Hey You, Pikachu!
Hey You, Pikachu! |
Also known as: Pikachu Genki Dechuu (JP) This game has unused areas. This game has a prototype article This game has a notes page |
Hey You, Pikachu! is a simulation game which lets you talk with Pikachu. It is notable for being the only Nintendo 64 game released in North America to use the Voice Recognition Unit (VRU), which is Nintendo-speak for "dopey-looking microphone".
Prototype Info |
Notes |
Crash Handler
If the game ever crashes, it'll display a very basic crash handler at the top of the screen.
Unused Areas
Macro Test
Using the GameShark code below brings you to an unused area known as "Entryway" ("げんかん" in the Japanese version), and causes the text "Macro Test"/"はよん" to appear at the top of the screen. It's apparently the house's entryway. In the US version, there's a Bulbasaur stuck in the center and Pikachu is always carrying a pink purse.
US | Japan |
800AE503 0001 | 800B2C83 0001 |
US | Japan |
In the Japanese version, the text "まだ なにも はんのう しません" ("There's still no response") appears after a few seconds.
Additionally, in the Japanese version the doors have Poké Helper entries that inform the player where the door will take them, however pressing A has no effect.
Japanese | English |
ドア ここから じぶんのへや に いける Aボタンで とおることが できる |
Door From here, you can go to your room. Press the A button to pass through it. |
ドア ここから モエギそうげん いりぐち に いける かぎが かかっている |
Door From here, you can go to the entrance to Springleaf Field. It's locked. |
ドア ここから うちのにわ に いける |
Door From here, you can go to your garden. |
If the player says the name of an item to Pikachu, it will appear in its hands, and the text "NUT 0 FRUIT 0" appears. If the item is a type of nut, the text will be "NUT 1 FRUIT 0", and if the item is a fruit, it will display as "NUT 0 FRUIT 1".
Regional Differences
The US version has several changes from the Japanese one. A European version wasn't released due to trouble with recognizing various accents at the same time.
Speech Indication
In the American release, along with the little person on the indicator talking, a bubble appears when the player is actively talking into the microphone to further indicate that the microphone is receiving input.
In the Japanese version, a bubble does not appear during this time, though everything else is the same. The bubble only appears when it's being sent to Pikachu.
Pokémon Cries
Every Pokémon except for Pikachu, Magnemite, Caterpie, and Butterfree have different cries between regional versions. This is because the Pokémon go by different names between Japanese and English, and the voice work was changed to match the English dub of the anime series. In the case of Magnemite, its cry is simply a screeching noise, which required no change even though its Japanese name is different than its English one.
Player's Home
Japan | US |
In the Japanese version, a pair of shoes can be seen right outside the sliding glass door of the player's room. In Japan, people take their shoes off before entering their homes, a tradition that western countries like America don't follow so strictly, hence the shoes' removal.
Japan | US |
The console under the television set (which resembles a Nintendo 64) in the Japanese version looks rather unpolished and appears to have North American Super Nintendo cartridges included with it. The entire thing was changed to look more like an N64 in the American release.
Japan | US |
Additionally, to show the N64 logo in more detail, it was given its own texture separate from the console front texture. The cartridge's label (depicting a game seemingly named "Robocom") had a portion removed from the bottom to more closely resemble an actual N64 cartridge.
To do: Graphic rips/screenshots. |
The fishing posters that the player receives are different in design between versions.
Japan | US |
Several of the books' spines seen in the player's bedroom were retextured with (still mostly unreadable) English text.
Japan | US |
Additionally, there are what appear to be manga magazines on the ground. The Japanese magazines are titled 「ポケモン少年」 (Pokémon Shonen) and all consist of the same base image, just tinted different with colors and with a different number on each one. The US version, titled Pokémon & You, forewent the numbers and featured different Pokémon for each cover.
Item Changes
Certain items that the player and Pikachu can play with are different.
Japan | US |
The onigiri (known as a riceball) item from the toolbox was changed to a cupcake in the North American version.
Japan | US |
The Japanese version has eggplants, whereas the American version has corn. The result is that Japan misses out on popcorn which is obtained when Pikachu shocks the vegetable.
Japan | US |
In Viridian Forest, the player finds Cattails rather than Horsetails.
Japan | US |
In Springleaf Field, the Morning Glory in the Japanese version became a Bluebell in the US one, although the models remain unchanged since it's just a texture swap.
"No Microphone" Icon
Japan | US |
In the Japanese version, the icon displayed in the lower-right-hand corner of the screen when the microphone is not plugged in is small and static. This was apparently too easy for players to miss. In the American version, the icon was rendered bigger, animated, and makes a buzzing sound.
Piñata Game
To do: Check to see if any part of this game is still in the American version's code. |
In the American version, going to Cobalt Coast in Pikachu's Play Days leads to a Piñata party where Pikachu has to hit a Poké Ball Piñata. In the Japanese version, Pikachu instead plays a similar game called Suikawari.
The objective of the game is to hit a watermelon with a stick, while Pikachu wears Ash Ketchum (Satoshi)'s hat from the anime series to cover his eyes. As such, there are watermelons scattered around along with the bananas, and Pikachu has to hit the watermelons. Pikachu can trip on the watermelons a couple times before he actually has to quit the game, whereas tripping on bananas automatically ends the minigame.
Japan | US |
If Pikachu loses the minigame, he gets a soda can pull tab in the Japanese version, which was changed to a bottle cap ring for the American release. This was likely changed since pull tabs had been completely phased out in North America at that time.
Japan | US |
The Pocket Helper was renamed Pokéhelper for the English release, as well as being mostly retextured, with the Japanese text being translated, and the START button label being changed from OFF
to Close
Development-Related Text
NO_MOTION Unknown smokeType(%d) wispType:%d door object was made, (%3.2f, %3.2f, %3.2f), type = %d, area = %d, entrance = %d , lock = %s TRUE FALSE -------- Object Message Info -------- landMineNew(%f,%f,%f) ERROR: Invalid _segmentData _segmentData[%d].segmentIdx != %d modelsRequestLoad(%d) type(%d):%s segmentIdx:%d zipType : ZIPTYPE_RAW size:%d zipType : ZIPTYPE_ZIP bufferSize:%d size:%d rom start:%p end:%p size:%d _buffer:%p ERROR: Hara(%s) is not loaded. Execute modelsRequestLoad() first. pre_modelsNew sizeof(jointT):%d sizeof(haraT):%d sizeof(objT):%d modelsNew(%d, %.3f,%.3f,%.3f, %.3f,%.3f, %.3f) aft_modelsRequestLoad aft_omHrcAlloc aft_omHrcAllocMtx aft_joSetJointTbl setppu - obj:%p objType:%d ppu:%p pre_freeBuffer aft_freeBuffer aft_modelsNew targetIcon change: %d -> %d andMarkNew(%f,%f,%f) ^4たいほう^^ かいぞくたちのぶき carpet object was made, (%3.2f, %3.2f, %3.2f), xside = %f, zside = %f どうくつ どこかにつうじている micStateChange: %d -> %d Unknown throw_dir:%d ERROR: Illegal posType(%d) vec:%f,%f,%f len:%f stunRange:%f Warning: Tried to change non_item_goal_obj sbdInit(%p, %d, %d) sbd->line:%d vtxIdx:%d vtxMax:%d vtxLeft:%d ERROR: gpSize over:%d drawIdx:%d workIdx:%d ERROR: gpSize over:%d sbdApply(%p, %p, %d) Apply:(%s) newTextIdx:%d Error: textData_lines:%d < %d sbdScrollBoardNew(%d, %d) ERROR: Unknown status:%d sendMessenger(%d, (%.3f, %.3f, %.3f), (%.3f, %.3f, %.3f), %.3f, (%d, %d, 0x%x, %d, %d), %d, %d) actor type : ACTOR_PIKACHU actor type : ACTOR_POKEMON _setSprite:(%s) idx:%d keeping item found, %s Strange area. curAreaNum = %d title image changed, to %d %s「%s」 「%s」 ¥$%d ¥$%d value = %d iedeTimer:%d otukaiTimer:%d gameClear:%d timer:%d r:%d ERROR: Strange flow. chapter:%d ERROR: Strange flow. chapter:%d ERROR: Strange flow. chapter:%d ERROR: Strange flow. chapter:%d ERROR: Strange flow. chapter:%d ERROR: Strange flow. chapter:%d ERROR : unknown area (%d) ? chapterGo(%d) meshRootInit:%p ERROR: Unknown meshType:%d meshNum:%d page stack overflow. page stack exhausted. alpha:%d line %d message '%s' []ボタンを おしてください -------- collisionTbl Info -------- extracted %u bytes. relOfs = %u, relNum = %u romCopy complete. voice %d index = %d, map = %d restart skit. Illegal difficulty:%d whole map initialized. whole map canceled. whole map finished. putItemBoxIntoContent(%p, %p(%s)) putItemIntoBox(%s) itembox full. putBonusItemIntoBox(%s) putPurchaseItemIntoBox(%s) keeping supply item, %s contents[%d][%d].objID = %d ERROR: Cannot change mode to %d itembox help mode. invalid array of itemFreqT:%d > %d _eepromIdx[%d] = %d preserved data size: %d Unknown type:%d Unknown type:%d pdSaveFCB_EEPROM: eepromWrite ans:%d pdLoadFCB_EEPROM: eepromWrite ans:%d pdSaveEEPROM: eepromWrite ans:%d pdLoadEEPROM: eepromRead ans:%d allocated %u bytes for BG %d bytes buffer needed for melting BG. Unknown speakerType %d ERROR: Invalid titleStat:%d _setVolume(%f) vol:%d Invalid loadSelNum:%d Invalid loadSelNum:%d pdFCB:%x eepromGetState:%d fileSelAttr:%x Invalid eyeCatch table. _eyeCatchTbl[%d].catch = %d ecInit(%d) chip:%d/%d alloc dmaMessageBufp:%p size:%d alloc dmaIoMesgFifo:%p size:%d free dmaMessageBufp:%p none Initializing Mic failed. mic64Init() End %d:%s All Words Downloaded. heapRegion:%p heapHead:%p heapSize:0x%x align_mask:0x%x sizeof(heapHeaderT):%d hp:%p memp:%p prev:%p next:%p size:%d owner:%d checker:0x%x useFlag:%d regionSize:%d heapRegion:%p heapEntry:%p ---------------- Heap_Display_All( regionSize:%d heapRegion:%p heapEntry:%p heap:%p owner:%d size:%d checker:0x%x useFlag:%d )---------------- curr owner thread: %d prev owner thread: %d next owner thread: %d %s: Error: Strange boundary of memory.(%p) %s: Error: Heap chain is broken at %p %s: Error: Heap is %sused at %p un heapDivide heapAllocLocal heapAllocLocal heapPrevCombine %s: Error: Heap chain is broken at %p heapNextCombine %s: Error: Heap chain is broken at %p heapShrinkLocal %s: warning: tried to shrink NULL heapCheckSize heapFreeLocal %s: warning: tried to free NULL heapGetSize heapRegion:%p globalHeap %s total 0x%x max 0x%x setHeapEntryNext %s: warning: tried to set entry to NULL setHeapEntryMax Matrix34 %p %5.3f Matrix %p %5.3f Mtx %p %5.3f viStatus(%x) pixel size: %s gamma_dither:%s gamma:%s divot:%s serrate:%s antialias_mode: %s dither_filter:%s 0: blank (no data, no sync) 1: reserved 2: 5/5/5/3 (16 bit) 3: 8/8/8/8 (32 bit) on off on off on offon off 0: aa & resamp (always fetch extra lines) 1: aa & resamp (fetch extra lines if needed) 2: resamp only (treat as all fully covered) 3: neither (replicate pixels, no interpolate) on off %s Warning:Too Long String(len > %d) %s Warning:Too Long String(len > %d) KANJI CODE ERROR! Conflict using of ROM: %p(size 0x%x) and %p(size 0x%x) Out of cache_memory. Shortage of Cache_block_num. caRequestRomCopy(%p, %p, 0x%x, %p) root:%p node %p link: %p, %p data: %p BD IP8 IP7 IP6 IP5 IP4 IP3 IP2 IP1 Interrupt TLB modification exception TLB exception on load or instruction fetch TLB exception on store Address error on load or instruction fetch Address error on store Bus error exception on instruction fetch Bus error exception on data reference System call exception Breakpoint exception Reserved instruction exception Coprocessor unusable exception Arithmetic overflow exception Trap exception Virtual coherency exception on intruction fetch Floating point exception (see fpcsr) Watchpoint exception Virtual coherency exception on data reference CU3 CU2 CU1 CU0 RP FR RE BEV TS SR CH CE DE IM8 IM7 IM6 IM5 IM4 IM3 IM2 IM1 KX SX UX USR SUP KER ERL EXL IE FS C Unimplemented operation Division by zero Overflow Underflow Inexact operation EV EZ EO EU EI FV FZ FO FU FI RN RZ RP RM %s 0x%08x %s %s NaN %s Inf %s Denorm %s NaN %s Inf %s Denorm %s %.15e Fault in thread %d: epc 0x%08x cause sr badvaddr 0x%08x rcp 0x%08x at 0x%016llx v0 0x%016llx v1 0x%016llx a0 0x%016llx a1 0x%016llx a2 0x%016llx a3 0x%016llx t0 0x%016llx t1 0x%016llx t2 0x%016llx t3 0x%016llx t4 0x%016llx t5 0x%016llx t6 0x%016llx t7 0x%016llx s0 0x%016llx s1 0x%016llx s2 0x%016llx s3 0x%016llx s4 0x%016llx s5 0x%016llx s6 0x%016llx s7 0x%016llx t8 0x%016llx t9 0x%016llx gp 0x%016llx sp 0x%016llx s8 0x%016llx ra 0x%016llx lo 0x%016llx hi 0x%016llx fpcsr d0 d2 d4 d6 d8 d10 d12 d14 d16 d18 d20 d22 d24 d26 d28 d30 f0 f2 f4 f6 f8 f10 f12 f14 f16 f18 f20 f22 f24 f26 f28 f30 FiT %d %08x %08x (flPass: file %s line %d) halt: %s: %d %d ERROR: Can't alloc %d bytes from heap. error: strcpy: dst or src is NULL pointer. dst:%p src:%p ixz:(%d,%d) ixz_1:(%d,%d) fall through getGroundAttr, researching floor... research failed. blockSize: %f,%f,%f _clipZFactor:%f clipFar:%f clipNear:%f clipFactor:%f pre_changeMazeBlock block level mismatch (level %d, [%3.2f, %3.2f, %3.2f]), force to digging... aft_changeMazeBlock totalBlockNum = %d sizeof(mazeBlockT) = %d initArea(%p) curAreaNum:%d ERROR : not keeping item, %s []ボタンで ひろうことが できる []ボタンで なげることが できる (さわることは できない) []ボタンで とおることが できる holdItem:%p item:%p contMask:0x%04x err:0x%04x difficulty = %d coop - model:%p(%s) coop - item:%p(%s) change player type %d ERROR: unknown markMode:%d ERROR: unknown markMode:%d (しらべる ものが ない) しらべたい ものに :;マークを つけて {}ボタンを おすと せつめいを よむことが できる ^4%-22s^^%s %s%s ^4%s^^? %s%s (ここからだと てが とどかない) ^4%s^^ %s ^4%s^^? %s []ボタンで すすむことが できる %s%s %s%s (ここからだと てが とどかない) %s%s %s%s (ここからだと てが とどかない) %s %s %s Illegal difficulty:%d ^4ちゅうもく^^モード^1OFF^^ ^4ちゅうもく^^モード^4ON^^ ^4ついび^^モード^4ON^^ ターゲット ふめい help(%s) playerPassCheckPoint(%d) level %d -> %d grab objID:%d setSongVolume(%f) vcur: %d/%d vol:%d setSfxVolume(%f) vcur: %d/%d vol:%d
- Pages missing developer references
- Games developed by Ambrella
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- Games published by Nintendo
- Nintendo 64 games
- Pages missing date references
- Games released in 1998
- Games released in December
- Games released on December 12
- Games with unused areas
- Games with hidden development-related text
- Games with unused text
- Games with debugging functions
- Games with regional differences
- To do
- Pokémon series
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Games > Games by content > Games with hidden development-related text
Games > Games by content > Games with regional differences
Games > Games by content > Games with unused areas
Games > Games by content > Games with unused text
Games > Games by developer > Games developed by Ambrella
Games > Games by platform > Nintendo 64 games
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Games > Games by release date > Games released in December
Games > Games by release date > Games released in December > Games released on December 12
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