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Streets of Rogue

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Title Screen

Streets of Rogue

Developer: Matt Dabrowski
Publisher: tinyBuild
Platforms: Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch
Released internationally: July 13, 2019 (1.0 Release)

SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.

A grim vision of a dystopian future where Chicken Nuggets are considered currency.

Unused Audio

An unused sound for NPCs fleeing, in a completely different, vocal style compared to the bleeps and clicks of the rest of the NPC sounds.

Region Differences

A number of cosmetic changes were made to the Chinese version, to appease government censors. Both English and Chinese versions of the altered text are included in the localization files. Both will be displayed here.

Graphical Changes

To do:
Rip the appropriate graphics
  • The Cop wears purple instead of blue, lacks the little badge on their chest, and wears a purple skullcap instead of a traditional western police cap.
  • SuperCops, much like their predecessors, also wear purple instead of blue.
  • The Thief's torso is entirely black, without any white stripes.

Class Name Changes

A number of classes had their names changed to euphemisms.

Original - English Altered - English Altered - Chinese
Slave Servant 仆人
Former Slave Former Servant 前仆人
Slavemaster Servant Provider 老爷
Cop No-Fun Enforcer 铁面巡警
SuperCop Super No-Fun Enforcer 超级铁面巡警
CopBot Enforcer Bot 机器人执法者
Cannibal Maniac 疯子
Zombie Diseased 痨病鬼
Gangbanger Troublemaker 古惑仔
Drug Dealer Street Peddler 街头毒贩

Class Description Changes


Original - English Altered - English Altered - Chinese
The warmest, gentlest slavemaster one could ever hope to have. Joins fellow Slavemasters each night to serenade their slaves with acapella lullabies. This is followed by mandatory cuddle sessions. As for all the form-fitting leather?.. Well, everybody has their thing, ok? Provides servants to everyone who can afford one. As for all the form-fitting leather?.. Well, everybody has their thing, ok? 向有钱的人出售仆人。那些皮衣、皮鞭和蜡烛是怎么回事?……呃,大家都有自己的秘密,不是吗?


Original - English Altered - English Altered - Chinese
Follows the Law of the Land unflinchingly, even if it doesn't always make perfect sense. Despite this, the Cop became disenchanted with the current government after a law was passed preventing more than four people from dancing side by side, sadly forcing the Cop's Village People cover group to disband. Are you having fun? Lots of fun? Don't let the No-Fun Enforcer know it, or they just might beat you up! Follows the Law of the Land unflinchingly, even if it doesn't always make perfect sense. 玩得开心吗?很开心?千万不要让那些铁面巡警知道,不然他们会把你打个半死!一丝不苟地执行当地法律,虽然有时候这些律法并无多大意义。


Original - English Altered - English Altered - Chinese
The result of inbreeding, toxic sludge pollution, and internet videos of animals being kept in tiny cramped spaces before being turned into fast food. The Cannibal finds it morally unjustifiable to eat animal meat, but it's just so tasty! There's only so much tofu one can take before they snap. Fun fact: Human meat is apparently very sweet tasting. The result of inbreeding, toxic sludge pollution, and internet videos of animals being kept in tiny cramped spaces before being turned into fast food. The Maniac gains their power from sucking the life energy out of dead people, but refuses to eat anything! 这是近亲结婚、毒性污泥污染和互联网动物保护视频(动物们被关在狭小的空间,然后被做成快餐)的结果。这些疯子从死人身上汲取精气,获得力量,但拒绝食用任何东西!


Original - English Altered - English Altered - Chinese
The Zombie doesn't actually want to eat people's brains. I mean, that's pretty gross. However, society expects it. Society also demands that 'normies' try to stab Zombies in the head with an axe. It's a vicious cycle. Zombies also wish that they were cool enough to hang out with Vampires -- but as everyone knows, Vampires can be pretty aloof! A terrible disease is spreading throughout the land, causing people to attack other people without provocation! 一场可怕的疾病在席卷城市,被感染的人会毫无理由地相互攻击!


Of note is that the modified descriptions for the Gangbanger classes are still based on the original Early Access versions, before they were rewritten for the console releases to remove references to, uh, fornication.

Original - English Altered - English Altered - Chinese
Joined the Crepes after witnessing their father being murdered at the hands of a Blahd. Actually, it wasn't a Blahd, it was just a crazed naked man driven insane from a nasty sunburn. The Gangster probably needs to have their vision checked. Joined the Crepes after witnessing their mother being murdered at the hands of a Blahd. Actually, it wasn't a Blahd, it was just a naked man with extreme full-body rosacea. And it wasn't a murder, they were just fornicating! The Troublemaker probably needs to have their vision checked. 在目睹自己的母亲被血帮杀害后,古惑仔加入了瘸帮。实际上,这并不是血帮下的手,真正的凶手是一个全身长满红斑痤疮的裸男。而且这也不是谋杀,他们只是在私通!古惑仔可能需要检查一下自己的视力了。
Joined the Blahds after witnessing their father being murdered at the hands of a Crepe. Actually, it wasn't a Crepe, it was just a crazed naked man driven insane after falling into a vat of blueberries. The Gangster probably needs to have their vision checked. Joined the Blahds after witnessing their father being murdered at the hands of a Crepe. Actually, it wasn't a Crepe, it was just a naked woman doing Avatar cosplay. And it wasn't a murder, they were just fornicating! The Troublemaker probably needs to have their vision checked. 在目睹他的父亲被瘸帮谋杀后,古惑仔加入了血帮。实际上,这并不是瘸帮下的手,真正的凶手是一个扮装成阿凡达的裸女。而这也不是谋杀,他们只是在私通!古惑仔可能需要检查一下自己的视力了。

Investment Banker

Original - English Altered - English Altered - Chinese
"Greed is good! So are drugs!" This is the motto that the Investment Banker lives by. Predictably, this has led them to significant wealth and a crippling drug addiction... Party party party! It's an extreme lifestyle (and gameplay style) that's not for everyone. "Greed is good!" This is the motto that the Investment Banker lives by. Predictably, this has led them to significant wealth. But they are also addicted to power-ups! Party party party! It's an extreme lifestyle (and gameplay style) that's not for everyone. “贪婪是种美德!”这就是投资银行家的座右铭。可以预见的是,这让他们拥有了巨额财富。不过这也知道他们染上了严重毒瘾!派对,美女,狂欢!这是一种极端的生活方式(和游戏风格),并不适合所有人。
To do:
Item and dialogue changes