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Silent Hill

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Title Screen

Silent Hill

Developer: Konami Computer Entertainment Tokyo
Publisher: Konami[1]
Platform: PlayStation
Released in JP: March 4, 1999
Released in US: February 23, 1999[2][3]
Released in EU: August 1, 1999[1]

CodeIcon.png This game has unused code.
EnemyIcon.png This game has unused enemies.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

ProtoIcon.png This game has a prototype article
BugsIcon.png This game has a bugs page

To do:
  • Midwich Elementary contains some unused rooms outside of the courtyard, and the Japanese demo contains more unfinished areas.
  • There are also some other hidden images that have yet to be added here or on the prototype page.
  • Some unused animations for monsters that doesn't contains models

Silent Hill is a survival horror gamer about an everyman trying to find his daughter in a creepy-as-hell town. Of course, nothing can possibly go wrong. Right? Right?


Read about prototype versions of this game that have been released or dumped.
Prototype Info
Read about notable bugs and errors in this game.

Unused Enemies

TIM and ILM files for seven monsters are present on the disc, but unaccounted for at any point in the game. As no individual behaviours appear to have been programmed for these enemies, their movements may appear glitched when imported in-game via hacking, but they all have unique animations, meshes and textures. All of them appear to be deformed takes on real-world animals:

  • "BTFY" - A butterfly with eye and teeth markings on its scales.
  • *"EI" - Presumably intended to be a manta ray. The TIM textures for this enemy are not included with the rest of the enemies listed, instead being located in the "TEST" folder.
  • "FRG" - A frog.
  • "MKY" - A monkey with a bruised face and bloodied mouth.
  • "OST" - A rather huge flesh-coloured creature vaguely resembling an ostrich.
  • "SNK" - A snake with an unusually long, pointed tongue.

Additionally, there exists a 7th cut enemy, with the abbreviation of "CKN" in the files. As expected, the enemy itself resembles a (heavily contorted) chicken, with textures similar to that of a newborn fledgling. Intriguingly, the files for this monster are larger than for any normal enemy, including the 6 cut enemies listed above, implying it would've served as a boss of some sort.

Unused Graphics

Unused Placeholders

(Translations: GlitterBerri)

International Track & Field Graphics

Some leftover graphics from International Track & Field extracted from a folder named "TEST".

Unused Potrait Render

A render of a woman can be found inside of the files of the game, the filename is "MANDA3.TIM"


Demo Leftovers

Inside the files of the final releases there are three images used for multiple demos of the game.

A trigger left from some demos can be enable again in the the Diner at the beginning of the game, it displays the "TO BE CONTINUED" image followed by "COMING SOON" image, to then return the player to the main menu. To enable the trigger again in the North American release, set the game state byte in memory 0xB9FC8 to the map-event state value 10, and set the event-id field 0xA9A14 to 4.

Hidden Doodles and Text

Some of the textures contain doodles or text.

Unused Code

Debug Camera Modes

Code for several debug camera modes is still included dependant on a debug variable, which can be set with the code:

900BE9F4 000000XX (NA 1.1)

Where XX is one of the following:

  • 03: appears to be an early buggier version of the Self View mode that's unlocked after beating the game.
  • 02: a free-camera mode, which can be moved with the controller in port 2 (analog stick / X / Triangle)
  • 01: moves camera to a fixed rotation relative to the character, ignoring any scene collision, rotation of it can be changed by using free-camera mode and then changing back to this.
  • 00: default game camera.

Code is still present in the game for setting this debug variable, but no remaining code still exists to actually call into it.

(Source: emoose)

Hidden Button Combinations

Save Anywhere

The save menu can be brought up at any point as long as you have a controller with analog sticks connected - while on the pause screen with the "PAUSED" text visible, make sure the controllers analog button is turned on, and then press and hold the following:

D-Pad Left + Left Stick Left + Right Stick Left + L1 + L2 + L3 (L3 may need to be released & pressed again a few times while holding the other buttons)

The same button combination was also carried forward to the sequel.

(Source: emoose)

Soft Reset

Another combination is also checked to reset the game back to the main menu, available a few seconds after game has booted up:

L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + Start + Select

This appears to be pretty standard in many late-gen PSX games, though SH1 also seems to check another combo for it too:

Square + Triangle + Start + Select

It's possible this was included at some point to allow resetting with controllers that don't include shoulder buttons, such as the many Konami light-gun peripherals (which do also make an in-game appearance as the Hyper Blaster weapon), though the final game doesn't include any other support for those controllers.

(Source: emoose)

Regional Differences

Altered Title Screen

The Japanese title letters have a yellow hue and a layer of splatters beneath and around them, both of which were removed in the US and European releases. The US version has a background image with the silhouette of a person standing on the drawbridge to Central Silent Hill while the Japanese and European versions opt for a simple black background.

US Japan Europe
Silent Hill-title.png Silent Hill JP-title.png Silent Hill EU-title.png

Both the US and Japanese releases have the US and Japanese title screen images on the disc. The European version has the European and the Japanese title screen images on the disc.


US Japan Europe
Silent Hill US options.png Silent Hill JP options.png Silent Hill EU options.png

The Japanese version says "Key Config" instead of "Controller Config", has Japanese translations for all options and shows a semi-transparent box overlay behind the text.

The European version has a "Language" option to choose between English, German, French, Spanish and Italian screen text. It also shows a slightly different portion of the Harry render in the background.

Child Zombies

One of the enemies known as Grey Children only appear in the North American version. However in the European and Japanese versions, they're replaced by Mumblers. The reason for this is that the Grey Children seemed too much like real-life children.

Revisional Differences

Missing Newspaper Memo

To do:
Still to be checked if Japanese Rev 1 has this bug.
Silent Hill JP secret newspaper memo.png
Silent Hill secret newspaper memo background.png

There's a newspaper memo missing in both the US and the initial Japanese release. The cause is a bug resulting in incorrect flags being written to the memory and save game files in these versions. This was fixed in the European and Japanese Rev 2 releases of the game, allowing the memo to appear only there if certain conditions are met during a playthrough.

The bug in early releases, the conditions on which the newspaper memo appears and thus its general elusiveness led some to believe that it doesn't exist, can be found completely at random, or that it will show up only if the player has read all memos scattered throughout the game.

The memo reveals a little about Alessa's past and may be found on the table in the room to the right of the altar on stage 3F of "Nowhere" shortly before the end of the game. The room itself is an alternate version of Alchemilla Hospital's director's office and also holds the botanical reference book with the entry on White Claudia, found on the sideboard next to the door.

Just like the botanical reference book, the circumstances under which the newspaper memo can be read are dependent on reading specific memos earlier in the game. Unlike the botanical reference book which is always there but can only be read if the blackboard in the police station has been examined, the newspaper memo can either appear or not appear based on two earlier memos: first, you have to examine the incomplete newspaper in Alchemilla Hospital's medicine room from which an article is missing. Then you have to read the newspaper in Norman Young's motel office (as with the botanical reference book, this memo is always there but Harry will only read it if the earlier memo has been examined; it should be noted that you can read it in all versions of the game but only latter releases then write the correct flags to the memory and save game files).

If both of these memos have been read, the newspaper memo in "Nowhere" will appear in the aforementioned versions of the game. Harry's remark "This again...?" when finding the newspaper memo in the Japanese version makes its dependence on the earlier memos rather clear whereas the English translation's "Same thing..." only added to the confusion about the requirements.

The corresponding text transcribed:

Japanese English
また これか⋯⋯










Same thing...

Investigation stalled.
“PTV” dealers still at large.

Suspicious deaths continue.
First the anti-drug Mayor, now
a narcotics officer dies of
a sudden heart failure of
unknown cause.

Are there others?
It’s pretty old...

Fire broke out in town.
6 homes destroyed.

Charred body
of Alessa Gillespie(7)
found in aftermath.

Cause of fire currently under

Investigations show source
as basement of Gillespie home.
Blaze now believed caused by
malfunction of antiquated

The date of the blaze...

it’s the same day
we found Cheryl!
