Star Fox 64 3D
Star Fox 64 3D |
Developers: Q-Games[1],
This page is rather stubbly and could use some expansion. Are you a bad enough dude to rescue this article? |
Star Fox 64 3D is history's testament that Laika wasn't the only canine in space.
To do:
Unused Graphics
Banner Oddity
The game's ExeFS banner in all regions has an invisible subtitle plane above the logo. It has a dedicated texture, albeit blank. In the Japanese version of the original N64 game, this spot is where the transcribed katakana is seen.
Unused Models
Unused SNES Arwing
AW_Prototype_0.modelbin, grouped with multiplayer Arwing assets in Game\Models\MPArwing.
Unused Skybox
skydome_test.modelgdb, found in Game\Models\New.
Unused Text
GDT1 GDB Root { Node MeshOptions { Bool ShadowVolume = false Bool FadeObject = false Float FadeOffset = 0.0 Bool NearFadeObject = false Float NearFadeOffset = 0.0 Int ConstColorAnimIndex = 17 } Node Materials { Node material { String Name = "KT_Enemy_A_n" Bool UseFragmentLighting = true Bool IsTransparency = false Bool UseVertexLighting = false Bool UseFog = true Int TextureCoordinateConfig = 1 // TCC_0110 Int TranslucencyKind = 0 // TK_Opaque Int RenderLayerGroup = 9 Int LayerConfig = 0 // 0 Bool AlphaTest = false Float AlphaRef = 0.0 Int AlphaTestMode = 1 Bool DepthTest = true Bool DepthMask = true Int DepthTestMode = 4 Bool StencilTest = false Bool StencilWrite = false Int StencilFuncMode = 0 // SFM_Never Int StencilOpFail = 0 // SOM_Keep Int StencilOpZFail = 0 // SOM_Keep Int StencilOpZPass = 0 // SOM_Keep UInt StencilFuncMask = 0x00000000 Int StencilFuncRef = 0 UInt StencilMask = 0x00000000 Int CullMode = 2 Int BlendMode = 1 // FBBM_Blend Int BlendFactorSrc = 4 // FBBF_SrcAlpha Int BlendFactorDst = 5 // FBBF_InvSrcAlpha Int BlendEquation = 0 // FBBEM_FuncAdd Colour Diffuse = (255,255,255,255) Colour Ambient = (76,76,76,0) Colour Emission = (0,0,0,0) Colour Specular0 = (255,255,255,0) Colour Specular1 = (0,0,0,0) UInt LightMask = 0x00000003 // 11 Node Texture0 { UInt ResourceID = 0x5d2e8379 // KTB_n.tga Int MinFilter = 5 // TFM_LinearMipMapLinear Int MagFilter = 1 // TFM_Linear Int WrapS = 0 // TAM_Wrap Int WrapT = 0 // TAM_Wrap Int MinLod = 0 Float LodBias = -0.1 Colour BorderColor = (0,0,0,255) Int TextureMappingType = 0 } Node Texture1 { UInt ResourceID = 0x87434cb9 // KTB_c.tga Int MinFilter = 5 // TFM_LinearMipMapLinear Int MagFilter = 1 // TFM_Linear Int WrapS = 0 // TAM_Wrap Int WrapT = 0 // TAM_Wrap Int MinLod = 0 Float LodBias = -0.1 Colour BorderColor = (0,0,0,255) Int TextureMappingType = 0 } Node Texture2 { UInt ResourceID = 0x9aa298be // KTB_l.tga Int MinFilter = 5 // TFM_LinearMipMapLinear Int MagFilter = 1 // TFM_Linear Int WrapS = 0 // TAM_Wrap Int WrapT = 0 // TAM_Wrap Int MinLod = 0 Float LodBias = -0.1 Colour BorderColor = (0,0,0,255) Int TextureMappingType = 0 } Node Texture3 Vector2 TextureAnimation0 = (0.0,0.0) Vector2 TextureAnimation1 = (0.0,0.0) Vector2 TextureAnimation2 = (0.0,0.0) Vector3 PatternTextureAnimation0 = (0.0,0.0,0.0) Vector3 PatternTextureAnimation1 = (0.0,0.0,0.0) Vector3 PatternTextureAnimation2 = (0.0,0.0,0.0) Node CombinerConstColors { Colour Const0 = (0,0,0,0) Colour Const1 = (255,255,255,255) Colour Const2 = (0,0,0,0) Colour Const3 = (0,0,0,0) Colour Const4 = (0,0,0,255) Colour Const5 = (0,0,0,0) } Node Combiner0 { Int ConstColor = 0 Int ColorFunc = 1 // TCF_MODULATE Int ColorOperand0 = 0 // TCO_SRC_COLOR Int ColorOperand1 = 2 // TCO_SRC_ALPHA Int ColorOperand2 = 0 // TCO_SRC_COLOR Int ColorSource0 = 8 // TCSO_FRAGMENT_SECONDARY_COLOR Int ColorSource1 = 1 // TCSO_TEXTURE1 Int ColorSource2 = 4 // TCSO_CONSTANT Int ColorScale = 0 Int AlphaFunc = 0 // TCF_REPLACE Int AlphaOperand0 = 2 // TCO_SRC_ALPHA Int AlphaOperand1 = 2 // TCO_SRC_ALPHA Int AlphaOperand2 = 2 // TCO_SRC_ALPHA Int AlphaSource0 = 5 // TCSO_PRIMARY_COLOR Int AlphaSource1 = 1 // TCSO_TEXTURE1 Int AlphaSource2 = 4 // TCSO_CONSTANT Int AlphaScale = 0 } Node Combiner1 { Int ConstColor = 0 Int ColorFunc = 9 // TCF_MULT_ADD Int ColorOperand0 = 0 // TCO_SRC_COLOR Int ColorOperand1 = 0 // TCO_SRC_COLOR Int ColorOperand2 = 0 // TCO_SRC_COLOR Int ColorSource0 = 7 // TCSO_FRAGMENT_PRIMARY_COLOR Int ColorSource1 = 1 // TCSO_TEXTURE1 Int ColorSource2 = 6 // TCSO_PREVIOUS Int ColorScale = 0 Int AlphaFunc = 0 // TCF_REPLACE Int AlphaOperand0 = 2 // TCO_SRC_ALPHA Int AlphaOperand1 = 2 // TCO_SRC_ALPHA Int AlphaOperand2 = 2 // TCO_SRC_ALPHA Int AlphaSource0 = 6 // TCSO_PREVIOUS Int AlphaSource1 = 6 // TCSO_PREVIOUS Int AlphaSource2 = 6 // TCSO_PREVIOUS Int AlphaScale = 0 } Node Combiner2 { Int ConstColor = 0 Int ColorFunc = 2 // TCF_ADD Int ColorOperand0 = 0 // TCO_SRC_COLOR Int ColorOperand1 = 0 // TCO_SRC_COLOR Int ColorOperand2 = 0 // TCO_SRC_COLOR Int ColorSource0 = 6 // TCSO_PREVIOUS Int ColorSource1 = 2 // TCSO_TEXTURE2 Int ColorSource2 = 1 // TCSO_TEXTURE1 Int ColorScale = 0 Int AlphaFunc = 0 // TCF_REPLACE Int AlphaOperand0 = 2 // TCO_SRC_ALPHA Int AlphaOperand1 = 2 // TCO_SRC_ALPHA Int AlphaOperand2 = 2 // TCO_SRC_ALPHA Int AlphaSource0 = 6 // TCSO_PREVIOUS Int AlphaSource1 = 1 // TCSO_TEXTURE1 Int AlphaSource2 = 1 // TCSO_TEXTURE1 Int AlphaScale = 0 } Node Combiner3 { Int ConstColor = 1 Int ColorFunc = 9 // TCF_MULT_ADD Int ColorOperand0 = 0 // TCO_SRC_COLOR Int ColorOperand1 = 0 // TCO_SRC_COLOR Int ColorOperand2 = 0 // TCO_SRC_COLOR Int ColorSource0 = 6 // TCSO_PREVIOUS Int ColorSource1 = 4 // TCSO_CONSTANT Int ColorSource2 = 6 // TCSO_PREVIOUS Int ColorScale = 0 Int AlphaFunc = 0 // TCF_REPLACE Int AlphaOperand0 = 2 // TCO_SRC_ALPHA Int AlphaOperand1 = 2 // TCO_SRC_ALPHA Int AlphaOperand2 = 2 // TCO_SRC_ALPHA Int AlphaSource0 = 6 // TCSO_PREVIOUS Int AlphaSource1 = 1 // TCSO_TEXTURE1 Int AlphaSource2 = 1 // TCSO_TEXTURE1 Int AlphaScale = 0 } Node Combiner4 { Int ConstColor = 4 Int ColorFunc = 4 // TCF_INTERPOLATE Int ColorOperand0 = 0 // TCO_SRC_COLOR Int ColorOperand1 = 0 // TCO_SRC_COLOR Int ColorOperand2 = 2 // TCO_SRC_ALPHA Int ColorSource0 = 6 // TCSO_PREVIOUS Int ColorSource1 = 4 // TCSO_CONSTANT Int ColorSource2 = 4 // TCSO_CONSTANT Int ColorScale = 0 Int AlphaFunc = 0 // TCF_REPLACE Int AlphaOperand0 = 2 // TCO_SRC_ALPHA Int AlphaOperand1 = 2 // TCO_SRC_ALPHA Int AlphaOperand2 = 2 // TCO_SRC_ALPHA Int AlphaSource0 = 6 // TCSO_PREVIOUS Int AlphaSource1 = 6 // TCSO_PREVIOUS Int AlphaSource2 = 6 // TCSO_PREVIOUS Int AlphaScale = 0 } Node FragmentLighting { Int FresnelFactor = 0 Bool SpecularClamp = true Bool GeomFactor0 = false Bool GeomFactor1 = false Bool D0Factor = true Bool D1Factor = false Bool G0Factor = false Bool G1Factor = false Bool ReflectionFactor = false Bool SpotFactor = false Int TextureBumpMode = 1 Int BumpTextureIdx = 0 Bool BumpRenormalize = true } Node LUTexture0 { Int Type = 3 Int Input = 0 Bool IsAbs = true Float Scale = 1.0 Int DataOffset = 82412 Int DataSize = 2048 } } Node material { String Name = "KT_Enemy_A_nflash" Bool UseFragmentLighting = true Bool IsTransparency = false Bool UseVertexLighting = false Bool UseFog = true Int TextureCoordinateConfig = 1 // TCC_0110 Int TranslucencyKind = 0 // TK_Opaque Int RenderLayerGroup = 9 Int LayerConfig = 0 // 0 Bool AlphaTest = false Float AlphaRef = 0.0 Int AlphaTestMode = 1 Bool DepthTest = true Bool DepthMask = true Int DepthTestMode = 4 Bool StencilTest = false Bool StencilWrite = false Int StencilFuncMode = 0 // SFM_Never Int StencilOpFail = 0 // SOM_Keep Int StencilOpZFail = 0 // SOM_Keep Int StencilOpZPass = 0 // SOM_Keep UInt StencilFuncMask = 0x00000000 Int StencilFuncRef = 0 UInt StencilMask = 0x00000000 Int CullMode = 2 Int BlendMode = 1 // FBBM_Blend Int BlendFactorSrc = 4 // FBBF_SrcAlpha Int BlendFactorDst = 5 // FBBF_InvSrcAlpha Int BlendEquation = 0 // FBBEM_FuncAdd Colour Diffuse = (255,255,255,255) Colour Ambient = (76,76,76,0) Colour Emission = (0,0,0,0) Colour Specular0 = (255,255,255,0) Colour Specular1 = (0,0,0,0) UInt LightMask = 0x00000003 // 11 Node Texture0 { UInt ResourceID = 0x5d2e8379 // KTB_n.tga Int MinFilter = 5 // TFM_LinearMipMapLinear Int MagFilter = 1 // TFM_Linear Int WrapS = 0 // TAM_Wrap Int WrapT = 0 // TAM_Wrap Int MinLod = 0 Float LodBias = -0.1 Colour BorderColor = (0,0,0,255) Int TextureMappingType = 0 } Node Texture1 { UInt ResourceID = 0x87434cb9 // KTB_c.tga Int MinFilter = 5 // TFM_LinearMipMapLinear Int MagFilter = 1 // TFM_Linear Int WrapS = 0 // TAM_Wrap Int WrapT = 0 // TAM_Wrap Int MinLod = 0 Float LodBias = -0.1 Colour BorderColor = (0,0,0,255) Int TextureMappingType = 0 } Node Texture2 { UInt ResourceID = 0x9aa298be // KTB_l.tga Int MinFilter = 5 // TFM_LinearMipMapLinear Int MagFilter = 1 // TFM_Linear Int WrapS = 0 // TAM_Wrap Int WrapT = 0 // TAM_Wrap Int MinLod = 0 Float LodBias = -0.1 Colour BorderColor = (0,0,0,255) Int TextureMappingType = 0 } Node Texture3 Vector2 TextureAnimation0 = (0.0,0.0) Vector2 TextureAnimation1 = (0.0,0.0) Vector2 TextureAnimation2 = (0.0,0.0) Vector3 PatternTextureAnimation0 = (0.0,0.0,0.0) Vector3 PatternTextureAnimation1 = (0.0,0.0,0.0) Vector3 PatternTextureAnimation2 = (0.0,0.0,0.0) Node CombinerConstColors { Colour Const0 = (0,0,0,0) Colour Const1 = (255,255,255,255) Colour Const2 = (0,0,0,0) Colour Const3 = (0,0,0,0) Colour Const4 = (0,0,0,255) Colour Const5 = (0,0,0,0) } Node Combiner0 { Int ConstColor = 0 Int ColorFunc = 1 // TCF_MODULATE Int ColorOperand0 = 0 // TCO_SRC_COLOR Int ColorOperand1 = 2 // TCO_SRC_ALPHA Int ColorOperand2 = 0 // TCO_SRC_COLOR Int ColorSource0 = 8 // TCSO_FRAGMENT_SECONDARY_COLOR Int ColorSource1 = 1 // TCSO_TEXTURE1 Int ColorSource2 = 4 // TCSO_CONSTANT Int ColorScale = 0 Int AlphaFunc = 0 // TCF_REPLACE Int AlphaOperand0 = 2 // TCO_SRC_ALPHA Int AlphaOperand1 = 2 // TCO_SRC_ALPHA Int AlphaOperand2 = 2 // TCO_SRC_ALPHA Int AlphaSource0 = 5 // TCSO_PRIMARY_COLOR Int AlphaSource1 = 1 // TCSO_TEXTURE1 Int AlphaSource2 = 4 // TCSO_CONSTANT Int AlphaScale = 0 } Node Combiner1 { Int ConstColor = 0 Int ColorFunc = 9 // TCF_MULT_ADD Int ColorOperand0 = 0 // TCO_SRC_COLOR Int ColorOperand1 = 0 // TCO_SRC_COLOR Int ColorOperand2 = 0 // TCO_SRC_COLOR Int ColorSource0 = 7 // TCSO_FRAGMENT_PRIMARY_COLOR Int ColorSource1 = 1 // TCSO_TEXTURE1 Int ColorSource2 = 6 // TCSO_PREVIOUS Int ColorScale = 0 Int AlphaFunc = 0 // TCF_REPLACE Int AlphaOperand0 = 2 // TCO_SRC_ALPHA Int AlphaOperand1 = 2 // TCO_SRC_ALPHA Int AlphaOperand2 = 2 // TCO_SRC_ALPHA Int AlphaSource0 = 6 // TCSO_PREVIOUS Int AlphaSource1 = 6 // TCSO_PREVIOUS Int AlphaSource2 = 6 // TCSO_PREVIOUS Int AlphaScale = 0 } Node Combiner2 { Int ConstColor = 5 Int ColorFunc = 9 // TCF_MULT_ADD Int ColorOperand0 = 0 // TCO_SRC_COLOR Int ColorOperand1 = 0 // TCO_SRC_COLOR Int ColorOperand2 = 0 // TCO_SRC_COLOR Int ColorSource0 = 4 // TCSO_CONSTANT Int ColorSource1 = 2 // TCSO_TEXTURE2 Int ColorSource2 = 6 // TCSO_PREVIOUS Int ColorScale = 0 Int AlphaFunc = 0 // TCF_REPLACE Int AlphaOperand0 = 2 // TCO_SRC_ALPHA Int AlphaOperand1 = 2 // TCO_SRC_ALPHA Int AlphaOperand2 = 2 // TCO_SRC_ALPHA Int AlphaSource0 = 6 // TCSO_PREVIOUS Int AlphaSource1 = 1 // TCSO_TEXTURE1 Int AlphaSource2 = 1 // TCSO_TEXTURE1 Int AlphaScale = 0 } Node Combiner3 { Int ConstColor = 1 Int ColorFunc = 9 // TCF_MULT_ADD Int ColorOperand0 = 0 // TCO_SRC_COLOR Int ColorOperand1 = 0 // TCO_SRC_COLOR Int ColorOperand2 = 0 // TCO_SRC_COLOR Int ColorSource0 = 6 // TCSO_PREVIOUS Int ColorSource1 = 4 // TCSO_CONSTANT Int ColorSource2 = 6 // TCSO_PREVIOUS Int ColorScale = 0 Int AlphaFunc = 0 // TCF_REPLACE Int AlphaOperand0 = 2 // TCO_SRC_ALPHA Int AlphaOperand1 = 2 // TCO_SRC_ALPHA Int AlphaOperand2 = 2 // TCO_SRC_ALPHA Int AlphaSource0 = 6 // TCSO_PREVIOUS Int AlphaSource1 = 1 // TCSO_TEXTURE1 Int AlphaSource2 = 1 // TCSO_TEXTURE1 Int AlphaScale = 0 } Node Combiner4 { Int ConstColor = 4 Int ColorFunc = 4 // TCF_INTERPOLATE Int ColorOperand0 = 0 // TCO_SRC_COLOR Int ColorOperand1 = 0 // TCO_SRC_COLOR Int ColorOperand2 = 2 // TCO_SRC_ALPHA Int ColorSource0 = 6 // TCSO_PREVIOUS Int ColorSource1 = 4 // TCSO_CONSTANT Int ColorSource2 = 4 // TCSO_CONSTANT Int ColorScale = 0 Int AlphaFunc = 0 // TCF_REPLACE Int AlphaOperand0 = 2 // TCO_SRC_ALPHA Int AlphaOperand1 = 2 // TCO_SRC_ALPHA Int AlphaOperand2 = 2 // TCO_SRC_ALPHA Int AlphaSource0 = 6 // TCSO_PREVIOUS Int AlphaSource1 = 6 // TCSO_PREVIOUS Int AlphaSource2 = 6 // TCSO_PREVIOUS Int AlphaScale = 0 } Node FragmentLighting { Int FresnelFactor = 0 Bool SpecularClamp = true Bool GeomFactor0 = false Bool GeomFactor1 = false Bool D0Factor = true Bool D1Factor = false Bool G0Factor = false Bool G1Factor = false Bool ReflectionFactor = false Bool SpotFactor = false Int TextureBumpMode = 1 Int BumpTextureIdx = 0 Bool BumpRenormalize = true } Node LUTexture0 { Int Type = 3 Int Input = 0 Bool IsAbs = true Float Scale = 1.0 Int DataOffset = 82412 Int DataSize = 2048 } } Node material { String Name = "KT_boss_scroll" Bool UseFragmentLighting = false Bool IsTransparency = false Bool UseVertexLighting = false Bool UseFog = true Int TextureCoordinateConfig = 0 // TCC_0120 Int TranslucencyKind = 0 // TK_Opaque Int RenderLayerGroup = 9 Int LayerConfig = 0 // 0 Bool AlphaTest = false Float AlphaRef = 0.0 Int AlphaTestMode = 1 Bool DepthTest = true Bool DepthMask = true Int DepthTestMode = 4 Bool StencilTest = false Bool StencilWrite = false Int StencilFuncMode = 0 // SFM_Never Int StencilOpFail = 0 // SOM_Keep Int StencilOpZFail = 0 // SOM_Keep Int StencilOpZPass = 0 // SOM_Keep UInt StencilFuncMask = 0x00000000 Int StencilFuncRef = 0 UInt StencilMask = 0x00000000 Int CullMode = 2 Int BlendMode = 0 // FBBM_NoBlend Int BlendFactorSrc = 4 // FBBF_SrcAlpha Int BlendFactorDst = 8 // FBBF_One Int BlendEquation = 0 // FBBEM_FuncAdd Colour Diffuse = (255,255,255,255) Colour Ambient = (255,255,255,0) Colour Emission = (0,0,0,0) Colour Specular0 = (255,255,255,0) Colour Specular1 = (0,0,0,0) UInt LightMask = 0x00000000 // 0 Node Texture0 { UInt ResourceID = 0xdd4a17b8 // KTB_c_scroll.tga Int MinFilter = 1 // TFM_Linear Int MagFilter = 1 // TFM_Linear Int WrapS = 0 // TAM_Wrap Int WrapT = 0 // TAM_Wrap Int MinLod = 0 Float LodBias = 0.0 Colour BorderColor = (0,0,0,255) Int TextureMappingType = 0 } Vector2 TextureAnimation0 = (0.0,0.0) Vector2 TextureAnimation1 = (0.0,0.0) Vector2 TextureAnimation2 = (0.0,0.0) Vector3 PatternTextureAnimation0 = (0.0,0.0,0.0) Vector3 PatternTextureAnimation1 = (0.0,0.0,0.0) Vector3 PatternTextureAnimation2 = (0.0,0.0,0.0) Node CombinerConstColors { Colour Const0 = (0,0,0,255) Colour Const1 = (0,0,0,255) Colour Const2 = (0,0,0,255) Colour Const3 = (0,0,0,255) Colour Const4 = (0,0,0,255) Colour Const5 = (0,0,0,255) } Node Combiner0 { Int ConstColor = 0 Int ColorFunc = 0 // TCF_REPLACE Int ColorOperand0 = 0 // TCO_SRC_COLOR Int ColorOperand1 = 0 // TCO_SRC_COLOR Int ColorOperand2 = 0 // TCO_SRC_COLOR Int ColorSource0 = 0 // TCSO_TEXTURE0 Int ColorSource1 = 0 // TCSO_TEXTURE0 Int ColorSource2 = 4 // TCSO_CONSTANT Int ColorScale = 1 Int AlphaFunc = 0 // TCF_REPLACE Int AlphaOperand0 = 2 // TCO_SRC_ALPHA Int AlphaOperand1 = 2 // TCO_SRC_ALPHA Int AlphaOperand2 = 2 // TCO_SRC_ALPHA Int AlphaSource0 = 0 // TCSO_TEXTURE0 Int AlphaSource1 = 0 // TCSO_TEXTURE0 Int AlphaSource2 = 4 // TCSO_CONSTANT Int AlphaScale = 0 } Node FragmentLighting { Int FresnelFactor = 0 Bool SpecularClamp = false Bool GeomFactor0 = false Bool GeomFactor1 = false Bool D0Factor = false Bool D1Factor = false Bool G0Factor = false Bool G1Factor = false Bool ReflectionFactor = false Bool SpotFactor = false Int TextureBumpMode = 0 Int BumpTextureIdx = 0 Bool BumpRenormalize = false } } } Node Geometries { Node Geometry { Int PrimitiveType = 1 Int VertexFormat = 9043979 // Pos Normal TexCoord Vector4 AttrScale0 = (0.07902829,0.0000305185,0.0,0.0) Vector4 AttrScale1 = (0.0000607981,0.0,0.0,0.0) Int IndexFormat = 2 Int IndexStreamOffset = 0 Int IndexStreamSize = 620 Int IndexNum = 310 Int VertexStreamOffset = 620 Int VertexStreamSize = 2560 Int VertexNum = 160 Int MaterialIndex = 2 } Node Geometry { Int PrimitiveType = 1 Int VertexFormat = 176816187 // Pos Normal Tangent TexCoord TexCoord1 Vector4 AttrScale0 = (0.0797354057,0.0000305185,0.0,0.0) Vector4 AttrScale1 = (0.0000303571,0.0000300573,0.0,0.0) Int IndexFormat = 2 Int IndexStreamOffset = 3180 Int IndexStreamSize = 8222 Int IndexNum = 4111 Int VertexStreamOffset = 11404 Int VertexStreamSize = 66716 Int VertexNum = 2566 Int MaterialIndex = 0 } Node Geometry { Int PrimitiveType = 1 Int VertexFormat = 176816187 // Pos Normal Tangent TexCoord TexCoord1 Vector4 AttrScale0 = (0.0758211,0.0000305185,0.0,0.0) Vector4 AttrScale1 = (0.0000300620,0.0000298798,0.0,0.0) Int IndexFormat = 2 Int IndexStreamOffset = 78120 Int IndexStreamSize = 444 Int IndexNum = 222 Int VertexStreamOffset = 78564 Int VertexStreamSize = 3848 Int VertexNum = 148 Int MaterialIndex = 1 } } Node Nodes { Node Node { String Name = "KT_KTB_Body" Int Type = 1 Int ParentIndex = -1 Matrix LocalMtx = ( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ) Array geometryIndces = Int[3] ( 0, 1, 2 ) } } }
Task MainGameParts.tga executing on thread 9... Debug: TGA has NW4C extended data Debug: Got NW4C format Etc1_a4 Debug: Set pixel format to PF_ETC1_RGBA8_CTR using data from NW4C TGA header E:/Nintendo/Oinari/TrunkHighQuality/Oinari64/Runtime/Build/Assets/TextureDebugCTR/d7d4d901.texturegdbtext E:/Nintendo/Oinari/TrunkHighQuality/Oinari64/Runtime/Build/Assets/TextureDebugWin/d7d4d901.texturegdbtext Caching task MainGameParts.tga to 2AD8D38B8F64A99837CBF1D5717CBF379EDA3CA2 Debug: Cache folder at E:/Nintendo/Oinari/TrunkHighQuality/Oinari64/Runtime/Build/Assets/TaskCache/2AD/8D3/8B8/F64/A99/837/CBF/1D5/717/CBF/379/EDA/3CA/200
The Star Fox series
| |
SNES | Star Fox (Prototypes) • Star Fox 2 (Prototypes) |
Nintendo 64 | Star Fox 64 (iQue Prototype) |
GameCube | Star Fox Adventures (Prototypes) • Star Fox: Assault |
Nintendo DS | Star Fox Command |
Nintendo 3DS | Star Fox 64 3D |
- Games developed by Q-Games
- Games developed by Nintendo
- Games published by Nintendo
- Nintendo 3DS games
- Games released in 2011
- Games released in July
- Games released on July 14
- Games released in September
- Games released on September 9
- Games released on September 15
- Games with hidden development-related text
- Games with unused graphics
- Games with unused models
- Stubs
- To do
- Star Fox series
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Games > Games by release date > Games released in September > Games released on September 15
Games > Games by release date > Games released in September > Games released on September 9
Games > Games by series > Star Fox series