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User:SONIC123CDMANIA+&K(B&ATSA)/Pizza Tower if Mods & Hacks were documented/Unused Sprites

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This is a sub-page of User:SONIC123CDMANIA+&K(B&ATSA)/Pizza Tower if Mods & Hacks were documented.


Unused Peppino Animations
Yes, even the fat Italian has some unused animations, and there are a lot.
Pizza Tower spr-playerN-ghostend.gif
Unused Noise Animations
That pesky gremlin again.

Blue Purple Block Land Build Leftovers

One of the Patreon builds titled Blue Block Land had sprites created for a placeholder hub room in a time when gates did not display level names. These served as a temporary replacement until that was implemented. There's also sprites for ranks and a "cover" for the build of sorts.

The mixup of the "Blue Block Land" and "Purple Block Land" names is the result of the solid objects being changed from blue to purple in one of the builds. These solids were, ironically, changed again for the final game to be a pink transparent square.

Captain Bomb

Captain Goblin was originally called Captain Bomb and had a more humanoid design. The only sprites created for him consist of the same idle animation badly rotated and edited. He was probably replaced as his sprites would've obstructed the player's view too greatly.

Credits Transformations

One sprite simply titled spr_credittransformation was used for the credits in the Halloween demo from 2018 to tease players for upcoming transformations. They're single frames, and the majority of these transformations were either changed visually or scrapped.

Halloween Update

To do:
  • Add the font for the money

The 2023 Halloween Update added a whole bunch of sprites related to Mr Stick and possibly to the scrapped level "Stickland", alongside sprites for another goblin variant.

Coins & Cash

There's also animations for opening and finishing to collect bags and the suitcase.

Mr Stick's Chest

Pizza Tower spr-stickchest.png

Very much placeholder sprite for a Mr Stick chest.

Stick Switch

Pizza Tower spr-stickswitch-0.png Pizza Tower spr-stickswitch-1.png

Placeholder sprites for a switch also for Stick.


Goblin's Cage

Pizza Tower spr-goblincage.png Pizza Tower spr-goblinkey.gif

The goblin's cage, alongside its key.


Pizza Tower spr-goblincagedebris-0.png Pizza Tower spr-goblincagedebris-1.png Pizza Tower spr-goblincagedebris-2.png Pizza Tower spr-goblincagedebris-3.png Pizza Tower spr-goblincagedebris-4.png

The debris after the cage is destroyed.

Old Pillar John Animations

Some old sprites for Pillar John. Since these sprites were never reused after his redesign, they've remained in the game's files using his earlier design.

Old Pause Screen

Sprites for one of the old pause screens (titled spr_pausescreen) that was used from the SAGE 2019 demo up to the April 2021 builds. It fully covers the screen and only gives three options, featuring Peppino's face next to the text.

Old Player HUD

This HUD, featuring just the face of the character you're playing as on the left side of the screen with an inventory slot and a speed bar, was used for half of the game's development and was updated over time with new animations for different characters and their transformations. It wouldn't be until the April 2021 Patreon build that it got replaced with the TV HUD used in the final game.

Almost all the sprites of the old HUD are here. The ones that no longer exist are the TV score displays.


It's not Peppino anymore. It's Pepino.

The Noise

The Vigilante


This HUD wasn't just about faces...

Pizzahead Boss Fight Sketches

To do:
Elaborate based on some of the stuff seen in the September 2021 build.

A good number of sketches created for the 2nd and 3rd phases of Pizzahead's boss fight are in the game's files as separate sprites created from cutouts. Not every attack seen here appears during the final fight.

Used Attacks

Unused Phase 2 Attacks

Scrapped 3rd Phase

One of the more bizarre things that these sketches reveal is that the final phase was going to play out a lot different than in the final game. Originally, Pizzahead wouldn't have pulled the floor bosses up for Peppino to rematch, but instead completely lose it with attacks depicting him frantically charging and punching Peppino. According to the developers and playtesters, this phase was scrapped as the developers didn't want to portray Pizzahead as an angry character, and instead be seen as nothing more than a clown. The proper sprites that were created for this phase never showed up in the game's files at all.

A couple of duplicate sketches exist as well in the form of spr_pizzahead and spr_pizzahead2.

Placeholder Flush Cards

There's crude placeholder versions of the flush cards seen in Fast Food Saloon that lack any animations. These were used in the Rework build, in the Pinball level.

Miscellaneous Placeholder Graphics

Placeholder Horsey

A crudely drawn placeholder graphic of a horse used as a placeholder for Horsey in prerelease builds.

PT Spr horseplaceholder.png

Cardboard Tank Placeholder

A very basic placeholder graphic for the Cardboard Tank.

PT spr placeholder tank.png

Car Placeholder

And equally basic placeholder graphic for a car.

PT spr placeholder car.png

Placeholder Gabaghoul

A placeholder Sprite for the Gabaghoul enemies.


The Noise Boss Fight Sprites

The background for The Noise's old boss arena is still present in the files...

PizzaTower-bg noisearena 0.png

As are a few uncolored, non animated sprites for the phase 2 cutscene, used as a base for the finalized sprites.

Unused Enemy Animations

Unused Cheeseslime animations

PizzaTower Slimeturn.gif PizzaTower Slimefall.gif Ptcheeseslimebouncedon.gif

The most common enemy has some unused animations, all leftover from 2018-era builds. The turning and falling animations even then went unused as the turning felt slow, and Cheeseslimes don't fall off ledges. The bounce animation is a leftover from when they could be used like springs.

Eggplantmobile idle


An unused idling animation for the Eggplantmobile, leftover from their initial concept of being recruitable in the scrapped Mansion level, and using their abilities to the player's advantage.

Pineacool Parrying


Originally the Pineacool enemies would taunt to the beat of a level's music, similar to the enemies in the New Super Mario Bros. games, though this was scrapped. Pineacools still taunt when the player taunts near them, though this feature being removed disallowed them the ability to potentially parry the player.

Big Cheese death sprite


The Big Cheeses weren't always invincible, evidently; In early builds such as the Golf demo, these enemies could be KO'd, with this sprite being used upon defeat.

Noisey Jumping


When the Noiseys were re-occurring enemies, rather than a boss hazard, they had 2 phases; Their 1st being the normal walking one, and then the 2nd one where they bounce around on a spring. Likely scrapped for it being deemed too hard to attack them in this state, especially on the front.

Toppin Monsters walking

Ptmushroomtoppinmonsterwalking.gif Ptcheesetoppinmonsterwalking.gif

There are walking animations for the Mushroom and Cheese Monsters. In early versions of the Don't Make A Sound level, the Toppin Monsters would roam freely and would chase when the player was in their view, instead of only being active when the alarms go off.

Pineapple Toppin summoning the Pineapple Toppin Monster


Also within those early versions, the Pineapple Toppin Monster would be summoned when this Toppin smiled. Only one of the smiling frames gets used in the final game, as one of its taunts.

Pineapple Toppin Monster Jumpscare


This was used in the Eggplant Build when you got jumpscared by an animatronic summoned by the pineapple monster.

Loose Sprites

These sprites are single and don't have several animations that would otherwise make them part of a gallery.


The final judgement that is given when the game is first beat was originally permanent. If a player wanted to try for a different judgement, they would have to either delete their save and start over, or start a new game in another save slot. A textless version of this screen can be seen in-game as of update v1.0.594 when attempting to exit the Halloween Event's Tricky Treat bonus level through the starting point using the Ghost transformation before the game closes itself, but this version remains unused. The screen with the textless version appears to be some sort of an error handler, because it also appears when doing other unintended things in the game
