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Talking Roby

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Title Screen

Talking Roby

Also known as: Talking Roby the Robot, Talking Roby Celik the Robot
Developer: Outfit7
Publisher: Outfit7
Platforms: Android, iOS
Released internationally: October 27, 2010

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
PiracyIcon.png This game has anti-piracy features.

Talking Roby was the fifth app in the Talking Friends series. It stars a robot that you can make dance, blow airhorns, and make pianos fall on him. It also has a special feature where you can type a sentence and make him speak.

It was delisted in 2014, likely due to copyright issues from Arçelik, especially since the robot's model was stolen in Turbosquid.


If the game detects it was a pirated version, the voice will be extremely fast and it will be unusable. Even the TTS option does the same exact thing. This is very common in the Android version. This was removed in v1.1.7.

Unused Graphics



Leftover Talking Tom Lite Version icon.



Unused checkmark.



Unused checkmark pressed.



Some sort of stock image. It's used when a new app was launched in 2010 until late 2014, when the app was delisted.



A background with a very old Outfit7 logo. It might have been used in an about (i) page.



An old favicon from Facebook.



Just like the favicon, an old logo of FB also exists among the game's files.

Talking Rex Leftovers

TR-Button bone.png TR-Button steak.png TR-Button fight.png

Leftover interactive buttons from Talking Rex.

Internal Animation Names in Slovenian

Among the game's files, some animations use internal frame names in Slovenian, due to Outfit7 being based in Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Animation Internal Frames Name
blink mezikanje
caption_below napis_spodaj
listen poslusanje
my_my moj_moj
phone_shake tresenje_telefona
smile_greeting nasmeh_pozdrav
speech govor
idle tipkanje