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User:SupaCotn/Cotton Reboot!

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NOTE: This is a WIP page for the actual article, once there's enough presentable info this will be moved onto an actual page. You're free to edit this page with additional information, just don't trash it with jokes and other content that isn't relevant.

Title Screen

Cotton Reboot!

Developer: Rocket-Engine Co., Ltd.
Publisher: BEEP
Platforms: PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Windows
Released internationally: February 25, 2021 (PS4/Switch), November 10, 2021 (Windows)

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

Cotton Reboot! is a remake of Cotton: Fantasic Night Dreams, more specifically the X68000 version.

To do:
  • Get version differences between updates and platforms.
  • Fix the dates in the Bob, they look awful.
  • Early trailers for the game are on BEEP's official YouTube channel. Put them ALL on the Pre-release page.



Unused Graphics

SETNIK ID000000 00001.png

An early promotional image for the game with " COMING SOON !" written on it. It's likely this was from the build used in this trailer, judging by the mixture of Arrange mode and X68000 graphics used.