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Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games (Wii U)

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Title Screen

Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games

Also known as: Mario & Sonic at Rio Olympics (JP)
Developer: Sega
Publisher: Nintendo
Platform: Wii U
Released in JP: June 23, 2016
Released in US: June 24, 2016
Released in EU: June 24, 2016
Released in AU: June 25, 2016
Released in BR: June 24, 2016

AnimationsIcon.png This game has unused animations.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.

See, this is why server preservation is important.
This game/console's online features are no longer supported.
While this game/console's online features were once accessible, they are (as of April 8, 2024) no longer officially supported and online-exclusive features may be documented as now-unseen content.

Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games is another Olympic video game title, this time Mario and Sonic go to the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and in the Wii U version, you take control of your Mii in the city itself as the main menu as you play constantly. Also, a Heroes Showdown mode pivots you in playing as Team Mario or Team Sonic as well as three Duel Events. At least this time they went to an event that actually got to happen on time, which is more than we can say for their 2020 outing together.

Developer States


To do:
Create a patch for real hardware and test it.

A debug menu that was used during development.

It can currently only be accessd via the Cemu emulator by enabling the Quickboot graphic pack under Mods and setting it to RomDebugTitle (5).

moduleMatches = 0xD44C22E3

0x0255C4A4 = li r3, 5

MSRio16 RomDebugTitle.png


Allows you to view character models, their animations, and numerous terrain in the game.

MSRio16 CharaViewer.png


Option Action
Event Brings up an event selection menu.

Choosing an event changes the set of animations/character that you can choose from in later options.

Terrain Changes the terrain that is currently loaded.
Character Changes the character that is currently loaded.
MotionBody Changes the animation that is currently loaded.
MotionHead Changes the facial animation that is currently loaded.
ModelLevel Changes the level of detail for the current loaded character.
Setting Brings up a settings menu.

You can enable/disable ReverseX, ReverseY, and Self Shadow.


Button Action
R3 Sets the camera back to 0,0,0.
X Toggles between moving the camera around and moving the character around.
Y Toggle LookAt options between HeadEye, Head, and Eye.


Allows you to view several event's ceremonies.

MSRio16 DebugCeremony.png


Allows you to view the dialogue boxes that appear in the game.

MSRio16 TalkWindowViewer.png


Allows you to quickly go into an event.


Takes you to the main hub of the game. You cannot re-enter the debug menu after doing this.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Unused Graphics

Dummy Boards

Seen when loaded into a few of the event locales via the Debug menu are a few placeholder graphics used for a some of the TV screens.

Dummy board 2 Dummy board 5 Dummy board 7

(Source: TetraBitGaming])

Victory Animations

To do:
  • Get either GIFs or videos of Jet, Toad, and Diddy Kong's Gold and Silver/Bronze medal animations.

In-game, Jet, Toad, and Diddy Kong's solo victory screens cannot be seen due to being exclusive to 4-person team events, which do not show the Gold or Silver/Bronze animations during the award ceremony. Because of that, their Gold and Silver/Bronze medal animations can only be seen by using the aforementioned debug menu.

Additionally, each character also has an animation that would play after getting first in an event. The animations that play when getting 2nd/3rd place play after beating a round of a tournament, while the 1st place animations are only used by Miis after getting a medal in a tournament (in the 3DS version however, every character's post-event 1st place animation can be seen). These animations can also only be seen in the debug menu.