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BlazBlue: Central Fiction (Windows)

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Title Screen

BlazBlue: Central Fiction

Also known as: BlazBlue: Centralfiction
Developer: Arc System Works
Publishers: Arc System Works (JP/KO/EU/AU), Aksys Games (US)
Platform: Windows
Released in JP: October 6, 2016
Released in US: November 1, 2016
Released in EU: November 6, 2016

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.

BlazBlue: Central Fiction is the last BlazBlue game about Ragna the Bloodedge and his not-so-happy adventures.

Unused Graphics

Located among the textures for the Duel Field stage is a development screenshot depicting Hibiki Kohaku in BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma, using an early version of his sprite, Amame's HUD portrait and Arakune's HUD name.

Hibiki in BBCP.png


A lot of characters have from 1-10 sprites of other characters with similar movement speed or Drive attacks. The most common are Ragna's walk sprites.

Jubei's Bowling Ball

Present in Jubei's pac file is a bowling ball placeholder file called Maker_dummy.hip.



The text from the arcade and PS4 versions is left in the text files. Additionally, there is text for selecting Unlimited as the control type despite the fact that Unlimited characters are not playable.

In charsele_text.pac:

Take control of a more powerful
version of your character.
Unlimited characters have more HP,
and powerful attacks, but can only
be used in certain modes.

Test Stages

Located in data\BG\test are five test stages:

  • bg_test_1 is an early version of Hidden Field that is very close to the final version.
  • bg_test_2 is the Online Lobby menu background.
  • bg_test_3 is an early version of Road of Glacier that is missing textures.
  • bg_test_4 is an earlier version of Road of Glacier that is missing geometry as well as textures.
  • bg_test_5 is an unknown stage featuring various assets from Lost Town.

Debug messages

Attempting to load a corrupt sound file will give you a Japanese yes/no dialog box that states:

File: ..\..\AALib\System\Depend\XACT\sysxact_SoundEngine.cpp
Line: 291
Func: AA_CWaveBankDataBase_XACT::RegistBank
WaveBank 作成失敗


The Japanese text means "WaveBank creation failed", and "Ignore Warnings?".