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Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen/Untranslated Text Dump

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This page contains changes which are not marked for translation.

This is a sub-page of Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen.

A lot of Japanese text remains unused, going untranslated when the games were brought overseas.

Generation I Leftovers

Unused Carry-Overs

The following table is for text which already went unseen in Red and Blue, and continues to be unused in FireRed and LeafGreen.

Japanese English (Gen I) Notes
ポケモン 2ひきも

もってるの なぜか だって?


つかまえれば いい じゃん!
<RIVAL>: What?
Why do I have 2

You should catch
some more too!
Found in the script for Route 22. Unused rival victory text.
おれは てんさい だからよ!
<RIVAL>: Heh!
You're no match
for my genius!
Found in the script for Cerulean City. Unused rival victory text.
ふなよい してるのか!

もっと からだ
きたえた ほうが いいぜ!
<PLAYER>! What are
you, seasick?

You should shape
up, pal!
Found in the script for S.S. Anne 2F. Unused rival victory text.
ほんとに くたばっちまったぞ!
もっと ちゃんと そだてて やれよ
RIVAL: Well,
look at all your
wimpy POKéMON!

Toughen them up a
bit more!
Found in the script for Pokémon Tower 2F. Unused rival victory text.
こんな うでまえじゃ
いちにんまえ とは いえないぜ
<RIVAL>: How can
I put this?

You're not good
enough to play
with us big boys!
Found in the script for Silph Co. 7F. Unused rival victory text.
<RIVAL>『ひゃははッ <PLAYER>ー!
それで がんばってるのかよ!
おれの さいのうに くらべりゃ
<PLAYER>は まだまだ だな!

もっと れんしゅう こいよ!

<RIVAL>: Hahaha!
<PLAYER>! That's
your best? You're
nowhere near as
good as me, pal!

Go train some
more! You loser!
Found in the script for Route 22. Unused rival victory text.
かった! かった! かった!
<PLAYER>に まける ような
おれさま では なーい!
ま! ポケモンの
てんさい <RIVAL>さま あいてに
ここまで よく がんばった!
ほめて つかわす!
はーッ! はーはッはッ!
I won, I won!

I'm too good for
you, <PLAYER>!

You did well to
even reach me,
<RIVAL>, the
POKéMON genius!

Nice try, loser!
Found in the script for the Champion's room. Unused rival victory text.
おっと! ゴミばこの そこに
また スイッチが あった!
おして みよう! …… ポチッとな
Hey! There's
another switch
under the trash!
Turn it on!
Found in the script for the Vermilion City gym. Unused trashcan puzzle text.
はい どうぞ
Here you go!
Found in the script for the Celadon Prize Corner. Unused clerk dialogue.
Found in the script for Fuchsia City. Placeholder fossil exhibit text.
Here, the game instead displays the Kabuto exhibit by default.
なんや にもつ
Your pack is
stuffed full!
Found in the script for the Safari Warden's home. Unused Warden dialogue.
? みえないぞ……
Huh? Can't see!
Found in the script for the Copycat's room. Unused flavor text.

Miscellaneous Text

The following table is for text from Red and Blue which goes unused in FireRed and LeafGreen, for one reason or another.

Japanese English (Gen I) Notes
ポケモンを もちきれないので
パソコンの ボックス『<BOX #>』 に

<POKéMON>を てんそうした!
There's no more
room for POKéMON!

<POKéMON> was
sent to POKéMON
BOX <BOX #> on PC!
Found with the rest of the box strings. In Gen I, this was seen after being gifted a Pokémon while your team is full. Here, the generic "<POKéMON> was transferred to the PC" string is used instead, which is the message seen after catching a Pokémon with a full team.
つうしんは キャンセル されました
The link was
Unused event script. In Gen I, this was seen after backing out of the menu for the Trade Center/Colosseum. Since the multiplayer setup was completely revamped in Gen III, this string isn't needed anymore.
あちらへ おまわりください
Please go to the
other side!
Found in the script for Pewter Museum 1F.
In Gen I, this was said by the clerk when talking to him on the wrong side of the desk.
Since here he was moved one space north, this is no longer possible.
わるいけど ひでんのわざを もった
ポケモンは あずかれないなぁ
I can't accept a
POKéMON that
knows an HM move.
Found in the script for the Route 5 Daycare.
Unlike in Gen I, here one can actually deposit a Pokémon that knows an HM move.
ぶつだん だ…
It's a sculpture
Found in the script for the Celadon "Chief house".
Pre-Gen III games featured Buddhist altars, which were censored overseas.
Here, these altars were removed altogether, even in the Japanese versions.
おきゃくさん もう もてないよ
Oops! You don't
have enough room.
Found in the script for the Celadon Prize Corner. In the Gen I games, this was used when trying to buy a TM with a full bag. This string is not needed since the bag was revamped from Gen II onward, namely having TMs in their own section, instead of having them in one large generic pocket. Here, even hacking in a full TM case merely brings up the generic "Too bad! The bag is full…" message.
あっ そう
Oh, fine then.
Found in the script for the Celadon Prize Corner.
In the Gen I games, this was used when backing out of buying a prize.
にもつが いっぱいね!
Don't you want
Found in the script for the Copycat's room.
In Gen I, this is said by Copycat when the player's bag is too full to hold TM31 (Mimic).
Since Mimic is no longer a TM, this string isn't needed anymore.
たすかったよ ありがと!
Saved at last!
Thank you!
Found in the script for Silph Co. 7F. In Gen I, this is said by the Lapras Silph worker after defeating Giovanni in the director's office. Here however, his dialogue never updates, leaving him asking bout the director's safety even after the takeover is dealt with.
この あいだ やまおくで
きんのたまを ひろい ましてね!

つかえない しなもの ですが

うったら なんと 5000円でした
I found a NUGGET
in the mountains.

I thought it was
useless, but it
sold for ₽5000!
Found in the script for the Lavender Town Poké Mart. In Gen I, this is said by one NPC after rescuing Mr. Fuji. Here however, his dialogue never updates, leaving him to talk about revives even after driving the Rockets out of the Pokémon Tower.
おれだって たまには
およぎに くるぜ!
What's wrong with
me swimming?
Found in the script for the northern half of Route 21.
This is the dialogue for the Cue Ball swimmer, a Gen I trainer which was not carried over.
Cheap shot!
うきやすそう だと?
うるせー おおきな おせわだッ!
I look like what?
A studded inner
tube? Get lost!
Found in the script for Victory Road 2F.
Moltres was moved to Mt. Ember, making this string useless.

Ruby & Sapphire Leftovers

Miscellaneous Text

A handful of event strings from the Hoenn games which were carried over.

Japanese English (Gen III) Notes
ポケモン トレーナー こうざの
メールが きている!

…… …… ……

ポケモンが おぼえられる わざは 4つ!

どんな わざを おぼえさせるかで

トレーナーの じつりょくが とわれます!
…… …… ……
There's an e-mail from POKéMON TRAINER
... ... ... ... ... ...
A POKéMON may learn up to four moves.
A TRAINER's expertise is tested on the
move sets chosen for POKéMON.
... ... ... ... ... ...
The email seen on the rival's PC in Ruby and Sapphire.
ベッドが ある……
There's a bed...
Let's take a rest.
The bed text from Ruby and Sapphire. You can't rest in any of the S.S. Anne's beds (or any other bed for that matter), leaving no use for this message.
どこか とおくの とびらが
ひらいたような おとだ……
It sounded as if a door opened
somewhere far away.
Leftover from the Sealed Chamber.
おおきな あなが あいている!
There is a big hole in the wall.
ごりよう ありがとう ございました
Thanks for coming.
Leftover from the Record Corner.
ポケモンを ひきとりたい ときは
ばさんに いって おくれ
If you want to pick up your POKéMON,
have a word with my wife.
The Four Island Daycare reuses the same dialogue set as the Ruby and Sapphire Daycare, and the two messages which were unused in those games also make a return here, this time untranslated.
どっちの ポケモンを ひきとるかい?
Which POKéMON will you take back?

Competitive Brothers

The dialogue for the two brothers in Sootopolis who ask the player to bring them Barboach and Shroomish remains unused and untranslated.

Japanese Translation
わしは おおきな <POKéMON>に
とても きょうみが ある!

ん? きみ <POKéMON> もってるの?
ちょ ちょ ちょっと···
おじさんに みせて おくれ!
I love big <POKéMON>.

Huh? Do you have a <POKéMON> with you?

W-w-wait a minute
P-p-please, show me!
おお! こいつは でかい!
とても すばらしい <POKéMON>だ!

みせて くれて ありがとう

おれいに これを もって いきなさい
Oh, my gosh, this is a big one!
An absolutely magnificent <POKéMON>!

Thanks for showing me.

This is my thanks!
<ITEM>を もらった!
<PLAYER> received a <ITEM>!
きみ もちもの いっぱいだね
Your BAG is crammed full.
ううむ わしは これより おおきい
<POKéMON>を みたこと あるな···
Hmm... I've seen a bigger <POKéMON>
than this one.
おお こいつは なかなか···って
これ <POKéMON>じゃ ないよ!
Oh, now this is quite something...
But it's not a <POKéMON>!
おおきい <POKéMON> もってないの?
それは ざんねん···

こんど おおきい <POKéMON> みせてね
You don't have a big <POKéMON>?
That's too bad...

If you get a big <POKéMON>, please
come show me.
しじょう さいだいの <POKéMON>!
<PLAYER>の <SIZE>cmのやつ!
The biggest <POKéMON> in history!
<PLAYER>'s <SIZE>-inch giant!

Safari Zone

All the Safari Zone-related dialogue from Ruby and Sapphire was carried over, despite most of it going unused. The only strings which weren't ported are the three ones related to interacting with the Pokéblock feeders.

Japanese English (Gen III)
サファリゾーンへ ようこそ!
ここでは ホウエンでは なかなか

みることの できない ポケモンを

しぜんの すがたの まま

めに することが できます

また ポケモントレーナーの

ようぼうに おこたえ して


つかまえる ことも できます!

サファリゾーンを たのしんで いってね!
Welcome to the SAFARI ZONE!

Here, you may witness many kinds of
POKéMON rarely seen in HOENN.

And, you'll see them in their wild,
untamed state in natural habitats.

What's more, we've thrown open the

You're encouraged to catch POKéMON
for keeps!

Come in and enjoy the SAFARI ZONE!
サファリゾーンへ ようこそ!
サファリゾーンは はじめて ですか?
Welcome to the SAFARI ZONE!
Is it your first time here?
サファリゾーンを たのしんで いってね!
Come in and enjoy the SAFARI ZONE!
30この サファリボールを つかって
ポケモンを つかまえる ことが できます

サファリボールを つかいきるか

500ぽ あるくと

ゲームは しゅうりょう です

サファリゾーンを たのしんで いってね!
When you enter the SAFARI ZONE, you
start with 30 SAFARI BALLS for
catching POKéMON.

The SAFARI Game is over when you run
out of SAFARI BALLS, or when you've
walked 500 steps.

Come in and enjoy the SAFARI ZONE!
サファリゾーンへ ようこそ!
500えんで ポケモン つかまえほうだい!

サファリゲームに さんか しますか?
Welcome to the SAFARI ZONE!
All you can catch for just ₽500!

Would you like to play a SAFARI Game?
こんど ぜひ さんか してください!
Please play another time!
おかねが たりませんよ!
You don't have enough money.
それでは 500えん いただきます
That will be ₽500, please.
では サファリボールを どうぞ!
Here are your SAFARI BALLS.
<PLAYER>は サファリボールを
30こ うけとった!
<PLAYER> received 30 SAFARI BALLS.
じかんに なりましたら
こちらから おしらせ しますので

ぞんぶんに おたのしみ ください!

では いってらっしゃい!
We'll let you know when your game
is over.

So, until then, enjoy yourself, please!
Off you go on your wild excursion!
あ! おきゃくさん
ポロックケースを おもちで ないですね?

サファリゾーンは ポロックを つかうと

より おたのしみ いただけますので

ぜひ ポロックケースを

おもちに なって おこし ください!
Excuse me!

You seem to be without a POKéBLOCK CASE.
Your SAFARI Game will be much more
fruitful if you use POKéBLOCKS.

Please come back with a POKéBLOCK CASE.
まだ じかんが のこっていますが
サファリゾーンを やめますか?
You still have time left. Would you like
to exit the SAFARI ZONE now?
では ひきつづき おたのしみ ください!
Please enjoy the rest of your wild
それでは のこりの サファリボールを

おあずかり します


また ごりよう ください
I'll take back your remaining SAFARI
Thank you for playing.
We hope to see you again.
それでは いってらっしゃい!
なにか ありましたら

わたしに こえを かけて くださいね
Good luck!

If you need anything, don't hesitate
to tell me, please!
あの しかくい はこに ポロックを おくと

ポケモンが あつまって くるんだよ!
Did you know?

If you put a POKéBLOCK in that square box,
POKéMON gather around.
この さきに いきたい けど
じてんしゃ もって くるの わすれた……

おくに めずらしい ポケモンが

いそうな きが するのに!
I want to keep going deeper, but I
forgot to bring a BIKE.
Something tells me that rare POKéMON
live in the outlying areas.
ポケモンに ポロックを なげても
しらんぷり される ときが あるのよ

ポケモンにも すききらいが あるのかしら?
Sometimes, when I toss a POKéBLOCK at 
POKéMON, it gets ignored.

Do POKéMON have likes and dislikes
about what they eat?
ぜぇ…… ぜぇ……
やっと ここまで きたけど……

つかれちゃって ポケモン つかまえる

げんきも のこって ないよ……
Gasp... Gasp...
I...made it out here...but…

I'm exhausted... I don't have the
energy to catch POKéMON...
ホウエンに いない みずポケモンを
さがしに きたんだけど……

みずうみは どこにあるのか

きみ しってるかい?
I'm on a mission to find WATER POKéMON
you don't see in HOENN.

Do you have any idea where the lake is?
ここで めずらしい ポケモンを
たくさん つかまえて

ともだちと こうかん するんだ!
I'm going to catch a lot of rare POKéMON
here and trade them with my friends!
ポロックおきばに おいた ポロックが
いつのまにか なくなっていた……

しらない うちに

ポケモンが たべちゃったのかな?
But it seems to have disappeared.
I guess POKéMON must have eaten it
without me noticing.
サファリゾーンの おとくな じょうほう!
であった ポケモンに

ポロックを なげると にげにくく なります!

Throw POKéBLOCKS at wild POKéMON to make
them less likely to flee.
あるき つかれたら ちょっと ひといき!
『みんなの きゅうけいじょ』
“Relieve your tired feet.”
おれ ポロック もってないけど
ポケモン たくさん つかまえたよ

ちかづいて ボールを なげる だけで

けっこう つかまえられる もんだよ!
I don't have any POKéBLOCKS, but I caught
a good number of POKéMON.

You can improve your chances of making
a catch by getting closer to them
before throwing a SAFARI BALL.
ポロックを つかうと いつもより
ちょっぴり にげにくく なるみたい

だから にげにくい ポケモンに つかっても

あんまり いみが ないかもね
If you use POKéBLOCKS, wild POKéMON won't
be so quick to run away.

It's not much use to give POKéBLOCKS to
POKéMON that don't flee easily.
ポロックおきばに ポロック おいて
ポケモンを つかまえると
おなじ ような せいかくの ポケモンが

あつまる きが するなあ
If you put a POKéBLOCK on the FEEDER,
POKéMON are attracted to it.
I think POKéMON with the same sort of
nature are drawn by a certain POKéBLOCK.

Berry NPCs

The dialogue for all the Hoenn berry-related NPCs was carried over, though unlike with the Safari Zone text every string from this set goes unused.

Japanese English (Gen III)
パパ『やあ <PLAYER>!
めずらしい きのみを てに いれたから

プレゼント するよ!
I just received a very rare BERRY.

I'd like you to have it.
ふかふかの つちに はえている きのみは
じゆうに とっても よいのじゃが…

1つだけ きのみを おなじ ばしょに うめる

それが れいぎと いうものじゃ

ほれ これを わけてやろう
If you see BERRIES growing in loamy
soil, feel free to take them.

But make sure you plant a BERRY in the
same spot. That's common courtesy.

Here, I'll share this with you.
あんた みたところ トレーナーじゃろ?
トレーナーは よく きのみを ポケモンに


ふやすも つかうも あんた しだいじゃ
The way you look, you must be a

TRAINERS often make POKéMON hold

It's up to you whether to grow BERRIES
or use them.
いつも みずを あげてたら
たくさん はなが さいたんだ

そしたら きのみも たくさん できた!


これ あげる
I watered my plants lots and lots!
A whole bunch of flowers bloomed!

And then a whole bunch of BERRIES

Here you go!
You can have this!
がんばって あかいポロック つくるんだ!
<PLAYER>も がんばってね!
I'm going to try really hard and make
I hope you try hard, too!
きょうは なにいろの きのみを
I wonder what color BERRIES I'll look
for today?
ポケモンコンテストの ゆうしょうを めざして
きのみを あつめているんだ

よかったら きみにも わけて あげるよ!
I'm gathering BERRIES so I can win a

If you'd like, I'll share one with you.
きみも がんばれ!
Good luck to you, too!
きょうは どの きのみを うめるか…
そして なにいろの ポロックを つくるか…

なやむのも また たのしいよ
What BERRIES should I plant today?
What color POKéBLOCKS should I make?

Fretting over stuff like that is fun
in its own way.
ケースを ふると でてくる ポロック…
そして それを キャッチして

たべてくれる ポケモン…

これって あい だよね?
Give the case a shake, and out pops

And that POKéBLOCK is caught and eaten
by a POKéMON…

It's an expression of love, isn't it?
うん うん!
やっぱ わかるひとには わかるよね

これ あげる
Yes, yes.
You understand what I mean.

You should take this.
でも ちがうと かんじることも たいせつだね

これ あげる
Oh... But it is important to make your
own impressions, I guess…

You can have this.
その きのみは めずらしいもの らしいから
たいせつに そだててね!
I think that BERRY is rare.
I hope you raise it with loving care.
また きのみめいじんに もらって こようっと
I'll get more BERRIES from the
わたしに スーツが にあうように

うみには しおかぜが にあうな
そして きみには きのみが にあいそうだ……
When it gets right down to it...
The same way suits suit me perfectly,
a crisp breeze suits the sea.

And you, a BERRY suits you to a “T”...
Why should that be so?
やっぱり それは…………
きみが トレーナーだからだ!
When it gets right down to it...
It's because you're a TRAINER!
わたしに シンプルさが にあうように

ポケモンには ポロックが にあうな
When it gets right down to it...
The way dignified simplicity suits me,
POKéBLOCKS perfectly suit POKéMON.
わしは きのみめいじんと よばれておる
わしは せかいじゅうを うつくしい はなで

うめつくそうと きのみを そだてて
そして くばり まくって おるのじゃ

きみにも きのみを わけて あげよう!
You may call me the BERRY MASTER.
I dream of filling the world with

beautiful flowers, so I raise BERRIES
and hand them out to everyone.

You're deserving of one!
ほれ えんりょ せずに もう ひとつ!
Why be stingy?
Take another!
カナズミの ちかくにある サン·トウカという
フラワーショップも よろしくの

せかいに はなを さかせましょう!
Be sure to visit the PRETTY PETAL
flower shop near RUSTBORO.

Let flowers fill the world!
きょうは もう おしまいじゃ
また おいで

せかいに はなを さかせましょう!
I'm done for today.
Come again another day.

Let flowers fill the world!
じいさんの きのみの そだてかたは
そりゃあ せかいいちじゃ

わしも はなが たかいわい

ところで あんた

いい ことばを きいたことが ないかい?
The way my husband grows BERRIES,
oh, he's the best in the world.

He makes me proud, that he does.
Incidentally, child, have you heard
a good saying lately?
おお! とても よい ことばじゃ!
かんどう したわい

ほれ これを もっていきなされ
Ah! What a remarkable saying!
Inspirational, it is!

I want you to have this.
おお! なかなか よい ことばじゃ
あんたも たいしたもんじゃ
ほれ これを もっていきなされ
Oh! A good saying it is.
You're quite remarkable.

I want you to have this.
まごたち 4にんも じいさんを しのぐ
おおものに なるじゃろうて

じんせい たのしいことが つきんのう!
Our four grandchildren should become
more accomplished than my husband.

Joy never goes out of my life!
はなを せかいに ひろめる

フラワーショップ サン·トウカです!
This is the PRETTY PETAL flower shop.

Spreading flowers throughout the world!
<PLAYER><KUN> きのみの こと しりたい?
<PLAYER>, would you like to learn about
あなたの なまえは……

とっても いい なまえだね!

<PLAYER><KUN> きのみのこと しりたい?
Your name is?
That's a nice name.
<PLAYER>, would you like to learn about
きのみはね くろい ふかふかの つちの
ところで たまに とれるの

とったら その1つを また うめるの!

そうすると その きのみ から

めがでて みきが できて はながさいて
また きのみ が できるの
そうやって はなを ふやして

せかいじゅうを はなに するのが
わたしの ゆめ なんだ!

だから <PLAYER><KUN>も きのみを うめて

せかいに はなを ふやしてね!
BERRIES grow on trees that thrive
only in dark, loamy soil.

If you take some BERRIES, be sure to
plant one in the loamy soil again.

A planted BERRY will soon sprout,
grow into a plant, flower beautifully,
then grow BERRIES again.

I want to see the whole wide world
filled with beautiful flowers.
That's my dream.

Please help me, <PLAYER>. Plant BERRIES
and bring more flowers into the world.
おはなって とっても しあわせな きぶんに
Flowers bring so much happiness to
people, don't they?
おはなは せわを すれば するほど

たくさん きれいに さいて くれるの

あなたも せわを したく なった でしょ?

これ あげるわ

The more attention you give to flowers,
the more beautifully they bloom.

You'll like tending flowers. I'm sure
of it. You can have this.
きのみが そだつ たびに
じょうろで みずを あげてね!


きのみは ずっと ずっと ほうっておくと
じめんに おちてしまうの

でもね そこから また めがでて くるの!

いきものの ちからを かんじるよね
While BERRY plants are growing,
water them with the WAILMER PAIL.

Oh, another thing.

If you don't pick BERRIES for a while,
they'll drop off onto the ground.

But they'll sprout again.
Isn't that awesome?

It's like they have the will to live.
おねーちゃんたちを みならって
がんばって おはなを そだててるの
はい! これあげる!
I'm trying to be like my big sisters.
I'm growing flowers, too!

Here you go! It's for you!
きのみは うめて おおきく したり
ポケモンに もたせたり できるの
でも さいきん きのみを いくつか まぜると
ポケモンの おかしになる きかいが
ある らしいんだ
あたしも おかし ほしー
You can plant a BERRY and grow it big,
or you can make a POKéMON hold it.

But now they have a machine that mixes
up different BERRIES and makes candies
for POKéMON.

I want some candy, too.
<PLAYER> なまえ なんていうの?
……… ……… ………
へー いいねー

わたしは キリ っていう なまえなの

パパと ママが すくすくと そだって

こころの あたたかい おんなのこに なって
ほしいっていう ねがいを こめたんだって!

<PLAYER>にも これ あげる
Hi, what's your name?
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... …

Okay. That's nice!

My name is KIRI.
My mommy and daddy named me that so
I would grow healthy and warmhearted.

That's what they wished.
You can have one of these.
あと <PLAYER>には キリの だいすきな
この きのみも あげちゃう!
KIRI will give you this BERRY, too!
I really like it lots!
<PLAYER>の なまえには
どんな ねがいが こめられてるの?
I wonder what kind of wish is included
in your name.
はる なつ あき ふゆ
はるに うまれると はるが すきで
なつに うまれると なつが すきなのかな?
Spring, summer, autumn, and winter.

If you're born in springtime, do you like
the spring, and if you're born in the
summer, do you like the summer?
じゃあ キリは あきに うまれたから
あきが だいすき!
<PLAYER>は いつが すき?
Then KIRI was born in the autumn,
so I love the autumn!

Which season do you like?
しりたいことって たくさんあるなー
It doesn't matter…

There's so much that I want to know...

Eon Ticket

The entire dialogue set for the Eon Ticket event, yet another file carried over for no good reason.

Japanese English (Gen III)
パパ『<PLAYER>! よく きたな!
<PLAYER>あての てがみが とどけられたぞ
DAD: <PLAYER>! Good to see you!
There's a letter here for you, <PLAYER>.
パパ『わたしも みたことのない
ふねの チケット だな……
ミナモに いってみると いいだろう
DAD: I guess this is a PASS for a ship.
But I've never seen this ship before.

You should find out what this is about
カイナいき れんらくせん……

その チケットは……!
The ferry to SLATEPORT is...

That PASS...
ヘンテコな チケットを
もってきたのは おまえさんか?

おまえが いこうと しているのは

みなみの はての ちっぽけな しま……

そこでは なにが おこるのか

だれも わからねえ……

ううむ ふなのりの ちが さわぐぜ!

さあ のりな!
Aye, mate, are you the one who brought
that mighty odd PASS?

I'll tell you, you're trying to reach a
tiny spit of an island far in the south.

There's no telling what we'll encounter
once we reach there, aye.

That shivers my timbers!
All aboard!
なにもねえ ちんけな しま だな……
ミナモへ かえるか?
Aye, mate, there's nothing here to
see or do on this forgettable island.

What say we sail back to LILYCOVE?
よし! かえると するか!
Aye, right, then!
Sail home we will!
まあ すきにするが いいさ
Aye, right, as you like, then.
すべての ゆめは もうひとつの げんじつ
それを わすれるべからず……
“All dreams are but another reality.
Never forget...”
きおく かすみし ものは
こころに きざみつける ことを のぞむ……
“Those whose memories fade seek to
carve them in their hearts...”

Newly-Introduced Text

Duplicate Text

Some of the untranslated text consists of exact copies of used dialogue. This includes:

  • The dialogue for meeting the Copycat girl (as Red).
  • The dialogue for meeting the Copycat girl (as Leaf).
  • The message seen when receiving a Pokémon from the Karate Master.
  • The Cinnabar fossil doctor asking the player to wait.
  • The entire dialogue set for the Mt. Ember move tutor.
  • The dialogue for the fisher's wife on Five Island.

The text seen when interacting with the Mewtwo statues also has an unused copy in the script for Pokémon Mansion 3F. Each statue's text is taken from the same place, which is the text file for the second floor of the Pokémon Mansion, leaving this third floor duplicate set unused.

The dialogue for the Body Slam move tutor also warrants an explanation: this NPC is located in a house on Four Island, but his dialogue is actually found in the script for the Four Island Pokécenter. The move tutor house script instead contains an unused duplicate of his dialogue set, except for the very last line ("There! Boing! You're awfully heavy!"). That string is unused and untranslated in the PokéCenter script, but used and translated in the house script. This suggests that the Body Slam move tutor was relocated at some point, and that his dialogue was shoddily moved around.

Cable Club Text

Miscellaneous unused strings related to the Cable Club. They were all ported over and translated in Emerald, despite still not being used in that game.

Japanese English (Gen III) Notes
Close this menu.
Identified in the source code as "msg_reception_battle_p09".
はじめる まえに レポートを
かきますが よろしいですか?
Your progress must be saved before
linking. Is it okay to save?
Identified in the source code as "msg_reception_save".
Identified in the source code as "msg_wireless_wait_01_p01".
しょうしょう おまちください
Please wait.
Identified in the source code as "msg_wireless_wait_01_p02".
ワイヤレス クラブでの
あそびかたを せつめいします
A guide to the WIRELESS CLUB's
various services.
Identified in the source code as "msg_comm_menu_guide_05".
どちらの しょうぶに しますか?
Which battle mode would you like?
Identified in the source code as "msg_wireless_oya_01_p09".
ひとつ まえに もどります
Returns to the previous step.
Identified in the source code as "msg_comm_menu_guide_09".
Excuse me!
Identified in the source code as "msg_wireless_guide_01_p03".
きょうは けえるのか?
Are you leaving now?
Do come again!
Identified in the source code as "msg_oldman1_01_p06_minigame".
もういちど はじめから
やりなおして みて くれ
Could you retry this from the start
again, please?
Identified in the source code as "msg_oldman1_01_p11_minigame".

Miscellaneous Text

The following table is for text which is exclusive to FireRed and LeafGreen.

Japanese Translation Notes
ほんだなに ならんでいるのは
ポケモンの ほん ばかりだ
The shelves are crammed full of
books on POKéMON.
In Gen I, two bookshelf event strings exist: the first is used across the game, and the second is exclusive to the rival's house. In FireRed and LeafGreen, both messages are also found in the event string data, though only the generic one is used. Instead, the unique message is defined as a simple "sign" event in the script for the rival's house.
ドアは しまっている…
The door is closed…
Unused event script text. Found right before the string "The door is open…" used in Silph Co. after using the Card Key and interacting with the spot in which the shutters stood. Referred to in the source code as "msg_sylph_door_close".
おッ! ダウジングマシンが
はんのう してるぞ!

ましたに どうぐが うまってる!

The ITEMFINDER's responding!

There's an item buried right
beneath your feet!

… … …
Found right before the string used for special hidden items ("The ITEMFINDER's shaking wildly!"). This is an alternate version of the generic "itemfinder responding" message, with the main difference being that the hidden item is "right beneath you" (ました), instead of "around here" (ちかく).
<BUFFER2>が みてみたいなー


<BUFFER2>が みてみたいなー
You know…
I really want to see <BUFFER2>.

<BUFFER1> and <BUFFER3> too.

I really want to see <BUFFER2>.
Unused event script text. Remnants of a cut NPC who would have seemingly asked the player to show them a Pokémon with a given nature, though it's hard to get a clear picture since the contents of the string buffers isn't specified.

Identified in the source code as "msg_help_obj_01" through "04", with each message having a series of comments:

  • The first message is labeled:
    • "Help" (お手伝い)
    • "Nature" ( 性格な )
    • "Nature  Change" (性格  になる)
  • The second message is labeled:
    • "Help (Have)" (お手伝い(持っている))
    • "Pokémon Nature" ( 性格な ポケモン)
    • "Pokémon Nature  Change" (性格 ポケモン  になる)
  • The third message is labeled "Help (Different)" (お手伝い(違う)).
  • The fourth message is labeled "Help (Refuse)" (お手伝い(いいえ)).
わぁー すごい!

また よろしくねー!
Wow! That's amazing!

Thank you so much.
See you around!
それっ ちがうよー!
That's not what I want!
I see...
その ジムバッジ……
すげえな タケシに かったのかよ!
かんどう したから

おれの たからもの やるよ!
Hey, wait!

Wow, you beat BROCK!
I'm very impressed.

Here, you can have this
thing of mine!
Found in the script for Pewter City. This dialogue was meant for a cut interaction with the male NPC who blocks access to Route 3. Earlier in development, he would have gifted the player the Berry Pouch after obtaining the Boulder Badge. In the final games, the Berry Pouch is automatically unlocked in the Bag after the player obtains their first berry (much like how the TM Case works with TMs).

The source code even explains where each message would have appeared. With all three being played in succession, and the third message being what the NPC would say on repeat interactions. Referred to in the source code as "msg_boy2_01_p03" through "p05".

なかには きのみが はいってるぜ

やくに たつ きのみも
はいって いるから
だいじに つかって くれよ!
There are BERRIES inside it.

They're very 
useful BERRIES.
Use them carefully!
ポケモンに きのみを
もたせて おけば
たたかっている ときに
かってに つかって くれるんだ

キズぐすり とか どくけし より
てがるで べんり だろ?
If you let a POKéMON
hold a BERRY,
it will automatically use it
when in a battle.

Less trouble than using a POTION
or an ANTIDOTE, don't you think?
ついに はつばい!

ドイツ せい さいこうきゅう
おりたたみ じてんしゃ!
Finally selling!

Top of the line folding Bicycle.
Made in Germany!
Found in the script for the Cerulean Bike Shop.
A cut piece of flavor text which oddly enough references the real world. Referred to in the source code as "msg_kabegami" (lit. "msg_poster").
Want me to take a look at yours?
Found in the script for the Route 5 Daycare.
Doesn't really fit in with the rest of the retail dialogue.
ポケモンが いっぱいだ
ボックスを かえて きなさい
The POKéMON BOX is full.
Please change the BOX.
Found in the script for the Celadon Condo roof house. The PC automatically switches to a free box if the player receives a gift PokéMON while the current box is full.
めちゃめちゃに こわされてる 
とうぶん なおりそうに ない…
It's completely trashed.
It doesn't look like it'll be
fixed anytime soon…
Found in the script for Silph Co. 1F. Only identified as "msg_dummy_02" in the source code, it's unknown what this message was tied to, though it might have been something to do with the elevator, since it's the only thing in the lobby that would fit.
あ… もう もてないぞ
Oh… Your party is full already.
Found in the script for Silph Co. 7F. The Lapras the player receives is automatically sent to the PC if their team is full.
ポケモン いっぱいで もてないね!
You can't hold any more POKéMON!
Found in the script for the Pokémon Lab fossil room. The Kabuto/Omanyte the player receives is automatically sent to the PC if their team is full.
きょうも およぎに 
I came back for another
swim today!
Despite the Route 21 Cue Ball swimmer not being carried over from Gen I, he was nonetheless given brand new rematch dialogue.
グレンタウンに もどりますか?
Return to Cinnabar Island?
Found in the script for One Island. Referred to in the source code as "msg_boy1_01_p01" (with "boy1" being the internal name given to the Youngster spriteset). That message is preceded with the label "DEBUG" (デバック), showing that it was used by the devs for quick testing, since on their first trip to the Sevii Islands the player can't return to Cinnabar before delivering the Meteorite to Celio.
とびらを あけるには
パスワードが 2つ いるようだ
You need two passwords
to open the door.
Found in the script for Five Island Meadow. This text is meant for the door to the Rocket Warehouse, if the player doesn't know any of the two passwords. However, access to Five Island is restricted prior to obtaining the Ruby at Mt. Ember, and the path to the Ruby is opened following a cutscene involving two Rocket Grunts, one of which inadvertently saying one of the two passwords out loud.
タマゴを もらいに
きて くれたんだね
You're here to pick up
the EGG, right?
Found in the script for the Water Labyrinth. Meant for the Gentleman who gifts the player a Togepi egg, likely for refusing the egg at first, and then coming back later to get it. In the final games, there is no option to say no to receiving the egg, and coming back to this NPC after freeing a spot in your party (assuming it was full when first talking to him) will automatically give you the egg.
いまは はいれない みたい…
Looks like you can't get into
the TRAINER TOWER right now...
Found in the script for the Trainer Tower exterior. Unlike the Battle Tower from Crystal, the Trainer Tower from FireRed and LeafGreen is never closed. Those messages are known in the source code as "msg_kanban_03_p01" and "p02" (with "kanban" meaning "sign").

Each message is accompanied with a comment:

  • The first is labeled "DOORS CLOSED" (ドアとじてる).
  • The second is labeled "DOORS OPENED" (ドアあいてる).
トレーナータワーが あいてる!
さっそく はいってみよう!
The TRAINER TOWER is now open!
Go and take a look!
It's a record board.
Found in the script for the Trainer Tower lobby. Would have likely been displayed when interacting with the record display by the reception counter. Identified as "msg_score_01" in the source code.