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Dead or Alive 4

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Dead or Alive 4

Developer: Team Ninja
Publisher: Tecmo
Platform: Xbox 360
Released in JP: December 29, 2005
Released in US: December 29, 2005
Released in EU: January 27, 2006
Released in AU: March 13, 2006

Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

This article is a work in progress.
...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes.
So very stubbly.
This page is rather stubbly and could use some expansion.
Are you a bad enough dude to rescue this article?
To do:
  • Copy of a message from a person on the freestepdodge discord: "Kokoro's kimono was supposed to be a usable costume. There are a couple of really long stuns that went unused. Most characters also have some unused moveIDs like the ones I posted in the DOAD channel. In the X05 build there was apparently also a mechanic where if you throw someone during stun, they will enter a special throw-stun state."
  • DOA also changed mechanics before release; in what way?

Dead or Alive 4 brings the series to the Xbox 360. It was the last game in the series with Itagaki's involvement. Good luck defeating the final boss with its SNK-esque tactics.

Unused Moves

Please elaborate.
Having more detail is always a good thing.

Every character has a jumping P string that went unused.

Revisional Differences

  • A patch was released on March 9, 2006 that made several revisions to each characters moves as well as some network stability improvements.