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Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen

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This page contains changes which are not marked for translation.

Title Screen

Pokémon FireRed Version and LeafGreen Version

Also known as: Pokémon Version Rouge-Feu et Vert-Feuille (FR), Pokémon Feuerrote Edition und Blattgrüne Edition (DE), Pokémon Edición Rojo Fuego y Edición Verde Hoja (ES), Pokémon Versione Rosso Fuoco e Versione Verde Foglia (IT), Pocket Monsters FireRed and LeafGreen (JP/KR)
Developer: Game Freak
Publishers: The Pokémon Company (JP), Nintendo (INT)
Platform: Game Boy Advance
Released in JP: January 28, 2004
Released in US: September 9, 2004
Released in EU: October 1, 2004
Released in AU: September 23, 2004

AreasIcon.png This game has unused areas.
CodeIcon.png This game has unused code.
DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
ItemsIcon.png This game has unused items.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
SoundtestIcon.png This game has a hidden sound test.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

DevelopmentIcon.png This game has a development article
ProtoIcon.png This game has a prototype article
PrereleaseIcon.png This game has a prerelease article
DCIcon.png This game has a Data Crystal page

Careful, you'll lose an eye.
This page or section needs more images.
There's a whole lotta words here, but not enough pictures. Please fix this.

Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen are remakes of the first two Pokémon games, Red and Green. Aside from the graphics and interface being upgraded to that of Ruby and Sapphire, the games received many new elements, most notably the Sevii Islands.

To do:
  • There may be more unused or normally-unseen text. A text dump can be found here.
  • Apparently, the Japanese version has an unused spin trade function. (source 1 2)
  • Document ROMs from the September 30, 2020 leak, especially the Wireless Union Room ones (there are also three late Japanese prototypes).


Read about development information and materials for this game.
Development Info
Read about prototype versions of this game that have been released or dumped.
Prototype Info
Read about prerelease information and/or media for this game.
Prerelease Info
Untranslated Text Dump
Text found within the game that wasn't translated, including some leftovers from Ruby and Sapphire.
Regional Differences
A few more changes this time around.

Dusclops Palette Oddity

GBA PokemonRubySapphire DusclopsPalette.png

Dusclops has a single yellow color in its palette that isn't used anywhere, right beside its eye's palette, and it's both on the normal and the shiny palette, suggesting this color was used late into development before being scrapped. This oddity also exists in Ruby and Sapphire, as non-gen 1 Pokémon (except Teddiursa, for whatever reason) did not receive new sprites for FireRed and LeafGreen.

Debugging Functionality

To do:
Search for more.

Sound Check

Sound Check

At least Japanese FireRed v1.0 has the Sound Check like Ruby and Sapphire, except it was removed in localizations this time around.

To access it, patch 0x12f342 to 00 00 00 00 and 0x12f35c to 01 FF 09 08 in a Japanese FireRed v1.0 ROM to replace the New Game entry on the main menu with a call to Sound Check (this has the effect of running Sound Check after the title screen if there is no save file).

The misspelling of the word "stereo" in the Driver Test from Ruby and Sapphire was fixed in the equivalent of FireRed and LeafGreen as well as of Emerald, being now correctly spelled in katakana (ステレオ) instead of hiragana (すてれお), and the entry itself was also moved to the bottom.

Unused Maps


  • 18.1, 27.0, and 29.0 are three identical unused houses without event data on Routes 6, 19, and 23 respectively. The one on 19 is where the Pikachu's Beach minigame was in Yellow, so it is possible that they wanted to remake it as well.
  • 31.1 is the room hidden behind boxes in the old lady's house on Seven Island. It only has a warp to the room above.
  • 31.5 is an unused house map for Seven Island that lacks event data. It's possible that this could have housed an NPC who would check how big a certain Pokémon is due to the poster on the wall.

Sevii Islands 8, 9, 22-24

To do:
Rewrite this section with information from here.
Sevii Isle 8.
Sevii Isle 9.

There is data in the game for Sevii Islands 8, 9, 22, 23, and 24, as well as what are probably early versions of 6 and 7. Interestingly, all of their names have a different syntax than the final islands (ex. Island Eight is called Sevii Island 8 rather than Eight Island.)

  • The early 6 and 7 are blank and only one tile big. Expanding the map size reveals one tile each of their original map intact, with collision data to boot; 6 has a Surfable sea tile, and 7 has the impassible upper-left corner of a sea border rock. This implies that these were fully collisioned maps at some point, but they were "deleted" in the laziest way possible.
  • 8 and 9 still have intact maps with collision data, though they are obviously incomplete.
  • 22, 23, and 24 do not have maps, only headers. They were probably cut early on in development.

The maps for Sevii Island 8 and 9 can be explored ingame by either changing address 02031DBC to 0x03 and 02031DBD to 0x34 or 0x35 while going into any building or using the right code from the following table.

Version Code
German 040F6C4D FE154517

Unseen Areas

The vast ocean.
PKMN FRLG Diglett Cave.png
The truck.
  • The area around Trainer Tower on Seven Island has a lot more ocean than what's visible in-game. Its meaning is anyone's guess.
  • The infamous truck near the S.S. Anne is present. While the original glitch of blacking out after getting HM01 from the Captain (most commonly by losing to the rival fight) to prevent the S.S. Anne from leaving has been patched in this remake, it is still possible to trade in a Pokémon that knows Cut to avoid entering the S.S. Anne at all and then come back later with Surf. If the player fights their rival in the Pokémon Tower prior to returning, they will no longer be present in the S.S. Anne. Checking out the truck awards a Lava Cookie, an item accessible much earlier than normal.
  • Like the Trainer Tower, Diglett's Cave takes up much more space than is actually visible in-game.

Additional Maps

Several other maps, some of which are corrupted leftovers from Ruby and Sapphire, also exist in the game's coding. Some of these seem to be early versions of other maps in FireRed and LeafGreen or just duplicates. A complete list can be seen on Bulbapedia here.

Ruby and Sapphire Leftovers

Key Items

Since key items cannot be transferred with a Pokémon, they're unused and most have no effect in FireRed/LeafGreen. The Mach Bike and Acro Bike do work, but act like the normal Bicycle. HM08 (Dive) also works and can be taught to Pokémon, but unlike normal HMs the move can be deleted freely.

Base Decorations

Every secret base decoration and its associated data remains unused within FireRed and LeafGreen; descriptions for these items also remain.

Trainer Sprites

A lot: Archie and Team Aqua, Maxie and Team Magma, Beauties, Cyclists, Hex Maniacs, Gym Leaders, the Elite Four and Champion, etc. While you can battle them in-game through hacking, their Pokémon data is gone, so they don't have any Pokémon to battle with except for Level 5 Ekans (Or, in the case of the Tubers, Level 38 Starmie(Which, itself, is a copy of Swimmer Male Finn's party.).

Additionally, the backsprites of Brendan and May in battle with their send-out animations remain in the game, only able to be seen in normal gameplay by partnering with a player using Ruby, Sapphire, or Emerald in a four-player link Multi Battle.


The indoor tileset and palette from Ruby and Sapphire is leftover at 0x2D4CD4. The block data is also intact, but in a broken state.


Most overworld weather goes unused, except for regular fog.

Since rain no longer occurs naturally, the related battle message is now unused.

Japanese English
あめが ふっている
It is raining.

In both FireRed and LeafGreen, attempting to load overworld sun in any location freezes the game; music continues playing, but player is stuck on a black screen and can't continue.


Multiple scripts starting at 0x1638EC in the US 1.0 version remain as leftovers from the first Braille chamber, with the alphabet inscribed in groups of three (ABC, DEF, GHI ...). A room similar to it was likely planned but then scrapped in favor of having a Braille table included in the booklet.

Dive Script

Starting at 0x1BE38B in the US 1.0 Version is the script for checking and prompting the player to use Dive leftover from Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire, along with the behavior byte used for dive tiles.

Additionally, Dive, despite not being used or being available as a HM in this game, still prevents transfer of Pokémon with the move to Diamond, Pearl and Platinum.

Music and Sound Effects

To do:
Confirm that the PokéNav and Contest effects are in fact unused and not repurposed.

SE-TRACK-MOVE (sound effect 2B)

SE-TRACK-STOP (sound effect 2C)

SE-TRACK-HAIKI (sound effect 2D)

SE-TRACK-DOOR (sound effect 2E)

Above tracks were used for the moving truck from Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald. Since FireRed and LeafGreen don't have moving trucks, these go unused.

MUS-ME-KINOMI (music 106), used for Berry picking from trees.

Overworld Sprites

Name Sprites FireRed Offset LeafGreen Offset
369F28 - 36A227 369F08 - 36A207
Rich Boy/Contestant
372AA8 - 3733A7 372A88 - 373387
38D5A8 - 38DEA7 38D588 - 38DE87
Running Triathlete (Female)
384828 - 385127 384808 - 385107

The graphics for Brawly, the Cameraman and the Rich Boy/Contestant have no palette nor frame data assigned to them, but the Running Triathlete does. This has been copied directly from Ruby and Sapphire, however using this in FireRed and LeafGreen results in the sprite being coloured differently as the palette tag ID (1104) now describes a different palette:

Ruby & Sapphire Palette FireRed & LeafGreen Palette (Unused)
PokemonFRLG-RS-OW-Female-Triathlete-Sprites.png PokemonFRLG-RS-OW-Female-Triathlete-Sprites-With-Defined-Palette.png

Unseen Text

While not technically unused, this text requires cheating to be seen. If the player interacts with the TV on the ground floor of their house from the sides or back, almost the same text string as from Pokémon Red and Blue appears. The only difference is that FRLG has two extra dots at the end (in the English script)/removed a "ぞ" from the end of the sentence (in the Japanese script).

Oops, wrong side...
Is this one of the most accurate remakes yet?

Unused Sprites

Bug TM

Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen Bug-type TM.png

Hacking a TM move to be Bug-type will cause the disc in the TM case to change color accordingly, possibly suggesting that Bug-type TMs were originally planned to appear in Generation III (though it's a bright shade of yellow, rather than green as it is in later games). Colors for nonexistent HM types also exist, though ???-type has no color and defaults to Normal-type.

Early Oak Sprite


There is an unused sprite of Oak with a design that differs from the final release. The sprite and palette data are uncompressed at locations 3CA6DC to 3CAEFB in FireRed and 3CA5AC to 3CADCB in LeafGreen. Additionally, there is an unused function that draws this sprite on the screen similarly to how the Professor Birch sprite is drawn in Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald during a new game's speech segment.

(Source: pret pokefirered)

Unused Timer Ball Frame

The unused Timer Ball frame from Ruby and Sapphire remains unused for the same reason.

Unused Used
Unused unique fully open Timer Ball sprite.
Generic fully open sprite with the Timer Ball's palette used in the final games.

Unused Overworld Sprites


These Pokémon overworld sprites are never used in-game.

Sprite Pokémon
PKMN FRLG Raikou.PNG Raikou
PKMN FRLG Suicune.PNG Suicune
PKMN FRLG Celebi.PNG Celebi
PKMN FRLG Deoxys-A.PNG Deoxys (Attack forme)
PKMN FRLG Deoxys-D.PNG Deoxys (Defense forme)


To do:
Keitaro posted this on the Jul forums. Investigate and document this further.

PKMN FRLG UnusedOWSurf Spriteset.png There are unused sprites for the player surfing that use a Lapras-like blob instead of the generic blob that ended up being used in the final release, resembling those used in Pokémon Gold and Silver.

Male Player sprites

PFRLG-Unused Spritesred.png Within the male player's sprite sheet there are unused sprites of the player character facing diagonally holding rod-like objects. Possibly a unique animation for using the Itemfinder.

Unused Male Receptionist

PKMN FRLG Unused Male Receptionist OW Sprites.png

There are overworld sprites for a male receptionist right after the used Cable Club and Union Room receptionists. These graphics are uncompressed in location 38B728 to 38BA27 in FireRed and 38B708 to 38BA07 in LeafGreen. This character has an object event ID of 67, as well as frames and a palette defined, however the game never uses the ID at all.

Unused Music

A chiptune-like version of the MUS-ME-ASA (music 0100), the "Pokémon Healed" theme, which sounds like the original from Red and Blue. It has the label MUS-KAIHUKU in Sound Check and its ID is 0119.

Shiny Celebi

Pokemon Ruby Sapphire Shiny Celebi.png

For the sake of consistency, every Pokémon in every game is given a Shiny variant, and Celebi is no exception. However, because the only way to obtain it legitimately was through distributions, the Shiny version of Celebi was left unobtainable through normal means. This sprite may still be seen (in a lighter hue) if a Shiny Pokémon Transforms into a Celebi.

Like "standard" Celebi and many other Pokémon, the sprite is identical to that of Ruby and Sapphire, where it was similarly unobtainable.

Altering Cave

Mareep, Aipom, Pineco, Shuckle, Teddiursa, Houndour, Stantler, and Smeargle were meant to replace the Zubat found in Altering Cave after using Mystery Gift. The event distribution was probably scrapped because these Pokémon can be obtained from Pokémon Colosseum or Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness, as well as in Emerald on the extended area of the Safari Zone (except Smeargle, which is found in Artisan Cave instead) - despite the fact Emerald also has an Altering Cave with the same design and (lack of) implementation.

Technically, this is implemented by its map script reading a numerical variable and selecting from one of 10 encounter tables (all of which specify only 1 Pokémon).

The game does contain a built-in implementation of an Altering Cave event, which attaches to the deliveryman in the top floor of the Pokémon Center and sequentially switches the selected Pokémon then displays:

Thank you for using the MYSTERY
GIFT System.

Recently, there have been rumors
of rare POKéMON appearances.

The rumors are about ALTERING

Why not visit there and check if
the rumors are indeed true?
ふしぎなおくりもの を ごりよう
いただき ありがとう ございます!
さいきん はずれのしま にある
へんげのどうくつ で
めずらしい ポケモンが でる という
うわさが ながれてる ようです\cぜひ いって たしかめて みては
いかがで しょうか? 

This, however, may not necessarily be indicative of how an official event would have worked.

Unused Held Items

Some Pokémon, when found in the wild, have a chance of holding an item. But some of the Pokémon that have assigned held item data can only obtained via evolution or other means, so their potential held items are never seen during normal gameplay. Notably, Kanto and Johto Pokémon in FireRed/LeafGreen use a different list for held items then what Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald use, as well as all future games.

# Pokémon Held Items Notes
012 Butterfree (5%) Silver Powder
015 Beedrill (5%) Poison Barb
024 Arbok (5%) Poison Barb Available in FireRed.
027 Sandslash (5%) Soft Sand Available in LeafGreen.
036 Clefable (5%) Moon Stone In Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald, they also have a 50% chance of holding a Leppa Berry.
037 Vulpix (50%) Rawst Berry Available in LeafGreen.
038 Ninetales (50%) Rawst Berry
040 Wigglytuff (5%) Oran Berry This is the only game until Sun/Moon where they can hold any items.
058 Growlithe (50%) Rawst Berry Available in FireRed. 100% chance in Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald.
059 Arcanine (50%) Rawst Berry 100% chance in Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald.
065 Alakazam (5%) TwistedSpoon
068 Machamp (5%) Focus Band Only game where they can hold this item until Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire.
075 Golem (5%) Hard Stone Holding an Everstone in all other games.
083 Farfetch'd (5%) Stick Available by in-game trade.
085 Dodrio (5%) Sharp Beak
090 Shellder (5%) Big Pearl (50%) Pearl Available in FireRed.
091 Cloyster (5%) Big Pearl (50%) Pearl
094 Gengar (5%) Spell Tag Has no held items in any other games.
120 Staryu (5%) Star Piece (50%) Stardust Available in LeafGreen.
121 Starmie (5%) Star Piece (50%) Stardust
149 Dragonite (5%) Dragon Claw Holding a Dragon Scale in all other games.
151 Mew (100%) Lum Berry
170 Chinchou (5%) Yellow Shard
171 Lanturn (5%) Yellow Shard
173 Cleffa (5%) Moon Stone In Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald, they also have a 50% chance of holding a Leppa Berry.
174 Igglybuff (5%) Oran Berry This is the only game they can hold any items in.
186 Politoed (5%) King's Rock
199 Slowking (5%) King's Rock
203 Girafarig (5%) Persim Berry Available with the Japan-only e-Reader cards.
208 Steelix (5%) Metal Coat
213 Shuckle (100%) Berry Juice Available with the Japan-only e-Reader cards. Holding an Oran Berry in Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald.
216 Teddiursa (5%) Sitrus Berry (50%) Oran Berry Available with the Japan-only e-Reader cards. This is the only game they can hold any items in.
217 Ursaring (5%) Sitrus Berry (50%) Oran Berry This is the only game they can hold any items in.
227 Skarmory (5%) Sharp Beak
230 Kingdra (5%) Dragon Scale
233 Porygon2 (100%) Up-Grade This is the only game they can hold any items in.
241 Miltank (100%) Moomoo Milk
242 Blissey (5%) Lucky Egg
251 Celebi (100%) Lum Berry
261 Poochyena (5%) Pecha Berry
262 Mightyena (5%) Pecha Berry
263 Zigzagoon (5%) Oran Berry
264 Linoone (5%) Sitrus Berry (50%) Oran Berry
267 Beautifly (5%) Silver Powder
269 Dustox (5%) Silver Powder
284 Masquerain (5%) Silver Powder
293 Whismur (5%) Chesto Berry
294 Loudred (5%) Chesto Berry
295 Exploud (5%) Chesto Berry
297 Hariyama (5%) King's Rock
300 Skitty (5%) Leppa Berry
301 Delcatty (5%) Leppa Berry
304 Aron (5%) Hard Rock
305 Lairon (5%) Hard Rock
306 Aggron (5%) Hard Rock
315 Roselia (5%) Poison Barb
316 Gulpin (5%) Big Pearl
317 Swalot (5%) Big Pearl
322 Numel (100%) Rawst Berry
323 Camerupt (100%) Rawst Berry
327 Spinda (5%) Chesto Berry
328 Trapinch (5%) Soft Sand
331 Cacnea (5%) Poison Barb
332 Cacturne (5%) Poison Barb
337 Lunatone (5%) Moon Stone
338 Solrock (5%) Sun Stone
351 Castform (100%) Mystic Water
352 Kecleon (5%) Prisim Berry
353 Shuppet (5%) Spell Tag
354 Banette (5%) Spell Tag
355 Duskull (5%) Spell Tag
356 Dusclops (5%) Spell Tag
362 Glalie (5%) Never-Melt Ice
366 Clamperl (5%) Blue Shard
369 Relicanth (5%) Green Shard
370 Luvdisc (50%) Heart Scale
371 Bagon (5%) Dragon Scale
372 Shelgon (5%) Dragon Scale
373 Salamence (5%) Dragon Scale
374 Beldum (5%) Metal Coat
375 Metang (5%) Metal Coat
376 Metagross (5%) Metal Coat
385 Jirachi (100%) Star Piece

Unused Code

To do:
Isn't this in Ruby and Sapphire?

Diagonal Movement

The movement table, located at 3A64C8, contains the directions the player or an NPC must move in. However, after the first five entries (steady, down, up, left, right), four more follow, resulting in diagonal movement when activated. Using them results in some glitches with warps and map rendering. It should be noted that the games feature buildings with otherwise strange diagonal corners, contrasting with the buildings of the original games.

A video by Evie (ChickasaurusGL🌸) showcasing this diagonal movement can be seen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tsbjm2pj1x8

It should also be noted that there are two instances where this type of movement IS used. The first is during the end credits, when the camera pans over the map. The second is in Pokémon Emerald when the camera pans over to Groudon and Kyogre once you fly back to Sootopolis after awakening Rayquaza.

Diagonal movement wasn't implemented for characters or NPCs in any final version until the release of Pokémon X and Y three generations later.

Wild Double Battles

Some data suggests wild double battles were originally planned for this generation, but were delayed until Generation IV. For example, a string "Wild [buffer1] and [buffer2] appeared!" is located at 3FD2BF, and setting only bit 0 in the battle type flag at 02022B4C in the RAM results in such a battle, if used at the right moment.

As with the previous feature, it isn't finished and may result in some bugs.

Unused Trainer Battles

There are several unused trainer battles in the game. Most of them are dummy battles where the battler only has one level 5 Ekans. However, a few have real teams and some of them are cut trainers that existed in Red and Blue. There is one trainer battle in the game for every cut Ruby and Sapphire trainer battle sprite. To experience the battles in-game, the following address has to be freezed to the desired Trainer Battle ID and then any trainer battle has to be initiated.

Version Address
English 0x020386AE
ID Trainer
1 Aqua Leader
2 Team Aqua (Male)
3 Team Aqua (Female)
4 Aroma Lady
5 Ruin Maniac
6 Interviewer
7 Tuber (Female)
8 Tuber (Male)
9 Cooltrainer (Male)
A Cooltrainer (Female)
B Hex Maniac
C Lady
D Beauty
E Rich Boy
F PokéManiac
10 Swimmer♂
11 Black Belt
12 Guitarist
13 Kindler
14 Camper (Male)
15 Bug Maniac
16 Psychic (Male)
17 Psychic (Female)
18 Gentleman
19 Elite Four Sidney
1A Elite Four Phoebe
1B Leader Roxanne
1C Leader Brawly
1D Leader Tate&Liza
1E School Kid (Male)
1F School Kid (Female)
20 Sr. and Jr.
21 Pokéfan (Male)
22 Pokéfan (Female)
23 Expert
24 Expert
25 Youngster
26 Champion
27 Fisherman
28 Triathlete (Male, Bike)
29 Triathlete (Female, Bike)
2A Triathlete (Male, Walking)
2B Triathlete (Female, Walking)
2C Triathlete (Male, Swimming)
2D Triathlete (Female, Swimming)
2E Dragon Tamer
ID Trainer
2F Bird Keeper
30 Ninja Boy
31 Battle Girl
32 Parasol Lady
33 Swimmer♀
34 Camper (Female)
35 Twins
36 Sailor
37 Boarder
38 Boarder
39 Collector
3A Pokémon Trainer (Wally)
3B Pokémon Trainer (Brendan)
3C Pokémon Trainer (Brendan)
3D Pokémon Trainer (Brendan)
3E Pokémon Trainer (May)
3F Pokémon Trainer (May)
40 Pokémon Trainer (May)
41 Pokémon Breeder (Male)
42 Pokémon Breeder (Female)
43 Pokémon Ranger (Male)
44 Pokémon Ranger (Female)
45 Magma Leader
46 Team Magma (Male)
47 Team Magma (Female)
48 Lass
49 Bug Catcher
4A Hiker
4B Young Couple
4C Old Couple
4D Sis and Bro
4E Aqua Admin Matt
4F Aqua Admin Shelly
50 Magma Admin Tabitha
51 Magma Admin Courtney
52 Leader Wattson
53 Leader Flannery
54 Leader Norman
55 Leader Winona
56 Leader Wallace
57 Elite Four Glacia
58 Elite Four Drake
71 Bug Catcher
7C Lass
93 Camper
A1 Picnicker Hannah on Route 13
ID Trainer
AE Super Nerd
AF Super Nerd
B0 Super Nerd
C8 Biker
D2 Burglar
D3 Burglar
D4 Burglar
D9 Burglar
101 Cue Ball Chase on Route 21
107 Gamer
113 Beauty Lauren (Uses Swimmer♀ Sprite)
11C Rocker Randall in Vermilion Gym
12B Tamer John
137 Bird Keeper Reed
138 Bird Keeper Keith
174 Team Rocket Grunt
18B Cooltrainer Paul
18D Cooltrainer Gilbert
18E Cooltrainer Owen
18F Cooltrainer Berke
195 Cooltrainer Shannon
197 Cooltrainer Brooker
198 Cooltrainer Austina
199 Cooltrainer Julie
1A8 Gentleman Norton
1A9 Gentleman Walter
1C6 Channeler
1C7 Channeler
1C8 Channeler
1C9 Channeler
1CA Channeler
1CB Channeler
1CC Channeler
1CD Channeler
1EC Bug Catcher
1ED Bug Catcher
1EE Bug Catcher
1EF Bug Catcher
1F0 Bug Catcher
1F1 Bug Catcher
1FF Pokémon Prof. Prof. Oak
200 Player Brendan
201 Player May
202 Player Red
203 Player Leaf
212 Biker

Unused Trainer Classes

To do:
Put the Player and PKMN Prof. classes in a table and add their ID's.

There are two new unused trainer classes that were added in FireRed and LeafGreen, but are used by unused trainers. These are the Player and PKMN Prof. classes. The former is used four times, and uses the trainer sprites for Red, Leaf, Brendan and May. The latter is used only one time, where it is used for Professor Oak himself as well as his sprite, possibly implying that the unused battle with Oak from the originals was going to be used in this game.

Build Dates

Version FireRed
ASCII String
Japanese v1.0 0x1CDE34 0x1CDE10
2003 12 29 23:17
Japanese v1.1 0x1C9704 0x1C96E0
2004 03 01 16:45
US/English v1.0 0x1E9F14 0x1E9EF0
2004 04 26 11:20
US/English v1.1 0x1E9F84 0x1E9F60
2004 07 20 09:30
Spanish 0x1E575C 0x1E5738
2004 07 20 15:50
French 0x1E43FC 0x1E43D8
2004 07 21 13:50
German 0x1E9EC0 0x1E9E9C
2004 07 26 17:40
Italian 0x1E3094 0x1E3070

Build Information

To do:
There's more source paths, and more interesting text.

Near the build date info is a plain-text string showing the build path and a few build variables. The Japanese 1.0 revisions use relative paths instead of the full paths, both English revisions (1.0 and 1.1) have this line in full, and the Japanese 1.1 revisions no longer have this information.

  • FireRed JP 1.0 (location 1CDE8A) and LeafGreen JP 1.0 (location 1CDE66):
 p != NULL
 pos->magic_number == MALLOC_SYSTEM_ID
 pos->flag == TRUE
 pos->next->magic_number == MALLOC_SYSTEM_ID
 pos->prev->magic_number == MALLOC_SYSTEM_ID
  • FireRed US 1.0 (location 1E9F68), LeafGreen US 1.0 (location 1E9F44), FireRed US 1.1 (location 1E9FD8), and LeafGreen US 1.1 (location 1E9FB4):
 p != NULL
 pos->magic_number == MALLOC_SYSTEM_ID
 pos->flag == TRUE
 pos->next->magic_number == MALLOC_SYSTEM_ID
 pos->prev->magic_number == MALLOC_SYSTEM_ID

Revisional Differences

These changes apply to the English version of the games.

  • Version 1.0 of the American release does not show "PRESENTS" on the Game Freak logo screen, although the tile graphics are present in the ROM. This could be due to a bug introduced during the localization process, as the original Japanese versions do display this, as well as the American releases of Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald. It was later changed in the 1.1 version. The first generation games also lacked the "PRESENTS" subtitle in their localizations, so it may have been intentional.
US v1.0 US v1.1
EnglishV1.0FireredGameFreakLogo.png EnglishV1.1FireredGameFreakLogo.png
  • In v1.0, species names in the Pokédex only display the first word due to the game incorrectly interpreting the space character as a null terminator. For example, Pidgey's species name is listed as "Tiny" rather than "Tiny Bird".
  • In v1.0, Chikorita's FireRed Pokédex entry refers to its "leaves". In v1.1, the entry instead refers to a singular "leaf".
  • In v1.0, Tyranitar has the same Pokédex entry in both FireRed and LeafGreen. In v1.1, Tyranitar has a new Pokédex entry in FireRed.
  • In v1.0, the Pokédex help menu advises the player to select "AREA" to display a Pokémon's habitats on the Town Map. In v1.1, it instead advises the player to select "NEXT DATA".