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Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door

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Title Screen

Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door

Also known as: Paper Mario RPG (JP), Paper Mario: La Porte Millénaire (FR)
Developers: Nintendo, Intelligent Systems
Publisher: Nintendo
Platform: GameCube
Released in JP: July 22, 2004
Released in US: October 1, 2004
Released in EU: November 12, 2004
Released in AU: November 18, 2004

AnimationsIcon.png This game has unused animations.
DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
ModelsIcon.png This game has unused models.
ItemsIcon.png This game has unused items.
MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.

ProtoIcon.png This game has a prototype article
PrereleaseIcon.png This game has a prerelease article
NotesIcon.png This game has a notes page

The sequel to the hit Nintendo 64 role-playing game, Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door takes everything that made the original so great and cranked it up to eleven. Featuring a spiced-up battle system, all-new worlds, and well-developed characters and humor, it quickly became a fan favorite - so much so that not only would all future Paper Mario games be compared to it, but Nintendo would cave in and release a remake of it on the Nintendo Switch in 2024.

To do:


Read about prototype versions of this game that have been released or dumped.
Prototype Info
Read about prerelease information and/or media for this game.
Prerelease Info
Miscellaneous tidbits that are interesting enough to point out here.
Early Graphics
A look into the development process.
PaperMario2 8-bit peach.gif
Unused Graphics
Sorry, no 8-bit Peach for you.
Pmttyd koopa curse.png
Unused Items
Items, badges, and key items.
Unused Text
They won't shut up!
Unused Enemies
Missing in action.
Unused Maps
Not every place was meant to be visited.
Offscreen Objects
Quite a lot goes on backstage where the audience can't see.
Unused Geometry
Some cool stuff that nobody can see.
Why put a yellow block if you can't break it?
Regional Differences
Looks like the localization team had a great sense of humor.

Debug Mode

Paper Mario TTYD US Build Date.png PMTTYDCrashScreenScreenshot1.png PMTTYDCrashScreenScreenshot2.png

At the title screen, press X, B, R, B, Y, L. Press and hold Z to display the game's build date. A crash debug screen will also appear whenever the game, well, crashes, in which the crash report scrolls up screen over the course of about 10 seconds (and cannot be scrolled back down or seen again once it goes off screen). The mode does not appear to be functional in any of the demos, and the build date doesn't exist in the demos built before the Japanese version.

(Source: PistonMiner)

Build Date

To do:
Check the filenames of the USA demos on every disc they appear on.

The build date can be found in the dol.

Version Build Date
USA pre-final demo
(filename: zz_PaperMario2_game.tgc,
header name: 21 2004.06.21 MarioSt_MN7_NOA_20040619a.dpf)
from USA multi-demo discs 17 and 18
Japan pre-final demo
(filename: PaperMarioRPG.tgc)
from Japanese multi-demo discs Jul. 2004, Aug. 2004 and Sep. 2004
Japan Jun 17 2004 17:20:01
USA Sep 9 2004 09:34:02
USA post-final demo
(filename: zz_PaperMario2_game.tgc)
from USA multi-demo discs 19-22, and 35
Sep 18 2004 17:37:16
Europe demo
(filename: zz_PaperMario2_PALDEMO_20040924.tgc)
from European multi-demo disc Nov. 2004
Sep 23 2004 13:32:41
Europe Sep 26 2004 15:37:03

It isn't clear whether the USA or Japanese pre-final demo was built first, but there is something that could suggest the USA demo was built first: the function gcDvdCheckThread, during what looks like the reset process, is set to write "リセット処理開始", which roughly translates to "start reset processing", to the console using OSReport. This code and the string don't appear in any other version of the game.

(gcDvdCheckThread info: Zephiles)

Unused Music

  • Demo Title

Internal Track Name: BGM_FILE_MENU1
File Name: sys_mmc1_32k.stm
This is used in demo versions of the game (for E3 and the Multi-Game Interactive Demo Disc demos) as the title screen. It's still in the retail game's disc, though.

  • Riverside Station

Internal Track Name: BGM_STG6_EKI1
File Name: stg_eki1_32k.stm
eki is the three-letter abbreviation used for Riverside Station, so that's probably where this would have been used. In the final version, the inside of Riverside Station has no music at all, just ambient sounds.

Lost Tracks

A list of internal track names that reference files that are no longer on the disc or are undefined.

Internal Track Name File Name Notes
Boss Tracks
BGM_BOSS_STG4_FAKEMARIO1 None Doopliss (in Fake Mario form) was supposed to have a unique track. It would eventually get a unique track in the Switch remake.
BGM_BOSS_STG5_SHIP1 btl_sif1_32k.stm Intended for the second Lord Crump battle. It would eventually get a unique track in the Switch remake.
Event Tracks
BGM_EVT_HAPPY1 evt_hpy1_32k.stm Happy event!
BGM_EVT_JIN1 evt_dim1_32k.stm An event track for either Creepy Steeple or Twilight Town.
BGM_EVT_KUPPA2 Blank A second event track for Bowser.
BGM_EVT_NOK1 evt_nok1_32k.stm Meant for an event in Petalburg. This track is present in the demo version.
BGM_EVT_REST1 evt_rst1_32k.stm A longer track for resting?
BGM_EVT_STG2_MORI1 evt_fsg1_32k.stm Event track for Boggly Woods in Chapter 2.
BGM_EVT_STG2_PUNI1 Blank Lost Puni event track.
BGM_EVT_STG2_TAIJU1 evt_okk1_32k.stm Event track for the Great Tree in Chapter 2.
BGM_EVT_STG3_URON1 evt_urn1_32k.stm Event track for Glitzville in Chapter 3.
BGM_EVT_STG3_TOUGI1 evt_tug1_32k.stm Event track for the Glitz Pit in Chapter 3.
BGM_EVT_STG4_FAKEMARIO1 evt_fmo1_32k.stm Event track for Doopliss in Fake Mario form.
BGM_EVT_STG5_VS_3RD_ENEMY evt_v3d1_32k.stm Meant for the battle between Lord Crump and Cortez.
BGM_EVT_USU1 evt_usg1_32k.stm Event track for Twilight Town.
BGM_FF_ENV_MAP1 ff_map1_32k.stm Jingle for the Magical Map?
BGM_FF_ENV_SHIP_APPEAR1 ff_s_apr1_32k.stm A jingle for either Lord Crump or Cortez's ship appearing.
BGM_FF_ENV_SUCCESS2 Blank A second "success" jingle.
BGM_FF_GET_PERA1 ff_get7_32k.stm Jingle for acquiring Paper Powers.
BGM_FF_GET_IMPORTANT_ITEM1 Blank Jingle for acquiring important items. Different from key items? File name was most likely either ff_get5_32k.stm or ff_get1_32k.stm.
BGM_FF_ENV_OPEN_DOOR1 ff_dor1_32k.stm Most likely meant for the Thousand-Year Door opening.
BGM_FF_POWERDOWN1 Blank Counterpart for the Power Up jingle. Very likely that this is the standard Super Mario Bros. "power down" sound.

Unused Characters

  • Green Cheep-Cheep

File Name: c_puku
An unused Green Cheep-Cheep. Given the tie, this is either an early version of the blimp conductor or an entirely different, unused character.

  • Spinia Partner

PMTTYDSpiniaBurger.png PMTTYDSpaniaRainbow.png
File Name: c_lp_hannya
An unused partner for Luigi. Two designs for this partner exist - a hamburger Spinia and a rainbow-colored Spania. The file for this partner was last modified April 21, 2004, whereas Luigi's other partners were last modified May 17, 2004.

  • Paper Mario Partners

All of the partners from Paper Mario are on the disc, though only Parakarry and Bow appear in-game. All of them have functional standing and talking animations, and Watt has an extra for her sparks. All of these were repurposed in Super Paper Mario as Catch Cards.

Character File Name
Goombario c_kurio
Kooper c_kameki
Bombette c_pinky
Watt c_akarin
Sushie c_opuku
Lakilester c_pokopi

Unused Followers

There's an unused Craw follower that uses the same model as Gus, though it's unknown if it actually is Gus. Their follower ID is 12.

(Source: Zephiles)

Undefined Battle ID Behavior

Enemies in the field are assigned a Battle ID that defines which enemies you encounter when you get in a battle. All areas in the game, except the Glitz Pit, share the same Battle IDs; however, encounters differ based on the area you're in. For example, although Boggly Woods and Petal Meadows both have a Battle ID of 00 defined, you cannot touch a Cleft in Boggly Woods and have it direct you to a battle against Goombas.

An undefined Battle ID would be one that is out of range for the IDs used in an area. For example, Boggly Woods' highest used Battle ID is 07, so a Battle ID of 08 or greater would be undefined. Rather than the game crashing or freezing, there is this behavior where interacting with enemies simply doesn't get you into a battle.

Use the NTSC-U Action Replay code 04085504 3B0000?? to set the Battle ID.

(Source: Ralf (GC Forever))

Unused Status

Graphic File Name: battle_common
An unused status icon of a nervous/fearful/nauseous-looking face.

A status effect using this icon can be granted with the following NTSC-U Action Replay codes:

Status Modifier Enabler Unused Status
543D957C 00000000
4000xxxx 000125yy
4000xxxx 000126zz

yy = # of Rounds (01 to 63)
xxxx = Character ID (use 4620 for Mario and 4624 for Partner)
zz = Attack Mod (01 ... 7F = Attack Up, 80 ... FF = Attack Down)

To have a Thunder Rage inflict this status to see its battle message, splash and hear its sound effect, enter the following NTSC-U Action Replay code on a 1.0 ISO:
02366CDE 00006403
02366CE0 0000FE00

The status is an Attack Down status, a counterpart to the Attack Up status obtained when using Power Lift. zz controls the attack power of the character; if set to FE, the character's attack power would be 2 points weaker, whereas if set to 80, attacks would be so negative that no damage could be dealt. At this point in time, it is not known which values this status would use under normal circumstances.

(Source: Ralf (GC Forever))

Unused Glitz Pit Battle Conditions

Many, many different special conditions for battles in the Glitz Pit are present in code, but only a very small subset are used in the game. There are 70 conditions in total, of which only 15 are actually used.[1] Many of the unused conditions are similar, but split to apply to either only Mario or only his partner. There are multiple duplicated strings in the game's script for some of the used conditions, suggesting some unused ones may have been present before later being overwritten. It is not clear how certain conditions were expected to function, such as ones relating to having to attack the audience, which cannot be freely performed in-game. All but one condition has a variable that can be configured, though many of the used conditions set this variable to 0. It's possible that multiple variants of those same conditions were also planned.

ID Conditions in code Text in-game
0 Succeeds automatically
1 Do not jump n times Don't use your jump!
2 Jump n times
3 Do not hammer n times Don't use your hammer!
4 Hammer n times
5 Do not use special moves n times Don't use special moves!
6 Use special moves n times Don't use special moves!
7 Do not let Mario take n damage
8 Have Mario take n damage
9 Do not let partners take n damage
0A Have partners take n damage
0B Do not take n damage total Win before taking 20 HP of damage!
0C Take n damage total
0D Do not let Mario take n hits
0E Have Mario take n hits
0F Do not let partners take n hits
10 Have partners take n hits
11 Do not take n hits in total
12 Take n hits in total Take damage from your opponent three times!
Take damage from your opponent at least five times!
13 Mario must win battle with at least n HP (fails if Mario dies)
14 Mario must win battle with less than n HP (fails if Mario dies) Win after your HP drops to 5!
15 Must get a Power Bounce combo of least n
16 Mario must use fewer than n items
17 Mario must use at least n items
18 Partners must use fewer than n items
19 Partners must use at least n items
1A Use fewer than n items Don't use items!
Don't use any items!
1B Use at least n items
1C Mario must not swap partners n times
1D Mario must swap partners n times
1E Partners must not swap partners n times
1F Partners must swap partners n times
20 Must not swap partners n times Don't change partners!
21 Must swap partners n times
22 Mario must not attack audience n times
23 Mario must attack audience n times
24 Partners must not attack audience n times
25 Partners must attack audience n times
26 Mario must not appeal n times
27 Mario must appeal n times
28 Partners must not appeal n times
29 Partners must appeal n times
2A Must not appeal n times
2B Must appeal n times Appeal to the crowd at least once.
Appeal to the crowd at least three times!
2C Mario must not spend n FP
2D Mario must spend n FP
2E Partners must not spend n FP
2F Partners must spend n FP
30 Must not spend n FP Don't use any FP!
31 Must spend n FP
32 Mario must not use n moves (jump/hammer/SP + Charge/Defend/Dip actions) Only let your partner attack!
33 Mario must use n moves
34 Partner must not use n moves (partner moves + Charge/Defend/Dip actions) Don't ever let your partner attack!
35 Partner must use n moves
36 Same as 0x30
37 Same as 0x31
38 Party must not use n moves
39 Party must use n moves
3A Must take more than n turns
3B Must not take more than n turns Defeat your opponent in five turns or less!
3C Wait n turns before Mario actions (jump/hammer/SP/item/switch/Charge/SuperCharge/Run)
3D Wait n turns before Partner actions (move/item/switch/Charge/SuperCharge/Run)
3E Wait n turns before Party actions (0x3c + 0x3d conditions combined)
3F Wait n turns before Mario attacks (jump/hammer/SP attack/item attack)
40 Wait n turns before partner attacks (partner attack/item attack)
41 Wait n turns before party attacks (0x3f + 0x40 conditions combined) Don't attack in the first three turns!
42 Mario can only jump or Defend
43 Mario can only hammer or Defend
(Source: jdaster64/ttyd-utils)

Unused Animations

To do:
  • There are LOTS more where these came from. You can use this tool to view them.
  • Replace animated PNGs with GIFs


Lord Crump

c_kanbu_ibt contains quite a few unused animations for Lord Crump, including but not limited to him giving the X-Naut salute, rubbing his hands together menacingly, and adjusting a horn on his headgear.

ID: 28 ID: 36 ID: 38 ID: 48
CrumpHornAdjustTTYD.png CrumpLaughTTYD.png CrumpPlottingTTYD.png CrumpXSaluteTTYD.png

Doopliss (ID: 16)

The player has no means to poison enemies, outside of confusing them and having them poison other enemies. Bosses are an exception in that they cannot damage other bosses when confused. However, with cheats it's possible to poison bosses. While most enemies and bosses share their poison animation with dizzy or another status effect, Doopliss' poison animation is unique.


Side Characters


Flavio has an unused animation of looking through a spyglass. He has both an idle and talking variant.

ID: 6 ID: 7
FlavioSpy1.png FlavioSpy2.png

Peach (ID: 81)

Peach has a unique running animation that goes unused, where she lifts her dress to run.



To do:
replace video with GIF


Grifty has an unused animation for walking (ID: 2) as well as sprinting (ID: 3). In the game, Grifty can be found on a rooftop in Rogueport and will tell Mario tales for some coins, but is never seen moving at all, leaving these animations of mobility unused.

Unused Partner Attacks

Koops, Flurrie, and Ms. Mowz have descriptions for unused attacks. It seems Koops may have been planned to learn Kooper's Fire Shell technique at one point. Flurrie and Ms. Mowz's unused attacks, meanwhile, appear entirely new.

  • Koops
てきを ホノオのコウラで こうげきする

Attack an enemy with a flaming shell.

  • Flurrie
かみなりを すべてのてきに おとす
おまけに 『ビリビリ』させることがある

Drop lightning on all enemies. As a bonus, you might become electrified.

  • Ms. Mowz
ぶたいセットの ウラに アイテムなどが
かくされていないか しらべる

Check behind the stage for hidden items.

  • Unused Gulp Variations

If Yoshi uses Gulp on a Pokey or Poison Pokey that has lost all of its body segments, there is a 50% chance that he'll eat them instead of spitting them back out. Although this very specific variation of Gulp is used, there are some variations that are unused. Including a variation where Yoshi eats an enemy and plays an extra animation that implies whatever he ate blew up, a variation where Yoshi swallows an enemy and spits out a fireball, which does fire damage to enemies that are hit by it, and a variation where Yoshi eats only part of an enemy, such as a Pokey or Poison Pokey's body segment.

(Source: Triple Pain P)

Unused Star Power

The game references a handful of unused special attacks:

  • Hirahira Mekuuru (Hirahira means "flutter", Mekuru means "to turn over; to turn pages of a book")
  • Rakkii Booru (Lucky Ball)
  • Deka Mario (Dekai means "huge")
  • Haato Shuuto (Heart Shoot)
  • Kagenui (Shadow-stitching, a legendary ninja immobilization technique. Given what shadow-stitching looks like, this Star Power may be an early version of Supernova.)

Test E-Mail

msg_mail_test in global.txt:

Japanese English French
Paper Mario and Paper
Mario 2 3-D Level
Designer. Big gamer.
Gets restless when not
gaming. Can't tell
difference between
Brett and Bert.
Voilà un test de mail
et à quoi ça doit
ressembler pour que
tout le monde le sache.

Je tiens à remercier
Hélène pour le super
boulot qu'elle a fait.

Worked on 3D maps
for Paper Mario 2.
Biggest project was
Paper Mario.
Big gamer.
Gets restless when
not gaming. Can't tell
difference between
Kawade and Kawabe.
This is a mail test
and what it has to
look like so that
everyone knows.

I would like to thank
Hélène for the amazing
work she did.


German Spanish Italian
Verantwortlich für die
3D-Karten bei Paper Mario
2, Hauptwerk: Paper Mario.
Mag Spiele ziemlich gerne.
Wenn er nicht spielt, fühlt
er sich nicht gut.
"Am Fluss" und "Flussufer"
sind etwas kompliziert.

Soy el diseñador del
entorno tridimensional
de este juego.
Entre mis obras
anteriores destaca el
trabajo realizado en
la entrega anterior.
Cuando no estoy con
los videojuegos, siento
que me falta algo.
Será que juego

Sono il disegnatore
delle mappe in 3D
di questo gioco.

Il lavoro è stato duro,
però la storia mi ha
davvero appassionato.

Non riesco a far
passare un giorno
senza che mi venga
voglia di giocarci
un po’!

Divertitevi anche voi!

Responsible for the 3D 
maps in Paper Mario 2, 
biggest project: Paper Mario.
Likes games a lot.
When he doesn't play, he
doesn't feel well.
"At the river" and "riverside"
are a little complicated.
I’m the designer
of the 3D environments
in this game.

Among my previous works 
is the work I did for the 
previous entry. When I'm not
with video games, I feel
like I'm missing something

I’ll play them so much.

I’m the designer
of the 3D maps
in this game.

The work was hard,
but the story
really gripped me.

Not a day
goes by
without me feeling
like playing it
a little!

You have fun, too!


In the French version, "Michaël" is Michaël Hugot and "Hélène" is Hélène Guillemain, both credited as the French localisation team.

(Source: The Mushroom Kingdom)

Internal Project Name

The game is referred to as "mariost" (presumably short for Mario Story) in various places in the code.

  1. GitHub jdaster64/ttyd-utils Retrieved April 28, 2024.