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Talking Tom Cat

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Title Screen

Talking Tom Cat

Developer: Outfit7
Publisher: Outfit7
Platforms: iOS, Android
Released internationally: June 26, 2010 (iOS), July 31, 2010 (Amazon), August 6, 2010 (Android), April 6, 2016 (new version)

AnimationsIcon.png This game has unused animations.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.
PiracyIcon.png This game has anti-piracy features.

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Talking Tom Cat is a game/app where you interact with the titular tomcat. Within 13 days of its release, the app received 1 million downloads, becoming a multimedia sensation and kickstarting the Talking Friends franchise.

All this from a glorified voice changer.

Unused Audio


A sound of a cat angrily meowing. This could have been used when you poke Tom's tail.

Removed Sounds

Cake Sounds

When the Cake button was introduced in 1.3 iOS version, there was 6 sounds for them, they were removed in 1.5 version, only containing 2.

Filename Audio Notes Removed?
A Splat! sound. Used.
Another Splat! sound. Removed.
Another Splat! sound, almost sounding same as splat_02.wav. Removed.
Another Splat! sound, almost sounding same as splat_03.wav. Removed.
Another Splat! sound. Used.
Another Splat! sound, almost sounding same as splat_05.wav. Removed.

Unused Animations



"Cat_Listen" is intended as a smooth transition between Tom's standing and listening frames for when you talk to him. This transition happens instantly in-game. Most likely cut because having to watch this every time you perform the app's signature function would get tiring pretty fast.

A similar transition would later be featured in Talking Pierre and My Talking Tom.


If the game detects it was a pirated version (specially pro versions of the game), the voice will be extremely fast and it will be unusable. This is very common in the Android version. Free and 2.0 versions of this game doesn't have the Anti Piracy feature.

Revisional Differences

Originally, both Tom himself and the background were stock assets purchased from TurboSquid. In 2016, both were replaced with original assets matching newer entries in the franchise, with Tom becoming much cuter and less uncanny, and the background becoming more detailed.

2010 2016
Talkingtom-classic2010.png Talkingtom-2016ver.png

Removed Features

A fair amount of features were removed due to Tom's model being replaced.

  • Drinking Milk Interaction
  • Cymbals Interaction
  • Larry Bird Interaction
  • Throwing Pie Interaction


  • Versions prior to v1.2.5 had the frames of the animations separate from the background and in folders named Cat_[animation] (This was only for the Android version.)
  • The package name in iOS version on 1.0 versions is named: "com.outfit7.TalkingCat" or "com.outfit7.talkingcat". It was renamed on version 1.6 to "com.outfit7.talkingtom"
iOS v1.0 iOS v1.2
Talking Tom Cat Ios 1.0 version.png Talkingtom-classic2010.png
  • The milk button in the iOS version of 1.0 was just a still image of the cup

2016 Version

  • In old versions, there used to be bubbles on the food section, which when used, they would make Tom drink bubble soap and then hiccup a bubble. was removed later, probably to prevent children from copying this behavior.

Revamped/New Features

A number of features were revamped, as well as some new ones.

2010 2016
  • Tom scratches the screen with two hands rather than one.

Talking Tom Cat 2016 version aliments.png

  • Tom can eat 6 different food, in which the game provides 6 for the player to use.