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Silent Hill 3 (PlayStation 2)

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Title Screen

Silent Hill 3

Developer: Konami Computer Entertainment Tokyo
Publisher: Konami
Platform: PlayStation 2
Released in JP: July 3, 2003, July 1, 2004 (Konami the Best), June 9, 2005 (Konami Dendou Collection)
Released in US: August 5, 2003
Released in EU: May 23, 2003
Released in KR: July 3, 2003

AnimationsIcon.png This game has unused animations.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
ModelsIcon.png This game has unused models.
MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.

NotesIcon.png This game has a notes page

To do:
Version differences. E.g. PC version doesn't have all graphical effects, and PS2 Europe loading screens apparently take a few seconds longer than USA (even in 60hz mode). PS2 PAL version in 50hz has at least one wrong timing: it takes heather beam takes longer to kill enemies


Miscellaneous tidbits that are interesting enough to point out here.

Debug Modes

Debug Information (printf)

Within the game is a stubbed printf function which would have logged various background information to a debug unit. This logs information such as files and maps loaded. It would also report errors if any occurred. To re-enable this mode, apply the below code for the USA version of the game.

Re-enable printf Messages
20100590 08040AC0

If you are playing the game on a regular PlayStation 2, you will need to use a TOOL, RDB, or a debug version of OPL to view the logs. If you are playing on an emulator, you can see this information by enabling the option "Show Console". Below is an example of what type of information gets logged.

Effect System Work Allocate Size = 62 kB
Load   : cdrom0:/xbg0.mfa%data/eff_tex/flamethrower00.tbn2
Load   : cdrom0:/xbg0.mfa%data/eff_tex/playable01.tbn2
Load   : cdrom0:/xbg0.mfa%data/eff_tex/htr.tbn2
Load   : cdrom0:/xbg0.mfa%data/eff_tex/fognight.tbn2
Load   : cdrom0:/b0.mfa%overlay/amusement_01.bin
Stat   : cdrom0:/x3/tpGB.mfa%tpGB.tex
Stat   : DVCI: sceCdSearchFile failed. "¥BG¥TP¥TPE2TR.TEX;1"
DVCI: File cache was not hit. "¥BG¥TP¥TPE2TR.TEX;1"
Stat   : cdrom0:/x3/tpEA.mfa%tpe2.ded
Stat   : DVCI: sceCdSearchFile failed. "¥BG¥TP¥TPE2.UNI;1"
DVCI: File cache was not hit. "¥BG¥TP¥TPE2.UNI;1"
Stat   : cdrom0:/x3/tpEA.mfa%tpe2.cld
Stat   : cdrom0:/x3/tpEA.mfa%tpe2.map
Stat   : cdrom0:/x3/tpEA.mfa%tpe2.kg2
Stat   : DVCI: sceCdSearchFile failed. "¥BG¥TP¥TPE2.LGT;1"
DVCI: File cache was not hit. "¥BG¥TP¥TPE2.LGT;1"
Stat   : DVCI: sceCdSearchFile failed. "¥BG¥TP¥TPE2.LV;1"
DVCI: File cache was not hit. "¥BG¥TP¥TPE2.LV;1"
Stat   : cdrom0:/x3/tpEA.mfa%tpe2.cam
>>>>>>>>tex(G) init:
>>>>>>>>ded(I) init:
warning  DedInvalid?
>>>> init global...
>>>> init map...
SD:sdSetReverb() TYPE=1 DEPTH=12
ADX:UP ReloadSector->(136)sector
ADX:Down ReloadSector->(25)sector
Load   : cdrom0:/xbg0.mfa%data/chr/pl/chhaa.mdl
Load   : cdrom0:/xbg0.mfa%data/chr/pl/chhaa_basic1_none.anm
Load   : cdrom0:/xbg0.mfa%data/chr/pl/pl_htr_alh.kg1
Load   : cdrom0:/xbg0.mfa%data/chr/it/it_jerky.mdl
Load   : cdrom0:/xbg0.mfa%data/chr/en/en_mry.mdl
Load   : cdrom0:/xbg0.mfa%data/chr/en/en_mry.anm
Load   : cdrom0:/xbg0.mfa%data/chr/en/en_mry.kg1
new 256!
new 2304!
new 521!
skeltons get 73 rest 327
ASCRest 179
Load   : cdrom0:/xbg0.mfa%data/msg/amusement_east_eng_msg.mes
SD:SE DATA [tp/amuse_e.*] LOAD START!
Stat   : cdrom0:/x3/tpEA.mfa%amuse_e.hd
Stat   : cdrom0:/x3/tpEA.mfa%amuse_e.hd
SD/EE : IOP Buffer [ size (1264) / addr (0x125d00) ]
Load   : cdrom0:/x3/tpEA.mfa%amuse_e.hd
SD:SE DATA [cdrom0:/x3/tpEA.mfa%amuse_e.hd] LOAD START!
SD/EE : SD_LOAD_AFS_END [vid (2) / type (1)]
Stat   : cdrom0:/x3/tpEA.mfa%amuse_e.td
Stat   : cdrom0:/x3/tpEA.mfa%amuse_e.td
SD/EE : IOP Buffer [ size (336) / addr (0x125b00) ]
Load   : cdrom0:/x3/tpEA.mfa%amuse_e.td
SD:SE DATA [cdrom0:/x3/tpEA.mfa%amuse_e.td] LOAD START!
SD/EE : SD_LOAD_AFS_END [vid (2) / type (0)]
Stat   : cdrom0:/x3/tpEA.mfa%amuse_e.bd
Stat   : cdrom0:/x3/tpEA.mfa%amuse_e.bd
SD/EE : IOP Buffer [ size (152320) / addr (0x148300) ]
Load   : cdrom0:/x3/tpEA.mfa%amuse_e.bd
SD:SE DATA [cdrom0:/x3/tpEA.mfa%amuse_e.bd] LOAD START!
SD/EE : SD_LOAD_AFS_END [vid (2) / type (2)]
SD:SE DATA [tp/amuse_e.*] LOAD END!
warning  DedInvalid?
ADX:UP ReloadSector->(136)sector
>>>>>>>>map(I) init:
>>>>>>>>kg2(I) init:
>>>>>>>>cld(I) init:
>>>>>>>>cam(I) init:
Model3:MPG1: 55c
SD:Start Stage Change Process!
Set Partition : [tpea.afs]
Load   : cdrom0:/x3/tpEA.mfa%amusement_east.sdb
Stat   : cdrom0:/xbg0.mfa%data/sound/sh3_bgm_102.hd
Stat   : cdrom0:/xbg0.mfa%data/sound/sh3_bgm_102.hd
SD/EE : IOP Buffer [ size (1168) / addr (0x125600) ]
Load   : cdrom0:/xbg0.mfa%data/sound/sh3_bgm_102.hd
SD:SE DATA [cdrom0:/xbg0.mfa%data/sound/sh3_bgm_102.hd] LOAD START!
adxFileOpen() : OK(id=21)
SD/EE : SD_LOAD_AFS_END [vid (1) / type (1)]
Stat   : cdrom0:/xbg0.mfa%data/sound/sh3_bgm_102.td
Stat   : cdrom0:/xbg0.mfa%data/sound/sh3_bgm_102.td
SD/EE : IOP Buffer [ size (6608) / addr (0x122900) ]
Load   : cdrom0:/xbg0.mfa%data/sound/sh3_bgm_102.td
SD:SE DATA [cdrom0:/xbg0.mfa%data/sound/sh3_bgm_102.td] LOAD START!
SD/EE : SD_LOAD_AFS_END [vid (1) / type (0)]
Stat   : cdrom0:/xbg0.mfa%data/sound/sh3_bgm_102.bd
Stat   : cdrom0:/xbg0.mfa%data/sound/sh3_bgm_102.bd
SD/EE : IOP Buffer [ size (252720) / addr (0x148300) ]
Load   : cdrom0:/xbg0.mfa%data/sound/sh3_bgm_102.bd
SD:SE DATA [cdrom0:/xbg0.mfa%data/sound/sh3_bgm_102.bd] LOAD START!
stream buf size 2154496
cmaera idx 4
skeltons get 3 rest 324
ASCRest 179
SD/EE : SD_LOAD_AFS_END [vid (1) / type (2)]
SD:PLAY SEQ(50102)
(Source: Original TCRF research)

Controller 2 Debug Modes

Present on controller 2 are a couple of normally inaccessible debug options. The game normally disables controller 2 inputs. To re-enable controller 2 and the debug mode, apply the below code for the USA version of the game.

Re-enable Controller 2 Inputs
203555C0 00000001

With the code on, pressing X button on controller 2 will freeze all models in the map, including Heather. Press X again to un-freeze, or Circle to advance a frame. Pressing Select prints the following information to a debug unit, however this doesn't work properly anymore.

Current VSlot ID = %2d %s\n
(Source: Original TCRF research)

Unused Graphics

Early Background Images

Harry's Memo

An unused image of the memo titled "Dad's memo" found on the counter of an ice cream stand in Lakeside Amusement Park. The image is located in XBG0/data/pic/00/000_mem.tex. The surface of the table has a different appearance, and the writing on the notepad appears to be an early translation of the memo.

Early Final
SilentHill3 000 mem.png SilentHill3 tp3f mem.png

Early memo text (first page):

Daria said that that girl
  is the devil.
Kidnapped for the sacrifice.
I don't bilieve in my feeling [sic].
Is it because of the appearance?
That girl resemble with
  Sherril based on the picture
  in the basement of the

Final memo text (first page):

Dahlia's the one who said it—
  said that girl was a demon.
That she took my daughter
  for a sacrifice.
But it's not totally
I mean, appearances can be

Heather's Photo

Two early versions of Heather's photo (memo named "Photo on chair") can be found at XBG0/data/pic/00/000_phf.tex and XBG0/data/pic/00/000_phr.tex. Both versions are missing color and surface retouches.

Early (phf) Early (phr) Final
SilentHill3 000 phf.png SilentHill3 000 phr.png SilentHill3 bue2 phf.png

Hilltop Center Elevator Shaft

Early images of the elevator shaft from the 3rd floor of the Hilltop Center. Both images are contained in XBG0/data/pic/br/br21.tex. Both renders are missing the jack required to open the jammed elevator doors.

Early Final
SilentHill3 br21 2.png SilentHill3 br21 ele.png
Early Final
SilentHill3 br21 1.png SilentHill3 br21 el2.png

Hilltop Center Elevator Buttons

An unused version of the elevator buttons in the Otherworld Hilltop Center. Found in XBG0/data/pic/bu/budf_elb_tr.tex.

Early Final
Silenthill3 budf elb tr.png SilentHill3 budf el2 tr.png

Brookhaven Briefcase

An unused image of the combination lock numbers on the briefcase found in room M4 of Brookhaven Hospital. Found in XBG0/data/pic/hp/hpc3.tex.

Early Final
SilentHill3 hpc3.png SilentHill3 hpc3 tr2 tr.png

Shakespeare Anthology Puzzle

Early images of the Shakespeare anthology books, a puzzle encountered in the My Bestsellers bookstore in the Central Square Shopping Center, found at XBG0/data/pic/mr/mrf1.tex.

Early Final
SilentHill3 mrf1.png SilentHill3 mrf1 sh2 tr.png

An early render of the bookshelf can also be found at XBG0/data/pic/_work/mr1f.tex. In the unused image, the book with the blue spine on the right is titled Macbeth. The book was later renamed to The 59th Street Bridge Song, a reference to the 1966 song by Simon & Garfunkel. This may have been done in part to avoid confusion with hints in the puzzle.

Early Final
SilentHill3 mr1f.png SilentHill3 mrf1 sha.png

Early Inventory Items

An early texture of the player's inventory items can be found at XBG0/data/pic/01/01menuitem.tex. The sheet contains placeholder numbers for item slots that have not yet been given a sprite. Aside from these placeholders, notable items are:

  • Slot 21: A pair of blue batteries which may have been used in a puzzle. This item was replaced by the "OPS2" shirt.
  • Slot 23: An unused photograph of Harry and Heather. This item also appears in the final version of the texture.
  • Slot 54: An early sprite of Dad's Notebook with a white cover.
Early Final
SilentHill3 01menuitem.png
SilentHill3 01menuitem tr.png

Trial Version Leftovers

SilentHill3 SysTitleTv.png SilentHill3 SysComing.png

Images left over from the trial version of Silent Hill 3, including a title screen and "Coming Soon" screen.

Team Silent Splash Screen

SilentHill3 SysTeam.png

An unused splash screen with "Team Silent" written in Comic Sans. This image would have been displayed with other splash screens before the opening video and title screen. The image may be a reference to the 1994 album "Dummy" by Portishead, one of the Silent Hill series' key musical influences. This wouldn't be the first Easter egg referencing them, since posters for the band also appear in various locations in the original Silent Hill.

The following code can be used in the USA version of the game to re-enable the splash screen after the Konami logo appears:

Enable Team Silent Splash Screen
203980B4 FF070605
103980B8 00000A08

Miscellaneous Images


SilentHill3 am11 phh.png

An unused photograph of Harry and Heather on the wall of their home in Daisy Villa Apartments. The image is located at XBG0/data/pic/am/am11_phh.tex and is the only image in this directory. There is a similar sprite of an unused photograph in the player's inventory, which suggests that the player could have taken this photograph with them before leaving the apartment.


SilentHill3 sh2edcstart.png

An unused title screen from Silent Hill 2: Director's Cut found at XBG0/data/pic/sh/sh2edcstart.tex.


SilentHill3 mallf1omote.png

A map of the first floor of the Central Square Shopping Center found at XBG0/data/pic/ma/mallf1omote.tex.

Test Images

Various working images found in the XBG0/data/pic/_work directory.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Unused Text


An unused inventory description of the photograph of Heather and Harry can be found in XBG0/data/msg/item_eng_msg.mes at offset 0x1025.


It's of Dad and me at Christmas.
Looking at this makes me want
to try even harder.

I have to...I can't lose. They killed
my dad and they have to pay for it.

Unused Models

Early Character Versions


An unused model of Claudia found at XBG0/data/chr/item/chcaa.mdl.bak. Claudia's skin, hair, and eyes appear darker in the earlier version of the model. Her robes are also slightly brighter.

Early Final
SilentHill3 Claudia Unused.png SilentHill3 Claudia Final.png


An unused model of Douglas found at XBG0/data/chr/item/chdaa_lip.mdl. Most of Douglas' clothing appears brighter in the early version of the model with exception to his shoes.

Early Final
SilentHill3 Douglas Unused.png SilentHill3 Douglas Final.png


An unused model of Heather found at XBG0/data/chr/pl/chhaa_wg.mdl. A similar model is located at XBG0/data/chr/item/pl_htr_a.mdl. The early model has a darker and more saturated color scheme. In addition, the flashlight in Heather's upper-left vest pocket has gray casing instead of green. The final model contains minor adjustments to the size of Heather's clothing and the appearance of the wrinkles on her vest.

The black bands above Heather's orange wristbands are the result of a texturing error. The skin of both the arms and legs share the same image texture. In the early model, the legs appear slightly higher in the image, resulting in the texture of the arms being cut off above the wrists by the shadow of the top portion of the legs.

Early Final
SilentHill3 Heather Unused.png SilentHill3 Heather Final.png
Early Final
SilentHill3 Heather Unused Back.png SilentHill3 Heather Final Back.png


An unused model of Vincent found at XBG0/data/chr/item/chvaa_test.mdl. Comparing both versions of the model, the final version contains adjustments to the shape of the arms, the size of both hands, and and the shape and color of the waistcoat.

Early Final
SilentHill3 Vincent Unused.png SilentHill3 Vincent Final.png

Early Enemy Versions

Double Head

An unused model of the Double Head found at XBG0/data/chr/item/en_one.mdl.bak. Compared to the final model, there are minor differences in detail on the face, teeth, and wraps.

Early Final
SilentHill3 DoubleHead Unused.png SilentHill3 DoubleHead Final.png
Early Final
SilentHill3 DoubleHead Unused Side.png SilentHill3 DoubleHead Final Side.png


An unused model of the Missionary found at XBG0/data/chr/item/en_apb.mdl.bak. The most notable differences are:

  • Bloodstains are missing on the front of the model.
  • A different zipper pattern can be found on the back and legs.
  • The head has a darker red color similar to the color of the gloves, making the head easier to distinguish.

There are also other color differences throughout the model including the shoulders, weapons, pants and shoes.

Early Final
SilentHill3 Missionary Unused.png SilentHill3 Missionary Final.png
Early Final
SilentHill3 Missionary Unused Back.png SilentHill3 Missionary Final Back.png


An unused model of Valtiel found at XBG0/data/chr/item/en_spi.mdl.bak. The most notable differences are:

  • The model has white gloves matching those of Pyramid Head from Silent Hill 2. Since Valtiel and Pyramid Head share a base model, it is likely that Valtiel's gloves were recolored later in development.
  • Both shoulders are missing the Seal of Metatron.
  • The back left side of the head is missing a mouth.
  • The shadow covering the right side of the head is gone, leaving the green pattern on the right cheek exposed.
Early Final
SilentHill3 Valtiel Unused.png SilentHill3 Valtiel Final.png
Early Final
SilentHill3 Valtiel Unused Back.png SilentHill3 Valtiel Final Back.png

Unused Background Models


SilentHill3 BgCpw.png

An unused model of the corpse in the boutique in the Central Square Shopping Center found at XBG0/data/chr/item/bg_cpw.mdl.bak. The model has a higher poly count and higher resolution textures compared to the model used in the game. Aside from this, there are no notable visual differences.

The mesh is an exact match with the high poly model of Angela from Silent Hill 2.


SilentHill3 BgHum Scene.png

SilentHill3 BgHum.png

A model of Angela's head from Silent Hill 2 found at XBG0/data/chr/bg/bg_hum.mdl. During the opening cutscene where Heather wakes up in the Happy Burger, the model is placed at one of the tables near the front of the restaurant. However, the head always appears off-camera and cannot be seen normally.

Test Models


SilentHill3 AnimeTest.png

A test model found at XBG0/data/chr/item/anime_test.mdl. The larger plane has a cutout for a door that can be moved separately.


SilentHill3 AnimeTestBak.png

A test model found at XBG0/data/chr/item/anime_test.mdl.bak. This model is similar to anime_test.mdl, but uses a checkered texture and has a small cube fixed at the center.


SilentHill3 BgTes.png

A test model of a cube found at XBG0/data/chr/item/bg_tes.mdl with a single texture resembling the doors of the subway located in Hazel Street Station.

dekoboko.mdl, dekoboko2.mdl

SilentHill3 Dekoboko 2.png SilentHill3 Dekoboko2 2.png

Two flat plane models found at XBG0/data/chr/item/dekoboko.mdl and XBG0/data/chr/item/dekoboko2.mdl, each with a single morph target and multiple bones to manipulate the shape of the vertex grid. Both models borrow a texture from the back of Heather's vest.


SilentHill3 HigeLip.png

A model of Mary from Silent Hill 2 found at XBG0/data/chr/item/hige_lip.mdl. The model has facial hair that matches exactly with Douglas. The model also contains 3 additional morph targets for animating the facial hair mesh.


SilentHill3 TestChdcc.png

An unused model of Douglas' head found at XBG0/data/chr/item/test_chdcc.mdl. The head retains the rig of the base model starting from the neck.


SilentHill3 TestWave.png SilentHill3 TestWave 2.png

A flat plane with Douglas' face found at XBG0/data/chr/item/test_wave.mdl. The model has a single morph target that deforms the mesh into a wave shape (right).

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Unused Animations


SilentHill3 Closer Climbing.gif

An unused animation of a Closer climbing up from a lower level.

Memory of Alessa

SilentHill3 MemoryOfAlessa Dismount.gif

An unused animation of the Memory of Alessa dismounting a horse on the Happy Carousel.


The early Heather model has two unused animations, both of which can be found in XBG0/data/chr/item/pl_htr_a.anm. These animations may have been used to test the character rig or motion capture.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Unused Sounds


An unused audio sequence of a baby crying. Based on its corresponding entry in X1/BR3F/building_face_3f.sdb, this sound was intended to have an 80% chance of playing when entering the center hallway through the west door on the 3rd floor of Hilltop Center.

Unused Music

A unused track that's a remix of the results theme from the first game.