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User:Angel Sandro

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Angel Sandro's Avatar

Angel Sandro
Name: Angelene
Surname: Alessandro

Birthdate: September 20th

Located in: France

Discord: Angel Sandro#2643
E-mail: angelsadro@outlook.com

Babel user information
en-5 This user has professional knowledge of English.
fr-N Cet utilisateur a pour langue maternelle le français.
es-3 Este usuario tiene un conocimiento avanzado del español.
Users by language

i'm Angel Sandro, I eat rock.

Harry and the Chamber of Secrets (GameCube, Xbox)

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (PlayStation 2)

Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secret Exemple page
I make this subpage as an example to modify things
Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secret PS2 Exemple page
I make this subpage as an example to modify things
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer Stones GC Exemple page
I make this subpage as an example to modify things
Hlf2 berney.png
Half-Life 2 beta sound and VO
i'm stuck in a room with berni please help
Angelsandro user image.jpg
CL unused line
there a lot :(

Mario Sunshine

Mario action

0c 40 02 01 = Stand / Piantissimo Laugh
Oc 40 02 01 = to Sleep
0C 00 02 02 = Sleep
0c 00 02 03 = Sleep 2
0c 00 02 04 = Wake
04 00 04 40 = Run Walk
02 00 08 80 = Jump
00 00 08 96 = Up Spin
04 00 04 41 = Ground Spin 1
00 00 08 84 = Trampoline Jump
00 00 13 36 = Jump to Goop Portal (It will just put mario in the origin of the map and Will drive you to Bianco Hills by default)
00 00 13 37 = Mario Spawn in scene animation
00 00 13 02 = Shine get [Crash the game if type manually]
00 00 13 3F = Invisible mario (Use in scene preview)
00 00 08 82 = Triple Jump Spin
00 00 08 83 = Air
00 00 08 87 = Side Jump
00 80 08 A9 = Ground Pound
00 00 08 91 = Underwater Noki
00 00 08 88 = ???
00 81 04 46 = Ride Shell
02 81 08 9A= Shell Jump
00 02 24 E1 = Die Water
00 02 24 E0 = Die Water2
00 00 22 D2 = Stand Water
00 00 24 D3 to D5 = Swim
00 00 24 D6 and D7 = Stop Swimming
00 00 22 D1 = Hurt Water ?
00 00 24 D9 = Swim Down
00 00 24 D8 = Swim Up
00 00 24 DA = Hurt Water
10 00 13 08 = Talk to
38 00 03 68 = climb stand
30 00 05 69 = climb walk
30 00 05 6A = Climb turn
00 20 03 49 = Climb down (if write manually, game will make mario climb any ceiling to climb, if no ceiling, mario will climb to top of the world)
00 20 05 4A = Climb down walk
00 20 03 45 = Climb down to stand
00 04 04 5c = walk on goop
00 84 04 5D = Swip on goop
00 02 04 64 = Hurt
00 02 04 67 = Die
00 02 04 60 to 66 = minor hurt
00 02 08 B4 = Fire hurt
00 02 08 B5 = Fire hurt2 but no sound (Unused ?)
00 02 08 b6 = Land
00 02 08 b7 = Fire hurt 3
00 02 08 b8 = Fire hurt to stand
00 02 08 C0 and above = Underwater Noki but not sure (mario fall throught the map quickly even beyond map collison limit)

Rabbid go home

Level ID

00 01 = title

00 02 = "World".

00 03 = Rabbid custom 1

00 04 = Level Select

00 05 = wiimote intro

00 06 Ubisoft logo

00 07 = Credit

13 89 = "world a - le tas"

13 8a = baltimort

13 8b = aeropor

13 8c =?

13 8d = ?

13 94 = City Final

13 ED = First Level

13 EF = thing to junk

14 20 = Shop Till You drop, mall

14 21 = In the nick of time, Clock office 1

14 22 = Infectious blus, sick man 1

14 23 = Wack a wabitt, plongoir mall

14 24 = Bubble bed bonanza, sick man 2

14 25 = Rules are for tool, Desk office 2

14 26 = Super Rack in the market, mall 2

14 27 = Hoppy Xmas, Sick man 3

14 28 = Time is Money, Honey, statue office 3

14 29 = 14-Carrot Rabbid, Money office 4

14 2a = County Free-For-all, CAR

14 51 = Scrap Happy Rabbids, airport 1

14 52 = JustPlane Dumb, airport 2

14 53 = High Stakes Steak, cow 1

14 54 = Hold Up In The Hangar, airport 3

14 55 = Rabbids Go Boom, airport 4

14 56 = Rabbid-fire reaction, Airport 5

14 57 = Apocalypse Cow, Airport 6

14 58 = Cow-tch Me If You Can, Cow 2

14 5a = Carry-on Catastrophe, airport 7

14 5b = Furryous Fun, Airport 8

14 5d = Moo-Ning Miami, Cow 3

14 84 = Backwater Rabbids, tank

14 87 = Haredevil Rabbid, wheel 2

14 88 = Bubble Bed Blues, Sick man 4

14 89 = Atomic Rabbid Blast, atom

14 b7 = Fetchez La Vache, Cow 4

14 b8 = Hard-Hat Helpings,

14 b9 = Totally Tubing

14 bb = Till Rabbids Do Us Cart, Cow 5

Harry Potter Sorcerer Stone GC Xbox PS2

Unused stuff


Harry Potter COS Gamecube ps2

PS2 Chapter and room

Chapter Room
BurrowChapter 00 TheBurrow
DiagonAlleyChapter 01 diagonalley


WhompingWillowChapter02 whompingwillow


Night0_01 04 gf_charmclass


Day1_01 05
Night1_01 06
Day2_01 07
Night2_01 08
Day3_01 09
Night3_01 0A
Day4_01 0B
Night4_01 0C
Day5_01 0D
Night5_01 0E
Day6_01 0F
ChapterTestArt 10
ChapterTestFlying 11
ChapterQWCPrototype 12
ChapterTestJO 13
ChapterGalleryJO 14
ChapterTestMC_Navigation 15
ChapterTestMS 16
ChapterTestNT 17
ChapterTestAE 18
ChapterTestTM 19
ChapterWhiteBox1 1a
ChapterWhiteBox2 1b
ChapterTestCM 1c
ChapterArtReviewBox 1d
Chapter2Scripter 1e

Unused Text


  • End of burrow text
  • Winggenweld tips
  • Some fred & goerge dialog for Diagon
 Book containing hints given to you by Hedwig.

Go down to the Second Floor and into the Library Reading Room. Sneak through there and you'll see a door with a golden arch.
Go down to the Second Floor and into the Library Reading Room. Sneak through there and you'll see a door with a blue griffon on either side of it.
Go down to the Second Floor and into the Library Reading Room. Sneak through there and you'll see a door with a blue lion on either side of it.
Go down to the Second Floor and into the Library Reading Room. Sneak through there and you'll see a blue door in between statues of two blue lions.

Useful Address

8044AB7F = Warp level
80454321 = Harry Commande
8049EDB2 = menu commande
8044AE11 = Spawn
80444AEF4 = Bean
80427A97 = Camera
8044AEF5 = bean
8044AF12 = Goyle forever
809EEEC9 = animation 1

Unused Harry animation

08 and 09 = harry is broken

0B = push out by something

12 = harry stay back, broken cap

23= desegreeing and stay back

27 ??? = Get thing from desk and put them on him

2D = Jiggle

33 = jiggle his wand in a weird way

List of Spells

00 = Flipendo
01 = Diffindo
02 = Lumos
03 = Flipendo TY
04 = Avifor
05 = Flipendo TY
06 = Flipendo TY
07 = Flipendo TY
08 = Flipendo TY
09 = Flipendo TY
0A = Flipendo TY
0B = Flipendo TY
0C = Flipendo TY
0E = Expeliarmus
0F = Locomotor Mortis
10 = Flipendo TY
11 = Flipendo TY
12 = Broken/unfinished, maybe and may not be a spell.
13 = Grynffondor Sword
14 = Alohamora
15 = Flipendo TY
16 = Incendio
17 = SKurge
18 = Debugimbus (Debug spell, will go harry act 0 when cast)
19 = Debugimbus
1A = Flipendo TY

Harry action List

00 = Debug
01 = Idle
02 = not sure, if executed, you still have control but weird
03 = Walk Run
04 = SImilar as 2
05 = Stop walk to idle
06 = Slip/jump on another plateform, can do weird thing if executed on other action like slide on the ground
07 = Jump, exectued prematuraly hurt harry, game think he hard landed

09 = Falling

0c = Soft landing, jumping
0D = Soft Land walk
0E = (put dungbombs ?)
0F = Throw stink
10 = Make Balloon
11 = Hard landing, hurt

13 = get up

18 = SLip

19 = Search chest

1B = Stoped (cutscene)
1C = Stoped (talk to)
1D = Stoped (Cutscene2)

1E = Grabbing push
1F = Grab Idle
20 = push foward
21 = Push Backward
22 = Release

23 = Get through something (door)

25 = use ladder, curiously work while open door or portrait and actually get throught and change level if it's warp door. Will go to 26 and 27 to get through
26 = Ladder move
27 = Ladder out, get throught something
2b = Soft Climb

2c= Climb
2D = get over platform

32 = Hang plateform
33 = CLimb back
34 = Soft land
35 = soft jump from plateform
36 = Door Locked
37= Crab puffapod
38 = Throw puffapod
39 = Grab gnome
3A = Spin Gnome

3C = throw gnome

3E = let go gnome

40 = switch to wall sneak
41 = wall sneak idle
42 = wall sneak move
43 = Peaking wall
44 = Peaking idle
45 = Peaking flipendo
46 = Wall sneak fall
47 = hang
48 = Climb back

4C= get through crawl space
4D = Call Hedwig
4E = Feed Hedwig
4F = Wait for hedwig, get throught something
50 = Hedwgig cutscene
51 = if exectued during run, harry will run automatically and get throught everything

57 = Push Wall
58 = Push Panel
59 = Push somewhat
5A = Fill Wingenveld, read

5C = shop interratction, switch to 52 and 53 if fail somehow

5F= Cast Spell

61 = Cast non-charged spell
63 = Cast Diffindo

65 = Cast Alohamora

67 = Cast Skurge

69 = Cast Avifor

6B = Cast incendio

6D= cast expeliarmus
6E= End expeliarmus

73 = Attack Sword

75 = Climb Broom
76 = Get off broom
77 = Broom race proposition
7A= Save
7b = broom idle
7C = Broom Move
7d = broom spin ??

7F = Quiddicth broom

81 = Stopped broom, levation

83 = Broom Autopilot 1 (try grabbing snitch), if use on hogwart broom, harry will be trnasport under the map, switch to 81 and game soft lock when he hit the wall

84 = Broom autopilot 2 (win), if use on hogward broom, harry will transport under the map, move randomly by itself under the lake
86 = Broom Practice 87 = Teleport you to broom practice and switch to 86, if hurt something, will switch to quiddictch broom (7F)
88 = Broom up
89 = Broom Down
8A = 8B= broom Race mode, you can do a weird glitch if using during quiddicth while wood talk
8C= Broom Spin2 ??
8D = Broom hurt wall
8E = Broom race win ? will transport harry to start and end race
8F = Broom race win, will fade out the screen and immediatly make you go out off broom if using during normal game

90 = Broom race win no fade out.
91 = Broom race before start

File ID

ID for all implemented .GEO file.

80 20 XX XX


2E E8 = Leaky Cauldron
2F 20 = Diagon Alley
2F 58 = Mulpeppers
2E A0 = UNK
2E B0 = Morph
2F C8 = G Japes
30 00 = Gringotts
30 38 = F Blotts
30 70 = B Burckle
30 A8 = Burrow
30 E0 = Whomping 1
31 18 = Whomping 2
31 50 = Whomping 3
31 88 = Whomping 4 (Unused)
31 C0 = Great Hall
31 F8 = Infirmary (Unused)
32 30 = DADA Classroom
32 68 = Expeliarmus Challenge
32 A0 = Fumos Challenge (Unused)
32 D8 = Library
33 10 = Pre Library (Unused)
33 48 = Library Potion
33 80 = Library Potion Night
33 B8 = Dumbledors Office
33 F0 = Dumbledors Office Night
34 28 = Incendio Challenge
34 60 = Avifors Challenge
34 98 = Herbology
34 D0 = Herbology Night
35 40 = Hogward Ex Night
35 78 = Myrtles Bathroom
35 B0 = Myrtles Bathroom/Chamber of Secret Night
36 20 = Entrance Hall
36 58 = Entrance Hall Night
36 90 = Gryffondor Common Room
36 C8 = Gryffondor Common Room Night
37 00 = The Pink Room
37 38 = Aragog Arena
37 70 = Forbiden Forest
37 A8 = Aragog's lair
37 E0 = Stealth Library
38 18 = Stealth Library Night
38 50 = Dungeon
38 88 = Test DP
38 C0 = Test JV
38 F8 = Test KA
39 30 = Test MT
39 68 = Test SB
39 A0 = Test SJ
39 D8 = Test MD
3A 10 = Test PB
3A 48 = Test JW
3A 80 = Test JS
3A B8 = Test AW
3A F0 = Test NB
3B 28 = Test CA
3B 60 = Test DS
3B 98 = DemoScen
3B D0 = Cutscene (DON'T LOAD)
3C 08 = Viewer
3C 78 = Harry ?
3C B0 = Harryhog
3D 58 = Harry Goyle
3D C8 = Diffindo

3E E0 = Incendio
3F 18 = Skurge
3F 50 = Alohamora
40 30 = Hermione
41 10 = Hagrid
40 D8 = Molly
40 68 = Ron
40 A0 = Ginny

41 48 = Leaky Hagrid
41 80 = Snape
41 B8 = Dumble
41 F0 = Dumble190
42 98 = Witches (Unused)
42 28 = Filch (Unused)
42 60 = Malfoy
42 C4 = UNK
42 D0 = LCWitch
43 08 = Old Hag
43 78 = MenagWiz
43 E8 = Doris (Early Hermione)
44 20 = Tom Barman
44 58 = Dedalus Diggle (Unused)
44 90 = Wizard (Unused)
44 C8 = Gen140
45 00 = Gen150
45 38 = Gen180
45 70 = Gen190
45 A8 = Gen190b
45 E0 = Chocolate Frog
46 18 = Gytrash
46 50 = Trevor
46 88 = Hedwig
46 C0 = Troll (Unused)
46 F8 = Spider (Unused)
47 30 = Medium Spider
47 68 = Small Spider
47 A0 = Aragog
47 D8 = Goblin
48 10 = Gnome
48 48 = Imp
48 80 = Caged Imp
48 B8 = Fire Crab
48 F0 = Magical Menagery Pet
49 60 = Cupboard
4A 40 =Double Door
4A 78 = Double Door Skin
4B 20 = Dungbomb (unused)
4B 58 = DADABit
4B 90 = Spell Book
4B C8 = Cask
4C 00 = Crate
4c 38 = health
4C 70 = HHead (DON'T LOAD)
4C A8 = Imp Caged
4C E0 = Glass Jar
4C 00 = Crate
4D 18 = Cage
4D 50 = Turner
4D 88 = Flourish and Blotts Wizard
4D F8 = Borgin
4E 30 = Ghost Box
4E 68 = Ethic Male Pupils
4E A0 = Ethic Male Pupils LP
4E D8 = Male Pupils Hogwart
4F 10 = Male Pupils
4F 48 = Seated Male Pupils
4F 80 = Male Prefect
4F B8 = Male Prefect Skin
4F F0 = Female Pupils
50 28 = Female Pupils Skin
50 60 = Female Pupils Skin LP
50 98 = Steated Female Pupils
50 D0 = Female Prefect
51 08 = Female Prefect Skin
51 40 = JacknJill
51 78 = Glory Hand
51 B0 = Yorik
51 E8 = MenagWiz Animation
52 20 = Gen190 Guard
52 58 = Lockhart
52 C8 = LCWizard
53 00 = DAWizard
53 38 = Sq Caged
53 70 = Screaming Book
53 A8 = Washing Machine
53 E0 = McGonagall
54 18 = Normal Book
54 50 = Bookcase Boss
54 88 = Mrs Norris (Unused)
54 C0 = Weasley's Ghoul (Unused)
54 F8 = Bowtruckle
55 30 = Hooch
55 68 = Crabbe (unused)
55 A0 = Billywig (Unused)
55 D8 = Flitwick
56 10 = Percy
56 48 = Lucius Malfoy
56 80 = Male Prefect A1
56 B8 = Male Prefect A2
56 F0 = Male Prefect A3
57 28 = Gargoyle
57 60 = Nick
57 98 = Sprout (Unused)
57 D0 = Neville
58 08 = Goyle
58 40 = Doffindo Rope
58 78 = Burrow Ron, Fred and Goerge
58 B0 = Burrow Target
58 E8 = Gnome Ui
59 20 = Desk
59 58 = Basilisk
59 90 = Avifors Bird
59 C8 = Herbology Prop
5A 00 = Puffapod
5A 38 = Tentacular
5A 70 = Camera Test (Unused)
5A A8 = Snitch
5A E0 = Quidditch Win Screen (Unused)
5B 18 = Tom Riddle
5B 50 = LensFlar
5B 88 = Quidditch Player Male
5B C0 = Quidditch Player Female
5B F8 = Quidditch Malfoy
5C 30 = Racer Male
5C 68 = Racer Female
5C A0 = Moaning Myrtle
5C D8 = Chamber of Secret Items
5D 10 = Fawkes
5D 10 = Whomping Imps
5D 80 = Wood
5D B8 = Ford Anglia
5D F0 = Diagon Molly Weasley
5E 28 = Diagon Ginny
5E 60 = Diagon Ron
5E 98 = Diagon Fred Goerge (Unused)
5E D0 = Morph Ghost
5F 08 = Female Ghost
5F 40 = Fat Friar
5F 78 = Bloody Baron
5F B0 = Glory Hoole
5F E8 = COS Ginny (Unused ?)
60 20 = Harry Skin (crash the game because the file does not exist)
60 58 = Burrow Loading
60 90 = Avifors Loading
60 C8 = Diagon Alley Loading
61 00 = Experliarmus Loading
61 38 = Hogwart Loading
61 70 = Incendio Loading
61 A8 = Library Potion Loading
61 E0 = Library Loading
62 18 = Quidditch Loading
62 50 = Whomping Willow Loading Screen
62 88 = Quidditch Common Loading (Unused)
62 C0 = Dungeon Loading
62 F8 = Staircase Day Loading
63 30 = Staircase Night Loading
63 68 = Moaning Myrtle Bathroom Loading
63 A0 = Hogwart Ground Day Loading
63 D8 = Hogwart Ground Night Loading
64 10 = Herbology Day Loading
64 48 = Herbology Night Loading
64 80 = Great Hall Loading
64 XX = Dumbledor office Loading
64 F0 = Aragog Loading
65 28 = Gryffondor Common Room Loading
65 08 = Staircase
65 98 = Staircase Night
65 D0 = Staircase Map
66 08 = Staircase Map Night
66 40 = Landing 1
66 78 = Landing 1A
66 B0 = Landing 1B
66 E8 = Landing 1C
67 20 = Landing 1 night
67 58 = Landing 1a night
67 90 = Landing 1b night
67 C8 = Landing 1C night
68 08 = Landing 2
6F 38 = Landing 6 night

94 30 = Invent
94 68 = Inv_inventory
94 a0 = inv_quest
94 d8 = inv_record
94 10 = inv_gytrash
97 b0 = inv_font

98 c8 = inv_font_POR

99 98 = title screen
9a 18 = CS_DA
9a F8 = CS_MA
9a 50 = CS_FB
9a 88 = CS_GJ
9a c0 = CS_LC
9b 30 = CS_MM
9b 68 = CS_GR
9B A0 = CS_BU
9b D8 = CS_DC
9c 10 = CS_XP
9c 48 = CS_IN
9c 80 = CS_LIB
9c b8 = CS_AV
9C F0 = CS_HB
9D 28 = CS_CoS
9D 60 = CS_QU
9D 98 = CS_NEW01_01
9D D0 = CS_LVBUR_02E
9e 08 = CS_LVBUR_03e
9e 40 = CS_LVBUR_04e
9E 78 = CS_LVBUR_05e
9E b0 = CS_LVBUR_06e
9E E8 = CS_LVBUR_07e
9f 20 = CS_LVBUR_08e
9f 58 = CS_LVBUR_09e
9f 90 = CS_LVBUR_01
A0 00 = CS_LVBOR_02e

ID 2

this an alternative adress, I forgot what it is, it's been a while
80 1D C0 64 = gringot
80 1D BF F4 = diagon
80 1D C0 04
80 1E 03 00 cs bu

01 f0 cs gr

80 1E 01 60 cs da

80 1E 06 A8 DA3

80 1D CB 14 wizard

80 1E 02 E0 NEW

80 1E 04 18

80 1E 03 00 bur02
80 1E 03 3C bur03 gdt
80 1E 03 28 bur03
80 1E 03 50 bur04
80 1E 03 64 bur04 gdt
80 1E 03 78 bur 05
80 1E 03 8C
80 1E 03 A0 bur06
801E 03 A0
80 1E 03 C8 bur7
801E 03 DC
80 1E 03 F0 bur08
801E 04 04
80 1E 04 18 bur09
801E 04 2C

03 62 2c = da 01


00 00 nothing
00 01 Doffindo Spell book
00 02 Lumos Spell Book
00 03 Standard Book of Spells Grade 2
00 04 Avifor Spell Book
00 05 + Standard book

10 00 Dungbomb
10 01 Stink Pellet
10 02 empty bean
10 03 Luminous Balloon

20 xx Wizard card

30 00 = empty bean
30 01 = sickle
30 02 empty bean
30 03 owl treat
30 04 cherry bean
30 05 blackberry bean
30 06 banana bean
30 07 phlegm bean
30 08 Cauldron Cake
30 09 pumpkin
30 0a Ginny's Quill
30 0b Ginny's Brass Squale
30 0c Ginny's Spellotape
30 0e Bean Bag

40 00 spinning bean
40 01 Potion Vial
40 02 Wiggenveld Potion
40 03
50 xx nothing
60 xx Choc Forg
70 00 Unknow Book
70 02 SBOS
70 03 House Point Result
70 04 Hogward History Book
70 05 Lockart's Book
70 06
80 00 Unused Library Hint
80 02 Library Hint 2
80 03 Library Hint 3
80 04 Library Hint 4
80 05 Library Hint 5
80 06 Library Hint 6
80 07 Gringott Hint 1
80 08 Gringotts hint 2
80 09 Gringotts hint 3
80 0a Gringotts hint 4
80 0b Gringotts hint 5
80 0c Gringotts hint 6
80 0d Gringotts hint 7
80 0e Gringotts hint 8
80 0f Gringotts hint 9
80 10 Gringotts hint 10
80 11 Gringotts hint 11
80 12 Gringotts hint 12
80 13 Gringotts hint 13
80 14 Gringotts hint 14
80 15 Gringotts hint 15
80 16 Gringotts hint 16
80 17 Gringotts hint 17
80 18 Gringotts hint 18
80 19 Gringotts hint 19
80 1a Gringotts hint 20
80 1b Gringotts hint 21

90 00 Unknow Object
90 01 Potion Kit Bag
90 02 Gryffondor Merit Badge
90 03 Telescope
90 04 Neville's Toad
90 05 Measuring Scale
90 06 Wizard's Hat
90 07 Dragon Hide Glove
90 08 Gadding with ghouls
90 09 Holiday with Hags
90 0a Lee Jordan's Giant Tarantula
90 0b Notice Board Book
90 0c Unknow

Unused spawn point

Experlairmus = 02^$

grand stair = 2A landing 4/ 2B

DADA= 01

Camera Mode

AA0 5B =

00 --> normal
01 --> freeze but different position
02 --> freeze
03 --> freeze position but keep looking harry
04 --> always on harry's back
05 --> normal but cannot right trigger
06 --> on top of harry, nearly always on harry's back
07 --> freeze
08 --> freeze
09 --> freeze
10 --> freeze
11 --> freeze
12 --> close to harry's feet, always on harry's back
13 --> on harry's right side
14 --> normal but cannot right trigger
15 --> Prefect sneaking camera
16 --> Freeze
17 --> normal but cannot right trigger
18 --> freeze but FOV decrease
19 --> Less close to harrt's feet
20 and over --> CRASH THE GAME !!!

File from the gamecube version we can't see for the moment

File what ? Model Texture
QRL2.geo Quirell model, can't be open ingame QUIRRELL_HEAD_0


HHead.geo Seem to be early head model of Quirell, harry and Hagrid with some animation. Harry's texture seem to be ripped of the PS2 version of the texture (according to the filename). QUIRRELL_FACE_0




Trollmap.geo Unknow ! It's seem to be a script of something, the file don't have file footer (the .A00 file that control the animation and the model in general, without that, the game cannot load the file) TROLLTEST_0 ?
TstSnape.geo Seem to be a test npc of Snape, only contain 2 hand and one animation. HAND_LEFT_2


TstWizd.geo Similar to tstsnape, contain 2 hand, more animation that come from the "Gen190.geo" file, the texture is an early texture of the unused purple wizard that already used by another model. HAND_LEFT_2



List of cutscene used in the game


  • CS_LVBUR_03e.GDT .geo ---> after glassjar
  • CS_LVBUR_01.geo --> end
  • CS_BUR.geo --> the rest


  • CS_LVBOR_01e --> begin
  • CS_LVBOR_02e --> harry go to the black thing and spell
  • CS_LVBOR_02_1e --> load right after, idk
  • CS_LVBOR_03e --> harry throught the wall and GDT is imps cutscene
  • CS_LVBOR_06e --> geo load right after imps
  • CS_LVBOR_04e --> geo load right after imps in cage, gdt is hedwig
  • CS_LVBOR_05e --> load right after hedwig

Diagon Alley

  • CS_LVDA_01e --> first
  • CS_LVDA_06e --> after buying the book
  • CS_LVDA_03e --> load GDT is harry bring ginny thing
  • CS_LVDA_04e --> GDT ron
  • CS_LVDA_05e --> load, gdt last cutscene

Leaky Cauldron

  • CS_LVLKY_04e --> load when enter

Whomping Willow MAIN

  • CS_LVWMP_01.geo --> at start
  • CS_LVWMP_01e.geo --> at start
  • CS_LVWMP_02e.geo --> at start
  • CS_lvwmp_01.GDT --> start cutscene


  • CS_LVWMP_01e.GDT -->
  • CS_LVWMP_02e.GDT -->

Willow IMPS

  • CS_LVWMP_03e.geo --> at start --> rolled log cutscene ?
  • CS_LVWMP_03e.GDT --> start cutscene
  • CS_LVWMP_05e.GDT --> Hedwig


  • CS_LVWMP_04e.geo --> empty
  • CS_LVWMP_04e.GDT
  • CS_LVWMP_05e.geo --> seem relate to hedwig

Willow Gytrash (unused map)

  • CS_LVWMP_07e.geo --> at start
  • CS_LVWMP_10e.geo --> at start
  • CS_LVWMP_06e.geo --> at start
  • CS_LVWMP_08e.geo --> at start
  • CS_LVWMP_09e.geo --> at start
  • CS_LVWMP_06e.GDT --> minecart 01
  • CS_LVWMP_07e.GDT --> hedwig intro
  • CS_LVWMP_08e.GDT --> minecart 02
  • CS_LVWMP_09e.GDT --> minecart 03
  • CS_LVWMP_10e.GDT --> hedwig outro


  • CS_DY201_08.GDT --> intro training
  • CS_DY201_10.geo --> idk play right after winning
  • CS_DY401_24e.GDT --> intro ravenclaw match
  • CS_DY401_06e.GDT --> after ravenclaw

Night 0

  • CS_NIT00_01.GDT --> snape
  • CS_NIT00_03.GDT --> Headless Nick
  • CS_NIT00_04.GDT --> password
  • CS_NIT00_05.geo --> at start common room
  • CS_NIT00_05.GDT --> ron f&g
  • CS_FANDG_01.GDT --> intro f&g shop
  • CS_NIT00_06.geo --> end f&g cutscene
  • CS_NIT00_06.GDT --> end





Day 01

  • CS_DY101_01.geo --> at start
  • CS_DY101_01.GDT --> harry ron intro
  • CS_DY101_02.GDT --> NHD
  • CS_DY101_05.geo --> at start quid class
  • CS_DY101_05.GDT --> quid class intro

CS_DY101_5_1.geo --> start after firts broom

  • CS_DY101_5_1.geo --> after firts broom
  • CS_DY101_06.geo --> start precircle
  • CS_DY101_06.GDT --> precirlce
  • CS_DY101_07.geo --> start exam*
  • CS_DY101_07.GDT --> exam
  • CS_DY101_08.geo --> start end
  • CS_DY101_08.GDT --> end quid
  • CS_DY101_11.geo --> start ron
  • CS_DY101_11.GDT --> ron is tired again










Night 01

  • CS_NIT01_01.geo --> at start
  • CS_NIT01_06.geo --> At start
  • CS_NIT01_01.GDT --> intro

  • CS_NIT01_10e.geo --> Voice
  • CS_NIT01_11e.geo --> Herbology
  • CS_NIT01_11e.GDT --> spellbook
  • CS_NIT01_07e.geo --> at start coming back staircase voice
  • CS_NIT01_07e.GDT --> coming back staircase voice
  • CS_NIT01_04.geo --> nick is dead
  • CS_NIT01_05.geo --> at start dd office
  • CS_NIT01_05.GDT --> dd office
  • CS_NIT01_06.GDT --> outro


  • CS_NIT01_08
  • CS_NIT01_09

Day 02

  • CS_DY201_01.GDT --> intro day 2
  • CS_DY201_02.GDT --> Intro dada
  • CS_DY201_12e.GDT --> intro experliarmus
  • CS_DY201_14e.GDT --> Experliarmus spellbook collect
  • CS_DY201_29e.geo + .GDT --> end experliarmus
  • CS_DY201_04.GDT --> duel
  • CS_DY201_05.GDT --> outro duel
  • CS_DY201_06.geo --> load when enthall
  • CS_DY201_06.GDT --> talking ron enthall
  • CS_DY201_11.GDT --> after quidd


  • CS_DY201_24e.geo --> Alternate outro experliarmus
  • CS_DY201_03_x.geo --> short Duel intro with different point

Night 2

CS_NIT02_01.geo --> load first

CS_NIT02_01 --> intro

CS_NIT02_09e.geo --> load when enter in library

CS_NIT02_04e --> intro library

CS_NIT02_05e.geo --> load when enter library part2

CS_NIT02_06e.geo --> load when enter library part2

CS_NIT02_05e --> hedwig

CS_NIT02_06e --> hedwig final

CS_NIT02_08e.geo --> after hedwig

CS_NIT02_07e --> collect book

CS_NIT02_08e --> bookcase intro

CS_NIT02_09e --> collect spell

CS_NIT02_14e.geo --> load when library part 3

CS_NIT02_10e.geo --> load when library part 3

CS_NIT02_11e.geo --> load when library part 3

CS_NIT02_03 --> last ?


  • CS_END01_07.geo --> Point

PS2 difference

note during playing

  • unused witch and wizard model is used
  • unused flourish dialogue is used only the first
  • door on GAJ can be open
  • mulpepper unused dialogue used
  • extra dialgue on wimpon willow ?
  • Library woman is used
  • unused prefect dialogue used