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Virtual Pro-Wrestling 2: Oudou Keishou

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Title Screen

Virtual Pro-Wrestling 2: Oudou Keishou

Based on: WWF WrestleMania 2000
Developer: AKI
Publisher: Asmik
Platform: Nintendo 64
Released in JP: January 28, 2000

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.

PrereleaseIcon.png This game has a prerelease article

To do:
This page could also use a Prerelease page as there are prerelease screenshots of the game from AKI's website in 1999 showing off stuff that didn't make it to the final game, two of which are already present on this page. I have the source GIFs for most of the images, except for the screenshots of the old edit mode bg, of which we only have the compressed twitter JPGs.

Designed for the pure puroresu fan, Virtual Pro-Wrestling 2 takes the worldwide-proven AKI engine back to Japan with All Japan Pro Wrestling license and renamed imitations of major rival puroresu promotions not named Pro Wrestling NOAH (which was founded five months after release).


Read about prerelease information and/or media for this game.
Prerelease Info
WM2000 RevengeRandom.png
Leftover Assets
Assets left in the files from WCW/nWo Revenge and WWF WrestleMania 2000.

Unused Graphics

Kawasaki Stadium Graphics

VPW2 PrereleaseOutdoorStadium1.gif VPW2 PrereleaseOutdoorStadium2.gif

Seen in prerelease screenshots on AKI's website in 1999, Kawasaki Stadium was initially set to take place during the day before being changed to night for the final release. Also spotted in the prerelease screenshots are some tents that were removed in the final game. The tent graphic can still be found in the game files.

Also seen in the above screenshots are the characters Executioner and AKI Man, who were not present in VPW2, but were present in WCW/nWo Revenge.

VPW2 PrereleaseStadiumTents.png

Halloween Arena Graphics

VPW2 HalloweenArena.gif

The Halloween arena is an arena that was featured in early preview screenshots of VPW2 on AKI's website circa 1999. While the arena went completely unused ingame and was likely fully removed from the game, the various graphics for the arena remain in the game files.

(Source: VPW2 Freem Edition Discord, image provided courtesy of user Ragdas)

First, we have three separate guardrail assets. The text on the signs is somewhat readable and includes:

  • SAI-KO!!!
  • WCW vs nWo KA-!
  • WCW vs nWo, except it looks like LWo
  • Taht scary!

VPW2 HalloweenGuardrail1.png VPW2 HalloweenGuardrail2.png VPW2 HalloweenGuardrail3.png

Next, some assets for the ring. First up, the mats outside the ring:

VPW2 HalloweenOutsideMats.png

Then the ring mat itself:

VPW2 HalloweenRingMat.png

Then finally the ring apron or skirt, which says "Magic & Swood", though given the pumpkin witch with a sword graphic, it can be assumed that it should read "Magic & Sword":

VPW2 HalloweenRingSkirt.png

Then, the top and bottom of the archway on the sides of the entrance aisle:

VPW2 HalloweenSideTop.png VPW2 HalloweenSideBottom.png

And the pumpkin witch holding a sword, who can be seen inside the arches on the sides of the entrance aisle:

VPW2 HalloweenPumpkinWithSword.png

Some tombstones:

VPW2 HalloweenTombstones.png

Two frames for an animated skull (followed by the animated version):

VPW2 HalloweenSkullFrame1.png VPW2 HalloweenSkullFrame2.png VPW2 HalloweenSkullAnim.gif

And two frames for the top hat he wears (followed by the animated version):

VPW2 HalloweenTopHatFrame1.png VPW2 HalloweenTopHatFrame2.png VPW2 HalloweenTopHatAnim.gif

Two frames for an animated welcome sign (followed by the animated version):

VPW2 HalloweenWelcomeFrame1.png VPW2 HalloweenWelcomeFrame2.png VPW2 HalloweenWelcomeAnim.gif

And two frames for the animated pillars on the sides of the entrance (followed by the animated version):

VPW2 HalloweenWoodFrame1.png VPW2 HalloweenWoodFrame2.png VPW2 HalloweenWoodAnim.gif

Six frames for a spooky green face (followed by the animated version):

VPW2 HalloweenFaceFrame1.png VPW2 HalloweenFaceFrame2.png VPW2 HalloweenFaceFrame3.png VPW2 HalloweenFaceFrame4.png VPW2 HalloweenFaceFrame5.png VPW2 HalloweenFaceFrame6.png VPW2 HalloweenFaceAnim.gif

Two frames for the fans on the left (followed by the animated version):

VPW2 HalloweenLeftFansFrame1.png VPW2 HalloweenLeftFansFrame2.png VPW2 HalloweenLeftFansAnim.gif

Two frames for the fans on the right (followed by the animated version):

VPW2 HalloweenRightFansFrame1.png VPW2 HalloweenRightFansFrame2.png VPW2 HalloweenRightFansAnim.gif

And two frames for the farther away fans (followed by the animated version):

VPW2 HalloweenFarFansFrame1.png VPW2 HalloweenFarFansFrame2.png VPW2 HalloweenFarFansAnim.gif

Tokyo Dome Arena

Two unused ramp graphics for the arena are present in the game files. These were first spotted in a prerelease screenshot of the arena on AKI's website circa 1999.

VPW2 DomeRoadRedRamp.png VPW2 DomeRoadBlueRamp.png

VPW2 TokyoDomePrerelease.gif

Alternate Main Menu

To do:
track these down

Alternate graphics for the main menu exist.

Unused Sounds

There appears to be quite a few unused sounds in the ROM.

Handicap Match

There is no handicap match in the final game, but a sound file remains. (There was a handicap match in WCW/nWo Revenge, but it was replaced with a Three-Way Match in VPW2 since WWF WrestleMania 2000 also had that match type.)

Announcer Calls

An unused clip of the announcer saying "okiotsuke kudasai", which roughly translates to "please be careful". This is generally said to the audience when the wrestlers are taking part in a brawl in or near the crowd. This clip's intended purpose is unknown.

Much like the previous clip, this is a clip of the announcer saying "okiotsuke kudasai", but in a more urgent manner.

Referee Introductions

Joe Higuchi was probably intended to appear in the game as an optional referee, but was removed from the game and replaced with the generic Johnny H.

Mighty Inoue was probably intended to appear in the game as an optional referee, was removed from the game and replaced with the generic Dandy K.

Announcer Introductions

Bart Gunn is in the game as Michael Barton, as he was called in AJPW. This was likely removed to prevent any lawsuits from (the then) WWF as they still owned the trademark on his in-ring name, despite the fact he was fired after the infamous Brawl for All shoot match at WrestleMania XV.

At one time, it appears The Gladiator was going to be one of the licensed wrestlers. However, this goes unused, as The Gladiator is replaced with "The Radiator", as Mike Awesome, the Gladiator gimmick owner, left AJPW for FMW. He still appears in Career Mode.

The following GameShark code will replace Mike Barton with Bart Gunn and Makoto Hashi with The Gladiator:

D1105FD8 F1F6
8110604C F214
D1105FD8 F1F6
8110604E 00A6
D1105FD8 F1F6
81106038 F219
D1105FD8 F1F6
8110603A 00AB
(Source: WldFb)

Unused Fighting Style

Text for boxing fighting style exists, but is disabled as it was never properly finished. If forcibly chosen, "invalid chops" errors will occur when changing moves. WCW vs nWo: World Tour (released as Virtual Pro-Wrestling 64 in Japan with addition of edit mode and fictional Japanese wrestlers) did feature a fictional boxer, Joe Bruiser, so he was probably going to be the framework.

(Source: VPW2 Dojo)