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Super Mario Bros. Deluxe

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Title Screen

Super Mario Bros. Deluxe

Developer: Nintendo R&D2[1]
Publisher: Nintendo[1]
Platform: Game Boy Color
Released in JP: March 1, 2000[1] (Nintendo Power)
Released in US: April 30, 1999[1]
Released in EU: July 1, 1999[1]
Released in AU: February 13, 2014[1] (3DS Virtual Console)
Released in KR: May 4, 2016[1] (3DS Virtual Console)

AreasIcon.png This game has unused areas.
CodeIcon.png This game has unused code.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
LevelSelectIcon.png This game has a hidden level select.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

PrereleaseIcon.png This game has a prerelease article
NotesIcon.png This game has a notes page
DCIcon.png This game has a Data Crystal page

Super Mario Bros. Deluxe is, you guessed it, a remake of Super Mario Bros. and (most of) its Japanese sequel to the Game Boy Color. With the exceptions of an overworld map, a Challenge Mode, somewhat iffy physics, heavy screen crunch and some other tidbits, it remains very faithful to the original.

To do:
  • Revisional differences between English Rev 0 and Rev 1 (may have to do with the Photo Album bug).


Read about prerelease information and/or media for this game.
Prerelease Info
Miscellaneous tidbits that are interesting enough to point out here.

Unused Debugging Features

Unused Level Select

SMBDX-SMB2J level select.png

An unused level select for the For Super Players mode, judging by the "MARIO 2" text, can be loaded by setting 0xFFB5 to 0x31 (or activate and deactivate GameShark code 0131B5FF).

It can load all the levels, including unused ones. You will start with 0 lives (though getting a game over will reset the lives counter to 5 while keeping Mario on the last played level) and can continue playing after the last level, with glitchy results. By default it will use the Super Mario Bros. level set.

To get it to use the For Super Players level set, activate it on the For Super Players world map or keep 0xC160 set to 0x01 (GameShark code 010160C1). To get it to use Super Mario Bros. level set with the Challenge Mode enabled, activate it on the Challenge Mode menu.

There also does not appear to be a way to switch between Mario and Luigi on this screen, so to play as Luigi, select a level, lose a life, then press Select on the overworld.

(Source: Dekkiedot)

Unused Free Movement

SMBDX-free movement.png

An unused free movement mode can be enabled by setting 0xC1C1 to 0x02 (or activate GameShark code 0102C1C1)

You can move anywhere in the level, including through blocks, but you can still be hurt by enemies.

Unused Levels

Lost Lost Levels Levels

Admit it, you laughed.

Worlds 9, A, B, C, and D of Super Mario Bros. 2 The Lost Levels For Super Players are partially complete, but cannot be accessed by normal means. See the Notes page for a full list of differences and GameShark codes to access them.

(Source: DJBouche (discovery), GoldS (in-depth info))

Test Level

SMBDX-0x20 (Test Level).png

Level Number: 20. The timer is set to 0 in Challenge Mode, meaning the level lasts indefinitely unless it is exited via the pause menu.

This simple level comes after 8-4 and before the 1-2 bonus area. It can be accessed by using GameShark code 012063C1 and entering any level in Original or Challenge mode.

The singular Brick Blocks only appear in Challenge Mode. The first and third Brick Blocks contain multiple coins. The first one will release a Red Coin if hit enough times. The third also contains a Red Coin, but it's impossible to obtain by normal means because it's too high up to be hit enough times to spawn it. The second single Brick Block from the left contains a Red Coin. Collecting these Red Coins will not cause the "Red Coin collected" sound effect to play or add them to the Red Coin HUD, due to no Red Coin checkpoints being set in the level. The Red Coins do give the player 200 points, however. None of the other Brick Blocks contain anything.

The Japanese version adds an additional Piranha Plant in the first pipe.

(Source: GoldS)

Unused Music

The GBC-only message (the screen for when the game is played on a regular Game Boy) has code to play a song, however the noise channel is disabled. Game Genie code ??0-0DB-E6A will cause any sound effect to play. Game Genie code 500-0AB-E6A will restore the noise channel which was not pointing to the memory range of the noise channel. The codes must be active before the screen loads; activating them after the screen has loaded will not play the sound effect/tune unless the game is reset.

Unused Hurry Pipe Intro

ID 71, 72

A "low time" version of the intro played before underground and underwater levels. The timer doesn't count during this intro ergo this is unused. The song is split into two parts, as with all hurry variations and the latter ID is the actual song. Game Genie code ??C-C7B-19F will play the song at the main menu.

(Source: nensondubois for in-depth and access method)

Unused Graphics

To do:
Rip the rest of the unused graphics including a crayon icon, and an unused album movement animation set at the mode select menu. There is also text for a ranking clear setting. And two placeholder tiles.
Early Final
SMBDX-ExtremelyLuckyEarly.png SMBDX-ExtremelyLuckyFinal.png

Early graphics for the "Extremely Lucky" card. In the final version of the graphic, Peach's face was touched up slightly, her earrings were repositioned, and the "EXTREMELY" text was redrawn and shifted up by one pixel. ("LUCKY" seems to have been overwritten with a partial copy of the 5UP starburst in the ROM data.)

The early "EXTREMELY" text can still be seen by printing out a fortune on the Game Boy Printer, which uses a separate set of graphics data that was not fully updated.

SMBDX LostLevelsGround11 GBC.png

Double, double, rounder rubble.

The first metatile in the tileset is the ground from the Japanese Super Mario Bros. 2. The tiles can be restored via Game Genie codes 002-71B-4C8 012-73B-4C0 022-75B-4CC 032-77B-4C4.

SMBDX-Unused Font.png
This font, ripped directly from the Japanese Super Mario Bros. 2, is included among the other title screen graphics. The final game uses the original Super Mario Bros. graphics in both the regular and "For Super Players" modes.

SMBDX-Prerelease-1 1.jpg
A pre-release screenshot shows that other tiles were planned to be included, but these are not present in the final game.

This block's up to something... A ha
A block with a very devious expression. It appears in place of some Challenge Mode, VS Mode, and You VS Boo objects if they are hacked into normal levels. Graphics for another frame located nearby suggest this block could also flip, possibly as a "trap" for the player to fall through.

Stare into the pulsing light.
A flashing checkerboard tile. The metatile associated with this graphic is solid, with no special behavior. What purpose it would serve is unknown.

Unseen Level Features

In all of the non-castle You VS Boo Levels, the areas after the flagpoles can't be seen in normal gameplay, as the victory screen shows up after Mario slides down the flagpole. They can be seen in-game by using the free movement mode.

SMBDX-Boo Fight Level 1-1 castle.png
The unseen castle after the flagpole in World 1-1. Oddly enough, it's one block taller and lacks the windows on the top that all other castles at the end of levels in the main game have.

SMBDX-Boo Fight Level 1-2 pipe.png
The unseen brick blocks and pipe after the flagpole in World 1-2. Since there isn't an inserted room pointer to the pipe's exit, hacking your way in order to enter the pipe will cause the game to crash.

SMBDX-Boo Fight Level 1-3 castle.png
The unseen castle after the flagpole in World 1-3.

SMBDX-Boo Fight Level 2-1 castle.png
The unseen castle after the flagpole in World 2-1.

SMBDX-Boo Fight Level 2-2 pipe.png
The unseen pipe after the flagpole in World 2-2.

SMBDX-Boo Fight Level 2-3 castle.png
The unseen castle after the flagpole in World 2-3.

Regional Differences

To do:
Other changes. The camera move sound effects were changed for instance.

The Japanese version was released eight months after the European one, and received a fair amount of improvements.

Initially, the Japanese version was exclusively released via the Nintendo Power distribution service for GB Memory flash cartridges. The game would later be released for 3DS Virtual Console.

Photo Album

International Japanese
Blink tags are incompatible with areas outside Japan. Now it's just like GeoCities!

The photo album icon on the main menu got a flashing NEW! whenever there are new photos to view.

The criteria for unlocking the 8 fragments of the final two pages no longer involves defeating Bowser or the seven Fake Bowsers with fireballs. Instead, the fragments are unlocked for every four red coins collected in challenge mode up to a total of 32 coins.

Original 1985

International Japanese
Saving drains Mario of powerups... ...but not always completely, in Japanese.

The sound that plays when the screen is scrolled by pressing Select or Up was changed in the Japanese version.

While the English versions start you as Small Mario whenever you restore a game, the Japanese version saves your current powerup. This opens up a bug where if you save at the right time while being hit and reload, you can end up as a small Fire Mario. Your current score is also saved on the Japanese version (it was reset on the English versions), making it easier to get a high score.

In the English versions, the Game Over screen asks you if you want to continue, and if not, if you want to save. The Japanese version has a single menu with Continue, Save, and End; if you opt to save, a large "RANK IN!" starburst will appear if your score is high enough to get on the records table.

Speaking of which, pressing Start in the Japanese version lets you reset the high score table. The extra modes are also unlocked as soon as you hit 100,000 or 300,000, rather than the English versions' method of having to get a Game Over in order for your score to register.

International Japanese
Finally, that took ages. Yay!

The message presented after choosing to save on the pause menu differs between versions.

Challenge Mode

International Japanese
Quite a goal. And yet the original SMB2 was too hard for all *but* Japan.

The point totals for getting the Score Medal were reduced in 14 of the first 16 levels (the exceptions being 2-3 and 3-4), and the score bar at the bottom of the screen fills to the new total.

You vs. Boo

In the English versions, pressing Select to switch between forms only lets you play as Mario or Luigi based on who you used last in other modes. In the Japanese version, the mode is called You vs. Ghost (as Boos are called Teresa in Japan), the brothers are cycled through along with their forms, and even keeps track of your record time for each stage.

International Japanese
Boo is a great name! And Japan changed it to the most unimaginative name you could imagine!

The Boo sprite was also slightly changed. The original International sprite reused a graphic from Super Mario World with a slightly smaller sprite for once Boo loses. The Japanese version redraws the graphics and makes the lose sprite more consistent in size.

International Japanese
Good ol' Boo. Good ol' Boo. Good ol' weird-looking Boo. Good ol' weird-looking Boo.
(Source: The Mushroom Kingdom)


International Japanese
Just a plain continue screen. STOP YELLING AT ME!

While the international release boots you straight to the name entry screen after losing with a new high-score, the Japanese release sends you to the continue screen. The continue screen was also given an update, no longer giving you a yes or no option, combining the continue and save screens into one and adding a bubble that reads "RANK IN!" if you've gotten a new high-score, giving you the option to add your score to the rankings.

Default Ranks

International Japanese
The good guys are are No.1! And 2. And 3! Why is Bowser the only blue name, anyway?

The names for the default rankings were appropriately translated. Note that "NOKO2" is short for nokonoko, the Japanese name for Koopa Troopas. "Toad" was replaced entirely with "Pakkun", part of the Japanese name for a Piranha Plant. The music heard when printing will also play at the rankings screen in the Japanese version.

Toy Box

  • The Toad sprite picture was changed from the bottom-right Toad in the International version to the bottom-left Toad in the Japanese version.
  • The Super Mario Bros. boxart screen was changed to the Famicom Disk System startup screen.
International Japan
Cool, but Mario is a bit too big. I take back what I said.
  • The Nintendo Entertainment System logo was changed to the Japanese Family Computer logo.
International Japan
Iconic. Not iconic at all. In fact, this was the TERTIARY logo.
  • The "Get N or Get Out" slogan was changed to the Japanese Nintendo logo.
International Japan
Don't force me to buy an N64 like this! Don't force me to buy hanafuda cards like this!
  • The "Only For" picture was changed to the Disk System logo.
International Japan
That's a really random thing to put. Diskun is a really nice thing to put!
  • A new banner was added to the top-left Toad.
BAD! Really, what is it for?


To do:
Are there any other changes?

Physics were slightly tweaked in the Japanese version.

  • The jump height is slightly higher.[2]

Revisional Differences

Virtual Console Changes

The 3DS does not support any link or infrared capabilities that the Game Boy Color originally had, which renders all multiplayer modes unplayable. As a result, any text strings in the Fortune Teller that referenced multiplayer modes were changed to duplicates of other text strings.

Game Boy Color (EN) Game Boy Color (JP) 3DS (EN) 3DS (JP)
Today is your day 
to win the race   
VS GAMEで かてるでしょう。
Fortune is hidden 
in bricks unbroken
みずのなかのてきに ちゅうい。
Victory is yours  
in the coming race
ともだちと VS GAMEをすると
Feelings shared   
will be understood
あなたのおもいが あいてに
Trade high scores 
to set new goals  
Fortune is hidden 
in bricks unbroken
 A VS Mode victory
 is not your fate 
VS GAMEで まけてしまいそう。
Stomping on spikes
leads to sore feet
とげのあるてきに ちゅうい。
Victory in a race 
may wash pain away
VS GAMEで きぶんを
Change old habits 
Yield new success 
いつもと やりかたを

In addition, the print option has been completely disabled, and two of the pictures in the album are impossible to obtain without hacking.
