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Virtual Pro-Wrestling 2: Oudou Keishou/Leftover Assets

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This is a sub-page of Virtual Pro-Wrestling 2: Oudou Keishou.

With Virtual Pro-Wrestling 2: Oudou Keishou being worked on at the same time as WWF WrestleMania 2000, which itself had some leftovers from WCW/nWo Revenge, a lot of files from both projects ended up making their way into the game files, and were forgotten about.

WWF WrestleMania 2000 Leftovers

Revenge-styled The Rock

Early in the development of WrestleMania 2000, the graphics for the wrestlers were all set to be similar in look to the graphics in WCW/nWo Revenge. Some graphics of this era survived and can be found in the files, including three graphics for an early The Rock including his face, neck and back of head graphics.

VPW2 WM2KLeftoverRockFace.png VPW2 WM2KLeftoverRockNeck.png VPW2 WM2KLeftoverRockBackOfHead.png

Smoking Skull Title Belt

The Smoking Skull title belt is present in the game files. Both a left and a right half graphic can be found in the files, but they are both the same with the left graphic being flipped horizontally for the right graphic.

Extracted Graphic Mirrored
VPW2 SmokingSkullBelt.png VPW2 SmokingSkullFull.png

Surprisingly, the graphic for the belt in WM2000 does have a minor difference to the graphic in VPW2. The two belt snaps on the bottom are moved down by a pixel in WM2000, and there are also some pixel color changes around the top two belt snaps, all of which can be seen by zooming in on this animated GIF:

VPW2 SmokingSkullBeltComparison.gif

Dev Self-Portraits

Elementary, my dear Cactus.
This needs some investigation.
Discuss ideas and findings on the talk page.
Specifically: I was told these graphics could have been from either Animastar (Dreamcast) or World Fishing (PC), and likely are not actually self portraits. This needs further investigation.

Leftover from WWF WrestleMania 2000, these three unused graphics appear to be self-portraits of devs of the game. These graphics also go unused in this game.

(Source: VPW2 Freem Discord; Images provided by user Saga, tools used to retrieve images created by Freem)

WCW/nWo Revenge Leftovers

Costume Editor Graphics

Many of the menu graphics from the costume editor can be found. These four graphics are used in WCW/nWo Revenge in the Costume Editor...

WM2000 RevengeCAW1.png

WM2000 RevengeCAW2.png

WM2000 RevengeCAW3.png

WM2000 RevengeCAW4.png

To do:
Check if these Color label graphics are present in the files of Revenge and World Tour. They likely are not in VPW64.

...However, the final 3 graphics from the Costume Editor, text labels for 3 costume color choosers, are leftovers that have been entirely unused. To explain briefly:

  • The Costume Editor in WCW/nWo Revenge does not have text labels for its two color pickers.
  • Virtual Pro-Wrestling 64 has three color picker slots available, but the text in the editor is in Japanese.
  • WCW vs. nWo: World Tour has a Costume Editor, although it is not accessible without hacking and as such, is a leftover from Virtual Pro-Wrestling 64.
    • When accessed, all the text labels are missing from the menu.

Therefore, all three of these graphics were likely created and localized for WCW vs. nWo: World Tour before the Costume Editor was fully cut from the game, and somehow or another they found their way into the Virtual Pro-Wrestling 2: Oudou Keishou (and WWF WrestleMania 2000) game files.

WM2000 RevengeCAW5.png

WM2000 RevengeCAW6.png

WM2000 RevengeCAW7.png

(Source: VPW2 Freem Discord; Images provided by user KWG, tools used to retrieve images created by Freem)

Battle Royal Graphics

More menu graphics, this time for the Battle Royal mode.

WM2000 RevengePresetOrder.png

WM2000 RevengeEntranceOrder.png

WM2000 RevengeRandom.png

WM2000 RevengeNumberOfWrestlers.png

(Source: VPW2 Freem Discord; Images provided by user KWG, tools used to retrieve images created by Freem)

High Match Score Graphic

The "Rank In!" graphic for when you get a high score on a match is present.

WM2000 RevengeRankIn.png

(Source: VPW2 Freem Discord; Images provided by user KWG, tools used to retrieve images created by Freem)


To do:
I know where these are used, I just need to boot up the game real quick to double check


WM2000 RevengeNumbers1.png WM2000 RevengeNumbers2.png

(Source: VPW2 Freem Discord; Images provided by user KWG, tools used to retrieve images created by Freem)