Star Fox 64
Star Fox 64 |
Also known as: Lylat Wars (EU/AU)
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Star Fox 64 is the third second game in the Star Fox series, salvaging some ideas from the then-unreleased Star Fox 2.
To do: |
Development Info |
Prototype Info |
Prerelease Info |
Bugs |
Unused Graphics Scrapped graphics including the Cornerian soldier's portrait are found in here. |
Unused Sound Effects Oh, dear. Peppy's ears are still ringing. |
Unused Models
Bomb Pickup
In Aquas only, an unused bomb model can be seen by spawning a bomb drop in the level. It appears to resemble a torpedo. The model itself is very large when the item appears on-screen.
Note: In the screenshots, the Aquas map was manually brightened up via hacking for a better capture.
Unused Code
Unused Laser Types
Unused coding exists for a different type of single shot laser. This coding is only used by Star Fox and Star Wolf. There's a single dual red laser that isn't actually used by Star Wolf. They are all purely cosmetic differences.
NA 1.0 | NA 1.1 | AU | EU | JP | iQue |
81034F70 2405 81034F72 00?? |
810393E0 2405 810393E2 00?? |
810393B0 2405 810393B2 00?? |
810393A0 2405 810393A2 00?? |
81036250 2405 81036252 00?? |
8103844C 2405 8103844E 00?? |
00 Regular 01 Single red laser (used by Star Wolf) 02 Dual green laser (used by Bill) 03 Dual red laser
In the Star Wolf Venom battle, Star Wolf only uses ID 01 laser type, not the 03 type.
Unused Engine Color
An unused light orange-ish engine color set remains in the game. This color set isn't exclusive to Star Fox, any enemy in the game could have used it as well. The entire set of engine colors are below as well.
Red (used on ground levels) | Blue (used in space levels) |
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Green (used only by enemies) | Orange (Copperhead Missile) |
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NA 1.0 | NA 1.1 | AU | EU | JP | iQue |
81050484 2404 81050486 00?? 81056B44 2404 81056B46 00?? |
810548F4 2404 810548F6 00?? 8105AFB4 2404 8105AFB6 00?? |
81054884 2404 81054886 00?? 8105AFF4 2404 8105AFF6 00?? |
81054874 2404 81054876 00?? 8105AFF4 2404 8105AFF6 00?? |
81051744 2404 81051746 00?? 81057DE4 2404 81057DE6 00?? |
8105396C 2404 8105396E 00?? 8105A024 2404 8105A026 00?? |
The first two codes are for Fox and the last two codes are for Falco, Peppy and Slippy. This was possibly an early color design for Fox's team as the actor IDs for each color match Fox, Falco, Slippy, and Peppy in that order. The 3DS remake would implement this in its multiplayer mode.
00 = Red 01 = Blue 02 = Green 03 = Orange
Unused Shield
A shield is used by Star Wolf and the enemies on Bolse before all barriers are destroyed, but is never made available to the player. It can be enabled with the following GameShark codes depending on version.
NA 1.0 | NA 1.1 | AU | EU | JP | iQue |
8116D940 0001 | 81177AD0 0001 | 81179B38 0001 | 81179C38 0001 | 8117D270 0001 | 8116FFF8 0001 |
If you collide with anything, you won't take any damage, nor will you ever lose your wings. The shield is only visible when used on Arwing levels, but also gives invincibility to the Landmaster and the Blue-Marine.
This was later made available in the 3D remake, as a multiplayer powerup.
Star Wolf on Katina
For some reason, Star Wolf's bank is loaded in on Katina. There are no triggers for them to normally spawn, however. This is the only all range mode fight that they are loaded in, outside of the regular planets you fight them in. Trying to load them in any other all range mode they do not normally appear in causes the game to crash.
Unused Areas
Venom 1 Sub-Section
An unused sub-section after the regular data of Venom 1 can be seen here. A very short and glitched version of Venom 1. It's possible this may have been an early way to get to Venom 2 but was scrapped very early on.
Apply this code to the US 1.0 version of the game to always enable sub-section loading if the level has one: 8016E0EF 0001
Area 6 Level
An unused Area 6-like level can be seen here. It simply contains a worm-like enemy from Meteo. The level cannot be completed.
Enter a planet with the below code on to appear here.
NA 1.0 | NA 1.1 | AU | EU | JP | iQue |
8016E0A7 0004 | 80178237 0004 | 8017A29F 0004 | 8017A39F 0004 | 8017D9D7 0004 | 8017075F 0004 |
Crash Debugger
Star Fox 64 contains a very simple crash debugger. To trigger it, crash the game in some way; you should then see a white line in the top right corner. Now hold R and input the following button sequence:
- C-Left + C-Down
- A (twice)
- B (twice)
- C-Left (twice)
- A
- B
- C-Left (five times)
- Start
All there is to the crash debugger is a single page containing the registers at the time of crashing.
Debug Text
The following offsets correspond to file 01_00001050-000E93C0_vs00001050 in the decompressed version of Star Fox 64 (J).
Table Remake -------------------Undefined Ctype Error? Limit OVER %d in %d Get %x %x Break %x %d %d Terminate-Canceled Channel %d,Phase %d S->W W->S S-Resample Pitch %x (old %d -> delay %d) Warning:Kill Note %x Kill Voice %d (ID %d) %d Warning: Running Sequence's data disappear! %x %x %x Audio:Memory:Heap OverFlow : Not Allocate %d! %x %x %x Audio:Memory:Heap OverFlow : Not Allocate %d! Audio:Memory:DataHeap Not Allocate StayHeap Not Allocate %d AutoHeap Not Allocate %d Status ID0 : %d ID1 : %d id 0 is Stopping id 0 is Stop id 1 is Stopping id 1 is Stop WARNING: NO FREE AUTOSEQ AREA. WARNING: NO STOP AUTO AREA. AND TRY FORCE TO STOP SIDE Check ID0 (seq ID %d) Useing ... Check ID1 (seq ID %d) Useing ... No Free Seq area. CH %d: ID %d TWO SIDES ARE LOADING... ALLOC CANCELED. WARNING: Before Area Overlaid After. WARNING: After Area Overlaid Before. MEMORY:SzHeapAlloc ERROR: sza->side %d Audio:MEMORY:SzHeap Overflow error. (%d bytes) Auto Heap Unhit for ID %d Heap Reconstruct Start %x ---------------------------------------TEMPO %d %f %f %f AHPBASE %x AHPCUR %x HeapTop %x SynoutRate %d / %d FXSIZE %d FXCOMP %d FXDOWN %d WaveCacheLen: %d SpecChange Finished Warning:Emem Over,not alloc %d Single AutoSize %d Single Ptr %x Request--------Single-Auto, %d Retry %x, %x, len %x DMAing list %d is killed. Try Kill %d Try Kill %x %x Try Kill %x %x %x Rom back %x %x Error sw NULL Request--------Single-Stay, %d Try Kill %d Try Kill %x %x Try Kill %x %x %x CAUTION:WAVE CACHE FULL %d SUPERDMA Bank Change... top %d lba %d BankCount %d BANK LOAD MISS! FOR %d BankCount %d Flush Start %d ->%d useflag %d BankCount %d %2x StartSeq (Group %d,Seq %d) Process finish LoadCtrl, Ptr %x and Media is %d Load Bank, Type %d , ID %d get auto get s-auto %x Seq %d Write ID OK %d! Banknumber %d Bank Offset %x %d %d PEP Touch %x FastCopy ---Block Fast here ===Block Fast end Error: Cannot DMA Media [%d] Warning: size not align 16 %x (%s) Load Bank BG, Type %d , ID %d get auto get s-auto %x Clear Workarea %x -%x size %x AudioHeap is %x Heap reset.Synth Change %x Heap %x %x %x Main Heap Initialize. %d :WaveA %d WaveB %d Inst %d,Perc %d ---------- Init Completed. ------------ Syndrv :[%6d] Seqdrv :[%6d] audiodata :[%6d] --------------------------------------- Entry--- %d %d ---Block LPS here ===Block LPS end SLOWCOPY Req: Src %x Dest %x Len %x,media %d,retcode %d Remain Size %d ---Block BG here ===Block BG end Retcode %x Other Type: Not Write ID. BGLOAD:Error: dma length 0 BGCOPYError: Already wavetable is touched %x. Touch Warning: Length zero %x It's busy now!!!!! %d BG LOAD BUFFER is OVER. Warning: Length zero %x Wave Load %d Total Bg Wave Load %d Receive %d ============Error: Magic is Broken after loading. Remain DMA: %d N start %d ============Error: Magic is Broken: %x Error: No Handle. Success: %x Audio: setvol: volume minus %f Audio: setvol: volume overflow %f Audio: setpitch: pitch zero or minus %f Audio: voiceman: No bank error %d Audio: voiceman: progNo. overflow %d,%d ptr2 %x Audio: voiceman: progNo. undefined %d,%d Audio: voiceman: No bank error %d Audio: voiceman: Percussion Overflow %d,%d Audio: voiceman: Percussion table pointer (bank %d) is irregular %x. Audio: voiceman: Percpointer NULL %d,%d --4 %x ----------------------Double-Error CH: %x %f ----------------------Double-Error NT: %x CAUTION:SUB IS SEPARATED FROM GROUP CAUTION:PAUSE EMERGENCY Error:Wait Track disappear NoteOff Comes during wait release %x (note %x) Slow Release Batting @ Audio:Wavemem: Bad voiceno (%d) Audio: C-Alloc : Dealloc voice is NULL Alloc Error:Dim voice-Alloc %d Error:Same List Add Already Cut Audio: C-Alloc : lowerPrio is NULL Intterupt UseStop %d (Kill %d) Intterupt RelWait %d (Kill %d) Drop Voice (Prio %x) Audio:Envp: overflow %f Audio:Track:Warning: No Free Notetrack SUBTRACK DIM Audio:Track: Warning :SUBTRACK had been stolen by other Group. SEQID %d,BANKID %d ERR:SUBTRACK %d NOT ALLOCATED Stop Release Error:Same List Add Wait Time out! Macro Level Over Error! Macro Level Over Error! WARNING: NPRG: cannot change %d Audio:Track:NOTE:UNDEFINED NOTE COM. %x Audio: Note:Velocity Error %d Error: Subtrack no prg. ERR %x Error: Your assignchannel is stolen. Audio:Track :Call Macro Level Over Error! Audio:Track :Loops Macro Level Over Error! SUB:ERR:BANK %d NOT CACHED. SUB:ERR:BANK %d NOT CACHED. Audio:Track: CTBLCALL Macro Level Over Error! Set Noise %d [%2x] Err :Sub %x ,address %x:Undefined SubTrack Function %x VoiceLoad Error Bank:%d,Prog:%d Disappear Sequence or Bank %d [FIN] group. Macro Level Over Error! Macro Level Over Error! Group:Undefine upper C0h command (%x) Group:Undefined Command
インターフェース回路反応なし (READ) EEPROM READ %02X: %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X EEPROM インターフェース回路反応なし (WRITE) EEPROM WRITE %02X: %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X EEPROM が ありません EEPROM が ありません Interrupt TLB modification TLB exception on load TLB exception on store Address error on load Address error on store Bus error on inst. Bus error on data System call exception Breakpoint exception Reserved instruction Coprocessor unusable Arithmetic overflow Trap exception Virtual coherency on inst. Floating point exception Watchpoint exception Virtual coherency on data Unimplemented operation Invalid operation Division by zero Overflow Underflow Inexact operation F%02d:%.3eF%02d:---------FPCSR:%08XH(%s) THREAD:%d (%s) PC:%08XH SR:%08XH VA:%08XH AT:%08XH V0:%08XH V1:%08XH A0:%08XH A1:%08XH A2:%08XH A3:%08XH T0:%08XH T1:%08XH T2:%08XH T3:%08XH T4:%08XH T5:%08XH T6:%08XH T7:%08XH S0:%08XH S1:%08XH S2:%08XH S3:%08XH S4:%08XH S5:%08XH S6:%08XH S7:%08XH T8:%08XH T9:%08XH GP:%08XH SP:%08XH S8:%08XH RA:%08XH
Japanese text says:
No interface cycle response (READ)
EEPROM No interface cycle response (WRITE)
EEPROM not found
EEPROM not found
preload start (%d): %d ***** START SEQ : %d ***** spec change finished !!! interface wait spec change finished !!! ********** SE Interface Buffer SE Stop %08X ********** MedlayStart : MedlayStart : MedlayStart(TuneUp) : MedlayStart(cross) : MedlayEnd : MedlayWait : %d ControlSePicth : %f %f %f ChangeWarningSePara : %d %d set Grp 0 port %02x main BGM start %08X <<<<< PlayCrossMixBgm pass !!! >>>>> SetVolumeBallnce %d %d START HANDLE : %d (old:%d) All Sound Fade Out time:%d
DAC:Lost 1 Frame. DMA: Request queue over.( %d ) Spec Change Override. %d -> %d Audio:now-max tasklen is %d / %d Audio:Warning:ABI Tasklist length over (%d) BGLOAD Start %d Error: OverFlow Your Request ---AudioSending (%d->%d) AudioSend: %d -> %d (%d) Continue Port %d -> %d Sync-Frame Break. (Remain %d) Undefined Port Command %d specchg conjunction error (Msg:%d Cur:%d) Error : Queue is not empty ( %x )
$Id: fox_edisplay.c,v 1.193 1997/04/01 14:50:15 morita Exp $
This is the Japanese katakana alphabet along with 6, X,Y,Z.
time=%d time=%d time=%d time=%d time=%d
Demo_Time=%d Demo_Time=%d d Enm->wrk0 %d
CHIME SET BOMB SET 1 BOMB SET 2 center_X %f Enm->obj.pos.x %f
Enm->obj.pos.y + tmp_xyz.y=<%10.3f>
Enm->wrk3=<%d> a=<%d> a=<%d> ZO_MOVE HELP %d AC_MOVE HELP %d ZO_DISP HELP %d AC_DISP HELP %d
そのような フェード は ない (%d) ?
There isn't that kind of fade (%d) ?
OK DOWN フォックス ファルコ スリッピー ペッピー ウルフ レオン ピグマ アンドリュー ビル
Fox, Falco, Slippy, Peppy, Wolf, Leon, Pigma, Andrew, Bill
play_time = %d
Revisional Differences
On v1.0, achieving a score of over 511 on a single level causes the game to subtract 256 from this level's score and the total score on the rankings. v1.1 patched this by limiting the score on a single level to 511.
Regional Differences
Title Screen
The USA and Japanese versions have slightly different logos at the title screen. Compared to the Japanese version, the US title naturally lacks the katakana transcription of the title but also has a slightly brighter color scheme and removes the "fox tail" behind the 64 graphic, which was itself redrawn to be less stylized. The European and Australian versions were renamed not Starwing 64 as would logically be expected, but Lylat Wars. Who knows why.
Japan | USA | Europe/Australia |
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Script Changes
Mission Briefings
Speaker | Japanese | Translated | English | Notes |
Pepper | そこは灼熱地獄だ!アーウィンの機体では心配だ! 無茶をするな フォックス。 | That place is a burning hell! I'm worried about the Arwing's frame! Don't be reckless, Fox. | That area's an oven! Don't go burning that Arwing! Be reasonable, Fox! | Can't say "hell" in a Nintendo game! |
Fox | 頭を冷やして行きますよ。 | I'll keep a cool head. | I'll be careful. | They really passed up this pun? |
Pepper | そこは敵の宇宙基地が、ある恐ろしい新兵器を開発中 との情報が入っているが・・・ | An enemy space base is developing a terrifying new weapon. That's the information that's coming in, but... | Reports indicate that Andross is working on some secret weapon. | |
Fox | この目で確かめてみます。 | I will check it with my own eyes. | I'll check it out. | Fox seems to interrupt Pepper in the Japanese version |
Speaker | Japanese | Translated | English | Notes |
Peppy | お前らは若いんだ無理はするな! | You're young, don't overdo it! | Don't be doing anything foolish! | |
Falco | こちらファルコ 少々ずれてるが問題はない | This is Falco, it's a little off, but there's no problem. | Falco here. I'm fine. | Foreshadows when his G-diffuser goes haywire. NoA removed it. |
Sector X
Speaker | Japanese | Translated | English | Notes |
Bill | フォックス後は頼んだ仲間の仇はとってくれ | The rest is up to you, Fox. Get revenge for our friends. | Take it easy, Fox. Don't let us down. |
Speaker | Japanese | Translated | English | Notes |
Slippy | 泳ぐ気にもならないよ | I don't even feel like swimming! | What a dump! | |
Falco | お前 海でも泳ぐのか | Do you swim in the sea too? | I hear ya, Slippy. | Removed Falco's dig |
Katt | メス猫のお尻を追い回すとひっかかれるわよ | If you chase a female cat's butt, she'll scratch you. | Mess with me and you'll get scratched! |
Area 6
Speaker | Japanese | Translated | English | Notes |
Slippy | ベノムは目の前なのにクソ~ あっちいけよ | Venom is right in front of me, dammit~ Go away | Venom's right there! | It isn't clear that Slippy got distracted and is paying for it. |
Venom I
Speaker | Japanese | Translated | English | Notes |
Slippy | オイラを追っかけ回した事を後悔させてやる | I'll make you regret chasing me around. | You'll be sorry, punks! | Not as clear that Slippy's getting revenge for all the times he was chased. |
Speaker | Japanese | Translated | English | Notes |
Fox | こちらの映像データをそっちに転送する | I'm transferring our video data to you. | I'm sending the data to you guys. | |
Falco | こんな物 後にも先にも1回きりだぜ! | You can only do this kind of thing once in your life! | This thing will never hold together. | The scriptwriter said he wrote this 'cause he was disappointed the other water levels were scrapped. |
Slippy | ちぇっ!年寄りは黙ってろよ | Che! Shut up old man. | Thanks a lot, Peppy! | NoA almost had Slippy say, "Bite me, old man," when Peppy teases him. |
Slippy | うわぁ~マリンスノーだ | Wow~ It's marine snow. | Wow! Look at that! It's beautiful! |
Sector Z
Speaker | Japanese | Translated | English | Notes |
Katt | ステキ~ 後でお顔をナメナメしてあげるわ | Beautiful~ I'll lick your face for you later. | Beautiful! I could kiss you for that! | |
Katt | 残念だったわねぇ・・キツネ顔のボウヤ | That's too bad...Fox-faced bouya. | Too bad, little man. | Bouya is a slang term for little boy. It can also describe a greenhorn or a novice. |
Peppy | ベノムへの奇襲は難しくなったか・・・ | Has the surprise attack on Venom become more difficult...? | It could be difficult to attack Venom. | Context is lost; they were attempting a surprise attack through Sector Z. |
Speaker | Japanese | Translated | English | Notes |
Falco | キャット?ッたく しつけェなあ | Cat? Geez, you're persistent. | Katt?! Not you again. | |
Kaybarn | 着いたばかりの積み荷を使うことになるとは | I didn't expect to have to use the load that just arrived. | I didn't expect to have to use this! | Apparently the Mechbeth just arrived. |
Speaker | Japanese | Translated | English | Notes |
Bill | ドーベル隊は、基地の援護に回れ | Dober Squad, go cover the base. | Husky unit, cover the base! | NoA changed Doberman unit to Husky unit. |
Bill | バーナード隊!基地には何も通すな! | Bernard Squad! Don't let anything through the base! | Bulldog unit, don't let anything through! | NoA changed Bernard unit to Bulldog unit. |
Venom II
Speaker | Japanese | Translated | English | Notes |
Fox | 首を洗って待ってろよアンドルフ | Wash your neck and wait, Andolf. | Say your prayers, Andross! | Japanese expression. Wash your neck for your hanging/beheading. "Prepare yourself", etc. |
Andrew | 下等動物がアンドルフ様に会えると思ったか | Did you think that lower animals could meet Lord Andolf? | We'll make sure you never reach Andross! | |
Wolf | ばっばかな 俺よりも上なのか・・・・ | Are you better than me... | No way! I don't believe it! | NoA misses the point that Wolf has come to respect Fox. |
Speaker | Japanese | Translated | English | Notes |
Peppy | バカモン ワシだ!! | It's me, idiot! ! | Knock it off, Fox! | |
Bill | わあっ!お前とは絶交だ! | Wow! I'm cutting off our relationship! | Hey! See if I help you again! | |
Andross | 私を追放したヤツらを思い知らせてやる | I'll show those who banished me. | I'll make those fools pay! | "Show" as in "Show them their mistake." |
Peppy | フォックス そんな所は親父譲りだな! | Fox, you inherited that from your father! | I see your father in you, Fox. |
- In the Japanese version, the character icons do not sync with their voices and simply animate all the way through. The sync was added for the English voice cast.
- In both the European and Australian Lylat Wars there is an option to choose between English and Lylat - the latter being akin to the gibberish of its predecessor.
US/JP | EU/AU | Language Option |
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- When a teammate is in trouble, an arrow pointing in their direction appears on-screen, labelled HELP!!; in European versions it is labelled S.O.S!!.
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- The Great Fox's texture with the "STARFOX" logo is different depending on the region.
Japan | US/Europe | China |
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- The red line Corneria boss in the Japanese version opens his hatches quicker.
- There are some extra enemies in some levels depending on the region:
- In Meteo, the Japanese version has one less Killer Bee than the US one (where there is an extra Killer Bee if you defeat the first Killer Bee{s} quick enough).
- In Aquas during Expert Mode, there are three enemies in the Japanese version that were removed in the US one.
iQue Player Differences
The game was released in China for the iQue Player in November 2003.
General Differences
Every voice clip, even unused ones, have been re-dubbed in Chinese.
Boot Logo
Nintendo 64 | iQue Player |
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In the game's startup, the Nintendo boot logo was updated.
Opening Logo
Nintendo 64 | iQue Player |
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In the game's intro, the Nintendo 64 logo was changed to the iQue logo.
Title Screen
Nintendo 64 | iQue Player |
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- Weirdly in the title screen, the iQue version still has a controllable "logo", but it is invisible.
- The copyright info on the title screen was updated and iQue has an extra copyright year.
No Controller
Nintendo 64 | iQue Player |
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The "No Controller" screen text was updated despite it being impossible to see since the iQue Player console is built in to the controller and is thus always plugged in.
Nintendo 64 | iQue Player |
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In the Multiplayer mode (VS.), the Nintendo 64 console was changed to iQue Player multitap.
Game Over
Nintendo 64 | iQue Player |
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The "Game Over" font models were redesigned in Chinese.
Nintendo 64 | iQue Player |
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- In the scene where the Star Fox team walks to General Pepper, the Corneria poster in the pre-rendered background was edited, but they have done it very lazily, most likely just placing an image over the area on account of Pepper's head being partially covered.
- The teammates' shield gauge were vertically stretched.
Nintendo 64 | iQue Player |
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- The on-screen map border color was changed from white to grey.
- The Arwing's texture with the "SF" symbol is different.
Nintendo 64 | iQue Player |
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Dead Ends
- While it seems endless, the Venom 1 tunnel does indeed end if you manage to survive for about eight minutes. It even gives you an extra life before you collide into the wall and die.
- Something similar happens after failing to redirect the train on MacBeth and therefore entering the boss fight. During the battle, distance markers will appear on the ground starting at 100 between the rails for the main line and the fuel bunker. If they reach 500, the player will have about 30 seconds remaining before the boss will crash into the player, instantly killing them. Generally, this will happen 4 minutes after the train conductor activates the flying boss.
The Star Fox series
| |
SNES | Star Fox (Prototypes) • Star Fox 2 (Prototypes) |
Nintendo 64 | Star Fox 64 (iQue Prototype) |
GameCube | Star Fox Adventures (Prototypes) • Star Fox: Assault |
Nintendo DS | Star Fox Command |
Nintendo 3DS | Star Fox 64 3D |
- Games developed by Nintendo EAD
- Games published by Nintendo
- Pages missing publisher references
- Games published by Hyundai
- Games published by iQue
- Nintendo 64 games
- IQue Player games
- Games released in 1997
- Games released in April
- Games released on April 27
- Games released in June
- Games released on June 30
- Games released in October
- Games released on October 20
- Pages missing date references
- Games with unused areas
- Games with unused code
- Games with unused graphics
- Games with unused models
- Games with unused abilities
- Games with unused sounds
- Games with debugging functions
- Games with regional differences
- Games with revisional differences
- Pages with a Data Crystal link
- To do
- Star Fox series
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Games > Games by content > Games with revisional differences
Games > Games by content > Games with unused abilities
Games > Games by content > Games with unused areas
Games > Games by content > Games with unused code
Games > Games by content > Games with unused graphics
Games > Games by content > Games with unused models
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Games > Games by publisher > Games published by Nintendo > Games published by iQue
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Games > Games by release date > Games released in April
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Games > Games by release date > Games released in June
Games > Games by release date > Games released in June > Games released on June 30
Games > Games by release date > Games released in October
Games > Games by release date > Games released in October > Games released on October 20
Games > Games by series > Star Fox series