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Wai Wai World 2

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Title Screen

Wai Wai World 2: SOS! Paseri Jou

Developer: Konami
Publisher: Konami
Platform: NES
Released in JP: January 5, 1991

DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
PiracyIcon.png This game has anti-piracy features.

The second mishmash of Konami's all-star heroes in a unique action/adventure game. Starring Rickle and accompanied by Simon from Castlevania, Goemon from Ganbare Goemon, and more. You can even pilot the Vic Viper and Twinbee.

Unused Tilemap

Wai Wai World 2-unusedtlm0.png

There is one unused packed tilemap, near the character selection screen packed tilemap in PRG ROM with index $05. It matches the same CHR bank setup and palette and represents an unknown "EDIT MODE", probably a debug leftover or most possible the early variation of the character selection screen itself. There is no code to access this tilemap at all, nor the presence of another debug routine. In the final game, the player can only choose one of the four character combinations.

Note, that the first icon is for the main character リックル itself ("Rickle"), which is only seen during the ending. The fifth one is for character ビル ("Bill", from "Contra"), but it uses the wrong tileset, so it doesn't show an actual character's icon.

Build Dates

An ID string listing the build version and date can be found at the end of the PRG ROM:


A similar ID can be found in many other Konami games.

"MSTR" means it's the "master" version of the game, and the numbers represent the date. So, this build was compiled on October 23, 1990.


As with most of the games Konami has published after 1990, this game features a copy-protection routine. it checks for "©" symbol presence in PPU RAM at the title screen. If checking fails, then the game enables "HARD" difficulty mode by default from the first stage. Also, after beating world 8, you'll be warped back to the world 2 complete screen, and start from world 3 accordingly.