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Where's My XiYangYang?

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Title Screen

Where's My XiYangYang?

Developer: ATH Interactive Studio
Publisher: Disney Mobile
Platforms: iOS, Android
Released internationally: November 20, 2013 (iOS), November 28, 2013 (Android)

DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.

DevelopmentIcon.png This game has a development article

So very stubbly.
This page is rather stubbly and could use some expansion.
Are you a bad enough dude to rescue this article?

A spin-off of the spin-off known as Where's My XYY?, but for the Chinese market. Oddly enough, this one was not developed by Creature Feep.

To do:


Read about development information and materials for this game.
Development Info

Development Leftovers

Changelog for Airship

A changelog simply named, CHANGELOG is present in the root of the iOS version.

Constants Readme

Constants.README.txt is present in the iOS version but empty.

Airship Library Readme

Two readmes, being a rst and md file are present in the iOS version.

Documentation Folder

While the Android version was significantly more clean, a Documentation is present in the root of the application and has a single file called DMNReferralStore_Guide_v0.4.docx, which provides instructions to using an advertising library from Disney Mobile.

Download.png Download Where's My XiYangYang? Android Documentation Folder
File: WMXiYangYang_Android_DocumentationFolder.zip (152 KB) (info)

Internal Project Name

The game refers to itself as Perry, likely meaning it was built off of an old version of Where's My Mickey?.

Sliders Game Files Name

In the files of the game, sliders are known as Woodplugs.