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Proto:Sonic Adventure 2 (Dreamcast)

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This page details one or more prototype versions of Sonic Adventure 2 (Dreamcast).

Several prototypes of Sonic Adventure 2 have been uncovered over the years. Most of them are demo builds that were sent out in the buildup to release; two are of the full game, but come quite late in development.


SonicAdventure2TheTrial titlescreen.png
The Trial
Dated November 15, 2000. A demo that was shipped with copies of Phantasy Star Online, most notable for Sonic not having his Soap shoes yet.
SonicAdventure2Preview title.png
Dated March 18, 2001. This is similar to the Preview build sent to the press. It contains a very incomplete English voice track, among other things.
SonicAdventure2Trialversion title.png
Trial Version
Dated May 3, 2001. Much closer to the final, but still manages to show some differences.
Sonic Adventure 2-title.png
May 7, 2001 Prototype
Dated May 7, 2001. The earliest available full prototype, with a surprising amount of minor differences and some HUGE amounts of debugging material.
Sonic Adventure 2-title.png
Dated May 21, 2001. A European version that was sent to the press for reviews, still managing to show minor differences.