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Sonic Battle

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Title Screen

Sonic Battle

Developers: Sonic Team
Publishers: Sega (JP/EU/AU), THQ (US)
Platform: Game Boy Advance
Released in JP: December 4, 2003
Released in US: January 5, 2004
Released in EU: February 27, 2004
Released in AU: 2004

TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.

This page sucks.
If you could make it suck less, that would be awesome.
Specifically: Organization and sub-pages would go a long way here.

Sonic Battle is a surprisingly good Sonic fighting game for the GBA, most notable for featuring 3D battle arenas (on the Game Boy Advance!) and Emerl.

To do:
A lot.

Unused Text

Japanese English Notes

よお! エメル!

一番先に ”10回 KO” したら、 勝負ありだ!
ガチンコで いくぜ!

オレは ここにいる。
力を試したくなったら いつでも相手になるぜ!

くっ… 不覚…

タンレンが 足りないようだな。

は~い! エメル!
ボクササイズに つきあってくれない?

試合は いつもと いっしょよ。
一番先に ”10回 KO” したら 勝ちね!
カクゴはいい? それじゃあ、 いくわよ!?

ちょっとは ヤセたかしら?
アタシは ここにいるから また 相手をお願いね。


リキ 入りすぎちゃった みたい!

こんにちは! エメルサン!
いっしょに あそびマショウ!

一番さいしょに ”10回 KO” したら
勝ちデスよ? いきマスよ~!
… あ、 つよく ぶたないでくだサイね?

わたしは ここにいマス。
また あそんでくだサイね!


フフ… まだまだデスね!!


勝利条件は、 ”10回 KO” だ。

いつでも こい。

試合終了。 おまえの勝ちだ。

試合終了。 おまえの負けだ。


試合形式は いつものように ”10回 KO” 先取だ。
気を抜くと ケガをするぞ!

いつでも 相手になるぞ。



Hey! Emerl! Are you
looking to spar?

If you get "10 KOs"
first, then you win. I'm
not going to hold back!

If you feel like you
need some practice,
come over here, and
I'll spar with you!

Uh...! This is a bit

Doesn't look like you've
had sufficient training.

Hi! Emerl!
Care to join me in my

It's the same workout as
usual. Whoever gets "10
first, wins! Are you
ready? Then, let's get
started, OK!?

Have I lost any weight?
I'm always here, so
drop by any time. It's
always more fun to
workout with a partner.

You're getting stronger!

Sorry! It seems like
used too much strength!

Hello! Emerl! How are
you? Let's play

If you get "10 KOs"
first, you win. Let's go!
...Ah, don't beat me
too badly, please?

I'm always here. Any time
you want to play, just
drop by.

I've lost...

Hey! Did I win?

Shall I boot up Training

To achieve victory, get
"10 KOs"
Initiating battle.

I am always available
here. Should you wish
to challenge me, please
come here.

The game has ended.
You have won.

The game has ended.
You have lost.

Hmph... Do you want to
fight with me?

The rule is to get "10
first. If you take
this lightly, you will
get hurt! So prepare

I am always here. I'll
be your practice partner
should you need me.

You have done rather

I told you not to take
this lightly...

Generic dialogue meant for the optional practice battles outside Emerl's episode. Only Sonic, Tails and Rouge's dialogue ends up being used, as the other characters either can't be optionally fought or reuse dialogue from Emerl's episode.

Sonic Episode

Japanese English Notes

… とおもったけど、 いまは
ボウヤと ケンカしても
なんの トクも ないもの…

On second thought, I've
changed my mind! There's
no reason to fight Sonic
at this point...

Possibly would have been used after the first round of the Rouge battle, indicating that the fight only had one round at one point. In the game, Rouge leaves after two rounds.

コウゲキ! コウゲキ!

まだ きやがる!

Attack! Attack!

It's still coming!

Intended for the unused second round of the first Phi battle. In the game, Phi is destroyed after one round.

くっ… やるじゃねえか!
確かに、 オマエはチンケな

だが、 ここからは本気だ!! カクゴしろよ!!!!

Hmph... Not bad! Guess
you're not just a lousy
common thief...

I'm through playing

Intended for the unused third round of the Knuckles battle. In the game, Knuckles goes down in two rounds.

エメルに ”2つ目”
”カオスエメラルド” が セットされた!!

Emerl now has "2"
"Chaos Emeralds" !!

Intended to be shown after Tails inserts the Chaos Emerald into Emerl. A generic "skill points increased" message is shown in the game instead.

”カオスエメラルド” を キュシュウすることで
成長した ”エメル”

いったい ”エメル” は なにものなのか…

次回 エピソード「テイルス」、
「エメルのヒミツ」 を おたのしみに!!

"Emerl" has grown since he has absorbed the "Chaos Emerald" ...

What is "Emerl" ?

Discover the forgotten
"Secret of Emerl" in the
next episode, "Tails"!

A tease for Tails' episode, intended to be shown at the end of Sonic's episode.

Tails Episode

Japanese English Notes

エメルを ”セントラルラボ” に 
エメルは ”エメラルド・ビーチ” にいるかな?

We should bring Emerl to
the "Central Lab" !
I wonder if Emerl is
still over at the
"beach" ?

Intended to be shown when interacting with Tails House after the first scene. Only the Emerald Beach location can be interacted with at this point in the game.

よおし! つぎは とっておきだぞ!

OK, I'll teach you
something super special

Intended to be said by Sonic when Tails approaches him and Emerl at Emerald Beach.

”カオスエメラルド” の情報が 入ったら
また 来るわ。

I'll come back as soon
as I get some more
information about the
"Chaos Emeralds."

Intended to be said by Rouge in the final conversation before asking Tails to introduce her to Emerl.

Knuckles Episode

Japanese English Notes

トレーニング していくか?

オマエと トレーニングして
エメルが 弱くなると 困るんでな。


トレーニングは いつものように
”10KO”  したやつが 勝ちだからな!
じゃあ、 いくぜ!

ヘイ! ガイズ!
オレは 半分もホンキを 出してないぜ?

もう 1回やるか?

オイオイ! マジメにやれよ!

ザット コンナモンサ!!
ボク チョットハツヨクナッタカナ?

なかなか やるな!

You wanna train?

Forget it. If Emerl
trains with you, he'd
get weaker. I think
we'll pass.

I was thinking along the
same lines, except about

As usual, the first one
who gets "10 KOs" wins!
Let's start!

Hey, guys! I haven't even
started trying yet!

You wanna go another

Hey! At least try a
little, will ya?

Ha ha! I told you I got

Not too shabby!

Intended for the practice battle with Sonic after talking to Amy. Dialogue from the practice battle in Tails' episode is reused instead.

Amy Episode

Japanese English Notes

エミールーム2 フラグオン
つぎはエミールーム3 です

Amy's Room 2 Flag on
Difficult mission
Amy's room 3 is next.

Appears to be debug text for the second battle at Amy's Room. It cannot be seen under normal circumstances.

Shadow Episode

Japanese English Notes

コウサテン フラグオン
つぎはマザコン です

Intersection Flag On
You can now go to the
Gimme Shelter.
Next is the Mother

Appears to be debug text for the available locations after the Emerald Beach scene. It cannot be seen under normal circumstances, and the English text is missing in the international releases completely.

テイルス オン

ルージュ オン

ソニック オン

ナックルズ オン

エミー オン

Tails On

Rouge On

Sonic On

Knuckles On

Amy On

Appears to be debug texts for the character battles needed to progress the story. For some reason, there is no such text for Cream. These texts cannot be seen under normal circumstances.

Regional Differences

Older English Script

The English script in the Japanese version has a few minor differences from the international versions.

Sonic Episode

Japanese International

Em, whatever you say...
We've gotta head to
Knuckles', which is up
north, in the direction
of Holly Summit !
Let's go!

Em, whatever you say...
We've gotta head to
Knuckles', which is up
north, in the direction
of Holy Summit !
Let's go!

Knuckles' place is up
north, in the direction
of Holly Summit !
Let's go!

Knuckles' place is up
north, in the direction
of Holy Summit !
Let's go!

Tails Episode

Japanese International

Let's go back to
"Emerald Town" by going
through "Holly
. We can take the
Highway! Follow me,

Let's go back to
"Emerald Town" by going
through "Holy
. We can take the
Highway! Follow me,

All we've gotta do now is
take out the Guard Robo
in front of the Office,
then we can escape to
"Holly Summit" !

All we've gotta do now is
take out the Guard Robo
in front of the Office,
then we can escape to
"Holy Summit" !

Then we can reset Emerl
and turn him into an
ordinary robot, and
erase all his data as a
battle weapon.

Then we can reset Emerl
and turn him into an
ordinary robot,
erase all his data as a
battle weapon.

You can now play the
minigame "Flying Get."

You can now play the
minigame "Fly & Get"

Rouge Episode

Japanese International

What? Who could it be?
You dirty bastard! I'll
find you! Confirm login

What? Who could it be?
How dare you! I'll
find you! Confirm login

This is something else.
If I can train the robot
to the become the
ultimate robot thief...

This is something else.
If I can train the robot
to become the
ultimate robot thief...

We're almost at "Emerald

We're almost at "Emerald

Our target is the Chaos
Emerald in the
"Building" .

Our target is the Chaos
Emerald in the

Knuckles Episode

Japanese International

Hearing this, a spark
of interested was

Hearing this, a spark
of interest was

My, you've grown
strong... Gives me
goosebumps thinking about

My, you've grown
strong... Gives me
goose bumps thinking
about it.

Amy Episode

Japanese International

Go back to where you came
from if you don't want to
smashed, stomped on, and
turned into ashes!

Go back to where you came
from if you don't want to be
smashed, stomped on, and
turned into ashes!

"Will ya?"

Will ya?

All we need is one more,
and we'll have enough
to create a Chaos
Emerald! That wasn't so

All we need is one more,
and we'll have enough
to create a "Chaos
That wasn't so

All right, we now have a
total of "5" Emerald
shards now!

All right, we now have a
total of "5" Emerald
shards !

Let's head back to
Tails's place!

Let's head back to
Tails' place!

Cream Episode

Japanese International

All right! I'm almost at
my target weight! You are
making my life so easy
as you get smarter,
Emerl! I'm going to get
the "Super Diet Machine"
that I saw on that

All right! I'm almost at
my target weight! You are
making my life so easy
as you get smarter,
Emerl! I'm going to get
the "Super Diet Machine"
that I saw on that

Oh, one more thing. The
key to open the "Duct"
is in the "Assembly
! Make sure you hide
it! Got that!?

Oh, one more thing. The
key to open the "Duct"
is in the "Workshop" ! Make sure you hide
it! Got that!?

Let's head to the
Assembly Room to get the
"Duct key" !

Let's head to the
"Workshop" to get the
"Duct key" !

But I can easy recover
from this level of

But I can easily recover
from this level of

Training ends when one of
us gets 10 KO's !

Training ends when one of
us gets 10 KOs !

Shadow Episode

Japanese International

"Chaos Gamma"?!

Chaos Gamma?!

"Bring hope to humanity."

Bring hope to humanity.

Emerl Episode

Japanese International

Sonic! Emerl!
Have you seen it?!
A giant battleship has
appeared in "Holly

Sonic! Emerl!
Have you seen it?!
A giant battleship has
appeared in "Holy

You really have grown
up, Emerl! Looks like we've
gotta hike to
"Holly Summit" !
Emerl! Tails!

You really have grown
up, Emerl! Looks like we've
gotta hike to
"Holy Summit" !
Emerl! Tails!

But, something's not
right. Why would he be
so out and out honest
about his plans? Even
the government keeps
some things a secret...
It feels too
deliberate... Like he's
trying to lure us into
following him. I've got
a bad feeling about this.
Anyway, I'll go fetch a
warp transporter so we
can reach the battleship,
so go to "Holly Summit"
and I'll meet you

But, something's not
right. Why would he be
so out and out honest
about his plans? Even
the government keeps
some things a secret...
It feels too
deliberate... Like he's
trying to lure us into
following him. I've got
a bad feeling about this.
Anyway, I'll go fetch a
warp transporter so we
can reach the battleship,
so go to "Holy Summit"
and I'll meet you

0010101001 000101001 010 10101 0101010
00001 101 111 10101 0101111101111
010101001 0001 010010 1010001001010
000 011011111 0101010 111111 111001

0010101001 000101001 010 10101 0101010101000
00001 101 111 10101 010111111
010101001 0001 010010 1010
000 011011111 0101010 111111 111001



Emerl card descriptions

Japanese International

Sonic's running
skill. He has true
blue super sonic

Sonic's running
skill. He has true
blue supersonic

Sonic's dashing
skill. He can close
the gap with
opponents using an
explosive short jump.

Sonic's leaping
skill. He can close
the gap with
opponents using an
explosive short jump.

Shadow's upper

Shadow's upper
attack. Using Chaos
Control, he grinds
his fist to distort
space to attack and
knock opponents into
the air.

Shadow's ground
power. While the
button is pressed, he
hides in distorted

Shadow's ground
power. If the R
button is pressed, he
hides in distorted

Amy's air attack.
She performs a Hammer
Attack in mid air.

Amy's air attack.
She performs a
Hammer Attack
in mid air.

Cream dash attack.
Cheese flies and
attacks anyone
around Cream.

Cream's dash attack.
Chao flies and
attacks anyone
around Cream.

E-102's ground shot.
Its laser gun charges
energy while the
button is pressed.

E-102's ground shot.
Its laser gun charges
energy if the R
button is pressed.

E-102's air shot.
Its laser gun charges
energy while the
button is pressed.

E-102's air shot.
Its laser gun charges
energy if the R
button is pressed.

E-102's ground trap.
From its arms, it
fires very high
intensity light

E-102's ground trap.
From its arms, it
fires very high
intensity light

E-102's air trap.
From its arms, it
fires very high
intensity light

E-102's air trap.
From its arms, it
fires very high
intensity light

A mysterious running
skill. The effect of
this skill has only
been heard of in

Emerl's Running Skill
awakened. His super
sonic speed breaks
the sound barrier.

A mysterious dashing
skill. The effect of
this skill has only
been heard of in

Emerl's Dashing Skill
awakened. His leap
leaves a blazing
trail behind him.

A mysterious jumping
skill. The effect of
this skill has only
been heard of in

Emerl's Jumping Skill
awakened. This leap
allows him to touch
the clouds in the

A mysterious air
action skill. The
effect of this skill
has only been
heard of in

Emerl's Air Action
awakened. He produces
a series of ultra fast
spinning moves.

A mysterious guard
skill. The effect of
this skill has only
been heard of in

Emerl's Guard Skill
awakened. He goes
into an optimal
stance that maximizes
his defensive

A mysterious heal
skill. The effect of
this skill has only
been heard of in

Emerl's Heal Skill
awakened. Focusing
on the power of his
Emeralds, he can
quickly increase his
health and Ichikoro.

A mysterious first
attack. The effect
of this skill has only
been heard of in

Emerl's First Attack
awakened. An
explosive punch,
caused by creating
friction with the
hydrogen in the air.

A mysterious second
attack. The effect of
this skill has only
been heard of in

Emerl's Second Attack
awakened. He snaps
out a sharp, high
kick so powerful that
it leaves a flash
after effect behind

A mysterious third
attack. The effect of
this skill has only
been heard of in

Emerl's Third Attack
awakened. Powerful
kick that destroys
the ground underneath
as he kicks up rocks.

A mysterious heavy
attack. The effect of
this skill has only
been heard of in

Emerl's Heavy Attack
awakened. Using the
mysterious energy
waves surrounding his
legs, he attacks.

A mysterious upper
attack. The effect
of this skill has only
been heard of in

Emerl's Upper Attack
awakened. He produces
a somersault kick.
Its enormous power
creates tornados in
its wake.

A mysterious dash
attack. The effect of
this skill has only
been heard of in

Emerl's Dash Attack
awakened. He produces
a series of rolling
kicks that trap
everything in its

A mysterious air
attack. The effect of
this skill has only
been heard of in

Emerl's Air Attack
awakened. An
explosive kick,
caused by creating
friction with the
hydrogen in the air.

A mysterious pursuit
attack. The effect of
this skill has only
been heard of in

Emerl's Pursuit
Attack awakened. He
produces a series
of axe kicks that can
bring down even the
strongest of foes.

A mysterious ground
shot. The effect of
this skill has only
been heard of in

Emerl's Ground Shot
awakened. He creates
numerous shock waves
by going into an
ultra fast spin to
attack opponents.

A mysterious air
shot. The effect of
this skill has only
been heard of in

Emerl's Air Shot
awakened. He creates
numerous shock waves
by going into an
ultra fast spin to
attack opponents.

A mysterious ground
power. The effect of
this skill has only
been heard of in

Emerl's Ground Power
awakened. He goes
into an ultra fast
spin attack of
lightning speed.

A mysterious air
power. The effect of
this skill has only
been heard of in

Emerl's Air Power
awakened. He pounces
on opponents with an
ultra fast spinning
attack, followed by
a backspin pursuit

A mysterious ground
trap. The effect of
this skill has only
been heard of in

Emerl's Ground Trap
awakened. He sets
numerous mine traps
beneath his
opponent's feet.

A mysterious air
trap. The effect of
this skill has only
been heard of in

Emerl's Air Trap
awakened. He sets
numerous mine traps
beneath his
opponent's feet.

A mysterious fighting
pose. The effect of
this skill has only
been heard of in

Emerl's fighting pose

A mysterious special
skill. The effect of
this skill has only
been heard of in

Emerl's Knockout
Technique awakened.
His hi-speed spinning
attack automatically
tracks opponents, so
none can escape.

A mysterious special
skill. The effect of
this skill has only
been heard of in

Emerl's Knockout
Technique awakened.
This combo attack was
derived from Sonic's

A mysterious special
skill. The effect of
this skill has only
been heard of in

Emerl's Knockout
Technique awakened.
He produces a series
of spinning attacks
in midair to nail
airborne opponents.

A mysterious special
skill. The effect of
this skill has only
been heard of in

Emerl's Knockout
Technique awakened.
This combo attack was
derived from Tails'

A mysterious special
skill. The effect of
this skill has only
been heard of in

Emerl's Knockout
Technique awakened.
He makes rocks fall
from the sky using
the supernatural
power of the earth.

A mysterious special
skill. The effect of
this skill has only
been heard of in

Emerl's Knockout
Technique awakened.
This combo attack was
derived from
Knuckles' techniques.

A mysterious special
skill. The effect of
this skill has only
been heard of in

Emerl's Knockout
Technique awakened.
Uses Chaos Control to
triplicate himself
and trap opponents
into distorted space

A mysterious special
skill. The effect of
this skill has only
been heard of in

Emerl's Knockout
Technique awakened.
This combo attack was
derived from Shadow's

A mysterious special
skill. The effect of
this skill has only
been heard of in

Emerl's Knockout
Technique awakened.
Hovers in the air
with a rolling
flat-spin to attack

A mysterious special
skill. The effect of
this skill has only
been heard of in

Emerl's Knockout
Technique awakened.
This combo attack was
derived from Rouge's

A mysterious special
skill. The effect of
this skill has only
been heard of in

Emerl's Knockout
Technique awakened.
A lethal emotional
hail of bombs that
knocks opponents
into the air if
they make contact.

A mysterious special
skill. The effect of
this skill has only
been heard of in

Emerl's Knockout
Technique awakened.
This combo attack was
derived from Amy's

A mysterious special
skill. The effect of
this skill has only
been heard of in

Emerl's Knockout
Technique awakened.
Two tornados knock
opponents into the
air. Those stuck in
a tornado receive
immense damage.

A mysterious special
skill. The effect of
this skill has only
been heard of in

Emerl's Knockout
Technique awakened.
This combo attack was
derived from Cream's

A mysterious special
skill. The effect of
this skill has only
been heard of in

Emerl's Knockout
Technique awakened.
He falls as he
detonates his body.
Opponents nearby
receive tremendous

A mysterious special
skill. The effect of
this skill has only
been heard of in

Emerl's Knockout
Technique awakened.
This combo attack was
derived from Gamma's

A mysterious special
skill. The effect of
this skill has only
been heard of in

Emerl's Knockout
Technique awakened.
Attacks by conjuring
water spirits that
attack when touched.

A mysterious special
skill. The effect of
this skill has only
been heard of in

Emerl's Knockout
Technique awakened.
This combo attack was
derived from Chaos'

Options menu

Japanese International



  • Although the Japanese version only has English and Japanese language selection, the ROM still includes strings for French, German, Spanish and Italian text options, which exist in the international releases.

"Captured skill"

Japanese International

Data captured "[skill] " !!

Captured "[skill] " !!

Story mode menu

Japanese International


Continue the Game


Play Different Episode




Playing Time


Starting Point

This story-save-data but Emerl'Skill
will be eliminated.

Play selected episode.
Story data will be lost.
Emerl's skills saved.