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Proto:Yume Nikki/Version 0.06/Unused Graphics

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This is a sub-page of Proto:Yume Nikki/Version 0.06.

New to v0.06

These graphics were first found, or have only appeared in v0.06 thus far.

FC World Stone

A second stone graphic exists in v0.06's FC World tileset, but is never used. It has a different design from the other stone graphic used in version 0.10.

v0.06 - v0.09 v0.10
Yn006 FCStoneUnused.png Yn010 FCStone2.png

The Infinite Road

In the CharSet image for the Floyag NPCs, there are stray pixels at the bottom resembling half of an eye.

Yn006 FloyagEyeHalf.png

Nopperabou Witches

There are some unused sprites for the Nopperabou Witch NPCs located on Witch's Island. One depicts one of the witches looking to the left, seemingly from behind, while another simply has more hair covering their face, not too different from one of the used sprites.

Yn UnusedWitches.png

Thumbs.db Images

Version 0.06 has some hidden images within a Thumbs.db file as well, but not nearly as many as v0.04 did. Each of these were found in the CharSet folder.

Thumbs.db Image Used Image (If available) Japanese Filename Translated Filename Folder Location Date Modified Notes
Yn006 Event22Thumb.png Yn006 Event22CharSet.png イベント22.png Event 22 CharSet 1/15/2005 (06:31:26 UTC) An earlier version of the CharSet image used for the Floyags on the Infinite Road.
  • There are two sets of eyes; neither of which belong to the blue Floyag. They appear to be the eyes of the pink Floyag, suggesting that it was originally at the exit of the Infinite Road.
  • The road and manhole are missing.
  • The blue Floyag is positioned differently.
  • The stray pixels resembling half an eye are missing.
Yn006 TriangleKerchiefThumb.png N/A 【カード】△頭巾.png [Card] Triangle Kerchief CharSet 1/11/2005 (09:56:18 UTC) A "card" image of the Spirit Headband effect. The resolution is slightly higher than the mugshots from the FaceSet images, being 48×64 rather than 48×48. The intended use of these card images is unknown.
Yn006 OniThumb.png N/A 【カード】おに.png [Card] Oni CharSet 1/11/2005 (10:05:06 UTC) A card of the Demon/Oni effect.
Yn006 MidgetThumb.png N/A 【カード】こびと.png [Card] Midget CharSet 1/11/2005 (09:54:36 UTC) A card of the Midget effect.
Yn006 StoplightThumb.png N/A 【カード】しんごう.png [Card] Traffic Light CharSet 1/11/2005 (10:05:48 UTC) A card of the Stoplight/Traffic Light effect.
Yn006 LampThumb.png N/A 【カード】でんとう.png [Card] Lamp CharSet 1/11/2005 (09:55:10 UTC) A card of the Lamp effect.
Yn006 CatThumb.png N/A 【カード】ねこ.png [Card] Cat CharSet 1/11/2005 (09:53:22 UTC) A card of the Cat effect.
Yn006 FatThumb.png N/A 【カード】ふとる.png [Card] Fat CharSet 1/11/2005 (09:55:38 UTC) A card of the Fatten effect.
Yn006 WitchThumb.png N/A 【カード】まじょ.png [Card] Witch CharSet 1/11/2005 (10:04:20 UTC) A card of the Witch effect.
Yn006 YukiOnnaThumb.png N/A 【カード】ゆきおんな.png [Card] Yuki Onna CharSet 1/11/2005 (09:54:02 UTC) A card of the Yuki-onna/Snow Woman effect.
Yn006 NeonThumb.png N/A 【カード】ネオン.png [Card] Neon CharSet 1/11/2005 (10:07:12 UTC) A card of the Neon effect.
Yn006 BlondeThumb.png N/A 【カード】ブロンド.png [Card] Blonde CharSet 1/11/2005 (09:57:34 UTC) A card of the Blonde Hair effect.
Yn006 SnowmanThumb.png N/A 【カード】雪だるま.png [Card] Snowman CharSet 1/11/2005 (09:58:30 UTC) A card of the Snowman transformation.
(Source: supersplite_goh (Card images))

Shared with v0.04

These graphics were also unused in v0.04.


Some stone blocks can be found in Puddle World's ChipSet, but they are not used anywhere.

Yn004-06 PuddleWorldBlocks.png


Some unused eyes are found in the Barracks Settlement's ChipSet.

Yn004 BarracksSettlementEye.pngYn004 BarracksSettlementDoubleEye.png


The elevator graphics used for The Mall in v0.10 exists in v0.06, but are never utilized. They are colored differently from the v0.10 counterpart.

v0.04/v0.06 v0.07 onward
Yn006 Elevator.PNG Yn010 Elevator.PNG

Hat and Scarf Effect

The alternate version of the Hat and Scarf effect still exists.

Unused Used
Yn004-UnusedHatScarfEffect.png Yn-MadotsukiHatScarfEffect.png

Submarine Fish

Both the used and unused variants of the Submarine Fish from v0.10 have sprites in v0.06, but neither of them are used. Both of them lack shadows in v0.06, having a "chopped-off" appearance.

v0.04/v0.06 v0.09/v0.10
Yn006 SubmarineFish.png Yn010 SubmarineFish.png

Shared with v0.10

Graphics that remained unused in v0.10.



Like in v0.10, graphics for a Blindfold Effect can be found. They are identical to v0.10's, excluding the lack of wake-up pinch sprites.

Yn006 BlindfoldEffect.png

Chair-Riding Madotsuki

A mugshot for when Madotsuki is riding the desk chair exists, but can never be seen in-game. It still exists in v0.10, but even with the glitches that can be done in the chair, it still can't be seen. The unused animation for scooting around in the chair while sitting still also exists in this version.

Yn Chair-RidingMadotsuki.png Yn-UnusedChairAnimation.gif

Crick in the Neck

FC World sprites for when Madotsuki has this condition exist, like in v0.10, but are never used.


Greyscale Madotsuki

While some sprites of Greyscale Madotsuki are used in Mini Hell, the walking sprites and mugshot are never seen in-game, just like v0.10.

Yn-greyscale.PNG Yn GreyscaleMadotsuki.png


The same sprites for the Midget Effect with eight Madotsukis are present, alongside the sprite's FC World variants.

Yn EightMidgets.png Yn FCEightMidgets.png

Traffic Light

An unused state of the Traffic Light effect with both lights off. These sprites remain in v0.10, despite not having a use.

Yn-StoplightUnlit.png Yn-FCStoplightUnlit.png


The same Will-o'-the-Wisp mugshot is also never used in v0.06. The sprites for this Effect can be found in v0.04, albeit unused.


CharSet Graphics

Barracks Settlement

Yn-BarracksSettlementJellyStalk.png Yn-BarracksSettlementSmallJellyStalk.png

Two types of jelly stalks are never used.


A static version of the boombox used at the Toriningen Party with a different design. It is a remnant from older versions of the game, including v0.04. It also remains unused in favor of the animated boombox in v0.10.

v0.04 v0.06 onward
Yn OldBoombox.png Yn BoomboxAnimated.gif

FC World Square

A 16x16 square found in an FC World CharSet. It was probably used to measure FC World sprites.



The unused colorations of Kinoko-san found in v0.10 are also unused in v0.06.

Yn unusedKinoko.png

Madotsuki's Room & Effect Objects

The same unused objects and tiles for Madotsuki's room in v0.10 are also present in v0.04. Some of them are alternate designs for objects that you collect effects from.

Yn-madotsukisroom.PNG Yn-trash.png Yn MadotsukiRoomObjects.png Yn-unusedthing.png

The Mall

The friendly toriningen in the Mall has sprites for facing other directions, but it only ever faces forward.


Eye Palm

The Eye Palm has graphics for facing left like the other arms, but this is never seen in-game. These frames remain in v0.10, but are still unused.


Neon World

There are differently assembled variants of one of the floor patterns in Neon World, but the version that is used is split into three pieces per color. This is done to allow it to cycle through the colors by simply having the tiles "spin around" in place, probably to make the animation easier to implement.

Unused Used
Yn-NeonFloorUnused.png Yn-NeonFloorUnused2.png Yn-NeonFloor.png

Train Passenger


The same unused train passenger in v0.10 is also unused in v0.06.

ChipSet Graphics

Barracks Settlement

Yn-BarracksSettlementJellyStalk.png Yn-BarracksSettlementSmallJellyStalk.png

Two types of jelly stalks are never used.

Dotted Tiles


These tiles have a similar pattern to the floor tiles used in Hell, possibly making them in-progress versions of the tiles.

The Infinite Road


An outline of half of one of the Floyags.


This manhole has part of the road surrounding it, but there aren't any manholes placed on the road.

Madotsuki's Room

YumeNikki-cracked-window.png Yn windowReflection.png Yn MadotsukiRoomAutoTile.png Yn-MadotsukiRoomUnusedFloorTiles.png Yn-MadotsukiRoomUnusedWallTiles.png



Some kind of hole that is never used in the Mall.


This autotile is a recolor of what's used in Madotsuki's room, but is never seen in the Mall.

Puddle World

Yn-PuddleWorldTiles1.png Yn-PuddleWorldTiles2.png Yn-PuddleWorldTiles3.png Yn-PuddleWorldTiles4.png

These tiles are likely placeholders. The circular tiles can be used to (kind of) make your own custom puddles. The second, third, and fourth collections of tiles can also be found in Forest World's ChipSet and Neon World's ChipSet.

Sewers Graffiti

The unused sewers graffiti in v0.10 is also present in v0.06.

Yn SewersGraffiti.png

Table & Confetti

Like in v0.10, unused graphics for a table and some confetti can be found in the tilesets for Forest World and Graffiti World.

Yn-ForestWorldTable.png Yn-ForestWorldConfetti.png

Teleport Maze

A fully-built platform with an indented tile. Each platform on this map is pieced together instead, rendering this type of platform unused.


Windmill World


Some tiles that resemble tatami, a type of Japanese flooring.

The Witch's Island


A tree that, for whatever reason, lacks branches.

Unused Pictures

3-Line Message Window

A message window that allows three lines of text. There is never an opportunity to use this window in v0.06 or v0.10.

It was probably only used in version 0.05, which was the first version to add borders for the message windows. Version 0.04 shows that three lines of text were used when the game asks if you want to put the chair back at Madotsuki's desk in the dream world, supporting this theory.

Yn 3LineMessageWindow.png