Pokémon Diamond and Pearl/Regional Differences
This is a sub-page of Pokémon Diamond and Pearl.
Japanese ROM Size
The header in the ROMs of the initial release of the Japanese versions specifies a size of 128 MB, but revision 5 decreased it to 64 MB.
Title Screen
Japan | International |
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In the Japanese versions, the title screen instructs players to "PUSH START BUTTON", but the localizations instead state "PRESS START".
Japanese Font
Unlike Ruby, Sapphire, FireRed, LeafGreen, and Emerald, the Western localizations of Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold, and SoulSilver use a different Japanese font for regular text as opposed to the one from the Japanese versions.
Black, White, Black 2, and White 2 instead use a Japanese font that is reminiscent of the one seen in some of Diamond and Pearl's pre-release Japanese footage.
Registeel Sprite
Registeel uses a different pose in all non-English European releases of the game (as well as in the Korean release), as its original pose could be misinterpreted as a Nazi salute. This change was later applied to all versions of Platinum and retained for HeartGold and SoulSilver. It appears that the sprite was redrawn from scratch rather than edited, given the different shading.
Original | Non-English European and Korean |
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Event Items
The Matchup Checker app for the Pokétch was distributed to Japanese players to celebrate the American release of Diamond and Pearl, and was later made available in-game in Platinum. Additionally, players of Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum could obtain a Lucario Doll from the Lucario Wakuwaku Fair event.
Recovery Program
In revisions 0 and 5 of the Japanese versions, there are two issues which were officially acknowledged by Nintendo on October 24, 2006.
- Aaron's room at the Pokémon League allows the player to surf and enter the void.
- Returning to the second floor of the Pokémon League after using the Union Room causes the player to get stuck in a wall.
Nintendo proposed a solution to affected players who got stuck but had not saved the game yet. For other players, Nintendo recommended using the ダイヤモンド・パール修復プログラム Diamond & Pearl Recovery Program that was released on October 27, 2006 and could be downloaded from any DS Station, later 3DS Station, up to February 2018 or from the Wii's Nintendo Channel during its lifetime. Alternatively, they could mail in their cartridges for repair until February 2018.
Battle Mechanics
To do: Moves that suppress or change Abilities are Skill Swap, Worry Seed, Gastro Acid, Role Play, and Transform. Verify whether the bug in question happens with all of them or only some. |
The following bugs are all exclusive to the Japanese versions.
- A Pokémon transforming and then having its held item stolen in battle will lead to both Pokémon retaining the item after battle, provided the transformed Pokémon does not faint. This can be used in Double Battles to easily duplicate items.
- Successfully using Transform through Mimic and then fainting will cause the user to permanently keep the moveset of the Pokémon it transformed into.
- A holder of a Choice item who then uses Pursuit on the same turn that the target switches out can use a different move on the next turn, even though that would normally be prevented by the Choice item.
- The Attack and Speed drops caused by the Slow Start Ability are retained even if the Ability is removed.
In-Game Trades
In the English versions of Diamond and Pearl, the three Pokémon available through in-game trades (Machop for Abra, Buizel for Chatot, Medicham for Haunter) had their language of origin mistakenly set to Japanese. This was fixed in the non-English versions of the game, as well as all versions of Platinum.
The fourth Pokémon available through an in-game trade, Finneon for Magikarp, is unaffected by this bug, as this Pokémon is canonically foreign. Its language of origin is German in all languages except German, where its language of origin is Japanese instead.
Korean Versions
Communication with games in other languages
To do:
By the time Nintendo and The Pokémon Company opened their South Korean subsidiaries in 2006, Game Freak was finalizing Diamond and Pearl. A Korean release did not occur until 2008, and it has some limitations, such as items like the Manaphy Egg being unobtainable due to inherent incompatibilities and the unavailability of the required spin-off games. However, because at least Japanese Ruby and Sapphire were released in South Korea, Pal Park accepts all languages of Ruby, Sapphire, FireRed, LeafGreen, and Emerald, unlike the Japanese and Western versions. The transferred Pokémon are treated as nicknamed due to the language mismatch, behavior that is not exclusive to the Korean versions. It supports one more language for its Pokédex than other languages as such.
Due to the lack of an Hangul font in non-Korean releases, communications between Korean and non-Korean copies were made impossible to avoid having display issues on those copies. This means that it is impossible to trade and receive non-Korean Pokémon on a Korean copy outside of Meister's Magikarp and Pokémon and their evolutions available from the Pal Park.
Veilstone Game Corner
Since gambling is illegal in South Korea, the slot machines of the Veilstone Game Corner were replaced with Game Machines that drop 5 to 20 Coins every day, and multiple texts in the casino were altered. These changes were later ported to European versions of Platinum, which also edited Looker's dialogue accordingly. Note that the player can still buy Coins.
Most of the Korean dialogue here was recycled for the European and Korean Platinum. In the following table, for the sake of brevity, only the Japanese, Korean and English dialogues are shown, as well as the English rendition from the European Platinum for the lines that match. The “ID” is taken from Poké Corpus. Note that the last two lines are absent from non-Korean Diamond and Pearl.
ID | Japanese (DP) | English (DP) | Korean (DP) | English (EUR Pt) |
dp.139.7 | みごと スロット 10レンチャン まさに だいばくはつ でしたね! ということで この わざマシン きねんに どうぞ! |
Ten straight bonus rounds on the slots! That's amazing! I would say you had an explosion of good luck! So, please take this Technical Machine as a memento! |
현재 기술머신 캠페인을 실시하고 있습니다! 이러한 이유로 이 기술머신을 기념으로 드립니다! |
We're currently in the middle of a Technical Machine campaign! Here, please take this Technical Machine as a memento! |
dp.139.10 | コインケースを もっていないので あそべません! |
You can't play if you don't have a Coin Case. |
게임기가 있다! 동전케이스를 가지고 다시 오자! |
It's a Game Machine! Come back when you have a Coin Case. |
dp.139.11 | この ゲームコーナーの スロットのこと いろいろ おしえて あげるね! ひだりの リールから じゅんばんに とめるのが きほん なのよ! ボーナスの ときは ピッピの ゆびさす じゅんばんに とめるのよ! |
I'll explain how the slot machines work at this Game Corner. During regular play, you should stop the reels from the left. During the bonus round, watch where CLEFAIRY points and stop the reels in that order. |
이 게임코너에 대해 여러 가지 알려줄게! 여기에서 동전을 많이 모으면 좋은 일이 생겨! 모은 동전은 옆의 건물에서 기술머신과 교환할 수 있어! |
Hi! Let me tell you a little bit about the Game Corner! There's a very good reason to try and collect a lot of coins here! You see, next door, you can exchange your Coins for Technical Machines! |
dp.139.12 | ここで あそぶには コインケースが ひつよう だぞ! コインケースが ほしかったら となりの いえに いくといいぞ! |
Hey, kid, if you want to play here, you need a Coin Case. I think the young man next door had one. |
동전케이스가 없으면 동전을 가질 수 없어! 동전케이스를 갖고 싶으면 옆집에 가도록 해! |
Kid, if you don't have a Coin Case, you can't carry any Coins, see? You want a Coin Case right? Then go to the building next door! |
dp.139.13 | きょうは かちまくって いるからな! きみにも コインを わけてあげよう! コインを 20まい もらった! [VAR 0103(0000)]は コインを コインケースに しまった |
I've been winning a ton today. Here, take some Coins! [VAR 0103(0000)] received 20 Coins from the man. [VAR 0103(0000)] put the Coins away in the Coin Case. |
오늘은 기분이 좋구나! 너에게도 동전을 나눠주지! 동전을 20개 받았다! [VAR 0103(0000,0001)] 동전을 동전케이스에 넣었다 |
Today I'm feeling on top of the world! You! Let me share some Coins with you! [VAR 0103(0000,0000)] received 20 Coins from the man. [VAR 0103(0000,0000)] put the Coins away in the Coin Case. |
dp.139.14 | いいか? ピッピが でてきたら 7を そろえられる チャンスだぞ! みごと そろえられたら ボーナスゲームに とつにゅうだよ! |
Listen, when CLEFAIRY appears, that's your chance to line up sevens. Line those babies up and you're into the bonus round! |
게임기를 조사하면 가끔 동전이 떨어져 있을 때가 있어 하루에도 그렇게 몇 번이나 발견할 수 있는 건 아니지만 말이야! |
Hey! If you search the Game Machines sometimes extra Coins fall out! Thing is, it only tends to happen once a day... |
dp.139.15 | むひょー!! ピッピ! ピッピが! みているだけで たまらん! きみも コインケースを もっていれば この しあわせが わかるのに |
Woohoo! CLEFAIRY! Look at it! It's driving me bananas! Oh, if only you had a Coin Case! Then you'd know what fun this is! |
우효-!! 동전! 동전이! 오늘은 꽤 모았는 걸! 너도 동전케이스를 가지고 있다면 이 행복을 알 수 있을 텐데 |
Woohoo! Coins! All the Coins! The Coins just keep on coming! Oh, if only you had a Coin Case! Then you'd know how much fun this is! |
dp.139.16 | むひょー!! ピッピ! ピッピが! おまつりに なったぞ! たまらん! よし! この しあわせ きみにも わけてあげよう!! コインを 50まい もらった! [VAR 0103(0000)]は コインを コインケースに しまった |
Woohoo! CLEFAIRY! Look! Yeahah! It's a carnival! Let me share some of my joy with you! [VAR 0103(0000)] received 50 Coins from the man. [VAR 0103(0000)] put the Coins away in the Coin Case. |
우효-!! 동전! 동전이! 그 기술머신까지 조금만 더! 좋아! 이 행복을 너에게도 나눠주지!! 동전을 50개 받았다! [VAR 0103(0000,0001)] 동전을 동전케이스에 넣었다 |
Gyahaha! The Coins! So many Coins! That Technical Machine will be mine! Righto! Let me share some of my happiness with you! [VAR 0103(0000,0000)] received 50 Coins from the man. [VAR 0103(0000,0000)] put the Coins away in the Coin Case. |
dp.139.17 | むひょー!! ピッピ! ピッピが! みているだけで ドキドキする! ひとつ アドバイスだよ! つきが あかく ひかったときは ピッピが つかれちゃうから リプレイを そろえないんだよね! |
Woohoo! CLEFAIRY! It's adorable! Just seeing it gets my pulse racing! Oh, let me impart a piece of advice to you! If the moon turns red, you don't want to get a replay because it makes CLEFAIRY tired! |
우효-!! 동전! 동전이! 잡힐 것 같으면서도 안 잡힌단 말이야! 좋은 정보를 알려줄게! 가끔 동전이 게임기에 떨어져 있거나 한단다! 운이 좋으면 발견하거나 하겠지! |
Aroooo! All these Coins! Just when you think you've got 'em... they disappear! I'll let you in on a secret! Sometimes you can find Coins in the Game Machines which the previous person forgot! Cha-ching! |
dp.139.18 | コインも ほしいけど きろくこうしんも あついよな! |
I want Coins, of course, but setting records is hot, too! |
포켓몬 배틀도 재미있지만 동전을 모으는 것도 화끈하지! |
Sure, battling with Pokémon is great, but collecting Coins is pretty hot too! |
dp.139.19 | モンスターボールが でてきたら おなじ いろをした えがらを そろえられる チャンスなの! でね…… リプレイや ピカチュウは ねらわなくても そろうんだけど モンスターボールや つきのいしは ねらわないと そろわないのよね |
When a Poké Ball appears, it's a chance to line up slot marks. Replays and PIKACHU line up even if you don't make an effort. But you need to aim for better marks, like Poké Balls and Moon Stones. |
장막시티에는 게임코너라든지 백화점이 있어서 좋아 난 매일 놀러 오고 있어! 그래서... 여기에서 계속 놀게 되는데 정신을 차리면 밤이 돼버리고 말아 그래도 포켓몬과 함께 돌아가니까 밤길이라도 무섭지 않지만 말이지 |
I love Veilstone City because of the department store and Game Corner. It seems like I'm always coming here! ... But you know something? I always have so much fun that before I know it, it's already night time! But my trusty Pokémon are with me so I'm not afraid of going home at night. |
dp.139.20 | おなじ グループの ともだちがさ ここで コインを だしまくったから オレも チャレンジだぜ! |
A friend in my group scored a ton of Coins here. I'm going to challenge him! |
난 요즘 친구에게 말야 배틀을 하기만 하면 지니까 여기에서 기분전환을 하고 있지! |
Recently, my friends keep beating me at Pokémon battles so... I come here to let off some steam. |
dp.139.21 | あ…… ぜんぜん でない…… きみ トレーナー? ここの ジムリーダーと たたかった? わしの むすめだけど ほんとうに つよいよ! |
Sigh... Nothing's going my way today... Are you a Trainer? Did you battle the Gym Leader? She happens to be my daughter. She's some kind of tough! |
너 트레이너야? 여기 체육관 관장하고 싸웠어? 내 딸이지만 정말 강하다고! |
Are you a Trainer? Did you battle the Gym Leader? She happens to be my daughter. She's a real tough cookie! |
dp.139.22 | めざせ! 10レンチャン!! ……10レンチャン できた かたは うけつけまで きてくださいませ きねんひんを プレゼントします! ちなみに ただいまの さいこう レンチャンかいすう [VAR 0134(0000)]かい! |
Shoot for 10! Line up those bonus rounds! If you accomplish the feat of completing 10 uninterrupted bonus rounds, please go to the counter. You will be presented with a fabulous prize! The current record sits at [VAR 0134(0000)] straight bonus rounds! |
게임코너에서의 주의사항 ...게임기에 후르츠밀크나 미네랄사이다를 흘리지 않도록 주의! 게임기가 고장납니다! 만약 흘리신 분은 접수처에 알려주시기 바랍니다 |
A polite request from the management: Please take care not to spill Lemonade or Soda Pop on the Game Machines. This will damage the Game Machines. If you do happen to spill a drink, please inform reception. |
dp.139.23 | [NULL] | [NULL] | 게임기가 있다! | It's a Game Machine! |
dp.139.24 | [NULL] | [NULL] | 동전을 [VAR 0133(0000,0000)]개 발견했다! [VAR 0103(0001,0001)] 동전을 동전케이스에 넣었다 |
Found [VAR 0133(0000,0000)] Coins! [VAR 0103(0001,0000)] put the Coins away in the Coin Case. |
Graphical changes
The red color of some female-gendered strings like Original Trainer (OT) names was replaced with pink for cultural reasons, as names written in red are believed to bring misfortune or even death.
Japan | Korea |
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The move Imprison displays a large red X with the Japanese character “封” (short for 封印 fuuin, the Japanese name of the move) in the Japanese version. For international versions (including the Korean release), this was replaced with a large red wax seal stamp graphic.
Japan | International |
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Translation Errors
Hotel Grand Lake NPC
An NPC in Hotel Grand Lake mentions landmarks from regions featured in previous Pokémon games. However, the names he uses in some languages (particularly Spanish) are inconsistent.
Mt. Moon
Japanese | English | French | Italian | German | Spanish | Korean |
きみは カントーちほうの オツキミやまを しってるかね? ピッピの ダンス…… あれは しぬまでに みておきたいね |
Do you know about Mt. Moon in the Kanto region? CLEFAIRY dancing under the moon... It's something I must see in my life. |
Tu as entendu parler du Mont Sélénite dans la région de Kanto? Ces MELOFEE dansant sous la lune... Je dois le voir une fois dans ma vie. |
Conosci il Monte Luna nella regione di Kanto? CLEFAIRY che danza al chiaro di luna... Uno spettacolo da non perdere! |
Kennst du den Mondberg in der Region Kanto? PIEPI tanzen dort im Mondlicht... Das würde ich so gerne wenigstens ein Mal im Leben sehen. |
¿Sabes algo del Monte Luna en la región de Kanto? CLEFAIRY bailando a la luz de la luna... Algún día tengo que verlo con mis ojos. |
너는 관동지방의 달맞이산을 알고 있나? 삐삐의 댄스... 그건 죽기 전에는 보고 싶어 |
- In the Spanish version, the NPC mentions “Monte Luna”, but the location was translated as “MT. MOON” in the Generation 1 games (and the Generation 3 remakes). The Let's Go games re-translated the location as “Monte Moon”, which is also the name used in Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl.
Tin Tower/Bell Tower
Japanese | English | French | Italian | German | Spanish | Korean |
きみは ジョウトちほうの スズのとうを しってるかね? にじいろの ポケモン…… ぜひとも しぬまでに みてみたいね |
Have you heard of the Tin Tower in the Johto region? The rainbow-colored Pokémon... I must see that during my lifetime. |
Tu as entendu parler de la Tour Ferraille de la région de Johto? Un Pokémon arc-en-ciel... Je dois voir ça une fois dans ma vie. |
Hai mai sentito parlare della Torre di Latta nella regione di Johto? Il Pokémon dai colori arcobaleno... Devo assolutamente vederlo una volta. |
Hast du schon mal etwas von dem Zinnturm in der Region Johto gehört? Das regenbogenfarbene Pokémon... Ich möchte es ein Mal im Leben sehen. |
¿Has oído hablar de la Torre Lata en la región de Johto? Los Pokémon arco iris... Algún día los veré con mis propios ojos. |
너는 성도지방의 방울탑을 알고 있나? 무지개색 포켓몬... 꼭 한번 죽기 전에 보고 싶어 |
- The English, French, Italian and German versions directly refer to the name used in the Generation 2 games (“TIN TOWER”, “TOUR FERRAILLE”, “TORRE DI LATTA” and “ZINNTURM”, respectively). However, the location was re-translated in HeartGold/SoulSilver to be more faithful with the Japanese original (as “Bell Tower”, “Tour Carillon”, “Torre Campana” and “Glockenturm”, respectively). That latest name was used in BDSP as well, except in the English version (which still uses “Tin Tower”).
- The Spanish version has two translation issues. First, the NPC mentions “Torre Lata”, but the location was named “TORRE HOJALATA” in the Generation 2 games (and “Torre Campana” in the remakes). The second mistake is in “Los Pokémon arco iris... Algún día los veré con mis propios ojos.” The sentence says there is more than one rainbow-colored Pokémon (a common translation mistake from English to Spanish, since the “the” article can refer to singular and plural, but Spanish has specific articles for gender and number). Both issues were fixed in BDSP.
Whirl Islands
Japanese | English | French | Italian | German | Spanish | Korean |
きみは ジョウトちほうの うずまきじまを しってるかね? ぎんいろの ポケモン…… ぜひとも しぬまでに みてみたいね |
Have you heard of the Whirl Islands in the Johto region? The silver-colored Pokémon... I must see that during my lifetime. |
Tu as entendu parler des Tourb'Iles dans la région de Johto? Un Pokémon argenté... Je dois voir ça une fois dans ma vie. |
Hai mai sentito parlare delle Isole Vorticose nella regione di Johto? Il Pokémon color argento... Devo vederlo almeno una volta. |
Hast du schon mal etwas über die Strudelinseln in der Region Johto gehört? Ein silberfarbenes Pokémon... Ein Mal im Leben möchte ich das sehen! |
¿Has oído hablar de las Islas Remolino en la región de Johto? Los Pokémon de color plateado... Algún día los veré con mis propios ojos. |
너는 성도지방의 소용돌이섬을 알고 있나? 은색의 포켓몬... 꼭 한번 죽기 전에 보고 싶어 |
- Just like in the Bell Tower case, the Spanish version got the number wrong in “Los Pokémon de color plateado... Algún día los veré con mis propios ojos.”, implying that there's more than one silver-colored Pokémon. Fixed in BDSP.