by content > Games with uncompiled source code
Games > Games by developer > Games developed by Sega > Games developed by Sega Interactive
Games > Games by platform > Sega Master System games
Games > Games by publisher > Games published by Sega
Games > Games by publisher > Games published by Tec Toy
Games > Games by release date > Games released in 1994
Games > Games by series > Sonic the Hedgehog series