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Rec Room

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Title Screen

Rec Room

Developer: Rec Room Inc.
Platforms: Windows, Linux, PlayStation 4, IOS, Xbox One, Android, PlayStation 5, Oculus Rift, Meta Quest 2, Nintendo Switch
Released internationally: June 28, 2016

AreasIcon.png This game has unused areas.
DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
EnemyIcon.png This game has unused enemies.
MinigameIcon.png This game has unused modes / minigames.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
ItemsIcon.png This game has unused items.
MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

<Sanky> please suggest an unused sprite with a clock or something
This game is still under active development.
Be aware that any unused content you find may become used or removed in the future. Please only add things to the article that are unlikely to ever be used, or went unused for some time. If they do get used, please remove them from the page and specify in the edit summary!
This article is a work in progress.
...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes.

Rec Room is an online social game where you can build games and hang out with people around the world on many platforms. Originally made for VR devices only, but now also supports non-VR devices, consoles, and mobile devices.

To do:
  • Lots of more RRO stuff to add, should get turned into a subpage when needed.
  • Add more of the game's Debug Material, Unused Items, Unused Sounds, Unused Music and Unused Enemies.
  • Get actual high quality screenshots of Mainframe Assault (show inside of red and blue spawns and a wide view from spawn?), Arena EMP, Ping Pong, Bog Monster, and Early Grenade Launcher.



  • RRO - Any room made by Rec Room Inc. (stands for Rec Room Original)
  • Room - A room created inside Rec Room. Either UGC (made by players) or a RRO (made by the developers with Unity).


Kart Racing

An unreleased and scrapped RRO where you could race around a track with other players. The map features one main track and a smaller practice track inside the main track.

This RRO exists in builds from November 23, 2016 to March 17, 2017.

Portion of Main Track Practice Track

On September 29th, 2021, a similar RRO would be released titled "Rec Rally", which has the same concept, but with a different track and Buggies instead of Go-Karts.

Epic Quest

The first pre-release version of the "Quest for the Golden Trophy" RRO. Despite having eight player slots on the scoreboard, the room only allows up to four players.

This version exists in builds from January 18-20, 2017.

The room you join and start in, which would later be split into the Foyer and Armory rooms.

Early Locker Room

A pre-release version of the Locker Room. It features a completely different layout and it's somewhat broken in the builds that it exists in (although repairable).

This RRO exists in builds from June 28-July 27, 2016.


Disc Golf 2

A test map used by the developers for experimenting with what they could do for the next Disc Golf map, which ended up being Propulsion.

This test map exists in builds from January 18-March 17, 2017.



An unreleased and scrapped RRO. The map is pretty small and very bright.

This RRO exists in builds from June 28-July 27, 2016.



An unreleased and scrapped RRO. Has invisible walls and low gravity, the "Paddleball" RRO evolved from this.

This RRO exists in builds from June 28-July 27, 2016.


Ping Pong

An unreleased and scrapped RRO. Has the same area as Wehrlyball except for a basic pingpong table, paddles, pingpong balls, and lack of scoreboard.

There were still plans to move Ping Pong to its own activity after this map got scrapped, but those plans were most likely forgotten.

This RRO exists in builds from June 28-July 27, 2016.

RecRoom PingpongCLOSEUP.png RecRoom Pingpongunusedscrapped.png

Dorm Photo Studio

A RRO only intended for developers to use, seemingly used for taking photos infront of a green screen.

It features the Dorm Room's mirror, drawers, and carpet. The lighting has various colors coming from different angles.

The room contains a neon green floor and wall, used as the green screen.

RecRoom DormPhotoStudio.png

Changing Room

The area in which you would customize your avatar. Features scrollable clothing racks instead of drawers and was apart of the Locker Room activity. Other players were not visible in the Changing Room.

This area was only in the game up until the "Move in" update was released on July 21, 2016, which replaced the Changing Room with the Dorm Room and added the clothing drawers.

RecRoom ChangingRoom.png

Mainframe Assault

A scrapped gamemode from pre-release versions of "Laser Tag" which featured both teams having a jumbotron they had to defend, to win you had to destroy the other team's jumbotron/mainframe.

You could earn credits for your team by destroying enemy bots and tagging players, and lost credits by dying or friendly firing bots and teammates.

With credits, your team can buy bot waves, which spawns in 2 flying bots and 2 ground bots from the "The Rise of Jumbotron" RRO on your team, which would go on a path to get to and shoot at the enemy jumbotron, and shoot any enemies it finds on that path.

RecRoom Mainframe.png

Unused Items


Was used in the Kart Racing RRO. The Rec Room logo on the steering wheel makes a horn noise when touched. It would later be replaced by the Buggy.



A scrapped weapon from the pre-release versions of the "Crescendo of the Blood Moon" RRO.



Only available in the first pre-release version of Epic Quest. Acted identical to the sword, just with different hit sounds and a different hitbox.


Magic Wand

An earlier scrapped version of the Magic Wand from the "Curse of the Campus Witch" version of the "Curse of the Crimson Cauldron" RRO.

This version has a very different design and functions very differently from the final version, instead of firing a bunch of projectiles within a delay after activating it, it instead has a weaker shot which instantly shoots when pressing the trigger, and a stronger shotgun-like shot when you charge it by waving it around and letting go of the trigger.



A scrapped weapon from early versions of "Isle of Lost Skulls". It is a grapple-type weapon using the crossbow model that grapples enemies and items towards you, and doesn't do any damage.

RecRoom Hookshot Crossbow-1.png RecRoom Hookshot Crossbow-2.png

Arena EMP

A scrapped item from a scrapped "Search and Destroy" gamemode for Laser Tag, at some point in 2023 the Arena EMP had all its code removed for unknown reasons. It makes a loud metal hit sound on collision, which was reused in the "Isle of Lost Skulls" RRO when hitting the locks on gates in the first act.

RecRoom Arenaemp!.png


Only available inside the Horseshoes RRO and the pre-release Locker Room.

In the Horseshoes RRO, on grass impact it shows dust particles and plays a sound.


Squeeze Box

Was never publicly available and was in the files of the game for only a short period of time.

The only instrument ever made in Rec Room, and is very buggy.

RecRoom Squeezebox.png

Green Screen Tool

Developer only tool, used as a portable green screen that can be spawned and used in any scene.

This green screen, even though it has green in its name, doesn't have a green color option. The color options are as follows: Black, White, and Blue.


Tutorial Cam

Developer only tool, is a video camera with advanced settings that can be spawned and used in any scene.

Was most likely used to record the old tutorials before the streamer cam was added and replaced this.

RecRoom Tutorial Cam.png

Paintball Sword

Appears to be a scrapped weapon from Paintball, uses shotgun pickup and throw sounds similar to the Saija Sword from the Raw Data event. Very inconsistently splats stuff it hits.

RecRoom PaintballSword.png

Small Grenade Launcher

Known in the files as "PaintballGrenadeLauncherSmall", this appears to be a scrapped variant of the Grenade Launcher.

RecRoom SmallGrenadeLauncher.png

Tennis Ball

An item that was mysteriously added to the Maker Pen in the March 27, 2020 "Rec Room Plus" update. When saved in a room, it became a rock. It was then removed from the Maker Pen in the very next update but remains in the files.

RecRoom Tennis Ball.jpg

Campus Club Card

An earlier unreleased version of Rec Room's subscription "Rec Room Plus". Development of the Campus Club Card started somewhere in mid 2019, and had 2 tiers, Gold and Platinum. The Campus Club Card eventually evolved into "Rec Room Plus" and was released under that name. Used a separate balance from the regular token balance.



An unused consumable, as of October 2024 it has never been sold in-game. Potentially scrapped due to a very rare bug that was hard to reproduce where according to a developer, if two players tried to grab the same sparkler at the same time, one of them would completely lose functionality of their hand.

SparklerUnLit.jpg SparklerLit.jpg

Removed Items

Old Recorder Cameras

These were cameras that were included in most RROs, the types of cameras were as follows: GIF, VID, and JMB. The GIF cam records looping gifs, the VID cam records videos (without audio), and the JMB cam also recorded gifs, but also controlled the jumbotron screen seen in Paddleball.

These cameras were removed in the April 23, 2019 "Let There Be Lights!" update, most likely due to future planned platforms not performing well with them and not being able to use the cameras for their intended purpose anyways.

RecRoom Old Recorder Camera-1.jpg RecRoom Old Recorder Camera-2.jpg RecRoom Old Recorder Camera-3.jpg

Dorm Room Computer

A computer where you could do various things such as change your name, take your photo, search for players, import friends from the platform you're on, add a phone number, and join room codes. This was removed and everything got moved to the watch in the October 27, 2017 "Cheers" update.

RecRoom Dorm Room Computer.png

Original Class Of 2016 Shirt Color

The original Class Of 2016 Shirt color when it was first released. Later turning to red on November 22nd, 2017.

RecRoom Class Of 2016 Shirt Orange.jpg

Sandbox Machine

A precursor to the Maker Pen where you could get various props, weapons, etc. This was removed and replaced by the Maker Pen in the November 5, 2018 "Maker Pen 2.0" update.

RecRoom Sandbox Machine.jpg

Early Grenade Launcher

This version of the Grenade Launcher was used in Spillway before being redesigned in the September 1, 2017 "Sandbox Machine" update.

RecRoom Grenade Launcher.png

Unused Graphics

Mainframe Assault HUD Concept

Concept art left in the game for a very short amount of time, showing what the HUD for the scrapped Laser Tag Mainframe Assault gamemode could've been like.


Nose Sprite Sheet

An unused nose sprite sheet from the July 13, 2018 "New You" update that added customization to eyes and mouths, meaning that they were also planning to add noses but ended up not going with it in 2018.

Noses were still eventually added with Full Body Avatars in 2024, but as 3D noses instead of the 2D nose shown here.


Brow Sprite Sheet

An unused eyebrow sprite sheet from the July 13, 2018 "New You" update that added customization to eyes and mouths, meaning that they were also planning to add eyebrows but ended up not going with it in 2018.

Eyebrows were still eventually added with Full Body Avatars in 2024, with more styles than shown here.


Gizmo logo decal

Unused Scientist Rec Room logo, kinda similar to the one today, but this one looks like it was made in MSPaint.

RecRoom Gizmo logo decal.png

Hunternote Wizard Texture

Unused Curse of The Crimson Cauldron note texture.

RecRoom Hunternote Wizard Texture.png


This sprite is from the Trailer Development build. It shows the shot order of the trailer.

Can be seen in this video [1] RecRoom PurpleTeam.png


This sprite is from the Trailer Development build. Shows more shots of the trailer.

Can be seen in this video [2] RecRoom OrangeTeam.png


Previously used help note that shows how to open the watch. The character however has arms and a neck, this is a remnant the characters in Rec Room were always planned to have more limbs but due to the limitations at the time they couldn't do it, and instead decided to embrace the limitations in the meanwhile until they could, which ended up being in 2023 with Full Body Avatars.

RecRoom Help Menu OPEN MENU.png Limitations cuh.png

Unused Enemies

Grenade Enemy

A scrapped enemy from the pre-release versions of the "The Rise of Jumbotron" RRO.

This enemy shoots a grenade towards the player, which the player is supposed to catch and throw back at the enemy. The grenade does not cook once being shot meaning the only way this enemy can cause harm is by you friendly firing your teammates with the grenades.

This concept would later be revisited with the "Mortar Goblin" enemy from the "Curse of the Crimson Cauldron" RRO, which shoots simple on impact explosives instead.


Bog Monster

A very unfinished looking version of the Bog Monster mini-boss from the "Curse of the Crimson Cauldron" RRO.

Taken from this video at 1:01 seconds

RecRoom Bog Monster.png

Skeleton Bellhop

An earlier version of the Skeleton Bellhop enemy from the pre-release October 12th, 2018 version of Crescendo of the Blood Moon, uses the model of the flintlock pirate from Isle of Lost Skulls, with a poorly layered costume.


Debugging Material

Non-VR Mode

A debug feature used by developers to play without a VR headset. It was most likely meant to quickly test aspects of the game without having to put on a headset each time.

Later in 2018, this would get a major overhaul and be released to the public as Screen Mode.

This exists in all builds from June 28, 2016 until May 2018.

In action here


Development-Related Text

DummyPlayer exception

The DummyPlayer MonoBehaviour has a somewhat-absurd exception message if the MonoBehaviour exists while the game is playing.

I shouldn't exist. Kill me please. I'm for testing only.

Unused Music


Placeholder combat music used for the pre-release December 15th, 2017 version of Isle of Lost Skulls.


Placeholder explore music used for the pre-release December 15th, 2017 version of Isle of Lost Skulls.


Combat music used for the pre-release November 8, 2018 version of Crescendo of the Blood Moon.


Explore music used for the pre-release November 8, 2018 version of Crescendo of the Blood Moon.


Explore music used for the pre-release October 12, 2018 version of Crescendo of the Blood Moon.


Explore/combat music used for the pre-release January 20, 2017 version of Quest for the Golden Trophy. Completely different from the final music.

This song was for some strange reason included in Volume 1 of the Rec Room Soundtrack, where it's called "Apartment 205 (Demo)".


Used to play and loop in earlier versions of Quest for the Golden Trophy if the combat theme played for long enough.

Was used for sometime until being scrapped and now the combat theme just loops.


Game music used in very early versions of 3D Charades. Was later replaced with an actual track produced by gribbly.

Unused Sounds


Fanfare used for the pre-release November 8, 2018 version of Crescendo of the Blood Moon.


Fanfare used for the pre-release October 12, 2018 version of Crescendo of the Blood Moon.


Fanfare used for the pre-release February 3, 2017 version of Quest for the Golden Trophy.


Fanfare used for the October 27, 2017 public test version of Laser Tag. Lasts way longer than what it should, and may be a bit too loud.


Voiceline used in the scrapped laser tag Fuel Run gamemode for when blue team loses a fuel cell.


Voiceline used in the scrapped laser tag Fuel Run gamemode for when red team loses a fuel cell.


Voiceline used in the scrapped laser tag Fuel Run gamemode for when a team installs a fuel cell.


Voiceline used in the scrapped laser tag Fuel Run gamemode for when a fuel cell spawns.


Headshot sound that was used for pre-release Laser Tag.


Early headshot sound used for Laser Tag. The "Headshot!" part was removed sometime in early 2018.


Unused Paintball Shotgun pickup sound, was temporarily reused for the Hammer and Sword pickup in Epic Quest.


Never used sound left in early builds files. Comes from the Photon Demo.


Never used sound left in early builds files. Comes from the Photon Demo.


Used in the scrapped Horseshoes RRO, for when a Horseshoe hits the metal steak.


Unused Footstep sound effect, not sure where it comes from. Only found in very early builds of Rec Room when walking wasn't even a feature.


Unused Firework sound effect, only used in early versions of Rec Room.


Used in the scrapped Horseshoes RRO, for when a Horseshoe hits the ground.


An unused Curse of the Crimson Cauldron sound effect, assumingly from the "Curse of the Campus Witch" version of the "Curse of the Crimson Cauldron" RRO.


Unused Coach voiceline that would've been played when the game was at match point.


Unused sound effect assumingly used for when Sandbox Mode was engaged at the Sandbox machine.


Unused version of another used sound effect that says the same thing, except this one seems to be made with Text To Speech instead of Amy Lee's voice.


Another unused version of another used sound effect that says the same thing, uses Text To Speech instead of Amy Lee's voice.


An unused voiceline probably for the tutorial. Doesn't feature Amy Lee, nor does it use Text To Speech. Very low quality. The voice actor of this sound file is Bilal, and the person in the background is Gribbly.


Another unused tutorial voiceline, features the same voice actor as AvatarCustom. The voice actor of this sound file is Bilal, and the person in the background is Gribbly.


Another unused tutorial voiceline. The voice actor of this sound file is Bilal, and the person in the background is Gribbly.


Another unused tutorial voiceline. The voice actor of this sound file is Bilal, and the person in the background is Gribbly.


A sound effect for the scrapped "Grenade Enemy" enemy that was in the pre-release versions of the "The Rise of Jumbotron" RRO.