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Proto:Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Genesis)/August 21st, 1992

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This is a sub-page of Proto:Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Genesis).

Hiddenpalace.org logo.png  This prototype is documented on Hidden Palace.

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The August 21, 1992 prototype of Sonic the Hedgehog 2 is quite similar to the Simon Wai build, but is getting closer to the final game. Most of the content is still as it was in the Wai proto (including the presence of Hidden Palace Zone and Wood Zone), but Sonic's sprites have been finalized, some of the bosses have been implemented, and the soundtrack is almost as it is in the final game, save for a few outliers.

This build was released by drx on November 10, 2019 as part of Hidden Palace's Sonic Month.

To do:
  • Object code for Sky Chase and Sky Fortress badniks exist; check if there are any differences.
  • Neo Green Hill differences.
  • Layout comparisons.
Download.png Download Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Aug 21, 1992 proto)
File: Sonic_the_Hedgehog_2_(Aug_21,_1992_prototype).bin (2 MB) (info)

General Differences/Notes

  • The level order has been changed from the Simon Wai build.
    • Simon Wai: Neo Green Hill, Chemical Plant, Hill Top, Green Hill.
    • August 21st: Green Hill, Chemical Plant, Hill Top, Dust Hill, Metropolis, Neo Green Hill.
  • The explosion sprites now match their final Sonic 2 counterpart. The light-green color in Hidden Palace affects them.
  • Collecting 100 rings still plays music track $88, which was the extra-life sound in Sonic 1 but is now the Casino Night 2-player theme.
  • Bosses for Neo Green Hill and Metropolis have been implemented, but don't load in their respective levels.
  • Tails acts identically to previous builds, except that he can drown!
  • Drowning plays music $8A, which is the Death Egg theme in this build.
  • Code for several objects not included in the Object ID list are now present.

Sound Differences

To do:
Sounds $D7, $D9, $DB and $DC are different from both Simon Wai prototype and September 14th. Document them.

Most of the game's music tracks have been implemented and all have been finalized, sans the credits theme, which was added in the September 14th build (see below).

  • While almost all sound effects are implemented, most of them are not used yet.
  • The spindash sound's pitch-shift messes with some sounds (most notably the Rings). Sonic/Tails don't emit any other sound when releasing the spindash, thus the pitch-shift won't be immediately canceled out.
  • The invincibility music has a different ending:
August 21st Final
  • The final Hidden Palace song appears twice in the Sound Test as tracks $90 and $9E. The latter slot is occupied by the credits theme by September 14th onwards.
  • The Title Screen music still has the bass instrument from Sonic 1's Title music, but now has the final arrangement:
August 21st Final
  • Green Hill Zone's 2 player music had both bells panned to the right ear. In the final game, one of them was panned to the left ear:
August 21st Final

Super Sonic

Super Sonic is present in this build and can be easily accessed by destroying the [?] Monitor, which can be added through Debug Mode.

  • Super Sonic already has a cycling palette, but it was not implemented for when Sonic was underwater. This makes Super Sonic retain the normal Sonic color palette underwater; this was partially fixed until the final, although transforming underwater still uses the non-Super Sonic palette.
  • Rings are not consumed while the Super form is active.
  • Super Tails simply gets invincibility.
  • The invincibility is timed, taking the same time as the invincibility powerup.
  • Once the invincibility runs out, Super Sonic is able to use powerup monitors.


Oil Ocean Zone
Why is there floating oil?
Casino Night Zone
Solid floors now! This is the only other known build to use this Zone's original pinker design.

Green Hill Zone

Sonic2 Emeraldhill Aug21.png
  • The snail badnik from earlier builds has been replaced with Coconuts. While the graphics are gone, its coding is still present. Interestingly, its ID was changed from $54 to $59 due to the Metropolis boss taking it's place.
  • The boss acts near identically to the Simon Wai build, except that it can properly turn, and is now capable of exploding again.
  • The boss plays the Chemical Plant theme. This is because it's still playing music $8E, which was the boss track in the Simon Wai prototype, but has since moved to $93 with Chemical Plant's theme taking its place.
  • Alongside Coconuts, there are way more badniks compared to later builds.
  • The blocked off tunnel in Simon Wai now contains a few more rings.

Hill Top Zone

Keeps changing every time.
  • The boss arena is different, and wider than the one in the final version.
  • A small chunk of wall can be found above the boss arena at the top of the level.
  • Submarine Eggman acts slower, and descends faster when defeated.
  • Most badniks have been implemented, and the stage is nearing the final layout.

Dust Hill Zone

To do:
  • The deleted route in Act 2 is slightly different. What are these differences?
  • Get level maps for clearer comparison.
I sure do love two ring placements everywhere!
  • Object placement is now much closer to the final version.
  • There are a lot of two ring placements here, almost all of which were replaced by the CENSOR build onwards.
  • Crawlton badniks use the second palette line in this build making them look slightly off.
  • Flasher badniks use a simple yellow ball as their flashing animation, while the final game adds shading.
  • Act 2 now has the triple swinging platform.
  • The upper route in Act 2 is much harder than the final game.
  • The very top route from the Simon Wai prototype has been blocked off, but can still be accessed via Debug Mode and actually has a few rings placed.
  • Drill Eggman II has more erratic movements than the final, alongside having an alternate hit animation which still exists in the final game.
(Source: Sonic Retro)

Metropolis Zone

Still with the old art.
  • The flashing animation for entering a tube has become corrupted in this build.
  • The overall art still have their old design from the Simon Wai prototype.
  • The layout is a mix between Simon Wai and September 14th, featuring rings that weren't deleted in the final release.
  • Oddly, Act 3's boss seems to better fit Act 2's layout according to the source code.
  • There's an area in Act 1 that can allow the player to fall forever, and eventually the player can accelerate so fast the game will propel the player up. This area was also present in the Simon Wai prototype, and this oddity is carried from the Sonic 1 prototype, and to Sonic 3 & Knuckles (to an extent).
  • Lava in this stage still does not function yet.
  • Nuts will continue to go up even when reaching above the screws, and there aren't spikes on the ceiling above them.
  • While the boss is implemented and semi-functional, Act 3 instead has a signpost at the end.
  • The Steam Pistons have an added subtype which make you go higher than in the Simon Wai prototype.
(Source: Sonic Retro)

Hidden Palace Zone

The last time we'll ever see this zone.

Hidden Palace's layout remains the same as it was in the previous two builds, and still uses the Mystic Cave 2-Player music even though the track used in the final is present. However, it did have some behind-the-scenes changes, which seem to suggest there were plans to continue working on it before being scrapped:

  • Stego (or Stegway) was added to the debug object list.
  • Vertical wrapping has been implemented for objects (such as badniks), as opposed to the Nick Arcade and Simon Wai builds where badniks that fell off the bottom of the stage simply disappeared (see the video to the right).
  • Bubbles, the countdown numbers, and the water splash now show proper graphics.
  • This zone now contains its own set of animals, Micky and Rocky.

Wood Zone

The last time we'll ever see this zone.
  • Exactly the same as it was in the Simon Wai build. It's still incomplete and ends pretty quickly, with Metropolis' music playing in the background. Act 2 is still an empty void.
  • There didn't seem to be any plans for this stage to continue in development.

Genocide City

Sonic2 Geonocidecity Aug21.png
  • Exactly the same as it was in the Simon Wai build: an empty level slot with Chemical Plant's music playing.

Death Egg/Sky Chase Zone

Sonic2 Deathegg Aug21.png
August 21st September 14th onward
Sonic2 Deathegg pal Aug21.png Sonic2 Skychase enemy pal.png
  • Almost exactly the same as it was in the Simon Wai build, except for the palette which now uses an early version of Sky Chase's enemy palette line. Dying here still causes all sound to cut off. If the player either activates Super Sonic or gives Sonic 100 rings in debug, Super Sonic's theme/2-Player Casino Night will play endlessly until the game is reset.

Special Stage

Oh dear.
  • Unlike previous builds, the Special Stage can be accessed without needing to edit the code, but for whatever reason the version in this build has a very high chance of the game fading to white and softlocking with the Level Select music continuing to play. While it is possible to load the stage on real hardware, less accurate emulators like Kega Fusion may have a higher chance of accessing it.
  • As with prior builds, the Special Stage here is a very corrupted version of the Sonic 1 Special Stage, though this version uses the Casino Night music. While what's going on can be made out, the graphics are too corrupted to get a good enough idea unless the player has a perfect photo memory of what Special Stage 1 looks like. Hitting a GOAL block or getting the Chaos Emerald triggers a blue screen playing Chemical Plant's music (both instances still based on Sonic 1's track IDs, caused by the results screen object not being listed in the object table), while touching any blocks that change the rotation of the stage will result in a crash due to the outdated mappings format.

Ocean Wind Zone (ID 01)

Sonic2 Oceanwind Aug21.png
  • Exactly the same as the Simon Wai build: an empty level slot with Emerald Hill's palette and music. Entering the level without debug mode results in Sonic falling to his death.

Sand Shower Zone (ID 03)

Sonic2 Sandshower Aug21.png
  • Exactly the same as the Simon Wai build: an empty level slot with Emerald Hill's palette and Oil Ocean's music. Entering the level without debug mode results in Sonic falling to his death.

Blue Lake/Sky Fortress Zone (ID 06)

Sonic2 Bluelake Aug21.png
  • Almost the same as the Simon Wai build: an empty level slot with a pitch-black background and what would become Emerald Hill's 2-Player music. The starting position was adjusted and now matches the final position for Sky Fortress. Entering the stage without debug mode results in Sonic falling to his death.

Rock World Zone (ID 09)

Sonic2 Rockworld Aug21.png
  • Exactly the same as the Simon Wai build: an empty level slot using Emerald Hill's palette and Sky Chase's music. Entering the level without debug mode results in Sonic falling to his death.

Graphical Differences

  • Sonic and Tails' sprites are now their final versions.
  • Stego/Stegway has its updated sprite, but uses the incorrect palette.
  • Crawl has its updated sprite.
  • Aquis had its Skyhorse graphics removed.

Unused Content

To do:
Add graphics for the rest of the objects.
Name Graphic Description
Metropolis Block
Sonic2Alpha MTZ Moving Block.png
The moving blocks from the Simon Wai prototype can still be placed, though it doesn't move. This is also what happens in that prototype, since this is just the default subtype.
SomeCallMeJohnny's worst nightmare.
The Slicer badnik can be also placed in Debug Mode, though it's slightly buggy; it uses the wrong palette line and only attacks when the player is behind it.
Chemical Plant/Death Egg Door
Sonic2 CorrectDoor.png
The door for Chemical Plant and (eventually) Death Egg Zone, which also go unused in the final as both levels use the Hill Top Zone version.
Neo Green Hill Door
Sonic2gen Aquatic ruin door.png
The unused door for Neo Green Hill Zone in the final also exists.
Chemical Plant Boss So, according to symbol data found in the Nick Arcade prototype, the Chemical Plant boss was actually the first boss programmed (it was called "bossvac" and "vacumeguy"), and was implemented in their old master boss object. However, in the Nick Arcade and Simon Wai builds, that code was scrapped and the pointers to it were dummied out. In this build, however, that master boss object still exists for the Green Hill boss (in object 56), and interestingly enough, they appeared to have restored that version of the boss. This is possibly for use as a reference for the rewrite they were doing to it. Porting in the spawn code found in the Nick Arcade prototype makes it function. This build also features a WIP of said rewritten object code in object 5D. As is, it causes a crash, so modifications need to be made so that it functions.
Neo Green Hill Boss N/A A near-complete version of the Neo Green Hill boss exists.
  • The boss is already placed in the level, and the camera properly locks.
  • Collision for the Totems and Arrows are broken, only the bottom left Totem has collision, and teleports the player to the right side of the screen.
  • The boss moves much slower than the final.
  • Some of the waterfall graphics overwrites part of the hammer.
  • The flames mistakenly uses Sonic's palette, which wasn't fixed until CENSOR.
  • This boss also uses the alternate hit animation.
Metropolis Boss N/A A preliminary version of the Metropolis Zone boss exists.
  • Eggman doesn't move, but will still release his balloons.
  • Balloons act like regular badniks.
  • The orbs around Eggman can be destroyed.
  • There is no win condition for the fight. That means if the boss is beaten, the game will crash.
(Source: Sonic Retro (CNZ block, auto-rolling graphic and bosses))
Sonic2gen Balkiry2.png
An eagle badnik later used in Sky Chase Zone. Flies horizontally at a very low speed, uses the unused standing sprite while flying.
Turtloid N/A A flying turtle badnik later used in Sky Chase Zone. The exhaust flame only appears when it is before $0240 on the X Axis, the rider is glitchy in this version and will ride other objects that load into the Turtloid's spot when it despawns.
Ball of Death N/A An unused metallic bouncing ball badnik. Bounces in one direction, only changing upon collision with a wall. Unassigned, meant for Chemical Plant Zone.
Bubbler's Mother N/A An unused 3-eyed flying badnik. Flies horizontally, dropping sparkles which spawn Bubblers upon colliding with the ground. Unassigned, meant for Chemical Plant Zone.
Bubbler N/A An unused badnik composed of bubbles. Spawned from Bubbler's Mother. Explodes after 3 seconds. Unassigned, supposed to occupy slot 0x55. Meant for Chemical Plant Zone.
Sand Crab An early version of the Crawl badnik exists, but is unreferenced. Its sprite mappings were made for "sandcrabcg", unused art badnik that was present in the Nick Arcade and Simon Wai builds. Assigned to slot 0x5A. Originally meant for Sand Shower and Rock World Zone, which were never added in any known build.


Sonic 1 Title Screen Cycling Palette

A palette that remains unused in the final Sonic 2.

Sonic 1 Objects

  • 0x4B: The giant ring object is still present, along with its art. It doesn't seem to function at this point, though, and the actual slot that pointed to this object now points to the Redz badnik.
  • 0x7C: The flash effect for the giant ring, fully functional.
  • 0x7E: Code for the Special Stage results screen.
  • 0x7F: Code for the Chaos Emerald object on the Special Stage results screen.

Star Light Zone Art Data

Chunks and tiles are present in this build. The only missing things are the 16×16 blocks.

Data From Prior Sonic 2 Builds

Mostly from the Nick Arcade and Simon Wai builds.

  • Early tiles and blocks for Chemical Plant Zone and dynamical tiles compressed in Nemesis.
  • Early collision for Neo Green Hill Zone and Hidden Palace Zone.

Leftover DAC Samples

Unused and leftover DAC/PCM samples.

Unassembled Data

Exactly like in the Simon Wai prototype, located at address 0xE5946 is a snippet of unassembled data. It starts with the comment at the top

; 圧縮前 $8000  圧縮後 $2c00  圧縮率 34.4%  セル数 1024

...which translates to:

; Before compression $8000  After compression $2c00  Compression ratio 34.4%  Number of cells 1024

What follows is a bunch of "dc.b"s for the actual chunk data. When assembled, its data matches the beginning of Neo Green Hill Zone's chunk data located at 0xBF568. While a good chunk of the unassembled data is there, it gets cut off.

	dc.b	$1d,$7f,$00,$ff,$f8,$7e,$04,$01,$fb,$02,$00,$03,$04,$05,$04,$80
	dc.b	$ff,$fa,$ff,$07,$54,$0b,$54,$0a,$50,$0c,$50,$ff,$8f,$0d,$54,$0f
	dc.b	$54,$0e,$50,$10,$50,$11,$52,$19,$52,$18,$ff,$ff,$fc,$1a,$52,$1b
	dc.b	$51,$8a,$51,$8b,$52,$1c,$02,$1e,$02,$1f,$02,$2a,$9f,$ff,$02,$2b
	dc.b	$01,$8c,$01,$8d,$f4,$1d,$02,$2c,$02,$2d,$01,$ff,$f4,$88,$01,$89
	dc.b	$01,$8e,$01,$8f,$02,$1a,$e4,$02,$2e,$02,$46,$c0,$2f,$e0,$ff,$1b
	dc.b	$ec,$fc,$dc,$00,$70,$02,$c4,$d4,$ee,$18,$02,$19,$01,$3f,$f6,$fd
	dc.b	$e4,$e6,$04,$2e,$04,$2d,$04,$9d,$fe,$77,$bd,$00,$be,$f9,$50,$31
	dc.b	$54,$30,$54,$2f,$7f,$f8,$56,$03,$56,$02,$56,$01,$05,$ff,$f0,$52
	dc.b	$1d,$52,$1e,$e1,$9f,$52,$1f,$fc,$50,$3e,$54,$3c,$56,$04,$54,$36
	dc.b	$09,$e0,$c4,$9c,$f8,$ea,$1a,$50,$48,$24,$41,$ba,$a4,$b2,$fc,$fc
	dc.b	$21,$9a,$f2,$80,$f6,$9c,$fc,$1d,$5e,$92,$68,$01,$8a,$01,$8b,$ee
	dc.b	$fc,$68,$f2,$fd,$d5,$fd,$ce,$f7,$f7,$80,$fd,$f0,$f8,$0f,$04,$35
	dc.b	$f0,$f8,$0d,$54,$3f,$54,$39,$7f,$fe,$54,$38,$01,$ff,$02,$00,$06
	dc.b	$00,$60,$1a,$54,$43,$54,$ff,$f3,$42,$55,$fe,$55,$fd,$55,$fc,$55
	dc.b	$fb,$54,$46,$a4,$1c,$ff,$11,$50,$49,$54,$44,$54,$52,$50,$51,$54
	dc.b	$50,$80,$b2,$12,$8e,$8f,$4e,$06,$fc,$f2,$f2,$3c,$90,$fa,$58,$5c
	dc.b	$80,$f8,$20,$60,$f8,$20,$40,$f3,$02,$0a,$02,$2c,$3c,$0b,$70,$40
	dc.b	$f6,$86,$2a,$54,$29,$52,$f4,$62,$f8,$11,$c0,$f1,$2a,$52,$2b,$bc
	dc.b	$f4,$fc,$1a,$62,$f1,$72,$6e,$f2,$f2,$78,$00,$16,$bd,$fe,$00,$17
	dc.b	$fc,$f8,$0c,$18,$00,$19,$fc,$f8,$0c,$e0,$f8,$2e,$54,$06,$54,$04
	dc.b	$50,$fb,$be,$08,$50,$09,$f8,$fe,$50,$12,$50,$13,$fc,$f8,$0b,$00
	dc.b	$14,$00,$15,$f7,$fc,$fc,$f8,$0c,$1e,$00,$1f,$fc,$f8,$0c,$20,$00
	dc.b	$21,$fc,$f4,$50,$f5,$f7,$07,$50,$f6,$50,$f7,$e8,$fe,$50,$f8,$50
	dc.b	$87,$52,$1b,$3c,$1f,$fd,$e0,$fc,$50,$f9,$50,$85,$40,$ae,$f1,$50
	dc.b	$fa,$50,$fb,$07,$e1,$50,$fc,$50,$8b,$f6,$86,$f1,$2a,$1c,$50,$2f
	dc.b	$b2,$8c,$50,$8d,$50,$8e,$24,$f1,$24,$ee,$0a,$24,$9a,$eb,$92,$f3
	dc.b	$7c,$f2,$0a,$f2,$e0,$ec,$af,$9f,$dc,$05,$6d,$ae,$ef,$60,$f2,$1a
	dc.b	$06,$25,$01,$89,$45,$94,$e4,$4e,$ed,$e0,$e8,$2a,$f3,$11,$ae,$e0
	dc.b	$f0,$c0,$28,$02,$29,$38,$f6,$00,$8c,$c0,$fd,$ce,$e4,$a0,$59,$44
	dc.b	$c0,$8d,$ce,$00,$ea,$bc,$e0,$0b,$a8,$d6,$fc,$1b,$dc,$e2,$f8,$f0
	dc.b	$68,$ec,$ea,$bd,$f8,$e5,$20,$f0,$15,$a0,$e8,$09,$20,$f0,$16,$50
	dc.b	$54,$0d,$20,$f5,$1b,$52,$1c,$92,$a0,$dc,$e4,$60,$e5,$a8,$6e,$e2
	dc.b	$80,$6e,$e4,$82,$28,$12,$fc,$4e,$e2,$80,$6e,$e2,$44,$ee,$e7,$fa
	dc.b	$00,$66,$8e,$fe,$56,$25,$51,$8c,$c0,$c2,$e4,$bc,$f0,$fe,$38,$02
	dc.b	$15,$d8,$80,$fc,$06,$f8,$9d,$59,$f0,$12,$02,$11,$02,$10,$80,$fc
	dc.b	$f6,$5a,$30,$fe,$e0,$ee,$13,$80,$2e,$52,$2f,$f9,$6d,$7f,$f5,$05
	dc.b	$f9,$02,$16,$00,$23,$00,$24,$e4,$f3,$f2,$f1,$80,$ea,$50,$2b,$20
	dc.b	$8c,$50,$76,$5a,$f3,$84,$51,$89,$40,$a0,$5c,$58,$60,$6e,$00,$f9
	dc.b	$11,$95,$ae,$f5,$1b,$5a,$f6,$6a,$e3,$6a,$fc,$02,$82,$e8,$10,$96
	dc.b	$ee,$ea,$47,$0f,$ce,$f2,$13,$02,$14,$76,$b2,$f2,$16,$02,$17,$44
	dc.b	$8c,$ee,$e4,$88,$ea,$33,$fa,$d4,$04,$23,$f2,$e4,$e6,$fc,$54,$27
	dc.b	$54,$4f,$e4,$94,$54,$93,$04,$92,$e0,$ea,$e4,$f2,$54,$af,$af,$85
	dc.b	$54,$97,$04,$98,$c6,$fd,$52,$f3,$54,$87,$54,$99,$bc,$fc,$ff,$ff
	dc.b	$00,$e8,$39,$50,$6b,$50,$6c,$50,$6d,$50,$73,$50,$74,$50,$75,$50
	dc.b	$76,$50,$ff,$8f,$77,$50,$78,$50,$79,$50,$15,$50,$7a,$50,$7b,$50
	dc.b	$7c,$5e,$51,$f8,$20,$ee,$12,$00,$13,$fc,$f8,$0c,$00,$e8,$0e,$08
	dc.b	$6e,$e2,$4d,$d2,$fc,$f2,$bc,$d2,$8a,$32,$ee,$f6,$60,$04,$f0,$fa
	dc.b	$22,$fa,$00,$23,$06,$5c,$32,$fc,$80,$f1,$26,$54,$25,$67,$c1,$50
	dc.b	$27,$f6,$58,$20,$80,$f2,$20,$60,$d1,$51,$55,$f1,$6d,$d8,$80,$f3
	dc.b	$cc,$f3,$28,$f1,$80,$f0,$09,$12,$dc,$2d,$a3,$04,$e1,$d8,$ea,$18
	dc.b	$84,$d6,$a0,$d8,$4f,$41,$80,$f4,$02,$25,$01,$24,$ae,$05,$c0,$80
	dc.b	$f4,$88,$23,$f0,$25,$92,$12,$05,$fa,$ab,$02,$d6,$e0,$ff,$92,$f3
	dc.b	$e0,$fc,$8a,$f1,$e0,$86,$a7,$88,$10,$88,$01,$f9,$01,$fa,$80,$5d
	dc.b	$21,$05,$fa,$60,$fc,$50,$28,$80,$fe,$e0,$e9,$fc,$2d,$1b,$94,$84
	dc.b	$bc,$c9,$52,$86,$c0,$ce,$64,$ea,$2a,$7c,$74,$19,$fa,$e9,$76,$d2
	dc.b	$58,$55,$05,$48,$01,$5d,$f9,$5e,$f2,$fc,$f4,$57,$05,$52,$85,$e9
	dc.b	$1b,$05,$49,$f4,$fe,$02,$d5,$ff,$f2,$f4,$f8,$09,$ff,$f8,$32,$32
	dc.b	$d6,$96,$ca,$ff,$d8,$38,$50,$39,$50,$3f,$a2,$49,$a2,$4a,$fc,$54
	dc.b	$ea,$fe,$7f,$af,$02,$0d,$02,$0e,$02,$0f,$06,$0d,$cc,$f8,$0a,$c1
	dc.b	$00,$c2,$bc,$f8,$0c,$d2,$f9,$f0,$f8,$2c,$c0,$e1,$f0,$07,$04,$05
	dc.b	$f1,$07,$51,$bf,$aa,$75,$50,$c1,$50,$c2,$54,$31,$a0,$c6,$ac,$da
	dc.b	$ee,$f5,$46,$f2,$aa,$20,$60,$f3,$e4,$f3,$dc,$de,$d2,$cc,$6e,$de
	dc.b	$d4,$52,$d8,$0c,$b2,$ac,$e2,$e8,$5c,$f3,$d8,$c8,$e2,$82,$b2,$20
	dc.b	$de,$34,$f3,$ec,$1a,$f2,$84,$db,$b8,$84,$6a,$e8,$fe,$c4,$b8,$c0
	dc.b	$b8,$49,$20,$fc,$c0,$b8,$10,$1b,$2d,$e8,$08,$f3,$00,$f1,$51,$fc
	dc.b	$da,$8a,$f2,$bd,$ae,$d7,$97,$01,$73,$06,$99,$fc,$fe,$98,$f6,$e4
	dc.b	$04,$0a,$fc,$f6,$f4,$9b,$7f,$46,$f6,$06,$9f,$02,$e2,$0a,$98,$0a
	dc.b	$f4,$e6,$38,$e9,$fe,$e3,$04,$00,$fa,$f4,$fc,$50,$f5,$93,$43,$e2
	dc.b	$06,$91,$02,$fe,$92,$f8,$f0,$07,$84,$98,$06,$96,$02,$fe,$b0,$f8
	dc.b	$91,$20,$06,$95,$f0,$c4,$fe,$9a,$8d,$87,$f8,$06,$9c,$f0,$e4,$02
	dc.b	$e5,$aa,$08,$fe,$02,$bc,$f8,$fa,$eb,$32,$50,$33,$50,$34,$9f,$ff
	dc.b	$50,$b4,$50,$b5,$50,$b6,$fc,$b7,$50,$b8,$50,$b9,$54,$e1,$fb,$b9
	dc.b	$f0,$fe,$ba,$f0,$bb,$f0,$bc,$68,$d2,$06,$19,$fc,$ff,$f4,$ae,$fc
	dc.b	$ad,$fc,$ac,$fc,$ab,$fc,$aa,$f0,$fc,$a6,$fc,$fb,$8b,$a5,$fc,$a4
	dc.b	$48,$d6,$30,$be,$3c,$a3,$3c,$a2,$38,$d0,$09,$c5,$56,$f0,$a1,$58
	dc.b	$c0,$0b,$f0,$a0,$f0,$f8,$0e,$9f,$40,$b0,$52,$58,$d5,$b5,$6e,$80
	dc.b	$f7,$58,$d5,$80,$f0,$0d,$f1,$72,$cc,$80,$f7,$01,$6d,$c0,$f8,$1e
	dc.b	$58,$45,$fd,$48,$f6,$bc,$fc,$c0,$c0,$ee,$9c,$ea,$18,$a1,$6d,$01
	dc.b	$4b,$f8,$48,$05,$55,$8e,$cc,$a6,$f0,$52,$05,$57,$d1,$a0,$05,$56
	dc.b	$ec,$38,$ea,$88,$a0,$32,$cb,$c0,$fe,$ec,$fe,$c6,$f0,$ec,$fe,$01
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