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Proto:Dark Souls

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This page details one or more prototype versions of Dark Souls.

To do:
Various things:
  • Add info about what this is, and how it came to be. You can find more info and download links here and here, as well as more documentation on various options that should be added to this page.
  • Clarify differences between system releases. This page was initially covering debug content in the Xbox 360 version, but it appears to be mixed with PC info as well now.


To do:
Double-check controls and functions.
Button Function Notes
Back Open Debug Menu
Right Bumper & Right Trigger + Left Bumper Open Secondary Debug Menu A maximum of 4 menus can be opened.
Right Bumper + Left Trigger Cycle Through Debug Menus
Right Bumper & Right Trigger + Left Trigger Close Debug Menu
A Select
B Back
D-Pad Scroll Through Options & Values Allows you scroll through options one a a time, or increment values by 1.
Left Bumper + D-Pad Quickly Scroll Through Options & Values Allows you to scroll through options four at a time, or increment values by 100.
Right Bumper + D-Pad Quickly Move Between Categories
(Source: Alo81 & Havel (NeoGAF))

Debug Menus

Main Menu

Dark Souls 360 Debug Menu.png

# Original Translation
00: Model Viewer モデルビューア Model Viewer - Model Viewer
01: Debug Walk Through デバッグ用ムーブマップ (game properties) Debug Walk Through - Debug Movement Map (game properties)
02: Walk Through ムーブマップ Walk Through - Movement Map
03: Bgm Test BGMテスト Bgm Test - BGM Test
04: Automation 自動テスト Automation - Automation Test
05: SFXテスト SFX Test
06: Network Network
07: FRPGネットテスト FRPG Net Test
08: FaceGen フェイスジェンテスト FaceGen - FaceGen Test
09: TitleList タイトルテストリスト TitleList - Title Test List
10: Title タイトル(本) Title - Title (Actual)
11: タイトル(仮) Title (Temporary)

Option 00: Model Viewer

Elementary, my dear Cactus.
This needs some investigation.
Discuss ideas and findings on the talk page.
Specifically: Find out if this crashes on retail Xbox 360s as well.

This option crashes when accessed on the XDK 360 development kit.

Option 01: Debug Movement Map

This option allows one to warp to each of the game's maps. There are 11 pages of locations.

  • Quitting the game returns you to this screen.
  • As long as you only back out to the Debug Movement Map screen, progress made on a test character will be retained.
  • However, backing out further to the main menu wipes all progress made on a test character.
(Source: Dark Souls Debug Wikidot)

Page 01

Dark Souls Debug 360 Menu 01 Debug Walkthrough Page 1.png
Option Translation Destination
城下 Beneath the Castle Base of stairs to The Depths from the Lower Undead Burg
下水 Drain Small house before the Hellkite Dragon swoops in
拠点 Base Firelink Shrine

Page 02

Dark Souls Debug 360 Menu 01 Debug Walkthrough Page 2.png

Option Translation Destination
北の不死院 Northern Undead Asylum Painted World of Ariamis

Page 03

Dark Souls Debug 360 Menu 01 Debug Walkthrough Page 3.png

Option Translation Destination
黒い森の庭(つなぎ用) Dark Forest Garden (Filler) Darkroot Garden, Outside of Titanite Demon's chamber
黒い森の庭・過去 Dark Forest Garden - Past Sanctuary Garden bonfire

Page 04

Dark Souls Debug 360 Menu 01 Debug Walkthrough Page 4.png

Option Translation Destination
カタコンベ Catacombs Middle of hallway at base of first ladder in Catacombs
巨人墓地 Giant Cemetery Tomb of Giants, above Pinwheel's chamber
巨人の地底湖 Giant Underground Lake Great Hollow bonfire

Page 05

Dark Souls Debug 360 Menu 01 Debug Walkthrough Page 5.png

Option Translation Destination
影町 Shadow Town Depths entrance to Blighttown
廃都 Ruined Metropolis Demon Ruins bonfire

Page 06

Dark Souls Debug 360 Menu 01 Debug Walkthrough Page 6.png

Option Translation Destination
王城1・罠のテーマパーク Royal Castle 1 - Trap Theme Park Outside Sen's Fortress
王城2・王宮 Royal Castle 2 - Royal Palace Entrance to Anor Londo

Page 07

Dark Souls Debug 360 Menu 01 Debug Walkthrough Page 7.png

Option Translation Destination
深淵 Abyss Base of elevator to New Londo Ruins from Firelink

Page 08

Dark Souls Debug 360 Menu 01 Debug Walkthrough Page 8.png

Option Translation Destination
結晶塔 Crystal Tower Duke's Archives bonfire

Page 09

Dark Souls Debug 360 Menu 01 Debug Walkthrough Page 9.png

Option Translation Destination
大墓 Great Tomb Kiln of The First Flame
チュートリアル Tutorial Player's cell in Northern Undead Asylum cell. Features items and spawns from return visit.

Page 10

Trying to access the removed maps below spawns the player in a silent blank grey void. No player model is visible, but one's footsteps can be heard.

Dark Souls Debug 360 Menu 01 Debug Walkthrough Page 10.png

Option Translation Destination
芝テストマップ Shiba Test Map Removed map
齋藤テストマップ Saito Test Map Removed map
齋藤テストマップ2 Saito Test Map 2 Removed map
齋藤テストマップ3 Saito Test Map 3 Removed map
石崎テストマップ Ishizaki Test Map Removed map
石崎テストマップ2 Ishizaki Test Map 2 Removed map
石崎テストマップ3 Ishizaki Test Map 3 Removed map
企画研修テストマップ Project Training Test Map Removed map
平井テスト Hirai Test Removed map
AIテスト AI Test Removed map

Page 11

Trying to access the removed maps below spawns the player in a silent blank grey void. No player model is visible, but one's footsteps can be heard.

Dark Souls Debug 360 Menu 01 Debug Walkthrough Page 11.png

Option Translation Destination
ギミックテスト Gimmick Test Removed map
川上専用テストマップ Kawakami's Personal Test Map Removed map
敵キャラ閲覧用(旧ドラゴンテスト) Enemy Character Check (Old Dragon Test) Removed map
カメラ&はしごテスト Camera & Ladder Test Removed map
PGテストマップ PG Test Map Removed map
岸SFXテストマップ Coast SFX Test Map Removed map
敵キャラデバッグマップ Enemy Character Debug Map Removed map

Option 02: Walk Through Movement Map

Elementary, my dear Cactus.
This needs some investigation.
Discuss ideas and findings on the talk page.
Specifically: Figure out the differences between what Option 01 and Option 02 do.

Option 03: BGM Test

Elementary, my dear Cactus.
This needs some investigation.
Discuss ideas and findings on the talk page.
Specifically: Find out if this crashes on retail Xbox 360s as well.

This option crashes when accessed on the XDK 360 development kit.

Option 04: Automation Test

Elementary, my dear Cactus.
This needs some investigation.
Discuss ideas and findings on the talk page.
Specifically: Does this still trigger anything?

Selecting this has no discernible effect.

Option 05: SFX Test

Elementary, my dear Cactus.
This needs some investigation.
Discuss ideas and findings on the talk page.
Specifically: Does this still trigger anything?

Selecting this has no discernible effect.

Option 06: Network

This option purports to allow you to host, join, or leave an online session.

Dark Souls Debug 360 Menu 06 Network Debugging.png

Option 07: FRPG Net Test

Elementary, my dear Cactus.
This needs some investigation.
Discuss ideas and findings on the talk page.
Specifically: Does this still trigger anything?

Selecting the only choice available to you has no discernible effect.

Dark Souls Debug 360 Menu 07 FRPG.png

Option Translation Function
シミュレーション起動 Launch Simulation xxx

Option 08: FaceGen Test

Careful, you'll lose an eye.
This page or section needs more images.
There's a whole lotta words here, but not enough pictures. Please fix this.

This option launches the face generator tool used in the character creation screen. Unlike the standard version, once you finish creating a character via this option, you will not be launched into the main game.

Option 09: Title Test List

Elementary, my dear Cactus.
This needs some investigation.
Discuss ideas and findings on the talk page.
Specifically: Do options 00, 01, 02, and 04 still trigger anything?
Dark Souls Debug 360 Menu 09 TitleList Main Options.png

# Option Translation Function
00: reserve 1 予約1 reserve 1 - Reservation 1 Selecting this has no discernible effect.
01: reserve 2 予約2 reserve 2 - Reservation 2 Selecting this has no discernible effect.
02: reserve 3 予約3 reserve 3 - Reservation 3 Selecting this has no discernible effect.
03: Title タイトル Title - Title Takes you through the normal boot method to the title screen.
04: reserve 5 予約5 reserve 5 - Reservation 5 Selecting this has no discernible effect.
05: Menu Test メニューテスト Menu Test - Menu Test Activates various menus. See section below.

05: Menu Test

Dark Souls Debug 360 Menu 09 TitleList Option 05 Camp Menu.png

Option Function
Camp Menu Takes you to whichever menu was last opened in-game. Backing out of the menu freezes the game.
Select Profile

Option 10: Title (Actual)

Takes you to the title screen without debugging.

Option 11: Title (Temporary)

Loads the Review Edition of the game. Quitting the game in this mode returns you to the Review Edition's character select screen.

Dark Souls Debug 360 Menu 11 Review Edition Title Screen.png

Instead of creating a character and starting from the beginning of the game in the Undead Asylum, this option requires you to choose from one of several pre-made characters and starts you off in the Undead Burg.

Dark Souls Debug 360 Menu 11 Review Edition Character Selection Solaire of Astora.png

Overlay Menus


To do:


Option Translation Function Notes
[RESOURCE] Resource
[TEXT MAN] Brings up a list of textures currently loaded by the game.


To do:


To do:


Main Menu

Option Translation Function Notes
[Network Status] Network Status
[接続ノード情報 S0000(000)/R0000(000)] Connection Node Info
[ロビーボム] Lobby Bomb
[ノード DB] Node Database
[SOS DB] SOS Database
[徘徊幻影 DB] Wandering Ghost Database
[血文字 DB] Blood Sign Database
[血痕 DB] Bloodstain Database
[篝火 DB] Bonfire Database
[石像 DB] Stone Statue Database
[イベント干渉 DB] Event Intervention Database
[アイテムベイグラント DB] Item Vagrant Database
[共鳴魔法 DB] Resonant Magic Database
[FrpgNetRankingDb] FRPG Net Ranking Database
[ニトの招待状 DB] Nito Invitation Database
[闘技場参加者 DB] Arena Participant Database
[FrpgNetSysStep] FRPG Net System Step
[FrpgNetConnectManStep] FRPG Net Connection Manual Step
[FrpgNetLobbyStep] FRPG Net Lobby Step


To do: