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Yo-kai Watch 3/Yo-kai Watch 2 Leftovers

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This is a sub-page of Yo-kai Watch 3.

To do:
  • There's so much more...
    • Rare Yo-kai Variants
    • Yo-kai Bosses that didn't appear.
    • Character Portraits, Nathaniel/Kenny, Wicked-inspirited humans, Loiter/Flicker/Schemer, et cetera...
    • Leftover music from Old Springdale, everything from the past.
  • Get IDs for the leftover rooms.
  • Upload the rest of the battle backgrounds.
*Some of these might be unused in Yo-kai Watch 2 Japanese vanilla. If so, delete them from this page.

Whlie it's not the first time Level-5 put in a hefty amount of leftovers, it's no surprise that Yo-kai Watch 3 has leftovers from the previous numbered instalment, considering that they use the same engine and the fact they take up a hefty amount of block space.


The forgotten past.

Leftover Graphics

Map Icons

It seems Old Springdale in its entirety was planned to return, as evident by the ribbon-like banner in the map graphics. However, in the end, we only got a Yo-kai spot to time travel with, and the only thing we could do was give some stranger dating advice. How disappointing.

Yw3 map kemamoto old.pngYw3 map sakuratown old.pngYw3 map sakuratown2 old.png

Weather App

All Past maps still have support for the Weather App showing the same graphics used in their Yo-kai Watch 2 equivalent with the new layout used in Yo-kai Watch 3. They were not localized unlike other graphics.

YKW3 Old Weather.png

Leftover Battle Backgrounds

To do:
Get IDs of the backgrounds. Also, cover backgrounds from Old Mt. Wildwood, Gourd Pond Lake, Infinite Tunnel, the entirety of Old Harrisville.

Maps aren't the only thing left over from Yo-kai Watch 2...many battle backgrounds were also left in the game files!

Old Springdale

Gera Gera Train

Gera Gera Abyss Resort

Mystery Way & Gold-Gleaming Highway

Leftover Music

To do:
Are these present in pre-v2.0?

Dame Dedtime

Music for the first form of Yo-kai Watch 2's final boss. In Yo-kai Watch 3, this file is named as "bgm_N45_L_BOSS1a2.dspadpcm.bcstm"

Dame Dedtime background music

Dame Demona

Music for the final form of Yo-kai Watch 2's final boss. In Yo-kai Watch 3, the file assigned for this file is "bgm_N46_L_BOSS2.dspadpcm.bcstm"

Dame Demona background music