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Luigi's Mansion (Nintendo 3DS)

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Title Screen

Luigi's Mansion

Also known as: Luigi Mansion (JP)
Developers: Grezzo, Nintendo SPD
Publisher: Nintendo
Platform: Nintendo 3DS
Released in JP: November 8, 2018
Released in US: October 12, 2018
Released in EU: October 19, 2018
Released in AU: October 20, 2018
Released in KR: November 8, 2018

DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
ModelsIcon.png This game has unused models.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.

To do:
  • dummy files.
  • Check if "new" unused content exists in the original.

Luigi's Mansion for the Nintendo 3DS is the remake of the popular GameCube game. It includes several new features such as amiibo compatibility, a new Boss Rush mode and the option to use the Strobulb from the sequel. And like the original was planned to be, it's in eye-popping 3D!

Unused Audio

To do:
  • There are unused tracks/jingles from the original and duplicates/variants of used music.
  • There appear to be early (duplicate?) Bogmire sounds. Some of them are prefixed with "BF" and some are prefixed with "SD".

Early Game Boy Horror Ringtone

JA_SE_SYS_CALL_FROM_DOCTOR (label SY_CALLDct0) is an early ringtone for the calls from E. Gadd.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Empty Sequences

Index Name In-sequence label Note
193 JA_SE_LUI_WARP PL_WarpEfx0
196 JA_SE_LUI_CLEARNER_ENGINE PL_ClnCart0 Comes after what appears to be the "get on vacuum" sound effect.
(Source: Original TCRF research)

Removed Files

To do:
When does the game load these files? Are the files used in the original game?

At some point(s) the game tries to load the files \model\kun01.gar and \model\kun02.gar but these do not exist. The files exist in the original game.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

GameCube Leftovers

Unused Model



r11_stake_01 is found in mapmdl\map2\room_11 (the Balcony's models folder). This is a remnant of partially removed content in the original game.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Unused Audio

E3 2001 Title Sound

JA_SE_SYS_TITLE_BGM (label SY_TitlBgm0) is the the E3 2001 title sound.

(Source: ecumber05)

Totaka's Song

JA_BGM_QUIZ003 is Totaka's song played on a piano.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Nice Doggy!

JA_SE_LUI_TVO_DOG_BITE (label VT_DogBite0) is the "Luigi gets bitten by Spooky" sound.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

E. Gadd Laughing

JA_SE_DCT_VO_TUTORIAL1 (label VT_DcMesg01) is the "E. Gadd laughing" sound.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Hidden Objects and Geometry

Invisible Furniture

Like in the GameCube original, there is an invisible poster on the wall of The Twins' Room that Luigi can interact with. It has no collision and cannot be scanned using the Game Boy Horror. However, an invisible object located on the Roof in the original was removed. It's still there in the final boss map, but Luigi doesn't say anything upon scanning it anymore.

Unseen Training Room Wall

LM3DS-Training Room back wall.png

Like the original game, the back wall of the Training Room is modeled, but you can't see behind you because you can't use the Game Boy Horror in this area. However, this time it is more detailed.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Internal Project Name

The game's internal project name is "GreenCube" according to the bcsar filename and "GreenCubeU" according to multiple strings in the executables.

(Source: Original TCRF research)