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JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Phantom Blood

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Title Screen

JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Phantom Blood

Developer: Anchor Inc.
Publisher: Bandai Namco
Platform: PlayStation 2
Released in JP: October 26, 2006

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.

JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Phantom Blood is an adaptation of the first part of the manga series JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.

Unused Textures

Debugging Font

Present at offset 0xE24F0 in the game's executable is a compressed and swizzled font texture used for debugging purposes. The game always loads the texture into RAM, but never uses it.


Placeholder Portrait

Inside the files of Chapter 8's third cutscene is a placeholder portrait of Jonathan Joestar smiling from Chapter 18 of the manga.

JoJoPBPS2-Unused Portrait.png

Unused Hint Screens

To do:
Add translations for the hint text.

While every main story battle has a hint screen, only six of them are used in-game.

JoJoPBPS2-Unused Battle01 Hint.png
JoJoPBPS2-Unused Battle02 Hint.png
JoJoPBPS2-Unused Battle03 Hint.png
JoJoPBPS2-Unused Battle04 Hint.png

JoJoPBPS2-Unused Battle05 Hint.png
JoJoPBPS2-Unused Battle06 Hint.png
JoJoPBPS2-Unused Battle09 Hint.png
JoJoPBPS2-Unused Battle11 Hint.png

JoJoPBPS2-Unused Battle12 Hint.png
JoJoPBPS2-Unused Battle14 Hint.png
JoJoPBPS2-Unused Battle15 Hint.png
JoJoPBPS2-Unused Battle16 Hint.png

JoJoPBPS2-Unused Battle17 Hint.png
JoJoPBPS2-Unused Battle18 Hint.png
JoJoPBPS2-Unused Battle19 Hint.png
JoJoPBPS2-Unused Battle20 Hint.png

JoJoPBPS2-Unused Battle21 Hint.png
JoJoPBPS2-Unused Battle22 Hint.png
JoJoPBPS2-Unused Battle23 Hint.png
JoJoPBPS2-Unused Battle25 Hint.png

Unused Text

Present in the battle dialogue data for Chapter 8 is unused text instructing the player how to charge an attack with the R1 button.

JoJoPBPS2-Unused Text R1.png
Japanese Translation
(R1を押して->ためて->離す) (Press R1 -> Hold -> Release)

Erina has an unused line in Chapter 23's second cutscene.

JoJoPBPS2-Unused Text Erina.png
Japanese Translation
Ah, If only this day
could last forever...

Within the files for Speedwagon and Tonpetty's Heat Attacks, there is unused text left over from Jonathan Joestar's Heat Attack.

JoJoPBPS2-Unused Text Sunlight Yellow Overdrive.png
Japanese Translation
山吹き色の波紋疾走!! Sunlight Yellow Overdrive!!

Unused Audio

The file gameover.adx, evidently intended for a game over screen.