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Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Sega Master System, Game Gear)

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Title Screen

Sonic the Hedgehog 2

Developers: Aspect, Sega
Publishers: Sega (JP/US/EU/AU), Tec Toy (BR), Samsung (KR)
Platforms: Sega Master System, Game Gear
Released in JP: November 21, 1992 (Game Gear)
Released in US: November 17, 1992 (Game Gear)
Released in EU: October 16, 1992 (Master System), October 29, 1992 (Game Gear)
Released in AU: December 1, 1992 (Master System)
Released in KR: 1992 (Master System)
Released in BR: December 25, 1992 (Game Gear), June 18, 1993 (Master System)

DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
ItemsIcon.png This game has unused items.
MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.
LevelSelectIcon.png This game has a hidden level select.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

ProtoIcon.png This game has a prototype article
PrereleaseIcon.png This game has a prerelease article
BugsIcon.png This game has a bugs page

To do:
  • Apparently half of the title cards artwork in this game has palette oddities, as seen in this Twitter thread. Could there be more in the game?

The 8-bit Sonic the Hedgehog 2 has Tails practically everywhere except in the actual zones. It introduced the idea of fighting badniks as bosses and the requirement of collecting every Chaos Emerald to unlock the final level.

This game also marks the first appearance of Tails in a video game, as it was released a month before its 16-bit counterpart. Although the two games share the same title, they otherwise have little in common, containing different stories, levels, and music. (Unlike its predecessor, which did share elements with the 16-bit version.)


Read about prototype versions of this game that have been released or dumped.
Prototype Info
Read about prerelease information and/or media for this game.
Prerelease Info
Read about notable bugs and errors in this game.
Version Differences
A lot can change when porting to another console, then emulating it.

Level Select

Master System


While powering on the game, hold Left + 1 + 2 on Controller 2. When the intro sequence starts, release the buttons, then start the game as usual.

Game Gear


When the intro starts, hold Down + Left + 1 + 2 + Start. When the title screen appears, wait for a ring sound to play twice (Tails will wink three times). Release all the buttons and press Start.

Unused Graphics

Character Sprites

Artwork Name Description
Sonic2GGTailsCry.gif "Crying Tails" Animation Tails crying. Probably meant to be used in the ending cutscene when he is rescued.
Sonic2GGOldIdle.png "Bored Sonic" Animation While the majority of the game's Sonic graphics were copied from the Master System version of Sonic 1, the waiting animation was changed, rendering these three frames unused. They were used in the AutoDemo prototype, though.
Sonic2SMSEarlyDeathSprite.png Sonic 1 Death Sprite Sonic's death sprite from the Master System Sonic 1. The final version uses an updated sprite.
Sonic2GGUnderBossFull.png Under Ground Zone Boss body The entire body of the boss. Normally, only its head is visible.
Sonic2GGDuckFull.gif Sky High Zone Boss body The entire body of the boss. Normally, only its head and neck can be seen.


Artwork Name Description
Sonic2GGMonitor1.png Sonic Monitor While you can find this in a wall in Crystal Egg Zone, the graphics are obscured. When collected, it grants a continue.
Sonic2GGMonitor3.png Question Mark Monitor May have given a random amount of rings or items, like in the 2-player mode of the Genesis version.
Sonic2GGMonitor2.png Grey Sneaker Monitor May have slowed you down, like the Speed-Down sneaker in the 2-player mode of Sonic 3.
Sonic2GGMonitor4.png Arrow Monitor Most likely intended to be a checkpoint marker, like the 8-bit versions of Sonic 1.

Level Art

To do:
Aqua Lake Zone, Green Hills Zone, Gimmick Mountain Zone, Scrambled Egg Zone all have many unused tiles, as do Sky High Zone Act 2 and Crystal Egg Zone Acts 1 and 2.
Artwork Name Description
Sonic2GGUnderBricks.png Under Ground Zone Bricks Several unused bricks. Tiles similar to the gray bricks were used in the AutoDemo prototype.
Sonic2GGUnderLoop.png Under Ground Zone Tunnel Leftovers from the curved tunnels found in the AutoDemo prototype.
Sonic2GGUnderGroundRock.png Under Ground Zone rock A 32×32 rock that was used in the AutoDemo prototype.
Sonic2GGUnderOther.png Under Ground Zone Tiles Miscellaneous unused pieces.
Sonic2GGUnderPlat.png Under Ground Zone Floating Platform An unused floating platform.
Sonic2GGBoulder.gif Sky High Zone boulder This boulder was probably supposed to roll down a hill in Act 1.
Sonic2GGSkyPlat.png Sky High Zone platform Another unused floating platform.
Sonic2GGSkyBlock.png Sky High Zone object Unknown purpose - another platform?
Sonic2GGSkyHighWater.png Sky High Zone water Water tiles that were supposed to appear in Act 2. They look similar to the tiles found in the AutoDemo prototype.
Sonic2GGSkyHighTrees.png Sky High Zone trees The trees from Act 1 were apparently supposed to appear in Act 2, but they don't.
Sonic2GGSkyHighBlock.png Sky High Zone background A 32×32 background tile that was supposed to appear in Act 2.
Sonic2GGWaterSlope.gif Aqua Lake Zone block A small additional piece of land. If placed in Act 2, these are fully functional and cause Sonic to slide down much like Labyrinth Zone in Sonic 1.
Sonic2GGAquaLakeWaterfall.png Aqua Lake Zone waterfall This waterfall tile was probably going to be used with the block above.
Sonic2GGAquaLakeSpikes.png Aqua Lake Zone spikes Unused spikes that were supposed to appear in Act 1 and 3. The only spikes found in this Zone are underwater.
Sonic2GGGreenHillsGrass.png Green Hills Zone grass While the miscolored grass tile on the left is used in-game, an unused, properly-colored grass tile exists.
Sonic2GGGreenHillsStem.png Green Hills Zone tiles Unused graphics for background scenery that look like a flower stem.
Sonic2GGGreenHillsSpring.png Green Hills Zone spring A diagonal spring in front of the scenery that isn't used anywhere.
Sonic2GGGimmickMountainRock.png Gimmick Mountain Zone breakable block A breakable 32×32 tile that isn't used anywhere in the level.
Sonic2GGScrambledEggRock.png Scrambled Egg Zone breakable block A breakable 32×32 tile that looks very similar to the Gimmick Mountain one, still unused.
Sonic2GGCrystalEggBG.png Crystal Egg Zone background tiles Mountain background tiles that aren't used anywhere.
Sonic2GGCrystalEggBG2.png Crystal Egg Zone tiles Scenery tiles that aren't used anywhere.
Sonic2GGCrystalEggFlower.png Crystal Egg Zone flower An unused flower.
(Source: Sonic Retro, The Spriters Resource)

Screen Art

Artwork Name Description
Sonic 2 MS GG - Early Title Screen.png Early Title Screen Leftover Title Screen used in the Auto Demo prototype found at addresses 0x206A0 to 0x213AF.

Gimmick Mountain Title Card


Originally, the level card for Gimmick Mountain Zone used its full name. Due to lack of space on the screen, however, "Mountain" was shortened to "Mt."

(Source: Hivebrain)

Unused Palette

Game Gear Version

In the Game Gear version, interestingly, there are some unused palettes and three of them are leftovers from the AutoDemo prototype!

Address Palette Description
0x26E45 to 0x26E64 Sonic 2 GG - Unused Palette 3.png A palette consisting of white, black, with various shades of gray. Possibly used as a test palette.
0x26E65 to 0x26E84 Sonic 2 GG - Unused Palette 2.png Used on the AutoDemo's Sega screen.
0x26E85 to 0x26EA4 Sonic 2 GG Proto (Unused Palette).png Although not used here, this palette is used in the Level Select of Master System version and in the Unused Title Card of AutoDemo Prototype.
​​0x27005 to 0x27024 Sonic 2 GG - Unused Palette 4.png A palette for the Sega Logo to disappear.
​​0x271C5 to 0x271E3 Sonic 2 GG - Unused Palette.png Used on the AutoDemo's "Coming Soon" screen.

Master System Version

In the Master System version, strangely, both the test palette and the leftovers from the AutoDemo prototype are present. But, obviously, with Master System palette limitations.

Address Palette Description
0x2411F to 0x2412E Sonic 2 SMS - Unused Palette 3.png A palette consisting of white, black, and two shades of gray. Possibly used as a test palette.
0x2412F to 0x2413E Sonic 2 SMS - Unused Palette 2.png Used on the AutoDemo's Sega screen. But a little clearer due to limitations.
​​0x242DF to 0x242EE Sonic 2 SMS - Unused Palette.png Used on the AutoDemo's "Coming Soon" screen. But with a much more limited palette.

Unused Text

A build date string can be found in the ROM at 0x000C0.

Master System (REV00)
MS SONIC THE HEDGEHOG.2 Ver1.00 1992/09/05 SEGA /Aspect Co.,Ltd 
Game Gear
GG SONIC THE HEDGEHOG.2 Ver1.10 1992/09/12 SEGA /Aspect Co.,Ltd 
Master System (REV01)
MS SONIC THE HEDGEHOG.2 Ver2.20 1992/12/09 SEGA /Aspect Co.,Ltd 

Unused Audio


A peaceful, ethereal-sounding tune. What this song could have been used for is unknown, but it might have been an early theme for either Crystal Egg or Aqua Lake due to the similar style. The song also has some resemblance to the Present theme of Tidal Tempest in the Japanese/European soundtrack of Sonic CD. This song was removed from the Game Gear version, and was replaced by the sound effect that plays when Sonic (and Tails) look up at the stars at the end of the credits. Both of them use $92 as the song value.

Original Music Pitches

All tracks within both versions of the game are set to play at a semitone lower than they are actually programmed, though there are a few outliers by not just a semitones, but also an octave… or four. Please be aware that some of the internal keys set the pitch too high and may cause discomfort.

Song with internal pitch set Restored version (if applicable) Song name Description
N/A Title Screen (Game Gear)/Opening Scene (Master System)
N/A Act Start This one is interesting, in that all channels have their own key assigned. This is strange because this is something Mega Drive tracks tend to do, but not Master System/Game Gear tracks.
N/A Underground Zone
Boss Theme (Master System) Another track that has keys set for each channel. Reduced two octaves in restored version.
N/A Act Clear Set one semitone lower in-game.
Sky High Zone Internally pitched too high. Reduced one octave in restored version.
N/A Invincible
N/A Aqua Lake Zone
Power Sneakers (Master System) Internally pitched way too high. Reduced four octaves in restored version.
N/A Green Hills Zone Bears a resemblance to Sleeping Egg Zone from the Master System version of Sonic Chaos.
Chaos Emerald Internally pitched way too high. Reduced four octaves in restored version.
N/A Gimmick Mountain Zone
N/A Death
Scrambled Egg Zone Internally pitched too high. Reduced one octave in restored version.
N/A Boss (Game Gear)
Bad Ending Internally pitched way too high. Reduced four octaves in restored version.
N/A Crystal Egg Zone
Good Ending Internally pitched way too high. Reduced four octaves in restored version.
N/A The End (Game Gear)
N/A Unused Song (Master System)
N/A Game Over
N/A Continue
(Source: Original TCRF research)

Sound Effects

These were removed from the Game Gear version.

Sound Effect ID Description
A7 Similar to the spring/ramp sound in the Autodemo.
AC Likely a fire sound.
AD An alternate splash sound.
B2 Similar to Sound A2 from the Autodemo.
(Source: Original TCRF research)