Where's My Water? 2
Where's My Water? 2 |
Developer: Creature Feep
This page is rather stubbly and could use some expansion. Are you a bad enough dude to rescue this article? |
Where's My Water? 2 is a sequel to the past puzzler with some free-to-play elements.
To do:
Development Leftovers
Directory Stores
To do: Seems to be present in v1.6.1 but not v1.0.0, original version that has these? |
The iOS version used Zip archives to store the large assets for locations, most of them have directory store files, mostly in the Water directory, a number having some info on where the assets were from.
Users/marqj044/Box Documents/WheresMyWater2/Content/Water/Levels/_Location5/Hints/ Users/kongs026/GitHub/WMWater2/ContentRaw/AMPS/locations_shared_bundles/raw/Water/
Source Code
A couple of source header files and a precompiled header file are present in the Windows 8 version. The DirectX source files are present in only the 32-bit version.
![]() |
Download Where's My Water? 2 (Windows 8 source files)
File: WheresMyWater2_Win8_SourceFiles.zip (30 KB) (info)
Microsoft Store App Association
To do: Clean up the used ones. |
A file named Package.StoreAssociation.xml is present in the root of the 32-bit Windows 8 version. It has a list of published application packages from around 2016, even ones not publically released! It also mentions a 3rd beta version under the app id of 9NBLGGH6H0G8 that is unfortunately almost identical to the final retail Windows 8 version.
Disney.WheresMyWaterFeaturingXYY Disney.0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012 Disney.AgentPStrikesBack Disney.BigHero6BotFight Disney.BigHero6BotFightBETA Disney.CastleOfIllusionWP Disney.CastleofIllusionStarringMickeyMouse Disney.CheckoutChallenge Disney.CinderellaFreeFall Disney.CinderellaFreeFallBETA Disney.DisneyDescendants Disney.DescendantsBeta Disney.DisneyAssociateTest Disney.DisneyBolaSoccer Disney.DisneyBolaSoccer-BETA Disney.CheckoutChallengeWP Disney.DisneyDreamTreats Disney.DisneyDreamTreatsBETA Disney.DisneyEnchantedTales Disney.DisneyEnchantedTalesBETA Disney.DisneyHiddenWorlds Disney.DisneyHiddenWorldsBETA Disney.DisneyInfinity2.0Edition Disney.DisneyInfinityToyBox3.0 Disney.DisneyInfinityAction Disney.DisneyInfinityToyBox Disney.DisneyInfinityToyBox3.0BETA Disney.DisneyClassicSolitaire Disney.DisneySolitaireWP Disney.DodoPop Disney.DodoPopWPBETA Disney.DuckTalesRemastered Disney.DuckTalesRemasteredWP Disney.FrozenFreeFall Disney.InsideOutThoughtBubbles Disney.InsideOutThoughtBubblesBETA Disney.jasontestapp Disney.jasontestappbeta Disney.JellyCar3 Disney.JellyCar3WP Disney.KitchenScramble Disney.LostLight Disney.LostLight-BETA5214 Disney.LostLightWP Disney.MaleficentFreeFall Disney.MaleficentFreeFallBeta Disney.MeganDisneyTestWP Disney.MonstersUniversity Disney.MonstersUniversity-BETA Disney.NemosReef Disney.RadioDisney Disney.ScribbleMix Disney.SevenDwarfsTheQueensReturn Disney.StackRabbit Disney.StarWarsRebelsReconBeta Disney.StarWarsRebelsReconMissions Disney.StarWarsCommander Disney.StarWarsCommander-BETA220140917 Disney.StarWarsCommanderBETA Disney.51510C9CF2813 Disney.TempleRunBrave-BETA5214 Disney.TempleRunOz Disney.TempleRunOz-BETA2 Disney.TempleRunOz-BETA52 Disney.TheLoneRanger Disney.ToyStorySmashIt Disney.WATCHDisneyChannel Disney.WATCHDisneyJunior Disney.WATCHDisneyXD Disney.WheresMyWater2 Disney.WheresMyMickey Disney.WheresMyPerry Disney.WheresMyPerry-BETA Disney.WheresMyPerry-BETA20140707 Disney.WheresMyWater Disney.WheresMyWater2-BETA2 Disney.WordofWonderBETA Disney.WordsofWonder Disney.WordsofWonder-BETA Disney.Wreck-itRalph 9NBLGGH6H0G8
Debugging Content
To do: Some of these don't have visibility toggles and do not appear in-game but DO have code. |
You can enable a portion of these by deleting visibility flags or setting them to true in the screen XML files in the Data directory.
Debug Menu
To do: The game's executable also mentions many seemingly working functions. |
Many files mention a debug menu, but it will only load if the game is built for debugging, however the game's executable also mentions such strings.
Reset Database. Unlock all levels. Triduck all levels. Unlock all collectibles. Complete all challenges and unlock bonus levels. Unlock all achievements. Unlock all evil objects. Show finger dot. Complete all bonus levels
- DBG:Purchase: Unknown.
- DBG:Unlock: Unknown.
In-App Purchase
To do: This only works in "debug/playtest mode", figure out how to set that on if possible. |
- DBG:PURCHASE: Unknown.
- Debug Auto-Win Button: Tri-ducks the level, uses a texture, instead of a normal score, this outputs 10 ducks collected in the level.
Locked Gate Popup
- DBG: Get Tickets: Unknown.
- DBG: Unlock Gate: Unknown.
Loading (Android)
- Framerate: Displays the FPS on a little above the left corner on the performance testing screen on Android devices, the game runs at 60 so it will output numbers between 0-60.
Location Map
- Debug Heart Icon: Unknown.
- Debug Heart Plus 1: Adds a heart to your save data.
- Debug Heart Minus 1: Removes a heart from your save data.
- Debug Next Location: A button titled "NL". It goes to the next location, when done on the last location, this has no effect.
- Debug Previous Location: A button titled "PL". It goes to the previous location, when done on the first location, this has no effect.
- Debug Duck Icon: Unknown.
- Debug Duck Plus 1: Adds a duck to your save data.
- Debug Duck Minus 1: Removes a duck from your save data.
Main Menu
Please note the internal button positioning is horrible, overlapping the characters on the title screen, oh and the animation viewer button is horribly placed near the top left corner, a little offscreen.
- DBG:UI: Loads a UI test, dialog being one for unlocking a gate.
To do: Unhide sign in code to log into Facebook then try? |
- DBG:Friend Selector: Doesn't have an effect.
- DBG:What's new: Doesn't have an effect.
- DBG:Animation: Loads the Animation viewer.
- DBG:Achievement: Loads the Achievement viewer.
- DBG:Toggle FPS/Mem: Adds a view for "Used" (used memory), "Free" (free memory) and "FPS" (Frames per second) on the top of the screen.
Settings Profile
The first two crash on Android. The first two were changed to Unlock/Triduck.
- Unlock All: Unlocks all levels on the current page with no ducks.
- Triduck All: Unlocks all levels with all ducks, it works but you have to restart the game.
- Unlock Powerups: Unlocks powerups on the user's profile.
- Gift Keys: Appears to give the user's profile a certain amount of keys, unfortunately crashes the game.
- Enter NickName: Allows you to enter a nickname with an improperly localized keyboard.
- Collect All MDs: Collects all Mystery Ducks on the user's profile.
- Complete To Level 7: Completes all levels up to level 7.
World Select
- DBG:Unlock: Unknown.
Animation Viewer
Allows viewing and playback of any animation present in the game's files, looping of them is possible, however cross fading does not work. Loading an actor below 0 or beyond 5 will crash the game.
Achievement Viewer
Allows viewing and earning of any achievement present in the game's files, however the UI is extremely bugged.
Level Editor
To do: What Data? |
Many images are present for some level editor, data is also present.
Developer Notes
To do: Add xml devnotes. |
String ID | English | Note |
TBD: Duck descriptions will go here |
A note saying where duck descriptions go. |
A note saying to add an Game Center achievement description later for the VIP Duck on iOS. |
A note saying to add an Game Center achievement name later for the VIP Duck on iOS. |
A note saying to add a hint for the VIP Duck's Game Center achievement on iOS. |
A note saying to add a description for a "Woods Duck", that never got any appearance in the game. |
A note saying to add a description for a "Woods Duck", that never got any appearance in the game. |
A note saying to add a description for a "Woods Duck", that never got any appearance in the game. |
A note saying to add a name for a "Woods Duck", that never got any appearance in the game. |
A note saying to add a name for a "Woods Duck", that never got any appearance in the game. |
Now YOU can help Swampy and the gators by cutting through dirt and guiding fluids to solve fun puzzles in the FREE app Where’s My Water 2. |
Leftover text from promotions. |
Where’s My Water 2 |
Leftover text from promotions. |
Subtitle of the promotional item here |
A note saying where subtitles of store promotion items go. |
Placeholder Store Promotional Text Here! |
A note saying where store promotion text goes. |
Test a longer description, maybe a nice call to action or something or other… |
A description test. |
nice call to action |
A description test. |
something or other |
A description test. |
somethingorother |
A description test. |
to be expanded on later |
A description test. |
Test a longer description, maybe a nice call to action or something or other… |
Exact same as the first description. |
nice call to action |
Exact same as the second description. |
something or other |
Exact same as the third description. |
somethingorother |
Exact same as the fourth description. |
to be expanded on later |
Exact same as the fifth description. |
This is new. |
A message test. |
Newness |
A message test. |
See the new |
A message test. |
What's new? I am! |
A message test. |
New here. |
A message test. |
Present in Script is the text file that keeps all the game's text, WC.txt. Oddly other languages have some of the developer text quoted with stars.
XML Files
Present in Data/FontPrototypes.xml and Data/WidgetPrototypes.xml:
<!-- WARNING!!!! - - Textures are loaded directly after the MainMenu's _buildUI(), so any textures not - present in ui_atlas.imagelist WILL display as a NO_TEX.png - - Place all WidgetPrototype textures into ui_atlas for the time being. - -->
Present in Data/HD_Assets_Notification.xml:
<!-- For some reason the notification steals widget with id 1 so we need this widget to display the text -->
Present in Data/SM_MainMenu.xml:
<!-- BEGIN what's new badge (uncomment whichever one of these versions the designer feels like using at the time ;-) -->
Chinese Translation
A fully-translated Chinese language is unused. Interestingly, a Chinese version of the game exists (similar to other games in the series), but this version crashes above Android 5.0.
The Where's My Water? series
| |
iOS, Android | Where's My Water? • Where's My Perry? (Prototype) • Where's My Water? 2 • Where's My Mickey? • Where's My XiYangYang? |
Adobe Flash | Where's My Water |
Windows | Where's My Water? • Where's My Water? 2 • Where's My Mickey? |
- Pages missing developer references
- Games developed by Creature Feep
- Pages missing publisher references
- Games published by Disney Mobile
- Games published by Kongregate
- IOS games
- Android games
- Windows games
- Pages missing date references
- Games released in 2013
- Games released in September
- Games released on September 12
- Games with unused code
- Games with uncompiled source code
- Games with hidden development-related text
- Games with unused graphics
- Games with debugging functions
- Stubs
- To do
- Where's My Water? series
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Cleanup > Stubs
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Games > Games by content > Games with hidden development-related text
Games > Games by content > Games with uncompiled source code
Games > Games by content > Games with unused code
Games > Games by content > Games with unused graphics
Games > Games by developer > Games developed by Creature Feep
Games > Games by platform > Android games
Games > Games by platform > IOS games
Games > Games by platform > Windows games
Games > Games by publisher > Games published by Kongregate
Games > Games by publisher > Games published by The Walt Disney Company > Games published by Disney Mobile
Games > Games by release date > Games released in 2013
Games > Games by release date > Games released in September
Games > Games by release date > Games released in September > Games released on September 12
Games > Games by series > Where's My Water? series