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Bully (PlayStation 2)/Unused Objects and Models/Objects/Weapons

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This is a sub-page of Bully (PlayStation 2)/Unused Objects and Models/Objects.

Bully SnwBallB.png


ID 308. A slightly larger version of the snowball. It works just like the used one.

Bully Chemical.png


ID 315. Meant to be delivered to Dr. Watts' customers in the scrapped Chemical Deliveries mission.

Bully garbpick.png


ID 321. Judging by the name, it might have been related to the scrapped Garbage Pickup minigame.
It can be thrown. It will roll for a bit once it hits the ground.

Bully ChknLeg.png


ID 349. A food item that was meant for the scrapped mechanic of player interactions with dogs. It was meant to be a chicken leg, as the name indicates, but it lacks a model.

Bully Wrench.png


ID 354. According to unused dialogue, this was going to appear in Defend Bucky.

Bully Barrel.png


ID 358. Unknown.

Bully cement.png


ID 360. Unknown.

Bully Boxcard01.png


ID 364. Unknown.

Bully W Candy.png


ID 371. According to unused dialogue, this was meant for Halloween.

Bully SuperSpudG.png


ID 374. An upgraded Spud Gun. It works just like the normal one.
It was meant to be unlocked after completing Rats in the Library, according to SMissPass.luc in the debug build of Scholarship Edition.

Bully GOG Player.png


ID 386. Its model is loaded during Chemistry Class but never used. Probably meant to be equipped by the player during the class.

Bully DevilFork.png


ID 387. A fully-functional devil fork melee weapon. Meant to be used during Halloween, possibly by Casey, as he wears a demon mask.

Bully PinkyWand.png


ID 388. A fully-functional wand melee weapon. Meant to be used during Halloween by Pinky. When peds are hit with it, produces a unique effect that is also never normally seen.

Bully ChknLeg.png


ID 397. Same as ChknLeg.

Bully W JPhoto.png


ID 401. A photograph showing Damon with a gym bag in front of him. Jimmy was meant to give this to Dr. Crabblesnitch during the scrapped mission The Paddle, as shown by the unused dialogue.

Bully Jimmy Panties.png


ID 407. Unknown.

Bully PeanutUndie.png


ID 408. Unknown.