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Shadow the Hedgehog

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Title Screen

Shadow the Hedgehog

Developers: Sonic Team, Sega Studios USA
Publisher: Sega
Platforms: PlayStation 2, Xbox, GameCube
Released in JP: December 15, 2005
Released in US: November 15, 2005
Released in EU: November 18, 2005
Released in AU: 2005
Released in KR: December 22, 2005 (PS2)

AnimationsIcon.png This game has unused animations.
AreasIcon.png This game has unused areas.
DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
ObjectIcon.png This game has unused objects.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
ModelsIcon.png This game has unused models.
MovieIcon.png This game has unused cinematics.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

DevelopmentIcon.png This game has a development article
ProtoIcon.png This game has a prototype article
PrereleaseIcon.png This game has a prerelease article

Shadow the Hedgehog loads up and goes grimdark! Shadow has been caught in a three-way war between the G.U.N., Eggman and the Black Arms. However, he learns that he was created by Gerald to not only destroy humanity, but as a counter measure against an alien threat. Is he a hero or a villain? This is notably the only Sonic game to feature multiple endings depending on which route the player takes. There are 22 levels with 10 different endings. However, although you only need to complete at least 10 routes, the game actually has a total of 326 different possible routes.


Read about development information and materials for this game.
Development Info
Read about prototype versions of this game that have been released or dumped.
Prototype Info
Read about prerelease information and/or media for this game.
Prerelease Info
Unused Test Rooms
Looks like the development team wasn't fast enough to remember these were left in.
Unused Graphics
Early menus abound!
Unused Dialogue
"No way...!"
Configuration Files
Left in the game files in the GameCube and Xbox versions.

Debugging Content

Setting word 0x805EC170 in the USA GameCube version allows the player to set GameMode State. This allows access to some debug/testing modes, listed below.

Set 0x805EC170 Result
-1 Game Initialize Screen and Menus
0 Select Mode
1 Story Mode / Last Story
2 Test Mode 1 - 1P GAME Menu On Exit
3 Test Mode 2 - 2P GAME Battle Menu On Exit
4 Test Mode 3 - 2P GAME Battle Menu On Exit (Possibly Slot for Scrapped Race Mode)
5 SFD Player Menu
6 Expert Mode
7 Library Mode

Test Modes 1-3

Any debugging code related to these modes is stubbed in the game. Loading any stage while Test Mode is set will load into the stage0000 test map. The only difference between Test Mode 1, 2, and 3 is which menu the game will exit to upon quitting the stage, listed in the table above.

SFD Player

A menu controllable with the D-pad and Start button to select in PORT1, allowing the player to play any cutscene in the game. Additional debug information is also displayed while its being played.

frmid width height x_mb y_mb fps fno time tunit concat_cnt fno_per_file time_per_file errcnt rcvcnt usrdatsize svd_size

SFD Player debug menu in GameCube USA E1001.sfd when played through the SFD Player debug menu in Shadow the Hedgehog, GameCube USA

URA Stage Select [Ohmura senyo]

A stage select menu found only in the PS2 OPM 102 demo of the game, allowing access to any stage that isn't a boss stage or test stage, can be accessed by pressing R3+Circle at the title screen. Functionality, it seems to be broken, as even loading "stg0100 (City1)", which is present in the demo version, crashes the game.

D-pad left/right cycles 0X00

D-pad up/down cycles 000X

Unused Models

Debug Models

ShTH capsule.png ShTH cone.png ShTH cube.png ShTH cylinder.png ShTH sphere.png

The game's root contains a file named debugmodels.one (4,972 bytes). Within the file are several DFF files named "CAPSULE_MODEL", "CONE_MODEL", "CUBE_MODEL", "CYLINDER_MODEL", and "SPHERE_MODEL". The file is loaded at game boot.

The game object: SetOBJ[25][92], "DebugMissionClearCollision" uses the Cylinder and Sphere models to create a spinning 'M' inside a sphere for the object.

DebugMissionClearCollision object showing the possible misc byte settings. Using debugmodels.one found in all versions

The PS2 version of the game also contains DEBUGMODELS_HI.ONE (41,260 bytes). Within the file are the same models but each are much higher poly versions.

DebugMissionClearCollision object showing the possible misc byte settings. Using DEBUGMODELS_HI.ONE found in the PS2 version


The "character" folder (which contains the model data for Shadow, the Shadow androids from multiplayer mode, and the friendly NPCs) has a file named eshadow.one. It contains a copy of shadow's models and texture from shadow.one with different render flags assigned to the model files, to give a transparent look as if Shadow had Espio's chroma cammo technique from Sonic Heroes.

eshadow.one file contents

This file is loaded by stg0200 (Digital Circuit) and stg0403 (Mad Matrix), but goes unused. Model is shown below as it appears when enabled in NGC version, and with a No Bloom hack applied.

eshadow enabled on GameCube eshadow enabled with a no bloom hack applied on GameCube

ElecWakka SETObject

SetOBJ[07][E5] This game SETObj is unused yet has a full model, texture, animation, and game behavior coded for it. setid.bin has no stages linked to this object. However the data for the object can be found in stg0403/stage0403_gdt.one (Mad Matrix). labeled "WAKKA".

The object is a large hollow hexagon and spins at a fixed rate. It resembles the hexagons found on the circuit paths, but much larger.

There is no player collision with this object, suggesting it may have been decorative.

Unused GUN Soldier Texture Variants

The GUN Soldier loads different textures depending on the stage ID, there exists 0-7, but in the code 3 and 5 are not an existing branch. 0 is the default case but is never observed in the game.


ShadowTH Unused Type0 GUN Soldier.png

Brown uniform with a pink tint. Light blue eye gear.

Stages that fall outside any of the branches will use this texture. All stages (including bosses) that do not have GUN Soldiers except for Air Fleet (uses a regularly used texture) use this texture when GUN Soldiers are placed.


ShadowTH Unused Type3 GUN Soldier.png

Green uniform with red vest and red helmet. Orange eye gear.


ShadowTH Unused Type5 GUN Soldier.png

Unique camo uniform. Yellow eye gear.

Unused Video


An early VFX pass on the cutscene of the Eclipse Cannon's firing shot. It features unfiltered audio of Black Doom's voice in both English and Japanese on separate channels. It can only be found in the Xbox version of the game as E5022.sfd.

Unused Animations

A large amount of unused animations remain, mainly for Shadow. Some Sonic Heroes animations (ported to Shadow's current model skeleton) exist, such as the TrickRing animation.

To do:
Shadow: Alternate melee animations, Sonic Heroes animation ports, Rail lean, Trip, Fall, Rail Melee Specials, Chaos Spear non-super, Unused Tricks, Unfinished anims

Build Dates

Build dates for all the versions can be found in their respective main executable. While all the final Xbox releases have different headers, their build date and time are the same.

Version Hex Address Build Date
Xbox (US - Beta 4) 0x4138D4
Sep 15 2005 17:50:39
GameCube (US) 0x4CE220
Oct 10 2005 23:48:24
PlayStation 2 (US) 0x6E87B8
Oct 12 2005 14:56:41
PlayStation 2 (EU) 0x6EA758
Oct 16 2005 12:09:34
PlayStation 2 (JP) 0x6E9238
Oct 16 2005 12:09:34
GameCube (JP) 0x4CE898
Oct 16 2005 15:45:51
Xbox (US / EU / JP) 0x435180
Oct 16 2005 15:49:12
GameCube (EU) 0x4CF2D0
Oct 20 2005 11:17:41
PlayStation 2 (KR) 0x7BE2B8
Oct 28 2005 10:31:40
GameCube (JP - Trial Version) 0x4D1D58
Oct 31 2005 13:55:50
PlayStation 2 (US - OPM 102 Demo) 0x6CD478
Nov 7 2005 21:06:35
(Source: Ferrox & dreamsyntax)

Revisional Differences

To do:
Other differences.
  • A big in The Doom on GameCube causes an enemy to not spawn until the stage is reloaded. Verify if this is exclusive to NTSC-U not.

Chaos Control Glitch

Pre-Oct 16 builds, the US version of PS2 and GC only, have what is known as Chaos Control Glitch (CCG) in the speedrunning community.

In the affected builds, there are 1-3 frames of input available when activating a checkpoint, allowing to execute another action in these frames.

The EU GC version has some functions shifted around compared to the JP GC build, but in-game differences have not been noticed/documented yet.

(Source: dreamsyntax)

BlackArms Worm WaitAppear AttackCallback Change

There is a change to BkWorm (any variant of Black Arms Worm) object's AttackCallback behavior.

EnemyAIState_BKWormAI_WaitAppear: underground, the player has not yet gotten close enough for its shadow to appear and trigger it to surface

While the BkWorm is in WaitAppear in:

- Built prior to October 16 (GameCube US and PS2 US versions):

     The AttackCallback is disabled in this state (invulnerable to attacks).

- Built October 16 or later (All Xbox versions, PS2 EU/JP, GameCube EU/JP):

     The AttackCallback is left enabled in this state (vulnerable to attacks).

This difference means with a vacuum or lock-on type weapon the BkWorm can be defeated before it ever surfaces.

(Source: dreamsyntax)

GUN Commander's Hand Gesture

GameCube/Xbox PlayStation 2
320px ShadowTheHedgehog FixedGUNAnimation.png

Almost all versions of the game have broken hand animations for the GUN Commander during the cutscene where he orders the forces to capture Shadow, except for the PlayStation 2 version.