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Where's My Water (Adobe Flash)

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Title Screen

Where's My Water

Developer: Floor 84 Games
Publisher: Disney Games
Platform: Adobe Flash
Released internationally: March 1, 2012

CodeIcon.png This game has unused code.
DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.

BugsIcon.png This game has a bugs page

If you wanted to play Where's My Water? most likely at your elementary school, when you didn't have the fancy iPhone, this short demo version is for you.

No matter how fast your PC is, you'll always have an inconsistent framerate.

To do:
  • Confirm the release date, developer and publisher(s), they were pulled from metadata in the game's main Flash file, simple searches often do not mention them. A help button and a reset button are offscreen, both work.
  • Some functions in the game aren't referenced but have working code.

Unused Screens


A screen to display a generic help page. It only has a Next button on the top right corner which closes the entire screen. It appears on the left side of the pause menu which can be accessed by modifying the game window size.

WMW Flash HelpScreen.png

Game Over

A screen for handling a game over. It freezes game logic and displays two buttons, the first obviously restarting the level and the other sends the user to the level select. The Japanese version does not have text defined.

WMW Flash GameOverScreen.png

Hidden Displays

When manually resizing the game, a small number of displays are present offscreen, mostly having unused text.


Rendered for the achievement overlay in levels and when a text string is missing.

game title

Most likely notes for the UI designers. The last appears on the title screen.

Commented Assets

game_config.xml is used to locate game assets, a number of textures in the file are commented, only their image definition lists exist on the game server, maybe they're leftover from the final game?

Name Description
ui_atlas Unknown
splash_screen Most likely unused due to the game uses a Flash file for its textures.
collectible_screen Most likely unused due to the game uses a Flash file for its textures.
materials1 Unknown
materials2 Unknown
swampy Most likely unused due to the game uses a Flash file for its textures.
bathtubSwampy Most likely unused due to the game uses a Flash file for its textures.
world_select_atlas Unknown
achievements_atlas Unknown
jellycar Jelly Car leftover? Jelly Car never got an official Flash port by Disney.

Debug Options

Setting debug to true in game_config.xml allows the number pad to use debug keys in the session.

7: Wins the level.
8: Seems to unlock all levels (but doesn't work?)
9: Loses the level (which is interesting since that's not used)
*: Shows the debug options panel
.: Clears save data and immediately returns to the title
/: Displays the FPS (not displayed in the debug options window)


Unstripped Content SWF

To do:
Woola Wonka on the US CDN left one content file from the game, is that needed here?

The game uses two SWF files to load the game logic (original which is also stripped) and embedded assets (content). In the Japanese version, the content file has all the game scripts of the original SWF and also has debug compilation info unstripped, despite likely being meant for the game's content only.

C:\Floor84_main\Disney\wheres my water\FLAs