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Wrecking Crew

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Title Screen

Wrecking Crew

Developers: Nintendo R&D1, Iwasaki[1]
Publisher: Nintendo
Platforms: NES, Famicom Disk System, FamicomBox
Released in JP: June 18, 1985 (Famicom), February 3, 1989 (FDS)
Released in US: October 18, 1985
Released in EU: October 15, 1987

CopyrightIcon.png This game has hidden developer credits.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

DCIcon.png This game has a Data Crystal page

In Wrecking Crew, Mario begins his new career as a construction worker, only to find the job description didn't mention evading monsters.

Hidden Text

Present at the beginning of the NES ROM and the third FDS file "KBPGM" (whole file offset 0x214D). Similar text can be found in Stack-Up.

 Programed by   
    TOMOYO chan 
    AKINA chan  

Unused Graphics

Used Unused
Where's my belt?! Oh, there it is.

Foreman Spike has unique tiles for his lower body, showing him with a belt. However, he uses the tiles for Mario and Luigi instead, leaving them unused. Spike's belt is still present on his climbing sprites, but this is difficult to see in-game due to him being in the background.

Interestingly, his redesign in Wrecking Crew '98 features a belt, suggesting that this was his intended design all along.

Fascinating, we know.

An early version of the legs for one of Gotchawrench's climbing sprites.

Version Differences

To do:
  • Cover the differences of the SNES version, available as a bonus in Wrecking Crew '98. There is at the very least the title screen.

FDS Version

Famicom/NES FDS
Wrecking Crew (W) -!--0.png Wrecking Crew FDS TitleScreen.png

A 1988 copyright was added for the FDS title screen.

Virtual Console

In Japan, the Famicom version allowed players to save their level designs to an audiocassette tape through an accessory called the Famicom Data Recorder. While the game's international manual suggested that a product may be available in the future to allow for saving custom levels, no counterpart to the Data Recorder was ever released.

The Virtual Console version allows players of any region to save their level data internally, without the need for an accessory.
