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A Hat in Time (Windows, Mac OS X)/Modding Tools Content/Unused Models

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This is a sub-page of A Hat in Time (Windows, Mac OS X)/Modding Tools Content.

To do:
Compare each model with its final counterpart, if it has any.
For models that use a material with shaders for animation, provide an animated GIF of the model.

This game has lots, and lots, and LOTS of unused models! So much so, that this section has been divided into several sub sections due to the sheer number of images and for ease of viewing. The 'Characters/Enemies and Items' page also contains quite a few animated GIFs as well.

AHatInTime HatKidGreg.png
Characters, Enemies, and Items
There's TWO Hat Kids?!
AHatIntime seasidespaghetti.png
Mafia Town
Mafia knew all long! Mafia Town change quite a bit!
AHatIntime science train front chair remade.png
Battle of the Birds
High-quality chairs not allowed.
AHatIntime BeehiveHook.png
Subcon Forest
Not the bees!!
AHatIntime sand pumpkin.png
Sand 'n Sails, Alpine Skyline, and Time's End
We've got clouds, we've got lava, and we've got pumpkins!
AHatIntime metro cat door frame.png
The Arctic Cruise and Nyakuza Metro
Blue ships and alien cat doors.
AHatIntime tower clock.png
Spaceship, Title Screen, Time Rifts, Harbor and Calcite Era Assets
Some of the oldest assets ever made for the game are in here.
AHatIntime wheat.png
Misc. Assets