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Dead or Alive Ultimate

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Title Screen

Dead or Alive Ultimate

Developer: Team Ninja
Publisher: Tecmo
Platform: Xbox
Released in JP: November 3, 2004
Released in US: October 26, 2004
Released in EU: February 18, 2005

SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.

Dead or Alive Ultimate is a bundle containing a no-frills port of the Saturn version of Dead or Alive and a remake of Dead or Alive 2 using the Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball graphical engine. The latter game is the focus here, as it has added gameplay mechanics from Dead or Alive 3, a new playable character (Hitomi from DOA3), a new opening movie and Xbox Live support for both games.

Unused Audio

DOA2 Ultimate contains an audio file, "spLIVE", which is just 2 minutes and 34 seconds of silence.

Regional Differences

The North American version of DOA2 Ultimate contains the DOA Booster expansion for DOA3, which had been previously offered on the June 2002 demo disc from the Official Xbox Magazine. However, it can only be accessed after you collect every object in Survival mode.