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Adds icons with links to each type of page an article has, in all the supported namespaces.


{{NamespacesIcons|main page}}

This template is meant to be used only on featured blurbs (on Template:FeaturedRandom/<something> pages).

main page can belong to any namespace, it doesn't need to belong in the main one (this template will look for namespace links relatively to it, e.g. for a Proto: main page will look for Notes:Proto: and so on).


For example

{{NamespacesIcons|Deus Ex}}

yields This article has a 'Main' page!This article has a 'Proto' page!This article has a 'Prerelease' page!This article has a 'Development' page!This article has a 'Bugs' page!This article has a 'Notes' page! where the first icon links to Deus Ex and the others to Proto:Deus Ex and so on.

All the unavailable page types are automatically omitted, in this case Data and Lua.