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Red Alarm

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Title Screen

Red Alarm

Developer: T&E Soft
Publishers: T&E Soft (JP), Nintendo (US)
Platform: Virtual Boy
Released in JP: July 21, 1995
Released in US: August 14, 1995

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
SoundtestIcon.png This game has a hidden sound test.
LevelSelectIcon.png This game has a hidden level select.

Red Alarm is a wireframe, not-quite-on-rails 3D shooter. The player is afforded full 3D movement but the stages are mostly long, winding corridors, so it could reasonably be likened to Star Fox (or 64, given the free-ranging boss battles) and was the closest the system came to delivering on the early Star Fox tech demo. The developers seem to have played into this idea, even beginning the game with a digitized "Good luck!"

Debug Menu

The debug menu button sequence in Red Alarm is easy to remember but slightly harder to pull off:

  • On the title screen, press Select 60 times (alternately, apply this patch to only have to press Select once).

If performed correctly, an explosion sound effect will play. If the game moves on to its attract sequence without playing the effect, it hasn't worked. If it works, the debug menu can now be summoned with the following input:

  • In-game, press L, R, Select and A simultaneously.

This will cause the debug menu to appear on-screen, as seen below. The "Special" option will give the player all ship upgrades and invincibility, while the rest are quite self-explanatory, with the "Music" menu opening into a rather bare-bones sound test. "Exit" restarts the current stage.

Debug Menu Sound Test
RedAlarm-VB-Help.png RedAlarm-VB-Music.png
(Source: Planet Virtual Boy)

Unused Graphics


Stored alongside the lock-on and explosion graphics, beginning at 0x2F204, are the above graphics, reading "I want to speed" and (probably) "I want to line" in tiny print.