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Development:Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire/Pokémon Data

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This is a sub-page of Development:Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire.

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Various files that house unused or old copies of Pokémon-related data.

February 14 and May 2, 2002

Dex Entries

A lot of entries in the file are dummy data; their species is labeled 未確認 mikakunin, "unclassified" with no Pokédex entry. These entries weren't included in the list, so be mindful of the numbering on the Pokémon because there are some gaps.

The February 14 data is present in z_poke.dat, while the May 2 data is in z_poke_a.dat for Ruby and z_poke_b.dat for Sapphire.

Dex Number Category Name (Feb) Category Name (May) Feb Entry May Entry (Ruby) May Entry (Sapphire) Height (m) Weight (kg) Type Color Pokémon Notes
252 もりトカゲ もりトカゲ none none none Same as final Same as final Grass Green Treecko
Forest Lizard Forest Lizard
253 もりトカゲ もりトカゲ none うでの ウロコが はねの かたちに なった。
グライダーの ように かっくうして とぶ。
きょうりゅうの じだいから いる いきたかせき。
ウロコの はねは とても かたく するどい。
てっぱんを きりさく きょうりょくな ぶきだ。
10ぴきほどの むれで こうどうしている。
1.3 (4'3") 35 (77.2) Grass Green Grovyle Has the Dex entry, height, and weight of Pokémon #374. Height is 1.7 (5'7") and weight is 52.2 kg (115.1 lbs) in the final.
Forest Lizard Forest Lizard The scales on its arms have come to resemble wings.
It jumps like a glider.
A living fossil from the dinosaur age.
The feathers on its scales are very sharp and hard, acting as weapons that are strong enough to cut iron.
They move in a flock of about 10 individuals.
254 みつりん みつりん none Same as final Same as final Same as final Same as final Grass Green Sceptile
Jungle Jungle
255 ひよこ ひよこ none Same as final Same as final Same as final Same as final Fire Red Torchic
Chick Chick
256 わかどり わかどり none Same as final Same as final Fire Red Combusken
Chicken Chicken
257 とうけい とうけい none くさきを くろコゲにする こうねつの ねっぷうをつばさの はばたきで まきおこす。
くらい ばしょでは ほとんど めが みえない。
すうねん ごとにぜ んしんが ほのうに つつまれあたらし いはねに はえかわる。
まけても あきらめない こんじょうの もちぬし。
2 (6'7") Same as final Fire/Fighting Red Blaziken Category is Raging Flames and height is 1.9 (6'3") in the final. It seems that in this version, Blaziken was 4 inches taller and could fly.
Cockfight Cockfight By flapping its wings, it generates high-temperature Heat Waves that turn plant matter into char.
It can barely see in dark areas.
Every few years it sets all its feathers ablaze, and new ones take their place.
Possessing a strong will, it won't give up even if it loses.
258 めまうお ぬまうお none Same as final Same as final Same as final Same as final Water Blue Mudkip
Swamp Fish Swamp Fish
259 めまうお ぬまうお none Same as final Same as final Water Blue Marshtomp
Swamp Fish Swamp Fish
260 めまうお ぬまうお none Same as final Same as final Water Blue Swampert
Swamp Fish Swamp Fish
277 ふんか ふんか せなかの コブは ほねが かたちを かえたもの。
としを とると どんどん おおきく なるぞ。
あまりにも コブが おおきくなると からだが おもくなり うごきが にぶる。
せなかの コブは ほねが かたちを かえたもの。
としを とると コブが どんどん おおきく なり さいごには うごけなくなる ことも あるぞ。
のんびりした せいかくの ポケモンだ。
でも ひとたび おこると せなかの コブから せっし 1まんどの ようがんを ふきだすぞ。
Same as final Same as final Fire/Ground Brown Camerupt Color is red in the final.
Eruption Eruption The hump on its back is formed from bones.
As it gets older, it gets bigger and bigger.
As the hump becomes bigger, its body becomes heavy and its movement is slow.
The hump on its back is formed from bones.
As it gets older, the hump gets bigger and bigger and it becomes unable to move.
A Pokémon with a relaxed nature.
However, when it gets angry, it blows 1000 C magma out of the hump on its back.
278 みずとり みずとり クチバシに はいるものなら なんでも いれてしまう。
ちいさい ポケモンや タマゴを クチバシに いれて はこんでいる すがたを みかけることが できるぞ。
Same as final Same as final 1.4 (4'7") 14 (30.9) Flying/Water Yellow Pelipper Seems to be slightly taller and lighter in this version. Typing is reversed. Height is 1.2 m (3'11") and weight is 28 kg (61.7 lbs) in the final.
Water Bird Water Bird It puts all manner of things in its beak, provided they fit.
It can sometimes be seen putting small Pokémon and Eggs inside and carrying them.
279 いじわる いじわる Same as final Same as final Grass/Dark Brown Nuzleaf
Malicious Malicious
281 みずとり みずとり Same as final Same as final Flying/Water White Wingull Typing is reversed. Category is Black-Tailed Gull in the final.
Water Bird Water Bird
282 みかくにん くろいし none ひょうじょうが いつも おなじなので かんがえている ことが さっぱり わからない。
みつめられると おちつかない きぶんになるぞ。
あめあがりに ぬれた からだを はっぱで ごしごし こすって みがく すがたを みかける。
くろびかり すると まんぞくする らしい。
.5 (1'8") 23 (50.7) Rock Black Its physical description sounds similar to Roggenrola or Rolycoly, later monsters that are dark-colored rocks.
Unidentified Black Stone Because its face is always the same, what it is thinking is completely unknown. Looking at it produces a calming effect. After it rains, you can see it rubbing and polishing its wet body using a leaf.
Once it has attained a black luster, it seems to be satisfied.
283 みずたま みずたま いそいでいる ときは なげなわの ようりょうで しっぽを なげて からだごと とんでいく。
さいこう 10メートル とんだ という きろくが のこっている。
Same as final Same as final Same as final Same as final Normal Blue Azurill
Polka Dot Polka Dot When in a rush, it throws its tail and uses it as a lasso to fling its whole body.
The record for such flights is said to be 10 meters.
284 いろへんげ いろへんげ からだの いろを はいけいと おなじにして なんじかんも うごかない。
えものが ちかずくと ながい べロを のばし つかまえる。
べロの うごきは めにも とまらぬ はやさ。
からだの いろを じざいに かえられる。
えものが ちかづくと ながい べロで キャッチ。
べロの うごきは めにも とまらぬ はやさ。
いつもは ひんやり つめたい ひふが からだの いろを かえるとき あたたかくなる。
おなかの ギザギザだけは かえられないぞ。
Same as final Same as final Normal Green Kecleon
Color Change Color Change It matches its body's colors to its surroundings and doesn't move for several hours.
When its prey approaches, it extends its long tongue to catch it.
Its tongue movements are so fast that they are hard to see with the unaided eye.
It can change the color of its body.
When food approaches, it catches it with its long tongue.
The movement of the tongue is unobtrusive.
Its body is usually cold, but gets warmer when it changes color.
The zig-zag on its stomach is the only thing that doesn't change.
285 たまくじ たまくじ あたまの うえにある はなのあなから みずでっぽうを とばす。
はまべに あがって ひとを おどろかすのが だいすき。
からだが かんそうすると よわってしまう。
Same as final Same as final Same as final Same as final Water Blue Wailmer
Ball Whale Ball Whale It uses Water Gun from the blowhole on the top of its head.
It loves to crawl up onto beaches and startle people.
When its body dries out, it weakens.
286 みかくにん いたずら none ゆうぐれに なると かつどうする や こうせい。
かわの なかから とつぜん とびだして あるいている ひとを おどろかせて よろこぶ。
からだじゅう ヌルヌルした ねねきで おおわれその てで さわられると きもちわるい。
にんげんの こどもと よく まちがえられる。
.8 (2'7") 14.5 (32) Water/Grass Green Lombre Seems to be slightly smaller and much lighter in this version. Category is Cheerful, height is 1.2 (3'11"), and weight is 32.5 kg (71.7 lbs) in the final. It's also possible that Lombre may have originally been separate from the Lotad line, similar to how Blastoise was originally separate from the Squirtle line. This is further evidenced by how it's isolated from Lotad. Ludicolo was a later addition as well.
Unidentified Mischief A nocturnal Pokémon that gets active when the sun sets.
It likes to jump out of rivers all of a sudden and startle people walking by.
Lombre's entire body is covered by a slippery, slimy film.
It feels unpleasant to be touched by this Pokémon's hands.
Lombre is often mistaken for a human child.
287 みかくにん どんぐり none Same as final Same as final Grass Brown Seedot
Unidentified Acorn
288 あめんぼ あめんぼ あめあがりの はれた ひ には みずたまりに たいりょう はっせいする。
つまさきから あぶらを だすことで すいめんの うえを すべるように あるくことが できる。
あめあがりに たいりょうはっせいする。
つまさきから あぶらを ぶんぴつ しているので すいめんを すべるように あるけるのだ。
Same as final Same as final Same as final Bug/Water Blue Surskit
Water Strider Water Strider On clear days that follow rains, they assemble in puddles in great numbers.
By releasing oil from the tips of its legs, it gains the ability to walk on water in a manner that resembles sliding.
It appears in large numbers after rain. It squeezes oil from its legs, making it possible to slide on the water.
289 めたま めだま Same as final Same as final Bug/Flying Blue Masquerain
Eyeball Eyeball
290 くらやみ くらやみ どうくつの くらやみに ひそみ えものを まちぶせする。
どんなに くらくても 100メートル さきにある こいしを みわけることが できる しりょくを もつ。
くらや みの せいかつで めが はったつした。
まっくらでも 100メートル さきの コインの しゅるいを ぴたりと あてる しりょくを もつ。
りょうめは ほうせきの かがやきを はなつ。
その うつくしさに ひかれた ひとの たましいを うばうと いわれ おそれられている。
Same as final Same as final Dark/Ghost Purple Sableye
Darkness Darkness It lurks in the darkness of caves, lying in wait to ambush its prey.
No matter how dark it is, it has eyesight strong enough that it can make out pebbles 100 meters away.
Its eyes have developed from living in darkness.
It has eyesight strong enough to distinguish different coins from one another 100 meters away, even in complete darkness.
Both of its eyes shine like gems.
It is feared because it is said that people who are drawn to that beauty have their soul stolen.
291 みかくにん きょうぼう none うみのギャングと よばれ おそれられている。
おれても すぐに はえかわる するどい キバで ふなぞこを かみちぎり あなを あけて しまう。
Same as final 2 (6'7") 82 (180.8) Water/Dark Blue Sharpedo Is slightly smaller and lighter. Height is 1.8 (5'11") and weight is 88.8 kg (195.8 lbs) in the final.
Unidentified Brutal It is feared and referred to as "The Gangster of the Seas".
Its sharp teeth grown back in quickly when broken and it uses them to shred boat hulls and put holes in them.
292 どぐう どぐう ドロにんぎょうが うちゅうから ふりそそぐ こうせんを あびて せいめいを やどしたのが はじまりと いわれる。
あしは なく くうちゅうを ふゆうして いどうする。
うちゅう こうせんを あびた ドロにんぎょうに せいめいが やどったと いわれている。
あしは なく くうちゅうに ういている。
Same as final Same as final Same as final Ground/Psychic Black Claydol
Clay Figure Clay Figure It is said that it was born from earthen dolls that were bathed in cosmic rays and came to harbor life.
It has no legs and moves by floating through the air.
It is said to have been born from a mud doll that was bathed in cosmic rays from space and brought to life.
Legless, it floats in the air.
294 こずれ こづれ じぶんの こどもじゃ なくても ちいさな いきものを みつけると せなかに のせる しゅうせいを もつ。
かたいものを かじることで はみがきを している。
しっぽを くるりと まいて ゆりかごを つくり こどもを のせて そだてている ポケモン。
たまに ちがう いきものが まざっているぞ。
50メートルを 7びょうで はしる しゅんそく。
たまに こどもを おとしてしまう ことがあるぞ。
かたいものを かじり はみがきを する。
.8 (2'7") 12.5 (27.6) Normal
Foster Foster If it has no offspring, it will seek out a small living thing and place it onto its back.
It brushes its teeth by gnawing on hard objects.
A Pokémon that wraps its tail around to make a cradle while raising its child on its back.
Sometimes it bonds with a different creature.
It can run 50 meters in 7 seconds flat.
Sometimes, it may accidentally drop its child.
It brushes its teeth by gnawing on hard objects.
295 どぐう どぐう Same as final Same as final Ground/Psychic Brown Baltoy
Clay Figure Clay Figure
296 みかくにん きのこ none Same as final おこると からだを ブルブル ふるわせて あたまから どくの ほうしを ばらまく。
プロレスラーも みっかは ねこむ もうどくだ。
Same as final Same as final Grass Brown Shroomish
Unidentified Mushroom When it gets mad, it shakes its body and scatters poison spores from its head.
A strong poison that could make even a pro wrestler bedridden for three days.
297 みかくにん とこなつ none あたたかい ちほうに せいそくする ポケモン。
しゅうだんで こうどうする ことが おおく 3びき あつまると とても うるさくなる。
あたまの はなびらを かたおもいの あいてに わたすと こいが かなうと いわれている。
はなびらを とろうとすると もうれつに おこる。
.7 (2'4") 8 (17.6) Grass Possibly a relative of Roselia?
Unidentified Everlasting Summer A Pokémon that inhabits warm regions.
Its tendency to act as a group becomes noisy when 3 or more gather.
It's said that if you give the petals on its head to an unrequited partner, your love will come true.
If you try to take its petals, it will become viciously angry.
298 みかくにん かんぼく none からだの なかに たくさん みずを ためこみ かいてんしながら シャワーのように ふきだす。
なつの あつい じきには とても べんりだ。
1にち 100リットル いじょう みずを のむ。
からだに ためた みずが すくなくなると りょうての はっぱが しおれてしまうぞ。
1.4 (4'7") 70 (154.3) Grass/Water Green This Pokémon sounds like it had design elements of a shrub and a sprinkler. The hand leaves could have possibly been reused for Shiftry (if its earlier design didn't have hand leaves).
Unidentified Shrub It collects a large amount of water inside its body and sprays it out like a shower while rotating.
It is convenient to have around on hot summer days.
It drinks over 100 liters of water a day.
When the water it has collected in its body gets low, the leaves on both its hands wither.
299 せいれい せいれい もりの なかで みちに まようと コマリが ツノを ならして かえりみちを おしえてくれるという。
このとき すがたを みると しあわせになると つたえられている。
ふかい もりで まよったとき コマリが ツノを ならして かえりみちを おしえてくれるという。
すがたを みた ひとは しあわせになれるらしい。
あたまを さゆうに ふって もっきんの ような きれいな ねいろを ひびきわたらせる。
ねいろの おんかいで なかまと かいわする。
.2 (8") 1.5 (3.3) Ghost Spirit is Flygon's category in the final. The xylophone sound may have been reused for Kricketot in Generation IV.
Spirit Spirit It is said that if you get lost in the woods, it sounds its horn to show you the way home.
At that time, if you see its figure, it is said to be happy.
It is said that if you get lost in a deep forest, it will sound its horn to show the way home.
People who see its figure seem to become happy.
It shakes its head left and right to make a beautiful xylophone-like sound.
It communicates with friends using the timbre of its sounds.
305 みかくにん こおに none ツノで カミナリの でんきを すいとる。
さいきんでは いえの コンセントから でんきをすいとる ことを おぼえたみたいだ。
カミナリの おちた ばしょに あらわれる。
あたまの ツノは 1ねんに 1かい はえかわり おおきいほど なかまから そんけいされるらしい。
1 (3'3") 37.5 (82.7) Electric Yellow Possibly an early 3rd relative of the Elekid line. Pokémon Sword & Shield would introduce Impidimp and Morgrem, 2 imp Pokémon (though the typing and categories don't correlate).
Unidentified Small Oni Absorbs the electricity from lightning with its horn.
Recently, it seems to have learned to absorb electricity from power outlets in homes.
Appears in areas where lightning strikes.
The horn on its head falls off once a year.
Those with bigger horns gain respect from their friends.
306 みかくにん みずごけ none からだに はえた コケは てざわり さいこう。
しかし ちからを すいとる コケなので うかつに さわらない ほうが みの ためだ。
しめった ひかげで よく みかける。
きれいな きいろい はなを さかせるが ゴミのような くさい においが するぞ。
.3 (1') 5 (11) Grass Green It seems like this was partially a Gloom doppelganger attempt. The tactile strength absorption may have been reused for Morelull in Generation VII.
Unidentified Water Moss The moss growing on its body has a wonderful texture.
However, as it absorbs strength through its moss, it is advised not to touch it for one's own safety.
It is often found in damp, shady areas.
When its beautiful yellow flower blooms, it emits a horrid, trash-like smell.
307 みかくにん わたどり none ひとなつっこい ポケモンなので よく ひとの あたまに のっかっている すがたを みかける。
わたの ぼうしを かぶっているように みえるぞ。
じぶんの からだや ほかの ポケモンを わたのような つばさで ふきとるのが だいすき。
つばさが よごれると みずで せんたくをする。
Same as final Same as final Flying Blue Swablu Typing is Normal/Flying in the final.
Unidentified Cotton Bird Fond of humans, it is frequently seen riding on their heads.
It appears as if they have a cotton hat.
It loves to clean off its own body as well as other Pokémon with its cotton-like wings.
If its wings get dirty, it washes them in water.
308 みかくにん めいぐるみ Same as final Same as final Ghost Black Banette
Unidentified Stuffed Toy
310 みかくにん きのこ Same as final Same as final Grass/Fighting Brown Breloom
Unidentified Mushroom
312 ほがらか ほがらか なにを きかれても へんじは 「そーなの」。
ちがうときは しっぽを さゆうに ふっている。
じめんを たたいているときは おこっている あいずだ。
Same as final Same as final Same as final Same as final Psychic Blue Wynaut
Merry Merry No matter what you ask it, it responds "Why not?".
Otherwise, it waves its tail left to right.
When it hits the ground, it's a sign that it's angry.
313 おむかえ おむかえ なにを きかれても へんじは 「そーなの」。
ちがうときは しっぽを さゆうに ふっている。
じめんを たたいているときは おこっている あいずだ。
Same as final Same as final Same as final Same as final Ghost Black Duskull Has Wynaut's Dex entry, most likely as a placeholder.
Beckoning Death Beckoning Death No matter what you ask it, it responds "Why not?".
Otherwise, it waves its tail left to right.
When it hits the ground, it's a sign that it's angry.
314 ありじご ありじごく どんなに あつい カべでも とおりぬけることが できる。
ヨマワルに ねらわれたら さいご あさになり たいようが のぼるまで ずっと おいかけらることになるぞ。
すりばちじょうの あなの なかで じっと エサが おちてくるのを まちつづける。
べロに ふれた ものに かみつく しゅうせい。
おおきな アゴは いわをも くだく いりょく。
なんにでも かみつき ぜったいに はなそうと しない とっても ガンコな ポケモンだ。
1 (3'3") Same as final Ground Brown Trapinch Height is .7 (2'4") in the final.
Antlion Larva Antlion Larva Using its hind legs, it digs a hole and crawls backwards into the sand.
It lives underground for long periods of time, so its eyes are weak.
If objects fall down onto it, it reflexively bites them.
It lays quietly in a mortar-shaped hole, waiting for its prey to fall in.
It has a habit of biting anything it licks.
Its large jaw has the power to break even boulders.
An extremely stubborn Pokémon that doesn't release anything it bites.
315 てまねき てまねき Same as final Same as final Ghost Black Dusclops
Beckoning Beckoning
316 おおたか みかくにん おおきな つばさは ふうそく 30メートルの きょうふうを まきおこす。
くもを ふきとばし ひとびとに たいようの ひかりを あたえた という でんせつが のこっている。
none none 2 (6'7") 52 (114.6) Flying Its data was removed by May. Pokémon Black & White would later introduce Braviary, a Pokémon who's also based on a bird of prey.
Hawk Unidentified With its large wings, it can create wind as fast as 30 meters.
A legend exists where it blew away the clouds and the sun shone down on the people.
317 いばら いばら いけのほとりに せいそくし いちにちのうち 18じかんは ねむっている。
おとなしい せいかくだが はなを ねらう てきには どくをもつ あたまの トゲで こうげきする。
おとなしい せいかくだが りょうての はなを ねらう てきには するどい トゲで こうげき。
はなの かおりは きもちを なごませる。
はなの いろは こたいによって ちがうので めずらしい いろを もとめる ひとは おおい。
きれいな いけの ほとりで よく みかける。
Same as final Same as final Grass/Poison Green Roselia
Thorns Thorns It lives in the vicinity of lakes and sleeps 18 hours a day.
It has a friendly personality, but it attacks foes after its flower with the poisoned spikes on its head.
Although it has a gentle personality, both of its flower hands have sharp thorns to attack with.
The scent of its flowers has a soothing feeling.
Each individual has flowers with different colors, so there are a lot of people that seek out rare colors.
Often seen on the banks of beautiful ponds.
318 ふうりん ふうりん からだの くうどうを つかい きれいな なきごえを ひびかせる。
おこったときの なきごえは ひとの みみには きこえない ちょうおんぱとなり あいてを ふきとばす。
こえを からだの くうどうに はんきょうさせる。
おこったときの なきごえは ちょうおんぱとなり あいてを ふきとばす いりょくを もっている。
かぜまかせで ただよいながら いどうする。
かぜの つよいときは しっぽを きのえだに まきつけて かぜが おさまるのを まつ。
Same as final .2 (.4 lbs) Psychic Blue Chimecho Seems to have been moved and placed at the end of the index by the final game. Whether it was fully removed at some point is unknown. Weight is 1 kg (2.2 lbs) in the final.
Wind Chime Wind Chime It uses the hollows of its body to make a beautiful, resounding cry.
When mad, it shifts its cries into a supersonic range that people cannot hear and blows away those around it.
It makes its voice echo in its body.
When that happens, its voice becomes an ultrasonic soundwave.
It drifts with the wind. In windy conditions, it wraps its tail around tree branches and waits until the wind calms down.
319 したずみ したづみ じゅもくの ねっこから えいようを きゅうしゅうする。
くらい つちのなかで せいかつしているため たいようが にがて。まよなか じめんから でて うごきまわる。
くらい つちのなかで せいかつ しているため たいようの ひかりが にがて。
くらくなると じめんから でて うごきまわる。
するどい ツメで じゅもくの ねっこを けずり すいぶんや えいようを きゅうしゅうする。
しょっかくで まわりの じょうきょうを さぐる。
.4 (1'4") Same as final Bug/Ground Gray Nincada Height is .5 (1'8") in the final.
Lowest-Class Lowest-Class Absorbs nutrients from tree roots.
It lives in the earth where it is dark, so it is not fond of sunlight.
It emerges from the ground at night and roams around.
Because it lives in the middle of the dark soil, it is not fond of sunlight.
When it becomes night, it comes out of the ground and moves around.
Using its sharp claws, it scratches tree roots and extracts nutrients and moisture.
It uses its feelers to get a sense of its surroundings.
321 あざらし あざらし かいがんのいわばに せいそく。せんすいが とくいで ふかさ 100メートルまで もぐり エサを つかまえる。
およぎは うまいが じめんを あるくと とても おそい。
せんすいが とくいで 100メートル いじょうの ふかい うみにいる エサを つかまえる。
じめんでは あるくより ころがるほうが はやい。
じめんを あるくと すぐに コロコロ ころがる。
さかみちで ころがると なかなか とまれない。
ひとなつっこい せいかくの ポケモンだ。
1.5 (4'11") 40 (88.2) Ice/Water Blue Spheal Category is Clap, height is .8 (2'7"), and weight is 39.5 kg (87.1 lbs) in the final.
Seal Seal Inhabits rocky shores.
It is a skilled diver and goes down as far as 100 meters to catch its prey.
It swims well, but moves slowly when on land.
It can catch food while going down as far as 100 meters.
It is faster at rolling than walking.
When it walks on land, it very quickly starts rolling.
On hills, it has trouble stopping once it gets rolling.
A Pokémon that is fond of people.
322 みかくにん きんちゃく none けあなから どくの たいえきが にじみでている。
きれいな いけの みずも たちまち にごり はなが まがるほどの あくしゅうを はなつ。
はが 1ぽんも ないので なんでも まるのみ。
いっぱいに あけた くちは とても おおきく じどうしゃの タイヤでも まるごと のみこむぞ。
1.7 (5'7") 80 (176.3) Poison Purple Swalot Apparently, Swalot was originally a purse instead of a gallbladder. Category is Poison Bag in the final.
Unidentified Purse Poison sweat seeps out from its pores.
Can taint a clean lake in an instant.
Releases a stench strong enough to make one's nose shrivel up.
Doesn't have a single tooth, so it just swallows things whole.
When it opens wide, its mouth is huge.
Bet it could easily gulp down a whole tire.
323 みかくにん バナナ none くびの フサは あまくて こどもに だいにんき。
バナナが だいこうぶつで たべつづけて いたら くびに バナナが できるように なったらしい。
せなかの はっぱを はばたかせて そらを とぶ。
おもたい からだで のしかかれば がんじょうな トラックも いちげきで ぺしゃんこだ。
Same as final Same as final Grass/Flying Green Tropius Category is Fruit in the final.
Unidentified Banana The bunches of bananas around Tropius's neck are very popular with children.
This Pokémon loves bananas, and eats them continuously.
Apparently, its love for bananas resulted in its own outgrowth of bananas.
It flaps the leaves on its back to fly through the skies. A Body Slam from its hefty body can flatten even a sturdy truck in one shot.
325 みかくにん フラワー none しっぽを じめんに さして すいぶんを すう。
あしの ちからが とても よわいので 1にち 1メートルしか あるくことが できない。
ひとの こころを よみとる ちからを もつ。
あかるい ひとに そだてられると すくすくと せいちょうし きれいな はなを つけるという。
.5 (1'8") 1.5 (3.3) Grass/Psychic Green
Unidentified Flower Absorbs nutrients from the ground with its tail.
Because its legs are extremely weak, it only moves less than 1 meter a day.
Possesses the power to read human minds.
It is said that if a cheerful person raises it with care, it will grow to have beautiful flowers.
326 みかくにん まいがい Same as final Same as final Water Purple Clamperl Color is blue in the final. Original color may have been reworked into its Shiny one.
Unidentified Bivalve
327 みかくにん しんかい none Same as final Same as final Same as final Same as final Water Purple Huntail Color is blue in the final.
Unidentified Deep Sea
329 みかくにん こんじょ Same as final Same as final Fighting Yellow Makuhita
Unidentified Guts
330 みかくにん つっぱり none Same as final ふとった からだは きんにくの かたまり。
ポケモンで いちばんの ちからもちと いわれ 10トン トラックを かるがる もちあげるぞ。
2.5 (8'2") Same as final Fighting Brown Hariyama Is slightly taller in this version. Height is 2.3 (7'7") in the final.
Unidentified Palm Thrust Its chubby body is a chunk of muscle.
Said to be the strongest among Pokémon, it can carry a 10-ton truck with ease.
331 みかくにん おんかい none あたまの うえに ある えんばんの たまを シッポで はじいて ねいろを かなでる。
からだの おおきさで おんかいが かわるらしい。
みずくさの しげった ちいさな いけに すむ。
なかまが あつまると みずべに あがって ようきな おんがくを かなではじめる
.4 (1'4") 2.5 (5.5) Water Blue Possibly went on to inspire Tympole in Generation V?
Unidentified Scale It creates tones by using its tail to play the disc ball/bead (?) atop its head. The size of its body seems to affect its timbre. Lives in small ponds filled with aquatic plants.
When its friends come up and gather on the shore, they begin to play cheerful music.
334 みかくにん ゆうらん none ひとを のせて とぶのが だいすきな ポケモン。
しずかに とぶので のりごこちは まんてん。
つかれると うみに うかび つばさを やすめる。
おだやかな せいかくで あらそいを このまない。
ツノには じしゃくの ような さいぼうが あり コンパスの やくわりを もつ。
2 (6'7") 110 (242.5) Flying
Unidentified Sightseeing A Pokémon that loves to fly with a human riding it.
It quietly flies and is completely comfortable to ride.
When it tires, it rests with its wings floating atop the sea.
Has a calm personality, so it dislikes fighting.
Its horn(s) have magnet-like cells that act as a compass.
335 みかくにん こねこ none ちいさい うごく ものを みつけると むちゅうで おいかけまわす しゅうせいを もつ。
じぶんの シッポを おいかけて めを まわす。
じゅもくに あなを あけ くらしている。
きまぐれな せいかくで ひとに なつき にくいが あいくるしい かおで ペットとして だいにんき。
Same as final Same as final Normal Pink Skitty
Unidentified Kitten Skitty has the habit of becoming fascinated by moving small objects and chasing them around.
This Pokémon is known to chase after its own tail and become dizzy.
Lives in holes in trees.
It is capricious and struggles to bond with humans, but it has a cute face, so it's very popular as a pet.
336 みかくにん どんかん none ぐうたらな イメージで みられているが じつは あるき はじめると なんびゃくキロでも あるきつづける こんじょうの もちぬしだ。 たべはじめると とまらない くいしんぼう。
たたかれても きがつかない にぶさだが くうふくは 1びょうでも たえられないのだ。
Same as final Same as final Fire/Ground Yellow Numel
Unidentified Thickheaded It appears lazy, but once it gets walking, it has the willpower to walk several kilometers. A glutton that doesn't stop eating once it starts.
It lacks sensitivity to the point that it does not notice if it's hit, but it can't tolerate even a second of hunger.
338 みかくにん いなずま Same as final Same as final Electric Blue Electrike Original color may have been reworked into its Shiny color. Color is green in the final.
Unidentified Lightning
339 みかくにん ほでん Same as final Same as final Electric Yellow Manectric
Unidentified Discharge
342 にんじゃ にんじゃ Same as final Same as final Same as final Same as final Same as final Bug/Flying Yellow Ninjask
Ninja Ninja
343 ぬけがら ぬけがら からだは あるが たましいを もたない なぞのポケモン。
あたまのうえにある わっかが じつはほんたいなのではと かんがえられている。ふわふわと ういて いどうする。
かたい カラで できた からだは うごかない。
せなかから からだの くうどうを のぞくと たましいを すいとられると しんじられている。
からだは まったく いたみを かんじない。
あたまの うえにある わっかが ほんたいだと かんがえられている なぞの ポケモンだ。
Same as final Same as final Bug/Ghost Brown Shedinja
Husk Husk A mysterious Pokémon that has a body but no soul.
The halo above its head is thought to be its true body. It levitates to move.
It has a hard shell for a body and does not move.
It is said that if you look at its body from the inside, it will steal your soul.
Its body feels absolutely no pain.
The halo above its head is thought to be the true form of this mysterious Pokémon.
344 うきくさ うきくさ おだやかな みずうみの ほとりで あたまの はっぱを すいめんに だして うかんでいる。ちいさな いきものが はっぱに のると とつぜん うごきだして おどろかせる。 はっぱを すいめんに だして うかんでいる。
4ほんの あしで みずを かいて およぐが みずかきが ないので あまり はや くない。
Same as final Same as final 1.5 (3.3) Water/Grass Green Lotad Category is Floating Weed and weight is 2.6 kg (5.7 lbs) in the final. Also seems to have four legs instead of six.
Floating Grass Floating Grass Using the leaf on its head, it floats in calm lakes.
Small Pokémon that get on it are startled when it suddenly moves.
It floats on water using a leaf.
It paddles using its four legs, but it doesn't have flippers so it's not very fast.
345 ちどりあし ちどりあし ようきな おんがくを きくと おどりだす しゅうせいをもつ。
ハイキングをしている こどもたちが がっ しょうを すると うたごえに ひかれて すがたを あらわすという。
からだの ブチもようは タップルによって ちがい おなじ もようは ふたつと ない らしい。
ようきな おんがくを みみにすると おどりだす。
まったく おなじ ブチもようの タップルは そんざい しないと かんがえられている。
おぼつかない あゆみが おどりのように みえる。
Same as final Same as final Normal Red Spinda Its final species category is ぶちパンダ "spotted panda".
Tottering Steps Tottering Steps When it listens to cheerful music, it starts to dance.
When children hiking are singing, it is drawn to the chorus.
The pattern of spots on its body differs between individuals, so no two look alike.
When it hears cheerful music, it starts dancing.
It is thought that no two individuals with the same spot pattern exist.
Its uncertain steps look like a dance.
346 みかくにん いんせき none Same as final Same as final Same as final 100 Rock/Psychic Yellow Lunatone Weight is 168 kg (370.4 lbs) in the final.
Unidentified Meteorite
347 こうてつ こうてつ こうざんに あなを ほり すみついている。せきたんや てっこうせきが だいこうぶつ。
ふだんは おとなしいが せきたんを とりにくる にんげんを みると いかくする。
せきたんや てっこうせきが だいこうぶつ。
なわばり いしきが つよいので せきたんを とりに きた にんげんを みると いかくする。
あたまから しっぽまで こうてつの ヨロイで おおわれ どんな こうげきも はねかえすぞ。
かたい あたまを つかい やまに あなを ほる。
1.5 Same as final Steel Brown Lairon Category is てつよろい tetsuyoroi/Iron Armor, height is .9 (2'11"), color is gray, and typing is Rock/Steel in the final. The early species name こうてつ koutetsu can be read as "metal armor" or "steel" depending on the kanji, so this early species name is likely to be a play on words.
Armor/Steel Armor/Steel It digs holes in mines and settles down there.
It loves coal and iron ore. Although usually friendly, it becomes intimidating when it sees people coming to take its coal.
Eats a lot of coal and iron ore.
Because it has a strong territorial consciousness, it is intimidating when it sees people who come to pick up its coal.
Covered in steel armor from head to tail, it can counter any attack.
350 みかくにん くじびき none しんかの とき ちがう すがたに かわることが かくにんされているが げんいんは ふめい。
ポケモンけんきゅうしゃ ちゅうもくの まと。
せいたいが ほとんど かいめいされていない。
くちや みみが みあたらないが おとや ひかりに はんのうする ことだけは かくにんされている。
.4 (1'4") 8 Normal Black
Unidentified Lottery It is confirmed to change its shape at the time of evolution, but what causes it is unknown.
It is a hot topic among Pokémon researchers.
How it manipulates its body is mostly unconfirmed.
It has no visible mouth and ears, but it is only known to react to sound and light.
355 みかくにん とびはね Same as final Same as final Psychic Red Spoink Color is gray in the final.
Unidentified Hopping
356 みかくにん あやつり Same as final Same as final Psychic Purple Grumpig
Unidentified Manipulation
359 みかくにん わざわい none Same as final Same as final Same as final Same as final Dark White Absol
Unidentified Calamity
362 みかくにん はくりゅう none いどうしながら くらし すみかを もたない。
ながい からだを あいてに まきつけて しめあげ するどい クチバシ で こうげきする。
ぜんしんが しろい ウロコに おおわれている。
そらを とぶと ウロコが とびちり キラキラと ひかりの おびを そらに つくる。
3.6 (11'10") 175 (385.8) Flying/Dragon White Altaria Possibly Altaria, as it's described to have a long body and the stats table below this list confirms its original Pokédex color as white. It should also be noted that the weight listed here is Regice's weight in the final.
Unidentified White Dragon Is constantly on the move.
Lacks a permanent home.
It constricts its opponents with its long body and attacks using its sharp beak.
Its whole body is covered in white scales.
When it flies, the scales fall off, making a sparkling belt of light in the sky.
363 みかくにん コンパス Same as final Same as final Rock Green Nosepass Color is gray in the final.
Unidentified Compass
364 みかくにん にんぎょう Same as final Same as final Ghost Black Shuppet
Unidentified Doll
368 みかくにん かみつき none Combination of Ruby + Sapphire final からだは ちいさいが うごく ものを みると すぐに かみつく きょうぼうな ポケモンだ。
からだに くらべ おおきな キバが とくちょう。
1 (3'3") 24 (52.9) Dark Gray Poochyena Much taller and heavier in this version. Height is .5 (1'8") and weight is 13.6 kg (30 lbs) in the final.
Unidentified Bite Poochyena is an omnivorous Pokémon - it will eat anything.
Its legs are short, so it can't run very quickly.
369 むげん むげん ちのうが とても たかく ひとの ことばを りかいする。
ガラスのような うもうで からだを つつみこみ ひかりを はんしゃさせることで すがたを かえるる ちからを もつ。
Same as Sapphire final やさしい せいかくで あらそいを きらうが いちど おこると すごい パワーを はっきする。
いつも ラティオスと こうどうを ともにする。
Same as final Same as final Dragon/Psychic Red Latias
Infinity Infinity It is incredibly smart and understands human language.
It has the power to change its appearance by wrapping its body with its glass-like feathers to reflect light.
It is kind and dislikes conflict, but once it gets angry, it releases great power.
Always traveling with Latios.
370 むげん むげん ちのうが とても たかく ひとの ことばを りかいする。
あたまに うかんだ イメージを あいてに えいぞうとして みせる とくしゅなちからを もつ まぼろしのポケモン。
Same as final おちついた せいかくで しんらいする にんげんの いうことを すなおに きく ポケモンだ。
ジェットき よりも はやく そらを とぶ。
Same as final Same as final Dragon/Psychic Blue Latios
Infinity Infinity It is incredibly smart and understands human language.
It is a mystical Pokémon that has the special power to make others see any image that comes to its mind.
A calm Pokémon, it listens obediently to people it trusts.
It flies through the skies faster than a jet plane.
372 まめだぬき まめだぬき きのみが だいすき。せなかの かたい けで きのみきを けずり しるしを つける。きのみを とられると おこり とりかえすまで ぜったいに あきらめない。 Same as final Same as final 1 (3'3") 25 (55.1) Normal Brown Zigzagoon Is much taller in this version. Height is .4 (1'4") and weight is 17.5 kg (38.6 lbs) in the final.
Tiny Raccoon Dog Tiny Raccoon Dog Loves Berries.
It marks Berry trees using the hard fur on its back.
If its berries are taken, it flies into a rage and does not calm down until they are returned.
374 みかくにん しそちょう none うでの ウロコが はねの かたちに なった。
グライダーの ように かっくうして とぶ。
きょうりゅうの じだいから いる いきたかせき。
ウロコの はねは とても かたく するどい。
てっぱんを きりさく きょうりょくな ぶきだ。
10ぴきほどの むれで こうどうしている。
1.3 (4'3") 35 (77.2) Rock/Flying Black Has Grovyle's Dex entry (or rather, Grovyle has its Dex entry); considering the similarities in its description, Grovyle likely was a result of reworking this Pokémon's design. Most likely was a Fossil Pokémon. Pokémon Black & White would introduce Archen and Archeops, 2 archaeopteryx fossil Pokémon with the same type combination.
Unidentified Archeopteryx The scales on its arms have come to resemble wings.
It jumps like a glider.
A living fossil from the dinosaur age.
The feathers on its scales are very sharp and hard, acting as weapons that are strong enough to cut iron.
They move in a flock of about 10 individuals.
378 ちょうじゅ Same as final Same as final Water/Rock Purple Relicanth
382 みかくにん とんぼ none ふかい もりの なかで くらしている。
おおきな からだだが こまわりが きくので きように きと きの あいだを ぬって とぶ。
みずから さんそを すいとることが できるので すいちゅうで かつどうする ことも ある。
いけの びせいぶつは だいこうぶつだ。
1.4 (4'7") 82 (180.8) Bug/Flying Green Possibly another early attempt at a Yanma evolution.
Unidentified Dragonfly Lives in thick forests.
It has a large body, but is good at making fine turns, allowing it to deftly pass between trees.
It can extract oxygen from water, so they occasionally live underwater as well.
Loves eating the microorganisms in ponds.
385 みかくにん ひがんばな none ながい しょっかくは とても びんかん。
かすかな くうきの ながれを かんじとる ことで てきの かんがえを さぐることが できる。
おどる ような みのこなしと ふかい まなざしで あいてを さいみん じょうたいに してしまう。
メスしか かくにんされていない ポケモンだ。
Bug/Psychic Black Seems to be a female-only species based on Lycoris radiata, also called the red spider lily.
Unidentified Red Spider Lily Its long antennae are extremely sensitive.
It senses the slightest air flows to uncover its enemies' thoughts.
It hypnotizes its opponents with its dance-like gestures and deep stare.
Only female members of this Pokémon species have been found.
390 みかくにん てんき Same as final Same as final Normal Gray Castform
Unidentified Weather
392 みかくにん ほたる none きれいな いけや みずうみに せいそくする。
よるになると しっぽが ひかり つよさや てんめつで なかまと かいわする。
くらいときには しょっかくを つかって しょうがいぶつや エサを さっちするぞ。
よぞらに しゅうだんで ずけいを えがく。
Same as final Same as final Bug Red Volbeat
Unidentified Firefly It lives by beautiful lakes and ponds.
At nightfall, its tail lights up, and it communicates with its friends by flickering its strong light.
When in dark areas, it uses its feelers to sense for obstacles and food. Groups of them draw patterns in the sky.
393 みかくにん ほたる none はるに なると バルビートを ひきつける あまい かおりを しっぽから だす。
かおりが つよいほど たくさん よってくるぞ。
2ほんの しょっかくは とても べんり。
くらいときに まわりの ようすを さぐったり ちいさい ものなら もちあげる ことも できる。
Same as final Same as final Bug Illumise
Unidentified Firefly When spring comes, it uses a Sweet Scent from its tail to attract Volbeat.
If the scent is strong, many of them will show up.
Its two feelers are extremely useful.
In dark areas, it uses them to read its surroundings and can even use them to carry small things.
412 ゆきがさ Same as final Same as final Ice Gray Snorunt
Snow Umbrella
413 せきたん Same as final Same as final Fire Green Torkoal
414 Same as final Same as final Water/Grass Green Ludicolo

(Source: agbmonsp.dat, z_poke.dat, z_poke_a.dat, z_poke_b.dat)

July 11, 2002

Evolution Data

All Pokémon not listed have the same evolution conditions as they do in the final game.

Pokémon Notes
Poochyena Evolves at 20 instead of 18.
Wurmple Has no evolution condition yet.
Lotad Evolves at 13 instead of 14.
Lombre Evolves at 26 instead of with Water Stone.
Seedot Evolves at 13 instead of 14.
Nuzleaf Evolves at 26 instead of with Leaf Stone.
Nincada Has no evolution condition for evolving into Shedinja yet.
Taillow Evolves at 20 instead of 22.
Shroomish Evolves at 33 instead of 23.
Wingull Evolves at 35 instead of 25.
Surskit Evolves at 20 instead of 22.
Wailmer Evolves at 20 instead of 40.
Skitty Evolves at 20 instead of with Moon Stone.
Baltoy Has no evolution condition yet.
Evolves at 20 into "Kaenō" (Torkoal's slot).
Barboach Evolves at 20 instead of 30.
Corphish Evolves at 20 instead of 30.
Feebas Evolves at 20 instead of with high Beauty.
Carvanha Evolves at 20 instead of 30.
Trapinch Evolves at 15 instead of 35.
Vibrava Evolves at 30 instead of 45.
Makuhita Evolves at 30 instead of 24.
Spheal Evolves at 15 instead of 32.
Sealeo Evolves at 30 instead of 44.
Cacnea Evolves at 20 instead of 32.
Snorunt Evolves at 20 instead of 42.
Azurill Has no evolution condition yet.
Spoink Evolves at 20 instead of 32.
Evolves at 20 into "Bachikōn" (Minun's slot).
Meditite Evolves at 20 instead of 37.
Swablu Evolves at 30 instead of 35.
Duskull Evolves at 30 instead of 37.
Slakoth Evolves at 15 instead of 18.
Vigoroth Evolves at 30 instead of 36.
Gulpin Evolves at 20 instead of 26.
Whismur Evolves at 15 instead of 20.
Loudred Evolves at 30 instead of 40.
Clamperl Has no evolution condition yet.
Shuppet Evolves at 20 instead of 37.
Aron Evolves at 15 instead of 32.
Lairon Evolves at 30 instead of 42.
Lileep Evolves at 20 instead of 40.
Anorith Evolves at 20 instead of 40.
Ralts Evolves at 15 instead of 20.
Bagon Evolves at 15 instead of 30.
Shelgon Evolves at 30 instead of 50.
Beldum Evolves at 15 instead of 20.
Metang Evolves at 30 instead of 45.
(Source: shinkap.dat)

July 15, 2002

Moveset Data

All Pokémon not listed have the same moveset as they do in the final game. Note that all Gen I and II Pokémon except the alternate Unown forms reuse their movesets from Crystal here.

Pokémon Early Final Notes
Butterfree 10 Confusion
13 PoisonPowder
14 Stun Spore
15 Sleep Powder
18 Supersonic
23 Whirlwind
28 Gust
34 Psybeam
40 Safeguard
10 Confusion
13 PoisonPowder
14 Stun Spore
15 Sleep Powder
18 Supersonic
23 Whirlwind
28 Gust
34 Psybeam
40 Safeguard
47 Silver Wind
Silver Wind is missing.
Beedrill 10 Fury Attack
15 Focus Energy
20 Twineedle
25 Rage
30 Pursuit
35 Pin Missile
40 Agility
10 Fury Attack
15 Focus Energy
20 Twineedle
25 Rage
30 Pursuit
35 Pin Missile
40 Agility
45 Endeavor
Endeavor is missing.
Pidgey 1 Tackle
5 Sand-Attack
9 Gust
15 Quick Attack
21 Whirlwind
29 Wing Attack
37 Agility
47 Mirror Move
1 Tackle
5 Sand-Attack
9 Gust
13 Quick Attack
19 Whirlwind
25 Wing Attack
31 FeatherDance
39 Agility
47 Mirror Move
Quick Attack, Whirlwind, Wing Attack, and Agility are learned at higher levels. FeatherDance is missing.
Pidgeotto 1 Tackle
5 Sand-Attack
9 Gust
15 Quick Attack
23 Whirlwind
33 Wing Attack
43 Agility
55 Mirror Move
1 Tackle
5 Sand-Attack
9 Gust
13 Quick Attack
20 Whirlwind
27 Wing Attack
34 FeatherDance
43 Agility
52 Mirror Move
Quick Attack, Whirlwind, Wing Attack, and Agility are learned at higher levels. FeatherDance is missing.
Pidgeot 1 Tackle
5 Sand-Attack
9 Gust
15 Quick Attack
23 Whirlwind
33 Wing Attack
46 Agility
61 Mirror Move
1 Tackle
5 Sand-Attack
9 Gust
13 Quick Attack
20 Whirlwind
27 Wing Attack
34 FeatherDance
48 Agility
62 Mirror Move
Quick Attack, Whirlwind, Wing Attack, and Agility are learned at higher levels. FeatherDance is missing.
Rattata 1 Tackle
1 Tail Whip
7 Quick Attack
13 Hyper Fang
20 Focus Energy
27 Pursuit
34 Super Fang
1 Tackle
1 Tail Whip
7 Quick Attack
13 Hyper Fang
20 Focus Energy
27 Pursuit
34 Super Fang
41 Endeavor
Endeavor is missing.
Raticate 1 Tackle
1 Tail Whip
7 Quick Attack
13 Hyper Fang
20 Scary Face
30 Pursuit
40 Super Fang
1 Tackle
1 Tail Whip
7 Quick Attack
13 Hyper Fang
20 Scary Face
30 Pursuit
40 Super Fang
50 Endeavor
Endeavor is missing.
Spearow 1 Peck
1 Growl
7 Leer
13 Fury Attack
25 Pursuit
31 Mirror Move
37 Drill Peck
43 Agility
1 Peck
1 Growl
7 Leer
13 Fury Attack
19 Pursuit
25 Aerial Ace
31 Mirror Move
37 Drill Peck
43 Agility
Aerial Ace is missing, with Pursuit learned at a higher level to compensate.
Ekans 1 Wrap
1 Leer
9 Poison Sting
15 Bite
23 Glare
29 Screech
37 Acid
43 Haze
1 Wrap
1 Leer
8 Poison Sting
13 Bite
20 Glare
25 Screech
32 Acid
37 Stockpile
37 Swallow
37 Spit Up
44 Haze
Most of its moves are learned at slightly different levels. Stockpile, Swallow, and Spit Up are missing.
Arbok 1 Wrap
1 Leer
9 Poison Sting
15 Bite
25 Glare
33 Screech
43 Acid
51 Haze
1 Wrap
1 Leer
8 Poison Sting
13 Bite
20 Glare
28 Screech
38 Acid
46 Stockpile
46 Swallow
46 Spit Up
56 Haze
Most of its moves are learned at slightly different levels. Stockpile, Swallow, and Spit Up are missing.
Sandshrew 1 Scratch
6 Defense Curl
11 Sand-Attack
17 Poison Sting
23 Slash
30 Swift
37 Fury Swipes
45 Sandstorm
1 Scratch
6 Defense Curl
11 Sand-Attack
17 Poison Sting
23 Slash
30 Swift
37 Fury Swipes
45 Sand Tomb
53 Sandstorm
Sand Tomb is missing, with Sandstorm learned at a lower level to compensate.
Sandslash 1 Scratch
6 Defense Curl
11 Sand-Attack
17 Poison Sting
24 Slash
33 Swift
42 Fury Swipes
52 Sandstorm
1 Scratch
6 Defense Curl
11 Sand-Attack
17 Poison Sting
24 Slash
33 Swift
42 Fury Swipes
52 Sand Tomb
62 Sandstorm
Sand Tomb is missing, with Sandstorm learned at a lower level to compensate.
Nidoran♀ 1 Growl
1 Tackle
8 Scratch
12 Double Kick
17 Poison Sting
23 Tail Whip
30 Bite
38 Fury Swipes
1 Growl
1 Scratch
8 Tail Whip
12 Double Kick
17 Poison Sting
20 Bite
23 Helping Hand
30 Fury Swipes
38 Flatter
47 Crunch
Learns Tackle, which it can't in the final. Learns Tail Whip, Bite and Fury Swipes much later. Helping Hand, Flatter, and Crunch are missing.
Nidorina 1 Growl
1 Tackle
8 Scratch
12 Double Kick
19 Poison Sting
27 Tail Whip
36 Bite
46 Fury Swipes
1 Growl
1 Scratch
8 Tail Whip
12 Double Kick
18 Poison Sting
22 Bite
26 Helping Hand
34 Fury Swipes
43 Flatter
53 Crunch
Learns Tackle, which it can't in the final. Learns Tail Whip, Bite and Fury Swipes much later. Helping Hand, Flatter, and Crunch are missing.
Nidoqueen 1 Tackle
1 Scratch
1 Double Kick
1 Tail Whip
23 Body Slam
1 Scratch
1 Tail Whip
1 Double Kick
1 Poison Sting
23 Body Slam
Learns Tackle, which it can't in the final. Poison Sting is missing.
Nidoran♂ 1 Leer
1 Tackle
8 Horn Attack
12 Double Kick
17 Poison Sting
23 Focus Energy
30 Fury Attack
38 Horn Drill
1 Leer
1 Peck
8 Focus Energy
12 Double Kick
17 Poison Sting
20 Horn Attack
23 Helping Hand
30 Fury Attack
38 Flatter
47 Horn Drill
Learns Tackle instead of Peck. Horn Attack and Focus Energy are swapped. Helping Hand and Flatter are missing.
Nidorino 1 Leer
1 Tackle
8 Horn Attack
12 Double Kick
19 Poison Sting
27 Focus Energy
36 Fury Attack
46 Horn Drill
1 Leer
1 Peck
8 Focus Energy
12 Double Kick
18 Poison Sting
22 Horn Attack
26 Helping Hand
34 Fury Attack
43 Flatter
53 Horn Drill
Learns Tackle instead of Peck. Horn Attack and Focus Energy are swapped. Helping Hand and Flatter are missing.
Nidoking 1 Tackle
1 Horn Attack
1 Double Kick
1 Poison Sting
23 Thrash
1 Peck
1 Focus Energy
1 Double Kick
1 Poison Sting
23 Thrash
Learns Tackle instead of Peck and Horn Attack instead of Focus Energy.
Clefairy 1 Pound
1 Growl
4 Encore
8 Sing
13 DoubleSlap
19 Minimize
26 Defense Curl
34 Metronome
43 Moonlight
53 Light Screen
1 Pound
1 Growl
5 Encore
9 Sing
13 DoubleSlap
17 Follow Me
21 Minimize
25 Defense Curl
29 Metronome
33 Cosmic Power
37 Moonlight
41 Light Screen
45 Meteor Mash
Various moves are learned at slightly different levels. Follow Me, Cosmic Power, and Meteor Mash are missing.
Clefable 1 Sing
1 DoubleSlap
1 Metronome
1 Moonlight
1 Sing
1 DoubleSlap
1 Minimize
1 Metronome
Learns Moonlight instead of Minimize.
Vulpix 1 Ember
1 Tail Whip
7 Quick Attack
13 Roar
19 Confuse Ray
25 Safeguard
31 Flamethrower
37 Fire Spin
1 Ember
5 Tail Whip
9 Roar
13 Quick Attack
17 Will-O-Wisp
21 Confuse Ray
25 Imprison
29 Flamethrower
33 Safeguard
37 Grudge
41 Fire Spin
Quick Attack/Roar and Flamethrower/Safeguard are swapped. Will-O-Wisp, Imprison, and Grudge are missing.
Ninetales 1 Ember
1 Quick Attack
1 Confuse Ray
1 Safeguard
43 Fire Spin
1 Ember
1 Quick Attack
1 Confuse Ray
1 Safeguard
45 Fire Spin
Learns Fire Spin slightly earlier.
Jigglypuff 1 Sing
4 Defense Curl
9 Pound
14 Disable
19 Rollout
24 DoubleSlap
29 Rest
34 Body Slam
39 Double-Edge
1 Sing
4 Defense Curl
9 Pound
14 Disable
19 Rollout
24 DoubleSlap
29 Rest
34 Body Slam
39 Mimic
44 Hyper Voice
49 Double-Edge
Mimic and Hyper Voice are missing, with Double-Edge learned earlier to compensate.
Zubat 1 Leech Life
6 Supersonic
12 Bite
19 Confuse Ray
27 Wing Attack
36 Mean Look
46 Haze
1 Leech Life
6 Supersonic
11 Astonish
16 Bite
21 Wing Attack
26 Confuse Ray
31 Air Cutter
36 Mean Look
41 Poison Fang
46 Haze
Confuse Ray and Wing Attack are swapped. Astonish, Air Cutter, and Poison Fang are missing.
Golbat 1 Screech
1 Leech Life
6 Supersonic
12 Bite
19 Confuse Ray
30 Wing Attack
42 Mean Look
55 Haze
1 Screech
1 Leech Life
6 Supersonic
11 Astonish
16 Bite
21 Wing Attack
28 Confuse Ray
35 Air Cutter
42 Mean Look
49 Poison Fang
56 Haze
Confuse Ray and Wing Attack are swapped. Astonish, Air Cutter, and Poison Fang are missing.
Vileplume 1 Absorb
1 Sweet Scent
1 Stun Spore
1 Petal Dance
1 Absorb
1 Aromatherapy
1 Stun Spore
1 Mega Drain
44 Petal Dance
Learns Petal Dance much earlier. Aromatherapy is missing.
Paras 1 Scratch
7 Stun Spore
13 PoisonPowder
19 Leech Life
25 Spore
31 Slash
37 Growth
43 Giga Drain
1 Scratch
7 Stun Spore
13 PoisonPowder
19 Leech Life
25 Spore
31 Slash
37 Growth
43 Giga Drain
49 Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy is missing.
Parasect 1 Scratch
7 Stun Spore
13 PoisonPowder
19 Leech Life
28 Spore
37 Slash
46 Growth
55 Giga Drain
1 Scratch
7 Stun Spore
13 PoisonPowder
19 Leech Life
27 Spore
35 Slash
43 Growth
51 Giga Drain
59 Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy is missing.
Venomoth 1 Tackle
1 Disable
1 Foresight
9 Supersonic
17 Confusion
20 PoisonPowder
25 Leech Life
28 Stun Spore
31 Gust
36 Psybeam
42 Sleep Powder
52 Psychic
1 Silver Wind
1 Tackle
1 Disable
1 Foresight
9 Supersonic
17 Confusion
20 PoisonPowder
25 Leech Life
28 Stun Spore
31 Gust
36 Psybeam
42 Sleep Powder
52 Psychic
Silver Wind is missing.
Diglett 1 Scratch
5 Growl
9 Magnitude
17 Dig
25 Sand-Attack
33 Slash
41 Earthquake
49 Fissure
1 Scratch
1 Sand-Attack
5 Growl
9 Magnitude
17 Dig
25 Mud-Slap
33 Slash
41 Earthquake
49 Fissure
Learns Sand-Attack much later. Mud-Slap is missing.
Dugtrio 1 Tri Attack
1 Scratch
5 Growl
9 Magnitude
17 Dig
25 Sand-Attack
37 Slash
49 Earthquake
61 Fissure
1 Tri Attack
1 Scratch
1 Sand-Attack
5 Growl
9 Magnitude
17 Dig
25 Mud-Slap
26 Sand Tomb
38 Slash
51 Earthquake
64 Fissure
Learns Sand-Attack much later. Mud-Slap and Sand Tomb are missing.
Meowth 1 Scratch
1 Growl
11 Bite
20 Pay Day
28 Faint Attack
35 Screech
41 Fury Swipes
46 Slash
1 Scratch
1 Growl
11 Bite
20 Pay Day
28 Faint Attack
35 Screech
41 Fury Swipes
46 Slash
50 Fake Out
Fake Out is missing.
Persian 1 Scratch
1 Growl
11 Bite
20 Pay Day
29 Faint Attack
38 Screech
46 Fury Swipes
53 Slash
1 Scratch
1 Growl
11 Bite
20 Pay Day
29 Faint Attack
38 Screech
46 Fury Swipes
53 Slash
59 Fake Out
Fake Out is missing.
Psyduck 1 Scratch
5 Tail Whip
10 Disable
16 Confusion
23 Screech
31 Psych Up
40 Fury Swipes
50 Hydro Pump
1 Water Sport
1 Scratch
5 Tail Whip
10 Disable
16 Confusion
23 Screech
31 Psych Up
40 Fury Swipes
50 Hydro Pump
Water Sport is missing.
Golduck 1 Scratch
5 Tail Whip
10 Disable
16 Confusion
23 Screech
31 Psych Up
44 Fury Swipes
58 Hydro Pump
1 Water Sport
1 Scratch
5 Tail Whip
10 Disable
16 Confusion
23 Screech
31 Psych Up
44 Fury Swipes
58 Hydro Pump
Water Sport is missing.
Growlithe 1 Bite
1 Roar
9 Ember
18 Leer
26 Take Down
34 Flame Wheel
42 Agility
50 Flamethrower
1 Bite
1 Roar
7 Ember
13 Leer
19 Odor Sleuth
25 Take Down
31 Flame Wheel
37 Helping Hand
43 Agility
49 Flamethrower
Most of its moves are learned at slightly different levels. Odor Sleuth and Helping Hand are missing.
Arcanine 1 Roar
1 Leer
1 Take Down
1 Flame Wheel
50 ExtremeSpeed
1 Bite
1 Roar
1 Ember
1 Odor Sleuth
49 ExtremeSpeed
Learns Flame Wheel instead of Odor Sleuth.
Kadabra 1 Teleport
1 Kinesis
16 Confusion
18 Disable
21 Psybeam
26 Recover
31 Future Sight
38 Psychic
45 Reflect
1 Teleport
1 Kinesis
16 Confusion
18 Disable
21 Psybeam
23 Reflect
25 Recover
30 Future Sight
33 Role Play
36 Psychic
43 Trick
Learns Reflect much later. Role Play and Trick are missing.
Alakazam 1 Teleport
1 Kinesis
16 Confusion
18 Disable
21 Psybeam
26 Recover
31 Future Sight
38 Psychic
45 Reflect
1 Teleport
1 Kinesis
16 Confusion
18 Disable
21 Psybeam
23 Reflect
25 Recover
30 Future Sight
33 Calm Mind
36 Psychic
43 Trick
Learns Reflect much later. Calm Mind and Trick are missing.
Machop 1 Low Kick
1 Leer
7 Focus Energy
13 Karate Chop
19 Seismic Toss
25 Foresight
31 Vital Throw
37 Cross Chop
43 Scary Face
49 Submission
1 Low Kick
1 Leer
7 Focus Energy
13 Karate Chop
19 Seismic Toss
22 Foresight
25 Revenge
31 Vital Throw
37 Submission
40 Cross Chop
43 Scary Face
49 DynamicPunch
Learns Submission instead of DynamicPunch. Revenge is missing.
Machoke 1 Low Kick
1 Leer
8 Focus Energy
15 Karate Chop
19 Seismic Toss
25 Foresight
34 Vital Throw
43 Cross Chop
52 Scary Face
61 Submission
1 Low Kick
1 Leer
7 Focus Energy
13 Karate Chop
19 Seismic Toss
22 Foresight
25 Revenge
33 Vital Throw
41 Submission
46 Cross Chop
51 Scary Face
59 DynamicPunch
Learns Submission instead of DynamicPunch. Revenge is missing.
Machamp 1 Low Kick
1 Leer
8 Focus Energy
15 Karate Chop
19 Seismic Toss
25 Foresight
34 Vital Throw
43 Cross Chop
52 Scary Face
61 Submission
1 Low Kick
1 Leer
7 Focus Energy
13 Karate Chop
19 Seismic Toss
22 Foresight
25 Revenge
33 Vital Throw
41 Submission
46 Cross Chop
51 Scary Face
59 DynamicPunch
Learns Submission instead of DynamicPunch. Revenge is missing.
Geodude 1 Tackle
6 Defense Curl
11 Rock Throw
16 Magnitude
21 Selfdestruct
26 Harden
31 Rollout
36 Earthquake
41 Explosion
1 Tackle
1 Defense Curl
6 Mud Sport
11 Rock Throw
16 Magnitude
21 Selfdestruct
26 Rollout
31 Rock Blast
36 Earthquake
41 Explosion
46 Double-Edge
Learns Harden, which it can't in the final. Mud Sport, Rock Blast, and Double-Edge are missing.
Graveler 1 Tackle
6 Defense Curl
11 Rock Throw
16 Magnitude
21 Selfdestruct
27 Harden
34 Rollout
41 Earthquake
48 Explosion
1 Tackle
1 Defense Curl
6 Mud Sport
11 Rock Throw
16 Magnitude
21 Selfdestruct
29 Rollout
37 Rock Blast
45 Earthquake
53 Explosion
62 Double-Edge
Learns Harden, which it can't in the final. Mud Sport, Rock Blast, and Double-Edge are missing.
Golem 1 Tackle
6 Defense Curl
11 Rock Throw
16 Magnitude
21 Selfdestruct
27 Harden
34 Rollout
41 Earthquake
48 Explosion
1 Tackle
1 Defense Curl
6 Mud Sport
11 Rock Throw
16 Magnitude
21 Selfdestruct
29 Rollout
37 Rock Blast
45 Earthquake
53 Explosion
62 Double-Edge
Learns Harden, which it can't in the final. Mud Sport, Rock Blast, and Double-Edge are missing.
Ponyta 1 Tackle
4 Growl
8 Tail Whip
13 Ember
19 Stomp
26 Fire Spin
34 Take Down
43 Agility
53 Fire Blast
1 Tackle
5 Growl
9 Tail Whip
14 Ember
19 Stomp
25 Fire Spin
31 Take Down
38 Agility
45 Bounce
53 Fire Blast
Bounce is missing.
Rapidash 1 Tackle
4 Growl
8 Tail Whip
13 Ember
19 Stomp
26 Fire Spin
34 Take Down
40 Fury Attack
47 Agility
61 Fire Blast
1 Tackle
5 Growl
9 Tail Whip
14 Ember
19 Stomp
25 Fire Spin
31 Take Down
38 Agility
40 Fury Attack
50 Bounce
63 Fire Blast
Agility and Fury Attack are swapped. Bounce is missing.
Slowpoke 1 Curse
1 Tackle
6 Growl
15 Water Gun
20 Confusion
29 Disable
34 Headbutt
43 Amnesia
48 Psychic
1 Curse
1 Yawn
1 Tackle
6 Growl
15 Water Gun
20 Confusion
29 Disable
34 Headbutt
43 Amnesia
48 Psychic
Yawn is missing.
Slowbro 1 Curse
1 Tackle
6 Growl
15 Water Gun
20 Confusion
29 Disable
34 Headbutt
37 Withdraw
46 Amnesia
54 Psychic
1 Curse
1 Yawn
1 Tackle
6 Growl
15 Water Gun
20 Confusion
29 Disable
34 Headbutt
37 Withdraw
46 Amnesia
54 Psychic
Yawn is missing.
Magnemite 1 Tackle
6 ThunderShock
11 Supersonic
16 SonicBoom
21 Thunder Wave
27 Lock-On
33 Swift
39 Screech
45 Zap Cannon
1 Metal Sound
1 Tackle
6 ThunderShock
11 Supersonic
16 SonicBoom
21 Thunder Wave
26 Spark
32 Lock-On
38 Swift
44 Screech
50 Zap Cannon
Metal Sound and Spark are missing.
Magneton 1 Tackle
6 ThunderShock
11 Supersonic
16 SonicBoom
21 Thunder Wave
27 Lock-On
35 Tri Attack
43 Screech
53 Zap Cannon
1 Metal Sound
1 Tackle
6 ThunderShock
11 Supersonic
16 SonicBoom
21 Thunder Wave
26 Spark
35 Lock-On
44 Tri Attack
53 Screech
62 Zap Cannon
Metal Sound and Spark are missing.
Farfetch'd 1 Peck
7 Sand-Attack
13 Leer
19 Fury Attack
25 Swords Dance
31 Agility
37 Slash
44 False Swipe
1 Peck
6 Sand-Attack
11 Leer
16 Fury Attack
21 Knock Off
26 Fury Cutter
31 Swords Dance
36 Agility
41 Slash
46 False Swipe
Knock Off and Fury Cutter are missing.
Doduo 1 Peck
1 Growl
9 Pursuit
13 Fury Attack
21 Tri Attack
25 Rage
33 Drill Peck
37 Agility
1 Peck
1 Growl
9 Pursuit
13 Fury Attack
21 Tri Attack
25 Rage
33 Uproar
37 Drill Peck
45 Agility
Uproar is missing, with Drill Peck and Agility learned earlier to compensate.
Dodrio 1 Peck
1 Growl
9 Pursuit
13 Fury Attack
21 Tri Attack
25 Rage
38 Drill Peck
47 Agility
1 Peck
1 Growl
9 Pursuit
13 Fury Attack
21 Tri Attack
25 Rage
38 Uproar
47 Drill Peck
60 Agility
Uproar is missing, with Drill Peck and Agility learned earlier to compensate.
Seel 1 Headbutt
5 Growl
16 Aurora Beam
21 Rest
32 Take Down
37 Ice Beam
48 Safeguard
1 Headbutt
9 Growl
17 Icy Wind
21 Aurora Beam
29 Rest
37 Take Down
41 Ice Beam
49 Safeguard
Icy Wind is missing.
Dewgong 1 Headbutt
5 Growl
16 Aurora Beam
21 Rest
32 Take Down
43 Ice Beam
60 Safeguard
1 Headbutt
9 Growl
17 Icy Wind
21 Aurora Beam
29 Rest
34 Sheer Cold
42 Take Down
51 Ice Beam
64 Safeguard
Icy Wind and Sheer Cold are missing.
Grimer 1 Poison Gas
1 Pound
5 Harden
10 Disable
16 Sludge
23 Minimize
31 Screech
40 Acid Armor
50 Sludge Bomb
1 Poison Gas
1 Pound
4 Harden
8 Disable
13 Sludge
19 Minimize
26 Screech
34 Acid Armor
43 Sludge Bomb
53 Memento
Most of its moves are learned at slightly different levels. Memento is missing.
Muk 1 Poison Gas
1 Pound
23 Minimize
31 Screech
33 Harden
37 Disable
45 Sludge
45 Acid Armor
60 Sludge Bomb
1 Poison Gas
1 Pound
4 Harden
8 Disable
13 Sludge
19 Minimize
26 Screech
34 Acid Armor
47 Sludge Bomb
61 Memento
Most of its moves are learned at different levels. Memento is missing.
Haunter 1 Hypnosis
1 Lick
8 Spite
13 Mean Look
16 Curse
21 Night Shade
31 Confuse Ray
39 Dream Eater
48 Destiny Bond
1 Hypnosis
1 Lick
8 Spite
13 Mean Look
16 Curse
21 Night Shade
25 Shadow Punch
31 Confuse Ray
39 Dream Eater
48 Destiny Bond
Shadow Punch is missing.
Gengar 1 Hypnosis
1 Lick
8 Spite
13 Mean Look
16 Curse
21 Night Shade
31 Confuse Ray
39 Dream Eater
48 Destiny Bond
1 Hypnosis
1 Lick
8 Spite
13 Mean Look
16 Curse
21 Night Shade
25 Shadow Punch
31 Confuse Ray
39 Dream Eater
48 Destiny Bond
Shadow Punch is missing.
Onix 1 Tackle
1 Screech
10 Bind
14 Rock Throw
23 Harden
27 Rage
36 Sandstorm
40 Slam
1 Tackle
1 Screech
9 Bind
13 Rock Throw
21 Harden
25 Rage
33 Sandstorm
37 Slam
45 Iron Tail
49 Sand Tomb
57 Double-Edge
Iron Tail, Sand Tomb, and Double-Edge are missing.
Krabby 1 Bubble
5 Leer
12 ViceGrip
16 Harden
23 Stomp
27 Guillotine
34 Protect
41 Crabhammer
1 Bubble
5 Leer
12 ViceGrip
16 Harden
23 Mud Shot
27 Stomp
34 Guillotine
41 Protect
45 Crabhammer
Mud Shot is missing.
Kingler 1 Bubble
5 Leer
12 ViceGrip
16 Harden
23 Stomp
27 Guillotine
38 Protect
49 Crabhammer
1 Bubble
5 Leer
12 ViceGrip
16 Harden
23 Mud Shot
27 Stomp
38 Guillotine
49 Protect
57 Crabhammer
Mud Shot is missing.
Voltorb 1 Tackle
9 Screech
17 SonicBoom
23 Selfdestruct
29 Rollout
33 Light Screen
37 Swift
39 Explosion
41 Mirror Coat
1 Charge
1 Tackle
8 Screech
15 SonicBoom
21 Spark
27 Selfdestruct
32 Rollout
37 Light Screen
42 Swift
46 Explosion
49 Mirror Coat
Charge and Spark are missing.
Electrode 1 Tackle
9 Screech
17 SonicBoom
23 Selfdestruct
29 Rollout
34 Light Screen
40 Swift
44 Explosion
48 Mirror Coat
1 Charge
1 Tackle
8 Screech
15 SonicBoom
21 Spark
27 Selfdestruct
34 Rollout
41 Light Screen
48 Swift
54 Explosion
59 Mirror Coat
Charge and Spark are missing.
Exeggcute 1 Barrage
1 Hypnosis
7 Reflect
13 Leech Seed
19 Confusion
25 Stun Spore
31 PoisonPowder
37 Sleep Powder
43 SolarBeam
1 Barrage
1 Uproar
1 Hypnosis
7 Reflect
13 Leech Seed
19 Confusion
25 Stun Spore
31 PoisonPowder
37 Sleep Powder
43 SolarBeam
Uproar is missing.
Cubone 1 Growl
5 Tail Whip
9 Bone Club
13 Headbutt
17 Leer
21 Focus Energy
25 Bonemerang
29 Rage
33 False Swipe
37 Thrash
41 Bone Rush
1 Growl
5 Tail Whip
9 Bone Club
13 Headbutt
17 Leer
21 Focus Energy
25 Bonemerang
29 Rage
33 False Swipe
37 Thrash
41 Bone Rush
45 Double-Edge
Double-Edge is missing.
Marowak 1 Growl
5 Tail Whip
9 Bone Club
13 Headbutt
17 Leer
21 Focus Energy
25 Bonemerang
32 Rage
39 False Swipe
46 Thrash
53 Bone Rush
1 Growl
5 Tail Whip
9 Bone Club
13 Headbutt
17 Leer
21 Focus Energy
25 Bonemerang
32 Rage
39 False Swipe
46 Thrash
53 Bone Rush
61 Double-Edge
Double-Edge is missing.
Hitmonlee 1 Double Kick
6 Meditate
11 Rolling Kick
16 Jump Kick
21 Focus Energy
26 Hi Jump Kick
31 Mind Reader
36 Foresight
41 Endure
46 Mega Kick
51 Reversal
1 Revenge
1 Double Kick
6 Meditate
11 Rolling Kick
16 Jump Kick
20 Brick Break
21 Focus Energy
26 Hi Jump Kick
31 Mind Reader
36 Foresight
41 Endure
46 Mega Kick
51 Reversal
Revenge and Brick Break are missing.
Hitmonchan 1 Comet Punch
7 Agility
13 Pursuit
26 ThunderPunch
26 Ice Punch
26 Fire Punch
32 Mach Punch
38 Mega Punch
44 Detect
50 Counter
1 Revenge
1 Comet Punch
7 Agility
13 Pursuit
20 Mach Punch
26 ThunderPunch
26 Ice Punch
26 Fire Punch
32 Sky Uppercut
38 Mega Punch
44 Detect
50 Counter
Learns Mach Punch much later. Revenge and Sky Uppercut are missing.
Lickitung 1 Lick
7 Supersonic
13 Defense Curl
19 Stomp
25 Wrap
31 Disable
37 Slam
43 Screech
1 Lick
7 Supersonic
12 Defense Curl
18 Knock Off
23 Stomp
29 Wrap
34 Disable
40 Slam
45 Screech
51 Refresh
Knock Off and Refresh are missing.
Koffing 1 Poison Gas
1 Tackle
9 Smog
17 Selfdestruct
21 Sludge
25 SmokeScreen
33 Haze
41 Explosion
45 Destiny Bond
1 Poison Gas
1 Tackle
9 Smog
17 Selfdestruct
21 Sludge
25 SmokeScreen
33 Haze
41 Explosion
45 Destiny Bond
49 Memento
Memento is missing.
Weezing 1 Poison Gas
1 Tackle
9 Smog
17 Selfdestruct
21 Sludge
25 SmokeScreen
33 Haze
44 Explosion
51 Destiny Bond
1 Poison Gas
1 Tackle
9 Smog
17 Selfdestruct
21 Sludge
25 SmokeScreen
33 Haze
44 Explosion
51 Destiny Bond
58 Memento
Memento is missing.
Rhyhorn 1 Horn Attack
1 Tail Whip
13 Stomp
19 Fury Attack
31 Scary Face
37 Horn Drill
49 Take Down
55 Earthquake
1 Horn Attack
1 Tail Whip
10 Stomp
15 Fury Attack
24 Scary Face
29 Rock Blast
38 Horn Drill
43 Take Down
52 Earthquake
57 Megahorn
Rock Blast and Megahorn are missing.
Rhydon 1 Horn Attack
1 Tail Whip
13 Stomp
19 Fury Attack
31 Scary Face
37 Horn Drill
54 Take Down
65 Earthquake
1 Horn Attack
1 Tail Whip
10 Stomp
15 Fury Attack
24 Scary Face
29 Rock Blast
38 Horn Drill
46 Take Down
58 Earthquake
66 Megahorn
Rock Blast and Megahorn are missing.
Chansey 1 Pound
5 Growl
9 Tail Whip
13 Softboiled
17 DoubleSlap
23 Minimize
29 Sing
35 Egg Bomb
41 Defense Curl
49 Light Screen
57 Double-Edge
1 Pound
1 Growl
5 Tail Whip
9 Refresh
13 Softboiled
17 DoubleSlap
23 Minimize
29 Sing
35 Egg Bomb
41 Defense Curl
49 Light Screen
57 Double-Edge
Refresh is missing.
Tangela 1 Constrict
4 Sleep Powder
10 Absorb
13 PoisonPowder
19 Vine Whip
25 Bind
31 Mega Drain
34 Stun Spore
40 Slam
46 Growth
1 Ingrain
1 Constrict
4 Sleep Powder
10 Absorb
13 Growth
19 PoisonPowder
22 Vine Whip
28 Bind
31 Mega Drain
37 Stun Spore
40 Slam
46 Tickle
Learns Growth much later. Ingrain and Tickle are missing.
Kangaskhan 1 Comet Punch
7 Leer
13 Bite
19 Tail Whip
25 Mega Punch
31 Rage
37 Endure
43 Dizzy Punch
49 Reversal
1 Comet Punch
1 Leer
7 Bite
13 Tail Whip
19 Fake Out
25 Mega Punch
31 Rage
37 Endure
43 Dizzy Punch
49 Reversal
Fake Out is missing.
Horsea 1 Bubble
8 SmokeScreen
15 Leer
22 Water Gun
29 Twister
36 Agility
43 Hydro Pump
1 Bubble
8 SmokeScreen
15 Leer
22 Water Gun
29 Twister
36 Agility
43 Hydro Pump
50 Dragon Dance
Dragon Dance is missing.
Seadra 1 Bubble
8 SmokeScreen
15 Leer
22 Water Gun
29 Twister
40 Agility
51 Hydro Pump
1 Bubble
8 SmokeScreen
15 Leer
22 Water Gun
29 Twister
40 Agility
51 Hydro Pump
62 Dragon Dance
Dragon Dance is missing.
Goldeen 1 Peck
1 Tail Whip
10 Supersonic
15 Horn Attack
24 Flail
29 Fury Attack
38 Waterfall
43 Horn Drill
52 Agility
1 Peck
1 Tail Whip
1 Water Sport
10 Supersonic
15 Horn Attack
24 Flail
29 Fury Attack
38 Waterfall
43 Horn Drill
52 Agility
Water Sport is missing.
Seaking 1 Peck
1 Tail Whip
10 Supersonic
15 Horn Attack
24 Flail
29 Fury Attack
41 Waterfall
49 Horn Drill
61 Agility
1 Peck
1 Tail Whip
1 Water Sport
10 Supersonic
15 Horn Attack
24 Flail
29 Fury Attack
41 Waterfall
49 Horn Drill
61 Agility
Water Sport is missing.
Staryu 1 Tackle
1 Harden
7 Water Gun
13 Rapid Spin
19 Recover
25 Swift
31 BubbleBeam
37 Minimize
43 Light Screen
50 Hydro Pump
1 Tackle
1 Harden
6 Water Gun
10 Rapid Spin
15 Recover
19 Camouflage
24 Swift
28 BubbleBeam
33 Minimize
37 Light Screen
42 Cosmic Power
46 Hydro Pump
Camouflage and Cosmic Power are missing.
Starmie 1 Tackle
1 Rapid Spin
1 Recover
1 BubbleBeam
37 Confuse Ray
1 Water Gun
1 Rapid Spin
1 Recover
1 Swift
33 Confuse Ray
Learns Tackle instead of Water Gun and BubbleBeam instead of Swift.
Mr. Mime 1 Barrier
6 Confusion
11 Substitute
16 Meditate
21 DoubleSlap
26 Light Screen
26 Reflect
31 Encore
36 Psybeam
41 Baton Pass
46 Safeguard
1 Barrier
5 Confusion
9 Substitute
13 Meditate
17 DoubleSlap
21 Light Screen
21 Reflect
25 Encore
29 Psybeam
33 Recycle
37 Trick
41 Role Play
45 Psychic
49 Baton Pass
53 Safeguard
Recycle, Trick, Role Play, and Psychic are missing.
Scyther 1 Quick Attack
1 Leer
6 Focus Energy
12 Pursuit
18 False Swipe
24 Agility
30 Wing Attack
36 Slash
42 Swords Dance
48 Double Team
1 Quick Attack
1 Leer
6 Focus Energy
11 Pursuit
16 False Swipe
21 Agility
26 Wing Attack
31 Slash
36 Swords Dance
41 Double Team
46 Fury Cutter
Fury Cutter is missing.
Jynx 1 Pound
1 Lick
9 Lovely Kiss
13 Powder Snow
21 DoubleSlap
25 Ice Punch
35 Mean Look
41 Body Slam
51 Perish Song
57 Blizzard
1 Pound
1 Lick
9 Lovely Kiss
13 Powder Snow
21 DoubleSlap
25 Ice Punch
35 Mean Look
41 Fake Tears
51 Body Slam
57 Perish Song
67 Blizzard
Fake Tears is missing.
Pinsir 1 ViceGrip
7 Focus Energy
13 Bind
19 Seismic Toss
25 Harden
31 Guillotine
37 Submission
43 Swords Dance
1 ViceGrip
1 Focus Energy
7 Bind
13 Seismic Toss
19 Harden
25 Revenge
31 Brick Break
37 Guillotine
43 Submission
49 Swords Dance
Revenge and Brick Break are missing.
Gyarados 1 Thrash
20 Bite
25 Dragon Rage
30 Leer
35 Twister
40 Hydro Pump
45 Rain Dance
50 Hyper Beam
1 Thrash
20 Bite
25 Dragon Rage
30 Leer
35 Twister
40 Hydro Pump
45 Rain Dance
50 Dragon Dance
55 Hyper Beam
Dragon Dance is missing.
Lapras 1 Water Gun
1 Growl
1 Sing
8 Mist
15 Body Slam
22 Confuse Ray
29 Perish Song
36 Ice Beam
43 Rain Dance
50 Safeguard
57 Hydro Pump
1 Water Gun
1 Growl
1 Sing
7 Mist
13 Body Slam
19 Confuse Ray
25 Perish Song
31 Ice Beam
37 Rain Dance
43 Safeguard
49 Hydro Pump
55 Sheer Cold
Sheer Cold is missing.
Eevee 1 Tackle
1 Tail Whip
8 Sand-Attack
16 Growl
23 Quick Attack
30 Bite
36 Baton Pass
42 Take Down
1 Tackle
1 Tail Whip
1 Helping Hand
8 Sand-Attack
16 Growl
23 Quick Attack
30 Bite
36 Baton Pass
42 Take Down
Helping Hand is missing.
Vaporeon 1 Tackle
1 Tail Whip
8 Sand-Attack
16 Water Gun
23 Quick Attack
30 Bite
36 Aurora Beam
42 Haze
47 Acid Armor
52 Hydro Pump
1 Tackle
1 Tail Whip
1 Helping Hand
8 Sand-Attack
16 Water Gun
23 Quick Attack
30 Bite
36 Aurora Beam
42 Haze
47 Acid Armor
52 Hydro Pump
Helping Hand is missing.
Jolteon 1 Tackle
1 Tail Whip
8 Sand-Attack
16 ThunderShock
23 Quick Attack
30 Double Kick
36 Pin Missile
42 Thunder Wave
47 Agility
52 Thunder
1 Tackle
1 Tail Whip
1 Helping Hand
8 Sand-Attack
16 ThunderShock
23 Quick Attack
30 Double Kick
36 Pin Missile
42 Thunder Wave
47 Agility
52 Thunder
Helping Hand is missing.
Flareon 1 Tackle
1 Tail Whip
8 Sand-Attack
16 Ember
23 Quick Attack
30 Bite
36 Fire Spin
42 Smog
47 Leer
52 Flamethrower
1 Tackle
1 Tail Whip
1 Helping Hand
8 Sand-Attack
16 Ember
23 Quick Attack
30 Bite
36 Fire Spin
42 Smog
47 Leer
52 Flamethrower
Helping Hand is missing.
Porygon 1 Conversion 2
1 Tackle
1 Conversion
9 Agility
12 Psybeam
20 Recover
24 Sharpen
32 Lock-On
36 Tri Attack
44 Zap Cannon
1 Conversion 2
1 Tackle
1 Conversion
9 Agility
12 Psybeam
20 Recover
24 Sharpen
32 Lock-On
36 Tri Attack
44 Recycle
48 Zap Cannon
Recycle is missing.
Omanyte 1 Constrict
1 Withdraw
13 Bite
19 Water Gun
31 Leer
37 Protect
49 AncientPower
55 Hydro Pump
1 Constrict
1 Withdraw
13 Bite
19 Water Gun
25 Mud Shot
31 Leer
37 Protect
43 Tickle
49 AncientPower
55 Hydro Pump
Mud Shot and Tickle are missing.
Omastar 1 Constrict
1 Withdraw
13 Bite
19 Water Gun
31 Leer
37 Protect
40 Spike Cannon
54 AncientPower
65 Hydro Pump
1 Constrict
1 Withdraw
13 Bite
19 Water Gun
25 Mud Shot
31 Leer
37 Protect
40 Spike Cannon
46 Tickle
55 AncientPower
65 Hydro Pump
Mud Shot and Tickle are missing.
Kabuto 1 Scratch
1 Harden
10 Absorb
19 Leer
28 Sand-Attack
37 Endure
46 Mega Drain
55 AncientPower
1 Scratch
1 Harden
13 Absorb
19 Leer
25 Mud Shot
31 Sand-Attack
37 Endure
43 Metal Sound
49 Mega Drain
55 AncientPower
Mud Shot and Metal Sound are missing.
Kabutops 1 Scratch
1 Harden
10 Absorb
19 Leer
28 Sand-Attack
37 Endure
40 Slash
51 Mega Drain
65 AncientPower
1 Scratch
1 Harden
13 Absorb
19 Leer
25 Mud Shot
31 Sand-Attack
37 Endure
40 Slash
46 Metal Sound
55 Mega Drain
65 AncientPower
Mud Shot and Metal Sound are missing.
Snorlax 1 Tackle
8 Amnesia
15 Defense Curl
22 Belly Drum
29 Headbutt
36 Snore
36 Rest
43 Body Slam
50 Rollout
57 Hyper Beam
1 Tackle
6 Amnesia
10 Defense Curl
15 Belly Drum
19 Headbutt
24 Yawn
28 Rest
28 Snore
33 Body Slam
37 Block
42 Covet
46 Rollout
51 Hyper Beam
Yawn, Block, and Covet are missing.
Articuno 1 Gust
1 Powder Snow
13 Mist
25 Agility
37 Mind Reader
49 Ice Beam
61 Reflect
73 Blizzard
1 Gust
1 Powder Snow
13 Mist
25 Agility
37 Mind Reader
49 Ice Beam
61 Reflect
73 Blizzard
85 Sheer Cold
Sheer Cold is missing.
Zapdos 1 Peck
1 ThunderShock
13 Thunder Wave
25 Agility
37 Detect
49 Drill Peck
61 Light Screen
73 Thunder
1 Peck
1 ThunderShock
13 Thunder Wave
25 Agility
37 Detect
49 Drill Peck
61 Charge
73 Light Screen
85 Thunder
Charge is missing.
Moltres 1 Wing Attack
1 Ember
13 Fire Spin
25 Agility
37 Endure
49 Flamethrower
61 Safeguard
73 Sky Attack
1 Wing Attack
1 Ember
13 Fire Spin
25 Agility
37 Endure
49 Flamethrower
61 Safeguard
73 Heat Wave
85 Sky Attack
Heat Wave is missing.
Sentret 1 Tackle
5 Defense Curl
11 Quick Attack
17 Fury Swipes
25 Slam
33 Rest
41 Amnesia
1 Scratch
4 Defense Curl
7 Quick Attack
12 Fury Swipes
17 Helping Hand
24 Slam
31 Follow Me
40 Rest
49 Amnesia
Learns Tackle instead of Scratch. Helping Hand and Follow Me are missing.
Furret 1 Scratch
5 Defense Curl
11 Quick Attack
18 Fury Swipes
28 Slam
38 Rest
48 Amnesia
1 Scratch
4 Defense Curl
7 Quick Attack
12 Fury Swipes
19 Helping Hand
28 Slam
37 Follow Me
48 Rest
59 Amnesia
Learns Tackle instead of Scratch. Helping Hand and Follow Me are missing.
Crobat 1 Screech
1 Leech Life
6 Supersonic
12 Bite
19 Confuse Ray
30 Wing Attack
42 Mean Look
55 Haze
1 Screech
1 Leech Life
6 Supersonic
11 Astonish
16 Bite
21 Wing Attack
28 Confuse Ray
35 Air Cutter
42 Mean Look
49 Poison Fang
56 Haze
Learns Tackle instead of Scratch. Confuse Ray and Wing Attack are swapped. Astonish, Air Cutter, and Poison Fang are missing.
Chinchou 1 Bubble
1 Thunder Wave
5 Supersonic
13 Flail
17 Water Gun
25 Spark
29 Confuse Ray
37 Take Down
41 Hydro Pump
1 Bubble
1 Thunder Wave
5 Supersonic
13 Flail
17 Water Gun
25 Spark
29 Confuse Ray
37 Take Down
41 Hydro Pump
49 Charge
Charge is missing.
Lanturn 1 Bubble
1 Thunder Wave
5 Supersonic
13 Flail
17 Water Gun
25 Spark
33 Confuse Ray
45 Take Down
53 Hydro Pump
1 Bubble
1 Thunder Wave
5 Supersonic
13 Flail
17 Water Gun
25 Spark
32 Confuse Ray
43 Take Down
50 Hydro Pump
61 Charge
Charge is missing.
Togepi 1 Growl
1 Charm
7 Metronome
18 Sweet Kiss
25 Encore
31 Safeguard
38 Double-Edge
1 Growl
1 Charm
6 Metronome
11 Sweet Kiss
16 Yawn
21 Encore
26 Follow Me
31 Wish
36 Safeguard
41 Double-Edge
Yawn, Follow Me, and Wish are missing.
Togetic 1 Growl
1 Charm
7 Metronome
18 Sweet Kiss
25 Encore
31 Safeguard
38 Double-Edge
1 Growl
1 Charm
6 Metronome
11 Sweet Kiss
16 Yawn
21 Encore
26 Follow Me
31 Wish
36 Safeguard
41 Double-Edge
Yawn, Follow Me, and Wish are missing.
Natu 1 Peck
1 Leer
10 Night Shade
20 Teleport
30 Future Sight
40 Confuse Ray
50 Psychic
1 Peck
1 Leer
10 Night Shade
20 Teleport
30 Wish
30 Future Sight
40 Confuse Ray
50 Psychic
Wish is missing.
Xatu 1 Peck
1 Leer
10 Night Shade
20 Teleport
35 Future Sight
50 Confuse Ray
65 Psychic
1 Peck
1 Leer
10 Night Shade
20 Teleport
35 Wish
35 Future Sight
50 Confuse Ray
65 Psychic
Wish is missing.
Bellossom 1 Absorb
1 Sweet Scent
1 Stun Spore
1 Petal Dance
55 SolarBeam
1 Absorb
1 Sweet Scent
1 Stun Spore
1 Magical Leaf
44 Petal Dance
55 SolarBeam
Learns Petal Dance much earlier. Magical Leaf is missing.
Marill 1 Tackle
3 Defense Curl
6 Tail Whip
10 Water Gun
15 Rollout
21 BubbleBeam
28 Double-Edge
36 Rain Dance
1 Tackle
3 Defense Curl
6 Tail Whip
10 Water Gun
15 Rollout
21 BubbleBeam
28 Double-Edge
36 Rain Dance
45 Hydro Pump
Hydro Pump is missing.
Azumarill 1 Tackle
3 Defense Curl
6 Tail Whip
10 Water Gun
15 Rollout
25 BubbleBeam
36 Double-Edge
48 Rain Dance
1 Tackle
3 Defense Curl
6 Tail Whip
10 Water Gun
15 Rollout
24 BubbleBeam
34 Double-Edge
45 Rain Dance
57 Hydro Pump
Hydro Pump is missing.
Sudowoodo 1 Rock Throw
1 Mimic
10 Flail
19 Low Kick
28 Rock Slide
37 Faint Attack
46 Slam
1 Rock Throw
1 Mimic
9 Flail
17 Low Kick
25 Rock Slide
33 Block
41 Faint Attack
49 Slam
57 Double-Edge
Block and Double-Edge are missing.
Aipom 1 Scratch
1 Tail Whip
6 Sand-Attack
12 Baton Pass
19 Fury Swipes
27 Swift
36 Screech
46 Agility
1 Scratch
1 Tail Whip
6 Sand-Attack
13 Astonish
18 Baton Pass
25 Tickle
31 Fury Swipes
38 Swift
43 Screech
50 Agility
Astonish and Tickle are missing.
Sunkern 1 Absorb
4 Growth
10 Mega Drain
19 Sunny Day
31 Synthesis
46 Giga Drain
1 Absorb
6 Growth
13 Mega Drain
18 Ingrain
25 Endeavor
30 Sunny Day
37 Synthesis
42 Giga Drain
Ingrain and Endeavor are missing.
Sunflora 1 Absorb
1 Pound
4 Growth
10 Razor Leaf
19 Sunny Day
31 Petal Dance
46 SolarBeam
1 Absorb
1 Pound
6 Growth
13 Razor Leaf
18 Ingrain
25 Bullet Seed
30 Sunny Day
37 Petal Dance
42 SolarBeam
Ingrain and Bullet Seed are missing.
Yanma 1 Tackle
1 Foresight
7 Quick Attack
13 Double Team
19 SonicBoom
25 Detect
31 Supersonic
37 Wing Attack
43 Screech
1 Tackle
1 Foresight
7 Quick Attack
13 Double Team
19 SonicBoom
25 Detect
31 Supersonic
37 Uproar
43 Wing Attack
49 Screech
Uproar is missing.
Wooper 1 Water Gun
1 Tail Whip
11 Slam
21 Amnesia
31 Earthquake
41 Rain Dance
51 Mist
51 Haze
1 Water Gun
1 Tail Whip
11 Slam
16 Mud Shot
21 Amnesia
31 Yawn
36 Earthquake
41 Rain Dance
51 Mist
51 Haze
Mud Shot and Yawn are missing.
Quagsire 1 Water Gun
1 Tail Whip
11 Slam
23 Amnesia
35 Earthquake
47 Rain Dance
59 Mist
59 Haze
1 Water Gun
1 Tail Whip
11 Slam
16 Mud Shot
23 Amnesia
35 Yawn
42 Earthquake
49 Rain Dance
61 Mist
61 Haze
Mud Shot and Yawn are missing.
Espeon 1 Tackle
1 Tail Whip
8 Sand-Attack
16 Confusion
23 Quick Attack
30 Swift
36 Psybeam
42 Psych Up
47 Psychic
52 Morning Sun
1 Tackle
1 Tail Whip
1 Helping Hand
8 Sand-Attack
16 Confusion
23 Quick Attack
30 Swift
36 Psybeam
42 Psych Up
47 Psychic
52 Morning Sun
Helping Hand is missing.
Umbreon 1 Tackle
1 Tail Whip
8 Sand-Attack
16 Pursuit
23 Quick Attack
30 Confuse Ray
36 Faint Attack
42 Mean Look
47 Screech
52 Moonlight
1 Tackle
1 Tail Whip
1 Helping Hand
8 Sand-Attack
16 Pursuit
23 Quick Attack
30 Confuse Ray
36 Faint Attack
42 Mean Look
47 Screech
52 Moonlight
Helping Hand is missing.
Murkrow 1 Peck
11 Pursuit
16 Haze
26 Night Shade
31 Faint Attack
41 Mean Look
1 Peck
9 Astonish
14 Pursuit
22 Haze
27 Night Shade
35 Faint Attack
40 Taunt
48 Mean Look
Astonish and Taunt are missing.
Slowking 1 Curse
1 Tackle
6 Growl
15 Water Gun
20 Confusion
29 Disable
34 Headbutt
43 Swagger
48 Psychic
1 Curse
1 Yawn
1 Tackle
6 Growl
15 Water Gun
20 Confusion
29 Disable
34 Headbutt
43 Swagger
48 Psychic
Yawn is missing.
Misdreavus 1 Growl
1 Psywave
6 Spite
12 Confuse Ray
19 Mean Look
27 Psybeam
36 Pain Split
46 Perish Song
1 Growl
1 Psywave
6 Spite
11 Astonish
17 Confuse Ray
23 Mean Look
30 Psybeam
37 Pain Split
45 Perish Song
53 Grudge
Astonish and Grudge are missing.
Girafarig 1 Tackle
1 Growl
7 Confusion
13 Stomp
20 Agility
30 Baton Pass
41 Psybeam
54 Crunch
1 Tackle
1 Growl
7 Astonish
13 Confusion
19 Stomp
25 Odor Sleuth
31 Agility
37 Baton Pass
43 Psybeam
49 Crunch
Astonish and Odor Sleuth are missing.
Dunsparce 1 Rage
5 Defense Curl
13 Glare
18 Spite
26 Pursuit
30 Screech
38 Take Down
1 Rage
4 Defense Curl
11 Yawn
14 Glare
21 Spite
24 Pursuit
31 Screech
34 Take Down
41 Endeavor
Yawn and Endeavor are missing.
Steelix 1 Tackle
1 Screech
10 Bind
14 Rock Throw
23 Harden
27 Rage
36 Sandstorm
40 Slam
49 Crunch
1 Tackle
1 Screech
9 Bind
13 Rock Throw
21 Harden
25 Rage
33 Sandstorm
37 Slam
45 Iron Tail
49 Crunch
57 Double-Edge
Iron Tail and Double-Edge are missing.
Snubbull 1 Tackle
1 Scary Face
4 Tail Whip
8 Charm
13 Bite
19 Lick
26 Roar
34 Rage
43 Take Down
1 Tackle
1 Scary Face
4 Tail Whip
8 Charm
13 Bite
19 Lick
26 Roar
34 Rage
43 Take Down
53 Crunch
Crunch is missing.
Granbull 1 Tackle
1 Scary Face
4 Tail Whip
8 Charm
13 Bite
19 Lick
28 Roar
38 Rage
51 Take Down
1 Tackle
1 Scary Face
4 Tail Whip
8 Charm
13 Bite
19 Lick
28 Roar
38 Rage
49 Take Down
61 Crunch
Crunch is missing.
Scizor 1 Quick Attack
1 Leer
6 Focus Energy
12 Pursuit
18 False Swipe
24 Agility
30 Metal Claw
36 Slash
42 Swords Dance
48 Double Team
1 Quick Attack
1 Leer
6 Focus Energy
11 Pursuit
16 False Swipe
21 Agility
26 Metal Claw
31 Slash
36 Swords Dance
41 Double Team
46 Fury Cutter
Fury Cutter is missing.
Heracross 1 Tackle
1 Leer
6 Horn Attack
12 Endure
19 Fury Attack
27 Counter
35 Take Down
44 Reversal
54 Megahorn
1 Tackle
1 Leer
6 Horn Attack
11 Endure
17 Fury Attack
23 Brick Break
30 Counter
37 Take Down
45 Reversal
53 Megahorn
Brick Break is missing.
Sneasel 1 Scratch
1 Leer
9 Quick Attack
17 Screech
25 Faint Attack
33 Fury Swipes
41 Agility
49 Slash
57 Beat Up
65 Metal Claw
1 Scratch
1 Leer
1 Taunt
8 Quick Attack
15 Screech
22 Faint Attack
29 Fury Swipes
36 Agility
43 Icy Wind
50 Slash
57 Beat Up
64 Metal Claw
Taunt and Icy Wind are missing.
Teddiursa 1 Scratch
1 Leer
8 Lick
15 Fury Swipes
22 Faint Attack
29 Rest
36 Slash
43 Snore
50 Thrash
1 Scratch
1 Leer
7 Lick
13 Fury Swipes
19 Fake Tears
25 Faint Attack
31 Rest
37 Slash
43 Snore
49 Thrash
Fake Tears is missing.
Ursaring 1 Scratch
1 Leer
8 Lick
15 Fury Swipes
22 Faint Attack
29 Rest
39 Slash
49 Snore
59 Thrash
1 Scratch
1 Leer
7 Lick
13 Fury Swipes
19 Fake Tears
25 Faint Attack
31 Rest
37 Slash
43 Snore
49 Thrash
Fake Tears is missing.
Slugma 1 Smog
8 Ember
15 Rock Throw
22 Harden
29 Amnesia
36 Flamethrower
43 Rock Slide
50 Body Slam
1 Yawn
1 Smog
8 Ember
15 Rock Throw
22 Harden
29 Amnesia
36 Flamethrower
43 Rock Slide
50 Body Slam
Yawn is missing.
Magcargo 1 Smog
8 Ember
15 Rock Throw
22 Harden
29 Amnesia
36 Flamethrower
48 Rock Slide
60 Body Slam
1 Yawn
1 Smog
8 Ember
15 Rock Throw
22 Harden
29 Amnesia
36 Flamethrower
48 Rock Slide
60 Body Slam
Yawn is missing.
Swinub 1 Tackle
10 Powder Snow
19 Endure
28 Take Down
37 Mist
46 Blizzard
55 Amnesia
1 Tackle
1 Odor Sleuth
10 Powder Snow
19 Endure
28 Take Down
37 Mist
46 Blizzard
55 Amnesia
Odor Sleuth is missing.
Piloswine 1 Horn Attack
10 Powder Snow
19 Endure
28 Take Down
33 Fury Attack
42 Mist
56 Blizzard
70 Amnesia
1 Horn Attack
1 Odor Sleuth
10 Powder Snow
19 Endure
28 Take Down
33 Fury Attack
42 Mist
56 Blizzard
70 Amnesia
Odor Sleuth is missing.
Corsola 1 Tackle
7 Harden
13 Bubble
19 Recover
25 BubbleBeam
31 Spike Cannon
37 Mirror Coat
43 AncientPower
1 Tackle
6 Harden
12 Bubble
17 Recover
17 Refresh
23 BubbleBeam
28 Spike Cannon
34 Rock Blast
39 Mirror Coat
45 AncientPower
Refresh and Rock Blast are missing.
Mantine 1 Tackle
1 Bubble
10 Supersonic
18 BubbleBeam
25 Take Down
32 Agility
40 Wing Attack
49 Confuse Ray
1 Tackle
1 Bubble
8 Supersonic
15 BubbleBeam
22 Take Down
29 Agility
36 Wing Attack
43 Water Pulse
50 Confuse Ray
Water Pulse is missing.
Skarmory 1 Leer
1 Peck
13 Sand-Attack
19 Swift
25 Agility
37 Fury Attack
49 Steel Wing
1 Leer
1 Peck
10 Sand-Attack
13 Swift
16 Agility
26 Fury Attack
29 Air Cutter
32 Steel Wing
42 Spikes
45 Metal Sound
Air Cutter, Spikes, and Metal Sound are missing.
Houndour 1 Leer
1 Ember
7 Roar
13 Smog
20 Bite
27 Faint Attack
35 Flamethrower
43 Crunch
1 Leer
1 Ember
7 Howl
13 Smog
19 Roar
25 Bite
31 Odor Sleuth
37 Faint Attack
43 Flamethrower
49 Crunch
Roar and Smog are swapped. Howl and Odor Sleuth are missing.
Houndoom 1 Leer
1 Ember
7 Roar
13 Smog
20 Bite
30 Faint Attack
41 Flamethrower
52 Crunch
1 Leer
1 Ember
7 Howl
13 Smog
19 Roar
27 Bite
35 Odor Sleuth
43 Faint Attack
51 Flamethrower
59 Crunch
Roar and Smog are swapped. Howl and Odor Sleuth are missing.
Kingdra 1 Bubble
8 SmokeScreen
15 Leer
22 Water Gun
29 Twister
40 Agility
51 Hydro Pump
1 Bubble
8 SmokeScreen
15 Leer
22 Water Gun
29 Twister
40 Agility
51 Hydro Pump
62 Dragon Dance
Dragon Dance is missing.
Phanpy 1 Tackle
1 Growl
9 Defense Curl
17 Flail
25 Take Down
33 Rollout
41 Endure
49 Double-Edge
1 Odor Sleuth
1 Tackle
1 Growl
9 Defense Curl
17 Flail
25 Take Down
33 Rollout
41 Endure
49 Double-Edge
Odor Sleuth is missing.
Donphan 1 Horn Attack
1 Growl
9 Defense Curl
17 Flail
25 Fury Attack
33 Rollout
41 Rapid Spin
49 Earthquake
1 Odor Sleuth
1 Horn Attack
1 Growl
9 Defense Curl
17 Flail
25 Fury Attack
33 Rollout
41 Rapid Spin
49 Earthquake
Odor Sleuth is missing.
Porygon2 1 Conversion 2
1 Tackle
1 Conversion
9 Agility
12 Psybeam
20 Recover
24 Defense Curl
32 Lock-On
36 Tri Attack
44 Zap Cannon
1 Conversion 2
1 Tackle
1 Conversion
9 Agility
12 Psybeam
20 Recover
24 Defense Curl
32 Lock-On
36 Tri Attack
44 Recycle
48 Zap Cannon
Recycle is missing.
Stantler 1 Tackle
8 Leer
15 Hypnosis
23 Stomp
31 Sand-Attack
40 Take Down
49 Confuse Ray
1 Tackle
7 Leer
13 Astonish
19 Hypnosis
25 Stomp
31 Sand-Attack
37 Take Down
43 Confuse Ray
49 Calm Mind
Astonish and Calm Mind are missing.
Hitmontop 1 Rolling Kick
7 Focus Energy
13 Pursuit
19 Quick Attack
25 Rapid Spin
31 Counter
37 Agility
43 Detect
49 Triple Kick
1 Revenge
1 Rolling Kick
7 Focus Energy
13 Pursuit
19 Quick Attack
20 Triple Kick
25 Rapid Spin
31 Counter
37 Agility
43 Detect
49 Endeavor
Learns Triple Kick much later. Revenge and Endeavor are missing.
Smoochum 1 Pound
1 Lick
9 Sweet Kiss
13 Powder Snow
21 Confusion
25 Sing
33 Mean Look
37 Psychic
45 Perish Song
49 Blizzard
1 Pound
1 Lick
9 Sweet Kiss
13 Powder Snow
21 Confusion
25 Sing
33 Mean Look
37 Fake Tears
45 Psychic
49 Perish Song
57 Blizzard
Fake Tears is missing.
Blissey 1 Pound
4 Growl
7 Tail Whip
10 Softboiled
13 DoubleSlap
18 Minimize
23 Sing
28 Egg Bomb
33 Defense Curl
40 Light Screen
47 Double-Edge
1 Pound
1 Growl
4 Tail Whip
7 Refresh
10 Softboiled
13 DoubleSlap
18 Minimize
23 Sing
28 Egg Bomb
33 Defense Curl
40 Light Screen
47 Double-Edge
Refresh is missing.
Raikou 1 Bite
1 Leer
11 ThunderShock
21 Roar
31 Quick Attack
41 Spark
51 Reflect
61 Crunch
71 Thunder
1 Bite
1 Leer
11 ThunderShock
21 Roar
31 Quick Attack
41 Spark
51 Reflect
61 Crunch
71 Thunder
81 Calm Mind
Calm Mind is missing.
Entei 1 Bite
1 Leer
11 Ember
21 Roar
31 Fire Spin
41 Stomp
51 Flamethrower
61 Swagger
71 Fire Blast
1 Bite
1 Leer
11 Ember
21 Roar
31 Fire Spin
41 Stomp
51 Flamethrower
61 Swagger
71 Fire Blast
81 Calm Mind
Calm Mind is missing.
Suicune 1 Bite
1 Leer
11 BubbleBeam
21 Rain Dance
31 Gust
41 Aurora Beam
51 Mist
61 Mirror Coat
71 Hydro Pump
1 Bite
1 Leer
11 BubbleBeam
21 Rain Dance
31 Gust
41 Aurora Beam
51 Mist
61 Mirror Coat
71 Hydro Pump
81 Calm Mind
Calm Mind is missing.
Lugia 1 Aeroblast
11 Safeguard
22 Gust
33 Recover
44 Hydro Pump
55 Rain Dance
66 Swift
77 Whirlwind
88 AncientPower
99 Future Sight
1 Whirlwind
11 Safeguard
22 Gust
33 Recover
44 Hydro Pump
55 Rain Dance
66 Swift
77 Aeroblast
88 AncientPower
99 Future Sight
Aeroblast and Whirlwind are swapped.
Ho-Oh 1 Sacred Fire
11 Safeguard
22 Gust
33 Recover
44 Fire Blast
55 Sunny Day
66 Swift
77 Whirlwind
88 AncientPower
99 Future Sight
1 Whirlwind
11 Safeguard
22 Gust
33 Recover
44 Fire Blast
55 Sunny Day
66 Swift
77 Sacred Fire
88 AncientPower
99 Future Sight
Sacred Fire and Whirlwind are swapped.
Unown B 1 Pound
1 Hypnosis
10 Disable
18 Confusion
25 Headbutt
33 Poison Gas
40 Meditate
49 Psychic
55 Psych Up
60 Future Sight
1 Tackle
Has Hypno's moveset.
Unown C 1 Bubble
5 Leer
12 ViceGrip
16 Harden
23 Stomp
27 Guillotine
34 Protect
41 Crabhammer
1 Tackle
Has Krabby's moveset.
Unown D 1 Bubble
5 Leer
12 ViceGrip
16 Harden
23 Stomp
27 Guillotine
38 Protect
49 Crabhammer
1 Tackle
Has Kingler's moveset.
Unown E 1 Tackle
9 Screech
17 SonicBoom
23 Selfdestruct
29 Rollout
33 Light Screen
37 Swift
39 Explosion
41 Mirror Coat
1 Tackle
Has Voltorb's moveset.
Unown F 1 Tackle
9 Screech
17 SonicBoom
23 Selfdestruct
29 Rollout
34 Light Screen
40 Swift
44 Explosion
48 Mirror Coat
1 Tackle
Has Electrode's moveset.
Unown G 1 Barrage
1 Hypnosis
7 Reflect
13 Leech Seed
19 Confusion
25 Stun Spore
31 PoisonPowder
37 Sleep Powder
43 SolarBeam
1 Tackle
Has Exeggcute's moveset.
Unown H 1 Double Kick
6 Meditate
11 Rolling Kick
16 Jump Kick
21 Focus Energy
26 Hi Jump Kick
31 Mind Reader
36 Foresight
41 Endure
46 Mega Kick
51 Reversal
1 Tackle
Has Hitmonlee's moveset.
Unown I 1 Comet Punch
7 Agility
13 Pursuit
26 ThunderPunch
26 Ice Punch
26 Fire Punch
32 Mach Punch
38 Mega Punch
44 Detect
50 Counter
1 Tackle
Has Hitmonchan's moveset.
Unown J 1 Poison Gas
1 Tackle
9 Smog
17 Selfdestruct
21 Sludge
25 SmokeScreen
33 Haze
41 Explosion
45 Destiny Bond
1 Tackle
Has Koffing's moveset.
Unown K 1 Poison Gas
1 Tackle
9 Smog
17 Selfdestruct
21 Sludge
25 SmokeScreen
33 Haze
44 Explosion
51 Destiny Bond
1 Tackle
Has Weezing's moveset.
Unown L 1 Constrict
4 Sleep Powder
10 Absorb
13 PoisonPowder
19 Vine Whip
25 Bind
31 Mega Drain
34 Stun Spore
40 Slam
46 Growth
1 Tackle
Has Tangela's moveset.
Unown M 1 Comet Punch
7 Leer
13 Bite
19 Tail Whip
25 Mega Punch
31 Rage
37 Endure
43 Dizzy Punch
49 Reversal
1 Tackle
Has Kangaskhan's moveset.
Unown N 1 Bubble
8 SmokeScreen
15 Leer
22 Water Gun
29 Twister
36 Agility
43 Hydro Pump
1 Tackle
Has Horsea's moveset.
Unown O 1 Tackle
1 Harden
7 Water Gun
13 Rapid Spin
19 Recover
25 Swift
31 BubbleBeam
37 Minimize
43 Light Screen
50 Hydro Pump
1 Tackle
Has Staryu's moveset.
Unown P 1 Quick Attack
1 Leer
6 Focus Energy
12 Pursuit
18 False Swipe
24 Agility
30 Wing Attack
36 Slash
42 Swords Dance
48 Double Team
1 Tackle
Has Scyther's moveset.
Unown Q 1 Pound
1 Lick
9 Lovely Kiss
13 Powder Snow
21 DoubleSlap
25 Ice Punch
35 Mean Look
41 Body Slam
51 Perish Song
57 Blizzard
1 Tackle
Has Jynx's moveset.
Unown R 1 Quick Attack
1 Leer
9 ThunderPunch
17 Light Screen
25 Swift
36 Screech
47 Thunderbolt
58 Thunder
1 Tackle
Has Electabuzz's moveset.
Unown S 1 Ember
7 Leer
13 Smog
19 Fire Punch
25 SmokeScreen
33 Sunny Day
41 Flamethrower
49 Confuse Ray
57 Fire Blast
1 Tackle
Has Magmar's moveset.
Unown T 1 Tackle
4 Tail Whip
8 Rage
13 Horn Attack
19 Scary Face
26 Pursuit
34 Rest
43 Thrash
53 Take Down
1 Tackle
Has Tauros's moveset.
Unown U 1 Splash
15 Tackle
30 Flail
1 Tackle
Has Magikarp's moveset.
Unown V 1 Transform
1 Tackle
Has Ditto's moveset.
Unown W 1 Tackle
1 Tail Whip
8 Sand-Attack
16 Growl
23 Quick Attack
30 Bite
36 Baton Pass
42 Take Down
1 Tackle
Has Eevee's moveset.
Unown X 1 Tackle
1 Tail Whip
8 Sand-Attack
16 Water Gun
23 Quick Attack
30 Bite
36 Aurora Beam
42 Haze
47 Acid Armor
52 Hydro Pump
1 Tackle
Has Vaporeon's moveset.
Unown Y 1 Tackle
1 Tail Whip
8 Sand-Attack
16 ThunderShock
23 Quick Attack
30 Double Kick
36 Pin Missile
42 Thunder Wave
47 Agility
52 Thunder
1 Tackle
Has Jolteon's moveset.
Unown Z 1 Tackle
1 Tail Whip
8 Sand-Attack
16 Ember
23 Quick Attack
30 Bite
36 Fire Spin
42 Smog
47 Leer
52 Flamethrower
1 Tackle
Has Flareon's moveset.
Treecko 1 Pound
1 Leer
6 Absorb
11 Lick
16 Swift
21 Screech
26 Mega Drain
31 Agility
36 Slam
41 Detect
46 Giga Drain
1 Pound
1 Leer
6 Absorb
11 Quick Attack
16 Pursuit
21 Screech
26 Mega Drain
31 Agility
36 Slam
41 Detect
46 Giga Drain
Learns Lick and Swift instead of Quick Attack and Pursuit.
Grovyle 1 Pound
1 Leer
6 Absorb
11 Lick
17 Swift
23 Screech
29 Mega Drain
35 Agility
41 Slam
47 Detect
53 Giga Drain
1 Pound
1 Leer
6 Absorb
11 Quick Attack
16 Fury Cutter
17 Pursuit
23 Screech
29 Leaf Blade
35 Agility
41 Slam
47 Detect
53 False Swipe
Learns Lick, Swift, and Giga Drain instead of Quick Attack, Pursuit, and False Swipe. Fury Cutter and Leaf Blade are missing.
Sceptile 1 Pound
1 Leer
6 Absorb
11 Lick
17 Swift
23 Screech
29 Mega Drain
35 Agility
43 Slam
51 Detect
59 Giga Drain
1 Pound
1 Leer
6 Absorb
11 Quick Attack
16 Fury Cutter
17 Pursuit
23 Screech
29 Leaf Blade
35 Agility
43 Slam
51 Detect
59 False Swipe
Learns Lick, Swift, and Giga Drain instead of Quick Attack, Pursuit, and False Swipe. Fury Cutter and Leaf Blade are missing.
Torchic 1 Peck
1 Growl
7 Sand-Attack
13 Ember
19 Fury Attack
25 Quick Attack
31 Mirror Move
37 Drill Peck
43 Flamethrower
1 Scratch
1 Growl
7 Focus Energy
10 Ember
16 Peck
19 Sand-Attack
25 Fire Spin
28 Quick Attack
34 Slash
37 Mirror Move
43 Flamethrower
Learns Peck, Sand-Attack, and Mirror Move much earlier. Learns Fury Attack and Drill Peck, which it can't in the final. Focus Energy, Fire Spin, and Slash are missing.
Combusken 1 Peck
1 Growl
7 Sand-Attack
13 Ember
20 Fury Attack
27 Quick Attack
34 Mirror Move
41 Drill Peck
48 Flamethrower
1 Scratch
1 Growl
7 Focus Energy
13 Ember
16 Double Kick
17 Peck
21 Sand-Attack
28 Bulk Up
32 Quick Attack
39 Slash
43 Mirror Move
50 Sky Uppercut
Learns Peck, Sand-Attack, and Mirror Move much earlier. Learns Flamethrower instead of Sky Uppercut. Learns Fury Attack and Drill Peck, which it can't in the final. Focus Energy, Double Kick, Bulk Up, and Slash are missing.
Blaziken 1 Peck
1 Growl
7 Sand-Attack
13 Ember
20 Fury Attack
27 Quick Attack
34 Mirror Move
36 Fire Punch
43 Drill Peck
52 Sky Attack
1 Fire Punch
1 Scratch
1 Growl
7 Focus Energy
13 Ember
16 Double Kick
17 Peck
21 Sand-Attack
28 Bulk Up
32 Quick Attack
36 Blaze Kick
42 Slash
49 Mirror Move
59 Sky Uppercut
Learns Peck, Sand-Attack, and Mirror Move much earlier. Learns Fire Punch and Sky Attack instead of Blaze Kick and Sky Uppercut. Learns Fury Attack and Drill Peck, which it can't in the final. Focus Energy, Double Kick, Bulk Up, and Slash are missing.
Mudkip 1 Tackle
1 Growl
7 Mud-Slap
13 Water Gun
19 Foresight
25 Protect
31 Dig
37 Hydro Pump
43 Double-Edge
1 Tackle
1 Growl
6 Mud-Slap
10 Water Gun
15 Bide
19 Foresight
24 Mud Sport
28 Take Down
33 Whirlpool
37 Protect
42 Hydro Pump
46 Endeavor
Learns most moves later than in the final. Learns Protect much earlier. Learns Double-Edge instead of Endeavor. Learns Dig naturally, which it can't in the final. Bide, Mud Sport, Take Down, and Whirlpool are missing.
Marshtomp 1 Tackle
1 Growl
7 Mud-Slap
13 Water Gun
20 Foresight
27 Protect
34 Dig
41 Hydro Pump
48 Double-Edge
1 Tackle
1 Growl
6 Mud-Slap
10 Water Gun
15 Bide
16 Mud Shot
20 Foresight
25 Mud Sport
31 Take Down
37 Muddy Water
42 Protect
46 Earthquake
53 Endeavor
Learns most moves later than in the final. Learns Protect much earlier. Learns Hydro Pump and Double-Edge instead of Earthquake and Endeavor. Learns Dig naturally, which it can't in the final. Bide, Mud Shot, Mud Sport, Take Down, and Muddy Water are missing.
Swampert 1 Tackle
1 Growl
7 Mud-Slap
13 Water Gun
20 Foresight
27 Protect
34 Dig
43 Hydro Pump
52 Double-Edge
1 Tackle
1 Growl
6 Mud-Slap
10 Water Gun
15 Bide
16 Mud Shot
20 Foresight
25 Mud Sport
31 Take Down
39 Muddy Water
46 Protect
52 Earthquake
61 Endeavor
Learns most moves later than in the final. Learns Protect much earlier. Learns Hydro Pump and Double-Edge instead of Earthquake and Endeavor. Learns Dig naturally, which it can't in the final. Bide, Mud Shot, Mud Sport, Take Down, and Muddy Water are missing.
Poochyena 1 Tackle
5 Leer
10 Sand-Attack
15 Bite
20 Roar
25 Screech
30 Thief
35 Swagger
40 Crunch
45 Scary Face
50 Snatch
1 Tackle
5 Howl
9 Sand-Attack
13 Bite
17 Odor Sleuth
21 Roar
25 Swagger
29 Scary Face
33 Take Down
37 Taunt
41 Crunch
45 Thief
Learns Leer instead of Howl; in the final version, Leer is an Egg move. Learns Thief much earlier and learns Swagger and Scary Face much later. Learns Screech and Snatch naturally, which it can't in the final. Odor Sleuth, Take Down, and Taunt are missing.
Mightyena 1 Tackle
1 Tackle
5 Howl
9 Sand-Attack
13 Bite
17 Odor Sleuth
22 Roar
27 Swagger
32 Scary Face
37 Take Down
42 Taunt
47 Crunch
52 Thief
Moveset dummied out.
Zigzagoon 1 Tackle
1 Growl
1 Tail Whip
8 Sand-Attack
15 Take Down
22 Faint Attack
29 Flail
36 Rest
43 Double-Edge
1 Tackle
1 Growl
5 Tail Whip
9 Headbutt
13 Sand-Attack
17 Odor Sleuth
21 Mud Sport
25 Pin Missile
29 Covet
33 Flail
37 Rest
41 Belly Drum
Learns Double-Edge instead of Belly Drum. Learns Faint Attack and Take Down, which it can't in the final; it can learn Take Down from Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire onwards. Headbutt, Odor Sleuth, Mud Sport, Pin Missile, and Covet are missing.
Linoone 1 Tackle
1 Tackle
1 Growl
5 Tail Whip
9 Headbutt
13 Sand-Attack
17 Odor Sleuth
23 Mud Sport
29 Fury Swipes
35 Covet
41 Slash
47 Rest
53 Belly Drum
Moveset dummied out.
Wurmple 1 Tackle
1 Tackle
1 String Shot
5 Poison Sting
Moveset dummied out.
Silcoon 1 Tackle
7 Harden
Moveset dummied out.
Beautifly 1 Tackle
10 Absorb
13 Gust
17 Stun Spore
20 Morning Sun
24 Mega Drain
27 Whirlwind
31 Attract
34 Silver Wind
38 Giga Drain
Moveset dummied out.
Cascoon 1 Tackle
7 Harden
Moveset dummied out.
Dustox 1 Tackle
10 Confusion
13 Gust
17 Protect
20 Moonlight
24 Psybeam
27 Whirlwind
31 Light Screen
34 Silver Wind
38 Toxic
Moveset dummied out.
Lotad 1 Flail
1 Astonish
3 Growl
7 Absorb
13 Nature Power
21 Mist
31 Rain Dance
43 Mega Drain
Only learns Flail. Flail was an Egg move until Pokémon Sword and Shield, where it learns the move normally.
Lombre 1 Flail
1 Absorb
13 Water Gun
17 Fury Swipes
21 Screech
25 Mega Drain
29 Mist
33 Swagger
37 Rain Dance
41 Giga Drain
45 Hydro Pump
1 Astonish
3 Growl
7 Absorb
13 Nature Power
19 Fake Out
25 Fury Swipes
31 Water Sport
37 Thief
43 Uproar
49 Hydro Pump
Moveset is almost completely different. Only Absorb, Fury Swipes and Hydro Pump are carried over to the final, and all are learned at different levels. It can learn Water Gun and Mega Drain normally in Sword and Shield.
Ludicolo 1 Tackle
1 Astonish
1 Growl
1 Absorb
1 Nature Power
Moveset dummied out.
Seedot 1 Bide
1 Bide
3 Harden
7 Growth
13 Nature Power
21 Synthesis
31 Sunny Day
43 Explosion
Only learns Bide.
Nuzleaf 1 Bide
1 Peck
13 Razor Leaf
17 Pursuit
21 Torment
25 Fury Attack
29 Thief
33 Synthesis
37 Thrash
41 Knock Off
45 SolarBeam
1 Pound
3 Harden
7 Growth
13 Nature Power
19 Fake Out
25 Torment
31 Faint Attack
37 Razor Wind
43 Swagger
49 Extrasensory
Moveset is almost completely different. Only Torment is carried over to the final, and it is learned at a different level. It can learn Razor Leaf from Pokémon Diamond and Pearl onwards.
Shiftry 1 Tackle
1 Pound
1 Harden
1 Growth
1 Nature Power
Moveset dummied out.
Ninjask 1 Scratch
1 Harden
5 Leech Life
9 Sand-Attack
14 Fury Swipes
19 Mind Reader
20 Fury Cutter
20 Double Team
20 Swift
20 Screech
26 Slash
34 Swords Dance
43 Baton Pass
52 Agility
1 Scratch
1 Harden
5 Leech Life
9 Sand-Attack
14 Fury Swipes
19 Mind Reader
20 Double Team
20 Fury Cutter
20 Screech
25 Swords Dance
31 Slash
38 Agility
45 Baton Pass
Double Team and Fury Cutter are swapped, although both are learned at the same level anyway. Learns Swift, which it can't in the final; it can learn Swift from a move tutor in Pokémon Emerald and learns the move normally in Pokémon Sword and Shield. Swords Dance/Slash and Agility/Baton Pass are swapped.
Shedinja 1 Scratch
1 Harden
5 Leech Life
9 Sand-Attack
14 Fury Swipes
19 Mind Reader
25 Spite
31 Confuse Ray
38 Shadow Ball
46 Destiny Bond
1 Scratch
1 Harden
5 Leech Life
9 Sand-Attack
14 Fury Swipes
19 Mind Reader
25 Spite
31 Confuse Ray
38 Shadow Ball
45 Grudge
Learns Destiny Bond instead of Grudge. Shedinja can't learn Destiny Bond in the final.
Taillow 1 Tackle
1 Peck
1 Growl
4 Focus Energy
8 Quick Attack
13 Wing Attack
19 Double Team
26 Endeavor
34 Aerial Ace
43 Agility
Moveset dummied out.
Swellow 1 Tackle
1 Peck
1 Growl
4 Focus Energy
8 Quick Attack
13 Wing Attack
19 Double Team
28 Endeavor
38 Aerial Ace
49 Agility
Moveset dummied out.
Shroomish 1 Absorb
1 Tackle
11 Stun Spore
19 Leech Seed
25 Mega Drain
29 Headbutt
31 PoisonPowder
35 Growth
41 Giga Drain
49 Spore
1 Absorb
4 Tackle
7 Stun Spore
10 Leech Seed
16 Mega Drain
22 Headbutt
28 PoisonPowder
36 Growth
45 Giga Drain
54 Spore
Moveset is the same, although everything is learned at different levels.
Breloom 1 Absorb
11 Stun Spore
19 Leech Seed
33 Mach Punch
25 Mega Drain
29 Headbutt
31 PoisonPowder
37 Counter
45 Mind Reader
55 DynamicPunch
1 Absorb
4 Tackle
7 Stun Spore
10 Leech Seed
16 Mega Drain
22 Headbutt
23 Mach Punch
28 Counter
36 Sky Uppercut
45 Mind Reader
54 DynamicPunch
Mach Punch is learned before Mega Drain and Headbutt. Learns PoisonPowder, which it can't in the final. Tackle and Sky Uppercut are missing.
Spinda 1 Tackle
5 Hypnosis
12 Faint Attack
16 Psybeam
23 Uproar
27 Dizzy Punch
34 Petal Dance
38 Psych Up
45 Double-Edge
49 Flail
1 Tackle
5 Uproar
12 Faint Attack
16 Psybeam
23 Hypnosis
27 Dizzy Punch
34 Teeter Dance
38 Psych Up
45 Double-Edge
49 Flail
56 Thrash
Hypnosis and Uproar are swapped. Learns Petal Dance instead of Teeter Dance. Thrash is missing.
Wingull 1 Growl
1 Water Gun
1 Gust
1 Whirlwind
1 Growl
1 Water Gun
7 Supersonic
13 Wing Attack
21 Mist
31 Quick Attack
43 Pursuit
55 Agility
Learns everything at level 1. Learns Gust and Whirlwind; Gust is an Egg move in the final, while it can't learn Whirlwind in the final. Supersonic, Wing Attack, Mist, Quick Attack, Pursuit, and Agility are missing.
Pelipper 1 Growl
1 Water Gun
10 Wing Attack
20 BubbleBeam
25 Protect
32 Mist
39 Stockpile
39 Spit Up
39 Swallow
46 Whirlwind
1 Growl
1 Water Sport
3 Water Gun
7 Supersonic
13 Wing Attack
21 Mist
25 Protect
33 Stockpile
33 Swallow
47 Spit Up
61 Hydro Pump
Learns Whirlwind instead of Hydro Pump. Water Sport, Supersonic, and Mist are missing.
Surskit 1 Tackle
1 Bubble
7 Quick Attack
13 Sweet Scent
19 Water Sport
25 BubbleBeam
31 Agility
37 Mist
37 Haze
Moveset dummied out.
Masquerain 1 Tackle
1 Bubble
7 Quick Attack
13 Sweet Scent
19 Water Sport
26 Gust
33 Scary Face
40 Stun Spore
47 Silver Wind
53 Whirlwind
Moveset dummied out.
Wailmer 1 Splash
1 Water Gun
1 Surf
1 Splash
5 Growl
10 Water Gun
14 Rollout
19 Whirlpool
23 Astonish
28 Water Pulse
32 Mist
37 Rest
41 Water Spout
46 Amnesia
50 Hydro Pump
Only learns Splash, Water Gun and Surf, all at level 1. Cannot learn Surf by level up in the final.
Wailord 1 Tackle
1 Splash
5 Growl
10 Water Gun
14 Rollout
19 Whirlpool
23 Astonish
28 Water Pulse
32 Mist
37 Rest
44 Water Spout
52 Amnesia
59 Hydro Pump
Moveset dummied out.
Skitty 1 Growl
1 Tackle
4 Tail Whip
7 Attract
10 Sing
16 DoubleSlap
22 Swift
28 Assist
37 Heal Bell
46 Double-Edge
1 Growl
1 Tackle
3 Tail Whip
7 Attract
13 Sing
15 DoubleSlap
19 Assist
25 Charm
27 Faint Attack
31 Covet
37 Heal Bell
39 Double-Edge
Learns Swift naturally, which it can't in the final; it can learn Swift from a move tutor in Pokémon Emerald. Charm, Faint Attack, and Covet are missing.
Delcatty 1 Tackle
1 Growl
1 Attract
1 Sing
1 DoubleSlap
Moveset dummied out.
Kecleon 1 Scratch
1 Faint Attack
1 Lick
1 Thief
1 Tail Whip
1 Astonish
1 Lick
1 Scratch
4 Bind
7 Faint Attack
12 Fury Swipes
17 Psybeam
24 Screech
31 Slash
40 Substitute
49 AncientPower
Only learns Scratch, Faint Attack and Lick, all at level 1.
Baltoy 1 Confusion
4 Harden
7 Rapid Spin
11 Mud-Slap
15 Psybeam
20 Selfdestruct
25 AncientPower
31 Sandstorm
37 Hyper Beam
44 Explosion
1 Confusion
3 Harden
5 Rapid Spin
7 Mud-Slap
11 Psybeam
15 Rock Tomb
19 Selfdestruct
25 AncientPower
31 Sandstorm
37 Cosmic Power
45 Explosion
Learns Hyper Beam instead of Cosmic Power. Rock Tomb is missing.
Claydol 1 Confusion
4 Harden
7 Rapid Spin
11 Mud-Slap
15 Psybeam
20 Selfdestruct
31 AncientPower
38 Sandstorm
45 Hyper Beam
53 Explosion
1 Teleport
1 Confusion
3 Harden
5 Rapid Spin
7 Mud-Slap
11 Psybeam
15 Rock Tomb
19 Selfdestruct
25 AncientPower
31 Sandstorm
36 Hyper Beam
42 Cosmic Power
55 Explosion
Teleport, Rock Tomb, and Cosmic Power are missing.
Nosepass 1 Tackle
1 Tackle
7 Harden
13 Rock Throw
16 Block
22 Thunder Wave
28 Rock Slide
31 Sandstorm
37 Rest
43 Zap Cannon
46 Lock-On
Moveset dummied out.
Torkoal 1 Tackle
1 Ember
4 Smog
7 Curse
14 SmokeScreen
17 Fire Spin
20 Body Slam
27 Protect
30 Flamethrower
33 Iron Defense
40 Amnesia
43 Flail
46 Heat Wave
Moveset dummied out.
Sableye 1 Leer
1 Scratch
7 Foresight
13 Night Shade
19 Fury Swipes
25 Detect
31 Faint Attack
37 Knock Off
43 Mean Look
49 Shadow Ball
1 Leer
1 Scratch
5 Foresight
9 Night Shade
13 Astonish
17 Fury Swipes
21 Fake Out
25 Detect
29 Faint Attack
33 Knock Off
37 Confuse Ray
41 Shadow Ball
45 Mean Look
Mean Look and Shadow Ball are swapped. Astonish, Fake Out, and Confuse Ray are missing.
Barboach 1 Tackle
1 Mud-Slap
6 Mud Sport
6 Water Sport
11 Water Gun
16 Magnitude
21 Amnesia
26 Rest
26 Snore
31 Earthquake
36 Future Sight
41 Fissure
Moveset dummied out.
Whiscash 1 Tackle
1 Tickle
1 Mud-Slap
6 Mud Sport
6 Water Sport
11 Water Gun
16 Magnitude
21 Amnesia
26 Rest
26 Snore
36 Earthquake
46 Future Sight
56 Fissure
Moveset dummied out.
Luvdisc 1 Tackle
1 Tackle
4 Charm
12 Water Gun
16 Agility
24 Take Down
28 Attract
36 Sweet Kiss
40 Flail
48 Safeguard
Moveset dummied out.
Corphish 1 Tackle
1 Bubble
7 Harden
10 ViceGrip
13 Leer
20 BubbleBeam
23 Protect
26 Knock Off
32 Taunt
35 Crabhammer
38 Swords Dance
44 Guillotine
Moveset dummied out.
Crawdaunt 1 Tackle
1 Bubble
7 Harden
10 ViceGrip
13 Leer
20 BubbleBeam
23 Protect
26 Knock Off
34 Taunt
39 Crabhammer
44 Swords Dance
52 Guillotine
Moveset dummied out.
Feebas 1 Tackle
1 Splash
15 Tackle
30 Flail
Moveset dummied out.
Milotic 1 Tackle
1 Water Gun
5 Wrap
10 Water Sport
15 Refresh
20 Water Pulse
25 Twister
30 Recover
35 Rain Dance
40 Hydro Pump
45 Attract
50 Safeguard
Moveset dummied out.
Carvanha 1 Tackle
1 Leer
1 Bite
7 Rage
13 Focus Energy
16 Scary Face
22 Crunch
28 Screech
31 Take Down
37 Swagger
43 Agility
Moveset dummied out.
Sharpedo 1 Bite
1 Leer
1 Surf
1 Leer
1 Bite
7 Rage
13 Focus Energy
16 Scary Face
22 Crunch
28 Screech
33 Slash
38 Taunt
43 Swagger
48 Skull Bash
53 Agility
Only learns Bite, Leer and Surf, all at level 1. Cannot learn Surf by level up in the final.
Trapinch 1 Bite
1 Sand-Attack
1 Faint Attack
1 Dig
1 Bite
9 Sand-Attack
17 Faint Attack
25 Sand Tomb
33 Crunch
41 Dig
49 Sandstorm
57 Hyper Beam
Learns everything at level 1. Sand Tomb, Crunch, Sandstorm, and Hyper Beam are missing.
Vibrava 1 Tackle
1 Bite
9 Sand-Attack
17 Faint Attack
25 Sand Tomb
33 Crunch
35 DragonBreath
41 Screech
49 Sandstorm
57 Hyper Beam
Moveset dummied out.
Flygon 1 Tackle
1 Bite
9 Sand-Attack
17 Faint Attack
25 Sand Tomb
33 Crunch
35 DragonBreath
41 Screech
53 Sandstorm
65 Hyper Beam
Moveset dummied out.
Makuhita 1 Tackle
4 Focus Energy
10 Sand-Attack
13 Knock Off
19 Vital Throw
22 Whirlwind
28 Fury Attack
31 Belly Drum
37 Seismic Toss
40 Endure
46 Double-Edge
49 Reversal
1 Tackle
1 Focus Energy
4 Sand-Attack
10 Arm Thrust
13 Vital Throw
19 Fake Out
22 Whirlwind
28 Knock Off
31 SmellingSalt
37 Belly Drum
40 Endure
46 Seismic Toss
49 Reversal
Learns Knock Off much earlier and learns Belly Drum and Seismic Toss much later. Learns Fury Attack and Double-Edge, which it can't in the final. Arm Thrust, Fake Out, and SmellingSalt are missing.
Hariyama 1 Tackle
4 Focus Energy
10 Sand-Attack
13 Knock Off
19 Vital Throw
22 Whirlwind
28 Fury Attack
33 Belly Drum
41 Seismic Toss
46 Endure
54 Double-Edge
59 Reversal
1 Tackle
1 Focus Energy
4 Sand-Attack
10 Arm Thrust
13 Vital Throw
19 Fake Out
22 Whirlwind
29 Knock Off
33 SmellingSalt
40 Belly Drum
44 Endure
51 Seismic Toss
55 Reversal
Learns Knock Off much earlier and learns Belly Drum and Seismic Toss much later. Learns Fury Attack and Double-Edge, which it can't in the final. Arm Thrust, Fake Out, and SmellingSalt are missing.
Electrike 1 Tackle
1 Thunder Wave
5 Leer
9 Quick Attack
13 Spark
21 Roar
29 Bite
37 Charge
45 Thunder
1 Tackle
4 Thunder Wave
9 Leer
12 Howl
17 Quick Attack
20 Spark
25 Odor Sleuth
28 Roar
33 Bite
36 Thunder
41 Charge
Charge and Thunder are swapped. Howl, Odor Sleuth, and Roar are missing.
Manectric 1 Thunder Wave
5 Leer
9 Quick Attack
13 Spark
21 Roar
33 Bite
43 Charge
54 Thunder
1 Tackle
4 Thunder Wave
9 Leer
12 Howl
17 Quick Attack
20 Spark
25 Odor Sleuth
31 Roar
39 Bite
45 Thunder
53 Charge
Charge and Thunder are swapped. Tackle, Howl, Odor Sleuth, and Roar are missing.
Numel 1 Growl
1 Tackle
11 Ember
19 Magnitude
25 Focus Energy
29 Take Down
31 Amnesia
35 Earthquake
41 Double-Edge
49 Flamethrower
1 Growl
1 Tackle
11 Ember
19 Magnitude
25 Focus Energy
29 Take Down
31 Amnesia
35 Earthquake
41 Flamethrower
49 Double-Edge
Flamethrower and Double-Edge are swapped.
Camerupt 1 Growl
1 Tackle
11 Ember
19 Magnitude
25 Focus Energy
29 Take Down
31 Amnesia
33 Rock Slide
37 Earthquake
45 Fissure
55 Eruption
1 Growl
1 Tackle
11 Ember
19 Magnitude
25 Focus Energy
29 Take Down
31 Amnesia
33 Rock Slide
37 Earthquake
45 Eruption
55 Fissure
Eruption and Fissure are swapped.
Spheal 1 Encore
1 Growl
1 Water Gun
7 Rest
10 Blizzard
1 Powder Snow
1 Growl
1 Water Gun
7 Encore
13 Ice Ball
19 Body Slam
25 Aurora Beam
31 Hail
37 Rest
37 Snore
43 Blizzard
49 Sheer Cold
Learns everything at very early levels. Powder Snow, Ice Ball, Body Slam, Aurora Beam, Hail, Snore, and Sheer Cold are missing.
Sealeo 1 Tackle
1 Powder Snow
1 Growl
1 Water Gun
7 Encore
13 Ice Ball
19 Body Slam
25 Aurora Beam
31 Hail
39 Rest
39 Snore
47 Blizzard
55 Sheer Cold
Moveset dummied out.
Walrein 1 Tackle
1 Powder Snow
1 Growl
1 Water Gun
7 Encore
13 Ice Ball
19 Body Slam
25 Aurora Beam
31 Hail
39 Rest
39 Snore
50 Blizzard
61 Sheer Cold
Moveset dummied out.
Cacnea 1 Tackle
1 Poison Sting
1 Leer
5 Absorb
9 Growth
13 Leech Seed
17 Sand-Attack
21 Pin Missile
25 Ingrain
29 Faint Attack
33 Spikes
37 Needle Arm
41 Cotton Spore
45 Sandstorm
Moveset dummied out.
Cacturne 1 Tackle
1 Poison Sting
1 Leer
5 Absorb
9 Growth
13 Leech Seed
17 Sand-Attack
21 Pin Missile
25 Ingrain
29 Faint Attack
35 Spikes
41 Needle Arm
47 Cotton Spore
53 Sandstorm
Moveset dummied out.
Snorunt 1 Tackle
1 Powder Snow
1 Leer
7 Double Team
10 Bite
16 Icy Wind
19 Headbutt
25 Protect
28 Crunch
34 Ice Beam
37 Hail
43 Blizzard
Moveset dummied out.
Glalie 1 Tackle
1 Powder Snow
1 Leer
7 Double Team
10 Bite
16 Icy Wind
19 Headbutt
25 Protect
28 Crunch
34 Ice Beam
42 Hail
53 Blizzard
61 Sheer Cold
Moveset dummied out.
Lunatone 1 Tackle
10 Confusion
14 Rock Throw
23 Harden
27 Rage
36 Psychic
40 Sandstorm
49 Explosion
1 Tackle
1 Harden
7 Confusion
13 Rock Throw
19 Hypnosis
25 Psywave
31 Cosmic Power
37 Psychic
43 Future Sight
49 Explosion
Learns Harden much later. Learns Rage and Sandstorm by level up, which it can't in the final. Hypnosis, Psywave, Cosmic Power, and Future Sight are missing.
Solrock 1 Tackle
1 Tackle
1 Harden
7 Confusion
13 Rock Throw
19 Fire Spin
25 Psywave
31 Cosmic Power
37 Rock Slide
43 SolarBeam
49 Explosion
Moveset dummied out.
Azurill 1 Bubble
1 Tail Whip
1 Slam
15 Surf
1 Splash
3 Charm
6 Tail Whip
10 Bubble
15 Slam
21 Water Gun
Learns Surf, which it can't in the final. Splash, Charm, and Water Gun are missing.
Spoink 1 Tackle
1 Splash
7 Psywave
10 Odor Sleuth
16 Psybeam
19 Psych Up
25 Confuse Ray
28 Magic Coat
34 Psychic
37 Rest
37 Snore
43 Bounce
Moveset dummied out.
Grumpig 1 Tackle
1 Splash
7 Psywave
10 Odor Sleuth
16 Psybeam
19 Psych Up
25 Confuse Ray
28 Magic Coat
37 Psychic
43 Rest
43 Snore
55 Bounce
Moveset dummied out.
Plusle 1 Tackle
1 Growl
4 Thunder Wave
10 Quick Attack
13 Helping Hand
19 Spark
22 Encore
28 Fake Tears
31 Charge
37 Thunder
40 Baton Pass
47 Agility
Moveset dummied out.
Minun 1 Tackle
1 Growl
4 Thunder Wave
10 Quick Attack
13 Helping Hand
19 Spark
22 Encore
28 Charm
31 Charge
37 Thunder
40 Baton Pass
47 Agility
Moveset dummied out.
Mawile 1 Tackle
1 Astonish
6 Fake Tears
11 Bite
16 Sweet Scent
21 ViceGrip
26 Faint Attack
31 Baton Pass
36 Crunch
41 Iron Defense
46 Stockpile
46 Swallow
46 Spit Up
Moveset dummied out.
Meditite 1 Tackle
1 Bide
4 Meditate
9 Confusion
12 Detect
18 Hidden Power
22 Mind Reader
28 Calm Mind
32 Hi Jump Kick
38 Psych Up
42 Reversal
48 Recover
Moveset dummied out.
Medicham 1 Tackle
1 Fire Punch
1 ThunderPunch
1 Ice Punch
1 Bide
4 Meditate
9 Confusion
12 Detect
18 Hidden Power
22 Mind Reader
28 Calm Mind
32 Hi Jump Kick
40 Psych Up
46 Reversal
54 Recover
Moveset dummied out.
Swablu 1 Peck
5 Growl
9 Cotton Spore
13 Safeguard
19 Fury Attack
25 Mist
25 Haze
31 Smog
39 Drill Peck
47 Mirror Move
1 Peck
1 Growl
8 Astonish
11 Sing
18 Fury Attack
21 Safeguard
28 Mist
31 Take Down
38 Mirror Move
41 Refresh
48 Perish Song
Learns Cotton Spore, Haze, Smog, and Drill Peck, which it can't in the final; it can learn Cotton Spore as an Egg move. Fury Attack and Safeguard are swapped. Learns Mirror Move much later. Astonish, Sing, Take Down, Refresh, and Perish Song are missing.
Altaria 1 Peck
5 Growl
9 Cotton Spore
13 Safeguard
19 Fury Attack
25 Haze
25 Mist
30 DragonBreath
36 Smog
49 Drill Peck
62 Mirror Move
1 Peck
1 Growl
8 Astonish
11 Sing
18 Fury Attack
21 Safeguard
28 Mist
31 Take Down
35 DragonBreath
40 Dragon Dance
45 Refresh
54 Perish Song
59 Sky Attack
Learns Cotton Spore, Haze, Smog, Drill Peck, and Mirror Move, which it can't in the final. Fury Attack and Safeguard are swapped. Astonish, Sing, Take Down, Dragon Dance, Refresh, Perish Song, and Sky Attack are missing.
Wynaut 1 Charm
1 Encore
15 Counter
15 Mirror Coat
15 Safeguard
15 Destiny Bond
1 Splash
1 Charm
1 Encore
15 Counter
15 Mirror Coat
15 Safeguard
15 Destiny Bond
Splash is missing.
Duskull 1 Night Shade
1 Disable
7 Foresight
13 Confuse Ray
19 Pursuit
25 Curse
31 Faint Attack
37 Mean Look
43 Future Sight
1 Leer
1 Night Shade
5 Disable
12 Foresight
16 Astonish
23 Confuse Ray
27 Pursuit
34 Curse
38 Will-O-Wisp
45 Mean Look
49 Future Sight
Learns Faint Attack instead of Will-O-Wisp. Leer and Astonish are missing.
Dusclops 1 Night Shade
1 Disable
7 Foresight
13 Confuse Ray
19 Pursuit
25 Curse
33 Faint Attack
41 Mean Look
49 Future Sight
1 Bind
1 Leer
1 Night Shade
5 Disable
12 Foresight
16 Astonish
23 Confuse Ray
27 Pursuit
34 Curse
37 Shadow Punch
41 Will-O-Wisp
51 Mean Look
58 Future Sight
Learns Faint Attack instead of Will-O-Wisp. Bind, Leer, Astonish, and Shadow Punch are missing.
Roselia 1 Absorb
1 Growth
6 Poison Sting
11 Stun Spore
16 Mega Drain
21 Synthesis
26 Sweet Scent
31 Ingrain
36 Giga Drain
41 Toxic
46 Petal Dance
1 Absorb
5 Growth
9 Poison Sting
13 Stun Spore
17 Mega Drain
21 Leech Seed
25 Magical Leaf
29 GrassWhistle
33 Giga Drain
37 Sweet Scent
41 Ingrain
45 Toxic
49 Petal Dance
53 Aromatherapy
57 Synthesis
Learns Synthesis, Sweet Scent, and Ingrain in a different order. Leech Seed, Magical Leaf, GrassWhistle, and Aromatherapy are missing.
Slakoth 1 Tackle
1 Scratch
1 Yawn
7 Encore
13 Slack Off
19 Faint Attack
25 Amnesia
31 Covet
37 Counter
43 Flail
Moveset dummied out.
Vigoroth 1 Tackle
1 Scratch
1 Focus Energy
7 Encore
13 Uproar
19 Fury Swipes
25 Endure
31 Slash
37 Counter
43 Focus Punch
49 Reversal
Moveset dummied out.
Slaking 1 Tackle
1 Scratch
1 Yawn
7 Encore
13 Slack Off
19 Faint Attack
25 Amnesia
31 Covet
36 Swagger
37 Counter
43 Flail
Moveset dummied out.
Gulpin 1 Tackle
1 Pound
6 Yawn
9 Poison Gas
14 Sludge
17 Amnesia
23 Encore
28 Toxic
34 Stockpile
34 Spit Up
34 Swallow
39 Sludge Bomb
Moveset dummied out.
Swalot 1 Tackle
1 Pound
6 Yawn
9 Poison Gas
14 Sludge
17 Amnesia
23 Encore
26 Body Slam
31 Toxic
40 Stockpile
40 Spit Up
40 Swallow
48 Sludge Bomb
Moveset dummied out.
Tropius 1 Leer
1 Gust
7 Growth
11 Razor Leaf
17 Stomp
21 Sweet Scent
27 Whirlwind
47 Synthesis
37 Body Slam
41 SolarBeam
1 Leer
1 Gust
7 Growth
11 Razor Leaf
17 Stomp
21 Sweet Scent
27 Whirlwind
31 Magical Leaf
37 Body Slam
41 SolarBeam
47 Synthesis
Magical Leaf is missing.
Whismur 1 Tackle
1 Pound
5 Uproar
11 Astonish
15 Howl
21 Supersonic
25 Stomp
31 Screech
35 Roar
41 Rest
41 Sleep Talk
45 Hyper Voice
Moveset dummied out.
Loudred 1 Tackle
1 Pound
5 Uproar
11 Astonish
15 Howl
23 Supersonic
29 Stomp
37 Screech
43 Roar
51 Rest
51 Sleep Talk
57 Hyper Voice
Moveset dummied out.
Exploud 1 Tackle
1 Pound
5 Uproar
11 Astonish
15 Howl
23 Supersonic
29 Stomp
37 Screech
40 Hyper Beam
45 Roar
55 Rest
55 Sleep Talk
63 Hyper Voice
Moveset dummied out.
Clamperl 1 Tackle
1 Clamp
1 Water Gun
1 Whirlpool
1 Iron Defense
Moveset dummied out.
Huntail 1 Tackle
1 Whirlpool
8 Bite
15 Screech
22 Water Pulse
29 Scary Face
36 Crunch
43 Baton Pass
50 Hydro Pump
Moveset dummied out.
Gorebyss 1 Tackle
1 Whirlpool
8 Confusion
15 Agility
22 Water Pulse
29 Amnesia
36 Psychic
43 Baton Pass
50 Hydro Pump
Moveset dummied out.
Absol 1 Tackle
1 Scratch
5 Leer
9 Taunt
13 Quick Attack
17 Razor Wind
21 Bite
26 Swords Dance
31 Double Team
36 Slash
41 Future Sight
46 Perish Song
Moveset dummied out.
Shuppet 1 Tackle
1 Knock Off
8 Screech
13 Night Shade
20 Curse
25 Spite
32 Will-O-Wisp
37 Faint Attack
44 Shadow Ball
49 Snatch
56 Grudge
Moveset dummied out.
Banette 1 Tackle
1 Knock Off
8 Screech
13 Night Shade
20 Curse
25 Spite
32 Will-O-Wisp
39 Faint Attack
48 Shadow Ball
55 Snatch
64 Grudge
Moveset dummied out.
Seviper 1 Tackle
1 Wrap
7 Lick
10 Bite
16 Poison Tail
19 Screech
25 Glare
28 Crunch
34 Poison Fang
37 Swagger
43 Haze
Moveset dummied out.
Zangoose 1 Tackle
1 Scratch
4 Leer
7 Quick Attack
10 Swords Dance
13 Fury Cutter
19 Slash
25 Pursuit
31 Crush Claw
37 Taunt
46 Detect
55 False Swipe
Moveset dummied out.
Relicanth 1 Tackle
1 Harden
8 Water Gun
15 AncientPower
22 Take Down
29 Rest
36 Flail
43 Double-Edge
50 Hydro Pump
1 Tackle
1 Harden
8 Water Gun
15 Rock Tomb
22 Yawn
29 Take Down
36 Mud Sport
43 AncientPower
50 Rest
57 Double-Edge
64 Hydro Pump
Learns Flail, which it can't in the final; it can learn Flail from Pokémon Sun and Moon onwards. Learns AncientPower much earlier. Rock Tomb, Yawn, and Mud Sport are missing.
Aron 1 Tackle
1 Tackle
4 Harden
7 Mud-Slap
10 Headbutt
13 Metal Claw
17 Iron Defense
21 Roar
25 Take Down
29 Iron Tail
34 Protect
39 Metal Sound
44 Double-Edge
Moveset dummied out.
Lairon 1 Harden
1 Metal Claw
1 Leer
9 Headbutt
17 Roar
25 Take Down
33 Protect
41 Scary Face
49 Iron Tail
1 Tackle
4 Harden
7 Mud-Slap
10 Headbutt
13 Metal Claw
17 Iron Defense
21 Roar
25 Take Down
29 Iron Tail
37 Protect
45 Metal Sound
53 Double-Edge
Learns Leer and Scary Face, which it can't in the final. Learns Metal Claw much earlier and Iron Tail much later. Tackle, Mud-Slap, Iron Defense, Metal Sound, and Double-Edge are missing.
Aggron 1 Tackle
1 Tackle
4 Harden
7 Mud-Slap
10 Headbutt
13 Metal Claw
17 Iron Defense
21 Roar
25 Take Down
29 Iron Tail
37 Protect
50 Metal Sound
63 Double-Edge
Moveset dummied out.
Castform 1 Tackle
1 Tackle
10 Water Gun
10 Ember
10 Powder Snow
20 Rain Dance
20 Sunny Day
20 Hail
30 Weather Ball
Moveset dummied out.
Volbeat 1 Tackle
1 Confuse Ray
6 Double Team
15 Moonlight
20 Quick Attack
29 Protect
34 Hyper Beam
43 Double-Edge
1 Tackle
5 Confuse Ray
9 Double Team
13 Moonlight
17 Quick Attack
21 Tail Glow
25 Signal Beam
29 Protect
33 Helping Hand
37 Double-Edge
Learns Hyper Beam, which it can't in the final. Tail Glow, Signal Beam, and Helping Hand are missing.
Illumise 1 Tackle
1 Sweet Scent
6 Charm
15 Moonlight
20 Quick Attack
29 Flatter
34 Encore
43 Petal Dance
1 Tackle
5 Sweet Scent
9 Charm
13 Moonlight
17 Quick Attack
21 Wish
25 Encore
29 Flatter
33 Helping Hand
37 Covet
Learns Petal Dance, which it can't in the final. Flatter and Encore are swapped. Wish, Helping Hand, and Covet are missing.
Lileep 1 Tackle
1 Astonish
8 Constrict
15 Acid
22 Ingrain
29 Confuse Ray
36 Amnesia
43 AncientPower
50 Stockpile
50 Spit Up
50 Swallow
Moveset dummied out.
Cradily 1 Tackle
1 Astonish
8 Constrict
15 Acid
22 Ingrain
29 Confuse Ray
36 Amnesia
48 AncientPower
60 Stockpile
60 Spit Up
60 Swallow
Moveset dummied out.
Anorith 1 Tackle
1 Scratch
7 Harden
13 Mud Sport
19 Water Gun
25 Metal Claw
31 Protect
37 AncientPower
43 Fury Cutter
49 Slash
55 Rock Blast
Moveset dummied out.
Armaldo 1 Tackle
1 Scratch
7 Harden
13 Mud Sport
19 Water Gun
25 Metal Claw
31 Protect
37 AncientPower
46 Fury Cutter
55 Slash
64 Rock Blast
Moveset dummied out.
Ralts 1 Tackle
1 Growl
6 Confusion
11 Double Team
16 Teleport
21 Calm Mind
26 Psychic
31 Imprison
36 Future Sight
41 Hypnosis
46 Dream Eater
Moveset dummied out.
Kirlia 1 Tackle
1 Growl
6 Confusion
11 Double Team
16 Teleport
21 Calm Mind
26 Psychic
33 Imprison
40 Future Sight
47 Hypnosis
54 Dream Eater
Moveset dummied out.
Gardevoir 1 Tackle
1 Growl
6 Confusion
11 Double Team
16 Teleport
21 Calm Mind
26 Psychic
33 Imprison
42 Future Sight
51 Hypnosis
60 Dream Eater
Moveset dummied out.
Bagon 1 Tackle
1 Rage
5 Bite
9 Leer
17 Headbutt
21 Focus Energy
25 Ember
33 DragonBreath
37 Scary Face
41 Crunch
49 Dragon Claw
53 Double-Edge
Moveset dummied out.
Shelgon 1 Tackle
1 Rage
5 Bite
9 Leer
17 Headbutt
21 Focus Energy
25 Ember
30 Protect
38 DragonBreath
47 Scary Face
56 Crunch
69 Dragon Claw
78 Double-Edge
Moveset dummied out.
Salamence 1 Tackle
1 Rage
5 Bite
9 Leer
17 Headbutt
21 Focus Energy
25 Ember
30 Protect
38 DragonBreath
47 Scary Face
50 Fly
61 Crunch
79 Dragon Claw
93 Double-Edge
Moveset dummied out.
Beldum 1 Tackle
1 Take Down
Moveset dummied out.
Metang 1 Tackle
1 Take Down
20 Confusion
20 Metal Claw
26 Scary Face
32 Pursuit
38 Psychic
44 Iron Defense
50 Meteor Mash
56 Agility
62 Hyper Beam
Moveset dummied out.
Metagross 1 Tackle
1 Take Down
20 Confusion
20 Metal Claw
26 Scary Face
32 Pursuit
38 Psychic
44 Iron Defense
55 Meteor Mash
66 Agility
77 Hyper Beam
Moveset dummied out.
Regirock 1 Tackle
1 Explosion
9 Rock Throw
17 Curse
25 Superpower
33 AncientPower
41 Iron Defense
49 Zap Cannon
57 Lock-On
65 Hyper Beam
Moveset dummied out.
Regice 1 Tackle
1 Explosion
9 Icy Wind
17 Curse
25 Superpower
33 AncientPower
41 Amnesia
49 Zap Cannon
57 Lock-On
65 Hyper Beam
Moveset dummied out.
Registeel 1 Tackle
1 Explosion
9 Metal Claw
17 Curse
25 Superpower
33 AncientPower
41 Iron Defense
41 Amnesia
49 Zap Cannon
57 Lock-On
65 Hyper Beam
Moveset dummied out.
Kyogre 1 Tackle
1 Water Pulse
5 Scary Face
15 AncientPower
20 Body Slam
30 Calm Mind
35 Ice Beam
45 Hydro Pump
50 Rest
60 Sheer Cold
65 Double-Edge
75 Water Spout
Moveset dummied out.
Groudon 1 Tackle
1 Mud Shot
5 Scary Face
15 AncientPower
20 Slash
30 Bulk Up
35 Earthquake
45 Fire Blast
50 Rest
60 Fissure
65 SolarBeam
75 Eruption
Moveset dummied out.
Rayquaza 1 Tackle
1 Twister
5 Scary Face
15 AncientPower
20 Dragon Claw
30 Dragon Dance
35 Crunch
45 Fly
50 Rest
60 ExtremeSpeed
65 Outrage
75 Hyper Beam
Moveset dummied out.
Latias 1 Recover
1 DragonBreath
1 Confuse Ray
1 Psywave
1 Psywave
5 Wish
10 Helping Hand
15 Safeguard
20 DragonBreath
25 Water Sport
30 Refresh
35 Mist Ball
40 Psychic
45 Recover
50 Charm
Only learns Recover, DragonBreath, Confuse Ray, and Psywave, all at level 1. Latias can't learn Confuse Ray in the final version.
Latios 1 Recover
1 DragonBreath
1 Confuse Ray
1 Psywave
1 Psywave
5 Memento
10 Helping Hand
15 Safeguard
20 DragonBreath
25 Protect
30 Refresh
35 Luster Purge
40 Psychic
45 Recover
50 Dragon Dance
Only learns Recover, DragonBreath, Confuse Ray and Psywave, all at level 1. Latios can't learn Confuse Ray in the final version.
Jirachi 1 Tackle
1 Wish
1 Confusion
10 Swift
15 Helping Hand
20 Psychic
25 Refresh
30 Rest
35 Double-Edge
40 Future Sight
45 Cosmic Power
50 Doom Desire
Moveset dummied out.
Deoxys 1 Tackle
1 Leer
1 Wrap
5 Night Shade
10 Teleport
15 Knock Off
20 Pursuit
25 Psychic
30 Snatch
35 Cosmic Power
40 Recover
45 Psycho Boost
50 Hyper Beam
Moveset dummied out.
(Source: wazaoboep.dat)

Additional Pokémon Slots

At this point, the 25 unused Pokémon slots between Celebi and Treecko still contained some leftover data from an earlier stage of development. Unfortunately, the original names and stats that these slots might have contained were already gone, having been replaced by the names of Unown's alternate letter forms and by a placeholder stat spread of all 40s, respectively.

ID Name Type Ability Egg Group(s) Catch Rate Base Experience Egg Steps Gender Ratio Notes
252 アンノンB (Unown B) Water しめりけ (Damp) Human-Like 75 165 5,120 1:1 Egg group, catch rate, base experience, egg steps, and gender ratio all match Hypno's.
253 アンノンC (Unown C) Normal None Water 3 225 115 5,120 1:1 Egg group, catch rate, base experience, egg steps, and gender ratio all match Krabby's.
254 アンノンD (Unown D) Normal せいしんりょく (Inner Focus) Water 3 60 206 5,120 1:1 Egg group, catch rate, base experience, egg steps, and gender ratio all match Kingler's.
255 アンノンE (Unown E) Normal クリアボディ (Clear Body) Mineral 190 103 5,120 Genderless Egg group, catch rate, base experience, egg steps, and gender ratio all match Voltorb's.
256 アンノンF (Unown F) Normal ちからもち (Huge Power) Mineral 60 150 5,120 Genderless Egg group, catch rate, base experience, egg steps, and gender ratio all match Electrode's.
257 アンノンG (Unown G) Normal None Grass 90 98 5,120 1:1 Egg group, catch rate, base experience, egg steps, and gender ratio all match Exeggcute's.
258 アンノンH (Unown H) Water/Fighting ちょすい (Water Absorb) Human-Like 45 139 6,400 Male only Egg group, catch rate, base experience, egg steps, and gender ratio all match Hitmonlee's.
259 アンノンI (Unown I) Water/Fighting ちょすい (Water Absorb) Human-Like 45 140 6,400 Male only Egg group, catch rate, base experience, egg steps, and gender ratio all match Hitmonchan's.
260 アンノンJ (Unown J) Normal めんえき (Immunity) Amorphous 190 114 5,120 1:1 Egg group, catch rate, base experience, egg steps, and gender ratio all match Koffing's.
261 アンノンK (Unown K) Normal めんえき (Immunity) Amorphous 60 173 5,120 1:1 Egg group, catch rate, base experience, egg steps, and gender ratio all match Weezing's.
262 アンノンL (Unown L) Ghost/Flying かげふみ (Shadow Tag) Grass 45 166 5,120 1:1 Egg group, catch rate, base experience, egg steps, and gender ratio all match Tangela's.
263 アンノンM (Unown M) Normal ーてんき (Cloud Nine) Monster 45 175 5,120 Female only Egg group, catch rate, base experience, egg steps, and gender ratio all match Kangaskhan's.
264 アンノンN (Unown N) Normal None Water 1/Dragon 225 83 5,120 1:1 Egg group, catch rate, base experience, egg steps, and gender ratio all match Horsea's.
265 アンノンO (Unown O) Normal どくのトゲ (Poison Point) Water 3 225 106 5,120 Genderless Egg group, catch rate, base experience, egg steps, and gender ratio all match Staryu's.
266 アンノンP (Unown P) Rock/Flying めんえき (Immunity) Bug 45 187 6,400 1:1 Egg group, catch rate, base experience, egg steps, and gender ratio all match Scyther's.
267 アンノンQ (Unown Q) Normal None Human-Like 45 137 6,400 Female only Egg group, catch rate, base experience, egg steps, and gender ratio all match Jynx's.
268 アンノンR (Unown R) Normal None Human-Like 45 156 6,400 3:1 Male Egg group, catch rate, base experience, egg steps, and gender ratio all match Electabuzz's.
269 アンノンS (Unown S) Water すいすい (Swift Swim) Human-Like 45 167 6,400 3:1 Male Egg group, catch rate, base experience, egg steps, and gender ratio all match Magmar's.
270 アンノンT (Unown T) Normal ちからもち (Huge Power) Field 45 211 5,120 Male only Egg group, catch rate, base experience, egg steps, and gender ratio all match Tauros's.
271 アンノンU (Unown U) Bug ふくがん (Compound Eyes) Water 2/Dragon 255 20 1,280 1:1 Egg group, catch rate, base experience, egg steps, and gender ratio all match Magikarp's. This egg step value has only ever been used by Magikarp and Gyarados in the final games, even in later generations.
272 アンノンV (Unown V) Poison あくしゅう (Stench) Ditto 35 61 5,120 Genderless Egg group, catch rate, base experience, egg steps, and gender ratio all match Ditto's.
273 アンノンW (Unown W) Poison あくしゅう (Stench) Field 45 92 8,960 7:1 Male Egg group, catch rate, base experience, egg steps, and gender ratio all match Eevee's.
274 アンノンX (Unown X) Grass None Field 45 196 8,960 7:1 Male Egg group, catch rate, base experience, egg steps, and gender ratio all match Vaporeon's.
275 アンノンY (Unown Y) Normal None Field 45 197 8,960 7:1 Male Egg group, catch rate, base experience, egg steps, and gender ratio all match Jolteon's.
276 アンノンZ (Unown Z) Fire None Field 45 198 8,960 7:1 Male Egg group, catch rate, base experience, egg steps, and gender ratio all match Flareon's.
(Source: agbmonsp.dat)

July 17, 2002

Pokémon Stats

Many Pokémon have placeholder stats, but some have normal stats that are different from the final. The stat columns show how much higher or lower a stat was at this point in development than in the final game.

Internal ID English Name Early Name Name Notes Final Name Types Early Abilities Final Abilities Early Color Final Color Base HP Base Attack Base Defense Base Speed Base Special Attack Base Special Defense Gender Ratio Notes
277 Treecko Same as final キモリ
Grass None Overgrow Same as final Green 7:1 Male
278 Grovyle Same as final ジュプトル
Grass None Overgrow Same as final Green -10 -15 -10 7:1 Male
279 Sceptile Same as final ジュカイン
Grass None Overgrow Same as final Green 7:1 Male
280 Torchic Same as final アチャモ
Fire None Blaze Same as final Red 7:1 Male
281 Combusken Same as final ワカシャモ
Fire None Blaze Same as final Red -5 -15 -10 -5 7:1 Male Final typing is Fire/Fighting.
282 Blaziken Same as final バシャーモ
Fire/Fighting Flash Fire Blaze Same as final Red -5 -10 +15 7:1 Male
283 Mudkip Same as final ミズゴロウ
Water None Torrent Same as final Blue 7:1 Male
284 Marshtomp ドローダ
泥だ (doro da) it's mud ヌマクロー
Water None Torrent Same as final Blue -10 -5 -10 -10 7:1 Male Final typing is Water/Ground.
285 Swampert クレイボス
Clay, boss ラグラージ
Water None Torrent Same as final Blue -10 +5 Genderless Final typing is Water/Ground. Gender ratio in the final is 7:1 Male.
286 Poochyena Same as final ポチエナ
Dark None Run Away Same as final Gray -5 +15 1:1
287 Mightyena Same as final グラエナ
Dark Sturdy Intimidate Same as final Gray -15 -20 -15 -10 -10 1:1
288 Zigzagoon Same as final ジグザグマ
Normal None Pickup Same as final Brown +17 +15 +4 -5 -5 -16 1:1
289 Linoone Same as final マッスグマ
Normal Intimidate Pickup Same as final White -3 -5 +4 -25 -5 -16 1:1
290 Wurmple Same as final ケムッソ
Bug None Shield Dust Same as final Red 1:1 Dummied-out stats.
291 Silcoon バッカラー
化け (bake) transform, 殻 (kara) shell カラサリス
Bug Swift Swim Shed Skin Same as final White 1:1 Dummied-out stats.
292 Beautifly Same as final アゲハント
Bug/Flying Volt Absorb Swarm Same as final Yellow -10 +10 -5 -30 +10 1:1
293 Cascoon Same as final マユルド
Bug Chlorophyll Shed Skin Brown Purple 1:1 Dummied-out stats.
294 Dustox ドクガード
毒 (doku) poison, guard ドクケイル
Bug/Flying None Shield Dust Same as final Green 3:1 Male Dummied-out stats. Final typing is Bug/Poison. Gender ratio in the final is 1:1.
295 Lotad Same as final ハスボー
Water/Grass Same as final Swift Swim/Rain Dish Same as final Green 1:1
296 Lombre Same as final ハスブレロ
Water/Grass Same as final Swift Swim/Rain Dish Same as final Green 1:3 Female Gender ratio in the final is 1:1.
297 Ludicolo Same as final ルンパッパ
Water/Grass Same as final Swift Swim/Rain Dish Same as final Green -10 -10 Genderless Gender ratio in the final is 1:1.
298 Seedot Same as final タネボー
Grass None Chlorophyll/Early Bird Same as final Brown 1:3 Female Gender ratio in the final is 1:1.
299 Nuzleaf タネビルー
種びる (tane biru) acts like a seed コノハナ
Grass/Dark Immunity Chlorophyll/Early Bird Same as final Brown -10 +10 -10 +10 +10 -10 1:1
300 Shiftry Same as final ダーテング
Normal None Chlorophyll/Early Bird Same as final Brown -10 -10 +10 -10 1:1 Final typing is Grass/Dark.
301 Nincada Same as final ツチニン
Bug/Ground Same as final Compoundeyes Same as final Gray +4 -15 3:1 Male Gender ratio in the final is 1:1.
302 Ninjask ニンニン
Ninja テッカニン
Bug/Flying Speed Boost* Speed Boost Same as final Yellow +9 -10 1:1
303 Shedinja Same as final ヌケニン
Bug/Ghost Same as final Wonder Guard Same as final Brown -45 +45 -15 +30 +60 1:1 Is genderless in the final.
304 Taillow Same as final スバメ
Flying Immunity Guts Same as final Blue +5 -15 1:1 Final typing is Normal/Flying.
305 Swellow Same as final オオスバメ
Flying Insomnia Guts Same as final Blue -25 -65 +10 +10 Female only Final typing is Normal/Flying. Gender ratio in the final is 1:1.
306 Shroomish Same as final キノココ
Grass None Effect Spore Same as final Brown 1:1
307 Breloom フリクス
Flicks? キノガッサ
Grass/Fighting Speed Boost* Effect Spore Brown Green +10 -10 -10 -10 +10 3:1 Male Gender ratio in the final is 1:1.
308 Spinda Same as final パッチール
Normal Oblivious/Cloud Nine Own Tempo Red Brown +15 +5 +10 -15 -25 +20 1:1
309 Wingull Same as final キャモメ
Flying/Water Compoundeyes Keen Eye Same as final White +5 +25 +10 -5 +5 Female only Final typing is Water/Flying. Gender ratio in the final is 1:1.
310 Pelipper Same as final ペリッパー
Flying/Water None Keen Eye Same as final Yellow +15 +35 -30 -10 -5 -5 1:1 Final typing is Water/Flying.
311 Surskit Same as final アメタマ
Bug/Water Water Absorb Swift Swim Same as final Blue 1:3 Female Dummied-out stats. Gender ratio in the final is 1:1.
312 Masquerain Same as final アメモース
Bug/Flying Same as final Intimidate Same as final Blue -10 -2 -20 -22 1:3 Female Gender ratio in the final is 1:1.
313 Wailmer Same as final ホエルコ
Water None Water Veil/Oblivious Same as final Blue 1:1
314 Wailord Same as final ホエルオー
Water Water Veil Water Veil/Oblivious Same as final Blue -20 +10 +20 +10 7:1 Male Gender ratio in the final is 1:1.
315 Skitty Same as final エネコ
Normal Run Away/Cute Charm Cute Charm Same as final Pink 1:1 Gender ratio in the final is 1:3 Female.
316 Delcatty Same as final エネコロロ
Normal Run Away/Cute Charm Cute Charm Same as final Purple 1:1 Gender ratio in the final is 1:3 Female.
317 Kecleon Same as final カクレオン
Normal Same as final Color Change Same as final Green -20 1:1
318 Baltoy ドグロベー
土偶 (doguu) clay figure, やじろべえ (yajirobē) balancing toy ヤジロン
Ground/Psychic Soundproof Levitate Same as final Brown 1:1 Dummied-out stats. Is genderless in the final.
319 Claydol シャコウド
遮光器土偶 (shakouki doguu) "goggle-eyed" clay figure ネンドール
Ground/Psychic Soundproof Levitate Same as final Black 1:1 Dummied-out stats. Is genderless in the final.
320 -- カエン
火炎 (kaen) flame Fire Flame Body Sturdy/Magnet Pull Green Genderless Dummied-out stats. Torkoal pre-evolution. Replaced by Nosepass.
321 Torkoal カエンオー
火炎 (kaen) flame, 王 (ou) king コータス
Fire Flame Body White Smoke Green Brown -10 -25 -80 +40 -25 -10 Genderless Gender ratio in the final is 1:1.
322 Sableye Same as final ヤミラミ
Dark/Ghost Keen Eye/Insomnia Keen Eye Same as final Purple +21 +15 -15 +44 +10 -15 1:3 Female Gender ratio in the final is 1:1.
323 Barboach ナマゾ
ナマズ (namazu) catfish ドジョッチ
Water/Ground None Oblivious Black Gray Genderless Dummied-out stats. Gender ratio in the final is 1:1. The early color implies that Barboach was originally black instead of light gray.
324 Whiscash ナマゾン
ナマズ (namazu) catfish, amazon ナマズン
Water/Ground None Oblivious Black Blue -50 -18 -13 -16 -11 Genderless Gender ratio in the final is 1:1. Like Barboach, it seems that Whiscash was also originally black.
325 Luvdisc ラブウオ
Love, 魚 (uo) fish ラブカス
Water Cute Charm Swift Swim Same as final Pink Genderless Dummied-out stats. Gender ratio in the final is 1:3 Female.
326 Corphish ザリザリ
ザリガニ (zarigani) crayfish, 砂利 (zari/jari) gravel/child ヘイガニ
Water Hyper Cutter Hyper Cutter/Shell Armor Same as final Red Genderless Dummied-out stats. Gender ratio in the final is 1:1.
327 Crawdaunt ザリガー
ザリガニ (zarigani) crayfish, garfish? シザリガー
Water Hyper Cutter/None Hyper Cutter/Shell Armor Same as final Red -3 -60 -25 +5 -30 +5 Genderless Final typing is Water/Dark. Gender ratio in the final is 1:1.
328 Feebas ウオ
魚 (uo) fish ヒンバス
Water Marvel Scale Swift Swim Green Brown Genderless Dummied-out stats. Gender ratio in the final is 1:1.
329 Milotic ギョ
魚 (gyo) fish ミロカロス
Water Same as final Marvel Scale Red Pink -35 -19 -21 -40 -65 Genderless Gender ratio in the final is 1:1.
330 Carvanha Same as final キバニア
Water/Dark Same as final Rough Skin Same as final Red Genderless Dummied-out stats. Gender ratio in the final is 1:1.
331 Sharpedo Same as final サメハダー
Water/Dark None Rough Skin Same as final Blue -10 -60 +20 -35 -65 +20 1:1
332 Trapinch Same as final ナックラー
Ground Sand Stream Hyper Cutter/Arena Trap Same as final Brown 3:1 Male Gender ratio in the final is 1:1.
333 Vibrava イトトン
イトトンボ (itotonbo) damselfly ビブラーバ
Ground Compoundeyes Levitate Same as final Green 1:1 Final typing is Ground/Dragon.
334 Flygon Same as final フライゴン
Ground/Dragon Compoundeyes Levitate Same as final Green 1:1
335 Makuhita タップン
Tapping マクノシタ
Fighting Huge Power Thick Fat/Guts Same as final Yellow -2 1:1 Gender ratio in final is 3:1 Male.
336 Hariyama Same as final ハリテヤマ
Fighting Huge Power Thick Fat/Guts Same as final Yellow -4 1:1 Gender ratio in final is 3:1 Male.
337 Electrike リュウ
流 (ryū) current ラクライ
Electric Volt Absorb/Magnet Pull Static/Lightningrod Blue Green 1:1 Original color may have been reworked into its Shiny color.
338 Manectric ラクライ
Electrike's final name ライボルト
Electric Volt Absorb/Magnet Pull Static/Lightningrod Same as final Yellow 1:1
339 Numel Same as final ドンメル
Fire/Ground Same as final Oblivious Same as final Yellow -5 -5 1:1
340 Camerupt Same as final バクーダ
Fire/Ground Same as final Magma Armor Brown Red -5 -5 1:1 Apparently, Camerupt was originally brown instead of red-orange.
341 Spheal Same as final タマザラシ
Ice/Water Thick Fat/Water Absorb Thick Fat Same as final Blue 1:1 Dummied-out stats.
342 Sealeo セイウッチ
セイウチ (seiuchi) walrus トドグラー
Ice/Water Same as final Thick Fat Same as final Blue -30 -10 +15 -15 -10 Genderless Gender ratio in the final is 1:1.
343 Walrein アザランド
アザラシ (azarashi) earless seal, grand トドゼルガ
Ice/Water Same as final Thick Fat Gray Blue Genderless Dummied-out stats. Gender ratio in the final is 1:1.
344 Cacnea サボッテ
サボる (saboru) to be idle, サボテン (saboten) cactus サボネア
Grass Cloud Nine Sand Veil Same as final Green 1:1 Dummied-out stats.
345 Cacturne サボテール
サボる (saboru) to be idle, saboten (cactus), tail ノクタス
Grass/Dark Cloud Nine Sand Veil Same as final Green -10 -55 +5 -55 1:1
346 Snorunt ノーズ
Nose, snow ユキワラシ
Ice Sand Veil Inner Focus Same as final Gray 1:1 Dummied-out stats.
347 Glalie オニゴオリ
Same name, kana choice slightly different オニゴーリ
Ice None Inner Focus Same as final Gray -20 -20 -20 -20 -20 -20 7:1 Male Gender ratio in the final is 1:1.
348 Lunatone Same as final ルナトーン
Rock/Psychic Synchronize Levitate Same as final Yellow 1:1 Dummied-out stats. Is genderless in the final.
349 Solrock Same as final ソルロック
Rock/Psychic None Levitate Same as final Red Genderless Dummied-out stats.
350 Azurill Same as final ルリリ
Normal None Thick Fat/Huge Power Same as final Blue 1:1 Gender ratio in the final is 1:3 Female.
351 Spoink プピョコ
ブー (buu) oink, ぴょこん (pyokon) bouncy, 子 (ko) child バネブー
Psychic Early Bird Thick Fat/Own Tempo Red Black 1:1 Dummied-out stats. Was apparently originally red instead of light purple.
352 Grumpig ブーパル
ブー (buu) oink, pearl ブーピッグ
Psychic Early Bird Thick Fat/Own Tempo Same as final Purple -20 +15 -5 -20 -30 -50 1:1
353 Plusle バチン
バチバチ (bachibachi) crackling, バチン (bachin) sound of thunder プラスル
Electric Same as final Plus Same as final Yellow 1:1 Dummied-out stats. Evolves into Bachikōn.
354 Minun バチコーン
バチバチ (bachibachi) crackling, バチコーン (bachikōn) smack マイナン
Electric Same as final Minus Same as final Yellow +20 +10 -35 -15 -25 1:1
355 Mawile フタクチ
From Futakuchi-onna, a yokai クチート
Steel Insomnia Hyper Cutter/Intimidate Same as final Black 1:1 Dummied-out stats.
356 Meditite ヨガル
Yoga, 喜がる (yogaru) to be proud アサナン
Fighting Water Absorb Pure Power Yellow Blue 1:1 Dummied-out stats. Final typing is Fighting/Psychic. Was presumably originally yellow instead of light blue.
357 Medicham ヨスギール
Yoga, 良すぎる (yosugiru) too good チャーレム
Fighting None Pure Power Purple Red -15 -20 -15 1:1 Final typing is Fighting/Psychic.
358 Swablu コット
Cotton チルット
Flying None Natural Cure Same as final Blue -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 1:1 Final typing is Normal/Flying.
359 Altaria ライライ
籟々/磊々(rairai) faintly heard sounds/openhearted チルタリス
Flying/Dragon None Natural Cure White Blue -5 +5 +5 -5 +5 +5 1:1 Typing is reversed in the final.
360 Wynaut Same as final ソーナノ
Psychic None Shadow Tag Same as final Blue 1:1
361 Duskull Same as final ヨマワル
Ghost None Levitate Same as final Black +10 1:1
362 Dusclops ハイカイン
徘徊 (haikai) wandering, 灰色 (hai'iro) gray, 妖怪 (youkai) ghost, possibly 禍因 (kain) cause of trouble サマヨール
Ghost Pressure/Pickup Pressure Same as final Black -10 3:1 Male Gender ratio in the final is 1:1.
363 Roselia ラビアン
La vie en rose ロゼリア
Grass/Poison Natural Cure Natural Cure/Poison Point Same as final Green 3:1 Male Gender ratio in the final is 1:1.
364 Slakoth ナマケロウ
Same name, kana choice slightly different ナマケロ
Normal Same as final Truant Same as final Brown Genderless Dummied-out stats. Gender ratio in the final is 1:1.
365 Vigoroth ヤルキング
やる気 (yaruki) eagerness, king ヤルキモノ
Normal Hustle/Guts Vital Spirit Same as final White -20 -20 -20 -30 +5 +5 3:1 Male Gender ratio in the final is 1:1.
366 Slaking Same as final ケッキング
Normal Same as final Truant Black Brown 1:1 Dummied-out stats. Was originally black.
367 Gulpin ゴックン
ごっくん (gokkun) gulp ゴクリン
Poison Same as final Liquid Ooze/Sticky Hold Same as final Green 1:1 Dummied-out stats.
368 Swalot Same as final マルノーム
Poison Same as final Liquid Ooze/Sticky Hold Same as final Purple -40 -13 -23 +5 -13 -23 1:1
369 Tropius Same as final トロピウス
Grass/Flying None Chlorophyll Same as final Green 1:1
370 Whismur Same as final ゴニョニョ
Normal None Soundproof Same as final Pink 1:1 Dummied-out stats.
371 Loudred ドゴーン
怒号 (dogou) bellow ドゴーム
Fighting Huge Power Soundproof Same as final Blue -24 -11 +17 +12 -11 +17 1:1 Final typing is Normal.
372 Exploud Same as final バクオング
Normal Drizzle Soundproof Same as final Blue 1:1 Dummied-out stats.
373 Clamperl Same as final パールル
Water Illuminate Shell Armor Purple Blue 1:1 Dummied-out stats. Original color may have been reworked into its Shiny color.
374 Huntail Same as final ハンテール
Water Same as final Swift Swim Purple Blue 1:1 Dummied-out stats.
375 Gorebyss ウツポ
ウツボ (utsubo) moray eel サクラビス
Water Serene Grace Swift Swim Same as final Pink 1:1 Dummied-out stats.
376 Absol Same as final アブソル
Dark Trace Pressure Same as final White 1:1 Dummied-out stats.
377 Shuppet チャーク
チャック (chakku) zipper カゲボウズ
Ghost Insomnia/Run Away Insomnia Same as final Black 1:1 Dummied-out stats. Presumably was originally designed to look more like Banette.
378 Banette カゲボーズ
Shuppet's final name, albeit differently spelled ジュペッタ
Ghost Shadow Tag/Run Away Insomnia Same as final Black -4 -55 -5 -5 -23 -3 Female only Gender ratio in the final is 1:1.
379 Seviper Same as final ハブネーク
Poison Same as final Shed Skin Same as final Black 1:1 Dummied-out stats.
380 Zangoose マングー
Mongoose ザングース
Normal Same as final Immunity Same as final White 1:1 Dummied-out stats.
381 Relicanth Same as final ジーランス
Water/Rock Swift Swim Swift Swim/Rock Head Purple Gray 1:1 Gender ratio in the final is 7:1 Male. Was originally purple.
382 Aron Same as final ココドラ
Steel Sturdy Sturdy/Rock Head Brown Gray Genderless Dummied-out stats. Final typing is Steel/Rock. Gender ratio in the final is 1:1. Was originally brown.
383 Lairon Same as final コドラ
Steel Sturdy Sturdy/Rock Head Brown Gray -10 -30 -50 -20 -20 1:1 Final typing is Steel/Rock. Was originally brown.
384 Aggron ギガコドラ
Giga, dragon ボスゴドラ
Steel Sturdy Sturdy/Rock Head Brown Gray -30 -70 +10 -10 -10 1:1 Final typing is Steel/Rock. Was originally brown.
385 Castform ポワワ
Same name, kana choice slightly different ポワルン
Normal Forecast/None Forecast Same as final White 7:1 Male Dummied-out stats. Gender ratio in the final is 1:1.
386 Volbeat Same as final バルビート
Bug None Illuminate/Swarm Red Gray Male only
387 Illumise Same as final イルミーゼ
Bug None Oblivious Same as final Purple 7:1 Male Is female-only in the final.
388 Lileep カセキ
化石 (kaseki) fossil リリーラ
Rock None Suction Cups Same as final Purple Genderless Dummied-out stats. Final typing is Rock/Grass. Gender ratio in the final is 7:1 Male.
389 Cradily カセキング
化石 (kaseki) fossil, king ユレイドル
Rock None Suction Cups Purple Green -26 -21 -37 +17 -21 -47 Genderless Final typing is Rock/Grass. Gender ratio in the final is 7:1 Male.
390 Anorith タイコ
太古 (taiko) ancient times アノプス
Rock None Battle Armor Red Gray Genderless Dummied-out stats. Final typing is Rock/Bug. Gender ratio in the final is 7:1 Male.
391 Armaldo タイコング
太古 (taiko) ancient times, king アーマルド
Rock None Battle Armor Red Gray -15 -65 -40 +15 -10 -20 Genderless Final typing is Rock/Bug. Gender ratio in the final is 7:1 Male.
392 Ralts サイコ
Psycho ラルトス
Psychic None Synchronize/Trace Purple White Genderless Dummied-out stats. Gender ratio in the final is 1:1. Was originally purple.
393 Kirlia サイオー
Psycho, 王 (ou) king, 塞翁が馬 (saiou ga uma) unpredictable future キルリア
Psychic None Synchronize/Trace Purple White +22 +25 +25 +10 -5 +5 Genderless Gender ratio in the final is 1:1. Was originally purple.
394 Gardevoir サイキング
Psycho, king, "Psyking" サーナイト
Psychic None Synchronize/Trace Purple White Genderless Dummied-out stats. Gender ratio in the final is 1:1. Was originally purple.
395 Bagon タツノコ
タツノオトシゴ (tatsu-no-otoshigo) seahorse, 子 (ko) child タツベイ
Dragon None Rock Head Same as final Blue 1:1 Dummied-out stats.
396 Shelgon ロンロン
籠 (lóng) to cover, 龍 (lóng) dragon コモルー
Dragon None Rock Head Blue White -5 -35 -40 +10 +10 1:1 Was originally white.
397 Salamence ドラッゴ
Dragon ボーマンダ
Dragon None Intimidate Same as final Blue 1:1 Dummied-out stats. Final typing is Dragon/Flying.
398 Beldum コテツ
子 (ko) child, 鉄 (tetsu) iron, 鋼鉄 (koutetsu) steel, "little iron" ダンバル
Steel/Psychic None Clear Body Gray Blue Genderless Dummied-out stats. Original color may have been reworked into its Shiny coloration.
399 Metang コウテツ
鋼鉄/甲鉄 (koutetsu) steel/armor メタング
Steel/Psychic None Clear Body Gray Blue -15 -40 +10 +5 -20 Genderless Original color may have been reworked into its Shiny coloration.
400 Metagross ゴウキーン
合金 (goukin) alloy メタグロス
Steel/Psychic Pressure Clear Body Gray Blue Genderless Dummied-out stats. Original color may have been reworked into its Shiny coloration.
401 Regirock Same as final レジロック
Rock Pressure Clear Body Same as final Brown Genderless Dummied-out stats.
402 Regice Same as final レジアイス
Ice Pressure Clear Body Same as final Blue Genderless Dummied-out stats.
403 Registeel Same as final レジスチル
Steel None Clear Body Same as final Gray Genderless Dummied-out stats.
404 Kyogre Same as final カイオーガ
Water Static Drizzle Same as final Blue 7:1 Male Dummied-out stats. Is genderless in the final.
405 Groudon Same as final グラードン
Ground None Drought Brown Red 1:1 Dummied-out stats. Is genderless in the final.
406 Rayquaza タイクーン
滞空 (taikuu) staying airborne, tycoon, typhoon レックウザ
Flying None Air Lock White Green Genderless Dummied-out stats. Final typing is Dragon/Flying.
407 Latias Same as final ラティアス
Dragon/Psychic Same as final Levitate Same as final Red +10 +10 +10 +10 +10 +10 1:1 Is female-only in the final.
408 Latios Same as final ラティオス
Dragon/Psychic Same as final Levitate Same as final Blue +10 +10 +10 +10 +10 +10 1:1 Is male-only in the final.
409 Jirachi ガンボー
願望 (ganbou) wish ジラーチ
Steel/Psychic None Serene Grace Gray Yellow Genderless Dummied-out stats.
410 Deoxys ジーゲン
次元 (jigen) dimension, gene デオキシス
Psychic None Pressure Black Red Genderless Dummied-out stats.
411 Chimecho Same as final チリーン
Psychic Same as final Levitate Same as final Blue Not present at this point in development.
  • Speed Boost is listed as "Kasokusouti", instead of its final "Kasoku".

(Source: https://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/leftover-prototype-gen-3-pok%C3%A9mon-data-first-looks.3664582/#post-8472144 Japanese name etymologies by breh)
(Source: agbmonsp.dat)