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Super Mario Sunshine

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Title Screen

Super Mario Sunshine

Developer: Nintendo EAD
Publishers: Nintendo (JP/US/EU/AU), Daiwon C&A (KR)
Platform: GameCube
Released in JP: July 19, 2002
Released in US: August 26, 2002
Released in EU: October 4, 2002
Released in AU: October 11, 2002
Released in KR: December 14, 2002

AnimationsIcon.png This game has unused animations.
AreasIcon.png This game has unused areas.
CodeIcon.png This game has unused code.
DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
EnemyIcon.png This game has unused enemies.
ObjectIcon.png This game has unused objects.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
ModelsIcon.png This game has unused models.
ItemsIcon.png This game has unused items.
MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
LevelSelectIcon.png This game has a hidden level select.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.

ProtoIcon.png This game has a prototype article
PrereleaseIcon.png This game has a prerelease article
NotesIcon.png This game has a notes page
BugsIcon.png This game has a bugs page

Super Mario Sunshine is an open-ended platformer, very similar to Super Mario 64, except on a tropical island and with a talking water pump. This game also marks the first appearance of Bowser Jr.

After 18 years without a rerelease, a slightly updated version was released on the Nintendo Switch as part of the Super Mario 3D All-Stars collection on September 18th, 2020.

To do:
  • Collision oddities and mistakes: 1, 2.
  • Various things posted in The Sunshine Hut discord server.
  • Unused cannon animations.
  • Unused statue event.
  • Strollin' Stus chase the unused soccerball when closeby.
  • Changes in the Switch version:
    • msound.aaf differs between the Europe version and Switch version.
    • Various small graphical/text changes to make the game seem more native.
    • test11's map.bmd was changed - seems to just be blanking out some textures.
    • there is a save file in the romfs.
  • Stuff on sunn's youtube channel:
    • mSLBombHeiGenerateRate: Monty can throw Stus and Poinks too, all it takes is the change of a value so he doesn't 100% always throw Bob-Ombs.
    • Yoshi goop detection: There's code for knocking you off Yoshi if you come into contact (or are above, depends on type) with pollution. This goes unused as Yoshi and pollution are never together in scenes, but even then, it wouldn't happen right out the gate. They added a check for if you're riding Yoshi before the pollution detection code, which just makes you invulnerable to goop if you're riding Yoshi.
    • Unused yoshi drum tracks playing in-game: Secret Courses Casino Delfino
    • Piranhabon unused bouncing behaviour: Unused rail flags 0x1 and 0x2 to make a piranhabon jump
    • HinoKuri2 jumping behaviour: rail flags 0x1 and 0x2 make HinoKuri2 jump
    • mammayacht unused floating behaviour: They're only ever placed on land, place them in water and they float.
    • Bianco Hills unused camera: "坂上げカメラ" (rising slope camera)
    • Unused polution layer type: type 6 - TPollutionLayerWave. Ocean goop, they planned for it at one point.
    • GateMare in-game
    • unused SpcBinary function "pushNerve4LiveActor": pushes the given actor into a nerve state from a preselected list (Gooper Blooper being one of the actors supported. Many of the bosses are supported, actually.)
    • Pollution Slip Trail (E3 2002): which params were apparently different in E3 2002 to give the extended pollution slip trail
    • Pianta Village Monte Gate Block
    • Wall jump camera shake: There's many different settings to shake the camera during some outcomes such as ground pounding, being hit by an enemy etc. One of these settings is for when Mario comes into contact with a wall to initiate a wall jump, but this goes unused as all the parameters are set to 0: /params/camera/shakewalljump.prm
    • Obscure detail: Stu water tank detection : An obscure behavior most people will never come across in-game is that Stu enemies detect if FLUDD's tank is empty. If Mario pumps FLUDD while the tank is empty, the Stus' search awareness and distance will be doubled.
    • Fruitboat bounce: The boats you find throughout the game have an unused functionality of playing an animation if Mario comes into contact with the bounce effect type on the boat's collision. These animations still exist for both boats found in-game, but only FruitsBoatB's is still functional. The other one isn't compatible with the final game's model.
  • The pianta that tells you about the map function is named "マップ屋" (map shop) internally. It may just be a rough way of explaining his in-story function, but maybe he used to sell you maps? Might be a leftover from the "Sol Coin" days (used for buying train tickets when that was a feature), although there are some sort-of shop features in the final game.
(Source: Original TCRF research)


Read about prototype versions of this game that have been released or dumped.
Prototype Info
Read about prerelease information and/or media for this game.
Prerelease Info
Miscellaneous tidbits that are interesting enough to point out here.
Read about notable bugs and errors in this game.

Version Differences

Sunshine J Title.png
Version Differences
Apparently, they could never agree on a consistent logo.


Unused Objects
Remember that weird monster from Spaceworld 2001? Yeah, that's in here.
Unused or Early Graphics
Check out some unused, early, and even hidden graphics.
Unused Audio
This is a pretty common trend with 3D Mario games.
Unused Pollution Maps
Watch your step, things get a bit messy!
Unused Text
"!!!ERROR!!! Message could not be loaded.", the Mystery of the Delfino Express, among other things.
Unused Code
A multiplayer mode was planned?!


Unused Animations
Toadsworth was actually quite agile.
Unused Rails
Unused cubes and lines!
Unseen Object Features
Who would have guessed II Piantissimo is The Running Man?
MarioSunshine-ShellSecret CarvedOutRoom.png
Unused or Unseen Map Geometry
Did an intern work on some of these stages?


Prerender Differences
No one ever said they had to be consistent.
Internal Name Oddities
Nintendo went a little too far with their inside jokes...
Oddities and Oversights
Not even FLUDD can clean up this mess.

Test Map

To do:

Super Mario Sunshine contains a test map, named test11, which can be accessed in the US and European versions with the listed Action Replay codes. The textures it uses are the same as test maps from various other games, including The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. It contains various objects and terrain, including the unused soccer objects and the Hinokuri enemy. The files also contain an early sky model, though it is not used in the scene. Strangely an ineffective layer of the unused quicksand goop is present fairly high above the terrain which only appears as bubbles when Mario is nearby. The test map was removed in the Japanese version and some of the unused objects featured in the map were removed or replaced in the European version.

USA Europe Switch

Early Town Height Map

That's a weird-looking town, I'll tell ya what.

The test map also has a height map file, and the shape of the terrain matches up with the early version of Delfino Plaza seen in the first trailer for the game.

Removed Maps

Test Maps

According to stageArc.bin, there were a grand total of 20 test maps in the game, divided into two categories: Scale Maps named scale0 through scale9, and Test Maps named test10 through test19. Of them, only test11 remains, though not in the Japanese version. It was added back in later by the localization team, as evidenced by the copies of every piece of translated dialogue in the game present in the files.

Secret Stages

Additionally, various secret stages were removed:

  • dolpic_ex5
  • dolpic_ex6
  • dolpic_ex7
  • bia_ex0
  • pinna_ex0
  • pinna_ex1
  • pinna_ex2
  • pinna_ex3
  • pinna_ex4
  • pinna_ex5
  • mare_ex1
  • monte_ex1
  • coro_ex3


These may have been cutscenes for Pinna Park.

  • pinnaDemo0
  • pinnaDemo1
  • pinnaDemo2

Debug Cubes

Elementary, my dear Cactus.
This needs some investigation.
Discuss ideas and findings on the talk page.
Specifically: AR code to display these manually. Were the cubes purposely enabled in the SM3DAS ROM? Try the GCM on a real gamecube. Also, its possible these are not necessarily "debug cubes".
SMS SecretLevel DebugCubes.png

In the secret stages, there are grey debug cubes which represent the paths for various moving platforms. These cubes are normally completely invisible, but are shown when the game is played in some older versions of the Dolphin emulator, as shown to the right.

Presumably due to imperfect graphics emulation, these cubes were visible in the initial release of the Super Mario 3D All-Stars port. This was fixed with the Ver. 1.1.0 update released on November 16, 2020.

(Source: Super Mario Sunshine - Special stage gray cubes, Dolphin Progress Report: October and November 2020, Nintendo Life)


There is supposed to be a 1/8 chance of Mario saying "ciao" when the Nintendo logo appears on the title screen instead of the coin sound. However, this sound can never occur as the game's random number generator seed is never randomized upon loading the game, resulting in the same outcome with the coin sound every time.


Please elaborate.
Having more detail is always a good thing.
Specifically: What features are listed in this file that aren't used?
Download.png Download MARIO.MAP Linker Address Map
File: MarioMAP.7z (1.12MB) (info)

There's a leftover linker address map file leftover in the main directory of every version of the game, except the North American version (which is located in the Korean release instead), which shows most addresses functionality, as well as some extras with features that never made it into the final game. The map is used for the internal exception handler.

Sequence List

Download.png Download mSound.asn
File: SMS-mSound.asn.zip (62.6 KB) (info)

AudioRes\mSound.asn is an unused file that contains data about sequences, including names for them.

(Source: MasterF0x)

Unseen 3 Digit Life Counter

The maximum number of lives a player can achieve in the game is 99. However, in the layout files, the layout shows a 3 digit number of lives, but only 2 are shown. The game is only told to show 3 digits if the lives counter is greater than 99, but the lives counter never goes over 99, thus making this never seen. But this might just be a case of reused code from other counters.

Unseeable Shine Spawns

All of the levels have a copy of the 100 coin Shine even if there's not enough coins in that episode to trigger it. However, some maps have unique spawns for scenarios that are impossible without the use of cheating.

Location Type Comment
Bianco Hills: Dirty Lake Secret 100 Coin It's impossible to trigger the Shine in this stage because there's not a single coin.
Sirena Beach: Hotel Lobby Secret 100 Coin It's impossible to collect 100 coins in Episode 2 as a whole.
Sirena Beach: Casino Secret 100 Coin It's possible to collect 99 coins in the episode, but you can't finish the value in the secret stage because there's no coins.
Noki Bay: Red Coin Bottle 100 Coin There is a total of 50 coins in the bottle, making it impossible to spawn.
test11 Red Coin There's only 6 red coins in the level, and you need 8 to spawn the Shine. The coding for normal red coin events is also missing.

Unused Shadow Mario Shine Spawns

When the player defeats Shadow Mario in the seventh episode of any stage, the Shine Sprite will spawn directly where he falls. However, the actual shine is stored elsewhere in the map before it is called for by the game- it's likely these were the original intended spawns. These spawn locations can be accessed by replacing the used Shadow Mario Shine spawn functionality appearShineFromKageMario with NPC Shine spawn functionality appearShineFromNPC.

Stage Shine Sprite Spawn Location
Bianco Hills In front of the building with the archway, left of the Hover Nozzle box. There is no camera for this Shine spawn.
Ricco Harbor The beginning of the stage, near Mario's spawn.
Gelato Beach Next to Shadow Mario's starting position. There is no camera for this Shine spawn.
Pinna Park The stage's origin point. There is no camera for this Shine spawn.
Sirena Beach The ground floor stairway between the two restrooms. There is no camera for this Shine spawn.
Noki Bay In the cliff-side alcove near the waterfall, where the blue coin and ice block are.
Pianta Village On top, and partially inside the golden mushroom.