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User:Mr. Kite

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Hi, everyone. My name is Mr. Kite. I mostly contribute to this site through regional/revisional differences in games. Feel free to edit and correct information on my userpage.

Babel user information
en-N This user has a native understanding of English.
ja-4 この利用者は母語話者に近い日本語の知識を有しています。
es-2 Este usuario tiene un conocimiento intermedio del español.
fr-1 Cet utilisateur dispose de connaissances de base en français.
Users by language

New Pages

Fluidity: Spin Cycle/HarmoKnight

Fluidity: Spin Cycle

Regional Differences

Thousand Arms

Thousand Arms Enemy Stats

3DS eShop

3DS English Text
Nearly completely different English text.

Sticker Star

Sticker Star English Text
Nearly completely different English text.
Sticker Star Spanish Text
Nearly completely different Spanish text.
Sticker Star French Text
Nearly completely different French text.

Ape Escape 3

Ape Escape 3 English Text
Nearly completely different English text.

Advanced Wars Series

Days of Ruin

Days of Ruin English Text
Nearly completely different English text.

Layton Series

Diabolical Box/Spirit Tracks

Diabolical Box English Translation Differences
(Contains spoilers!) The US and European translators can't seem to agree with each other.

Sticker Star/Unwound Future

Unwound Future English Translation Differences
(Contains spoilers!) A lot more change in English text this time around.