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Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon (Genesis)

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Title Screen

Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon

Developers: Arc System Works, TNS
Publisher: Ma-Ba
Platform: Genesis
Released in JP: July 8, 1994

EnemyIcon.png This game has unused enemies.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.

PrereleaseIcon.png This game has a prerelease article
BugsIcon.png This game has a bugs page
DCIcon.png This game has a Data Crystal page


Read about prerelease information and/or media for this game.
Prerelease Info
Read about notable bugs and errors in this game.

Unused Graphics

To do:
  • look through a ton of unused uncompressed character data.
  • find potentially unused tilemaps.


Bssmmd EC BodyModel.png

An unseen full body model, likely intended for a similar feature to what was scrapped from the SNES game. This sprite features underwear, instead of the SNES game's... rather less modest approach. The final game only has the Sailor Guardian and civilian costumes available.

Usagi Ami
Bssmmd EC Usagi.png Bssmmd EC Ami.png

Curiously, Usagi and Ami's civilian outfits have the shoes separated from the rest of the sprite, most likely for a cheat similar to the SNES game.

Unused Sprites

Sailor Moon Sailor Mercury Sailor Mars Sailor Jupiter
Bssmmd EC SmoonMess.png
Bssmmd EC SMercuryMess.png
Bssmmd EC SMarsMess.png
Bssmmd EC SJupiterMess.png

Odd tiles found in the sprites of each Sailor Guardian's sprite, with the exception of Sailor Venus.

Bssmmd EC MakoArm.png

A copy of Makoto's arm.

Eyecatch Oversight

Bssmmd EC Oversight.gif
Luna/Artemis Phobos/Deimos
Bssmmd EC LunaArtemis.png
Bssmmd EC PhobosDeimos.png

An oversight causes the first frames of Luna, Artemis, Phobos, and Deimos' animations to never be shown.

Placeholder Icons

Bssmmd Placeholders.png

These obvious placeholder icons are loaded into VRAM.


Bssmmd Font.png

A hexadecimal font loaded in VRAM.


Bssmmd Numbers.png

Unmodified HUD number sprites. The used sprites scale the width to 16 pixels.

Unused Character Icons

Sailor Mercury Sailor Mars Sailor Jupiter Sailor Venus
Bssmmd MercuryIC.png
Bssmmd MarsIC.png
Bssmmd JupiterIC.png
Bssmmd VenusIC.png

While Sailor Moon's fourth icon is used, the other Guardians have equivalents that just never appear. Notably, Jupiter's icon is flipped, and Mercury's icon has three dark blue pixels in her mouth, likely as her palette has no light pink equivalent.

Stage 3-1

To do:
  • find potentially unused tilemaps or make a mmockup. The closest reference for the car tiles was an S13 Silvia.
Bssmmd FreeWayForest.png

Two leftover 64x64 tilesets of a forest background.

Bssmmd FreeWayTire.png

An unused set of tires for the truck, most likely used for an animation.

Bssmmd FreeWayTruck.gif

Mockup of the full truck sprite (palette line 2).

Bssmmd FreeWayTiles.png

Unused tiles of a car (palette line 1), meant to go along with the trucks. They were possibly meant to be overlaid with trees(?) (palette line 2), related to the leftover backgrounds.

Stage 4-1

Bssmmd M.png

A simple M grapic.

Hidden Details


In-Game Full Tilemap
Bssmmd IntroUsagi.png
Bssmmd IntroUsagiFull.png

This graphic of Sailor Moon in the intro has more tiles for her hair than the 320-pixel screen width can display.


In-Game Modified
Bssmmd Transformation1.png
Bssmmd Transformation2.png

The palette for the transformation background used to have more shades of pink. The right image is a mockup.

Stage 5

In-Game Modified
Bssmmd DPoint1.png
Bssmmd DPoint2.png

The palette for Stage 5-1 (D-Point) used to have more colors for the reflection tiles. The right image is a mockup.

Unused Enemy

Unused Music

Music 4

Unused Sound Effects

Sound Sound ID Notes
$B3 A saw sound.
$B4 Another saw sound.
$B5 Ditto.
$B7 An alternative version of the sound for the coffee shop door in Stage 1-1.
$B8 Another alternative version of the sound for the coffee shop door in Stage 1-1.
$BA The sound of a vehicle passing by. May belong to Stage 3-1.
$C3 A beep.
$C7 Another beep.
Unreferenced (0x2DA32-0x2DA61) A waterfall sound, also heard in the Sonic the Hedgehog Prototype and Michael Jackson's Moonwalker.
Unreferenced (0x2DA62-0x2DA8F) A loop of white noise.
Unreferenced (0x2DA90-0x2DADB) A pounding sound, also found in the Sonic the Hedgehog Prototype and Michael Jackson's Moonwalker.

Unused PCM Voices

Cacti speak Japanese.
...But what does it mean?
This game has text or audio that needs to be translated. If you are fluent with this language, please read our translation guidelines and then submit a translation!
Character Sound Sound ID Description
$CC (Unknown) Source unknown.
$D2 "Nakayoshi!" Ported from the SNES game.
$D3 (Unknown) Ported from the SNES game.
Youma 1
$F2 Most likely used for hitting an enemy. A scream from this set would end up being used.
Youma 2
$F4 Most likely used for defeating an enemy. A scream from this set would end up being used.
Youma 3
$F6 Most likely used for hitting an enemy.
Youma 3
$F7 Most likely used for defeating an enemy.
Youma 4
$F8 Most likely used for hitting an enemy.
Youma 4
$F9 Most likely used for defeating an enemy.


Stages seemingly designed without black bars

Bssmmd Stage3full.png

Some stages seem to be done without the H-Int black bars in mind.

Title Background Error

Bssmmd TitleBG.png

An odd sprite error seen on the Moon Kingdom, the top of the castle is a separate sprite and seems to be done differently and a bit misaligned.

Stray Pixels in character select

In-Game Sprite
Bssmmd Charsel.png
Bssmmd CharWindow.png

There are a bunch of stray pixels on the portrait border.