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Night in the Woods (Windows)

할 것:
* Longest Night에 포함되어 있는 출시 이전 버전 대사들 남겨두기. (User:Uss0504/NITW/LN)
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    • 단순히 주석 처리된 부분과 안 쓰이는 대사를 하위 문서로 구분해두기.
    • {{PAGENAME}}/Unused Text - 안쓰이는 대사 / {{PAGENAME}}/Comments - 주석 / Notes:{{PAGENAME}} - 노트(데모버전을 불러오는 방법+문제 해결방법, 기타 설정관련해서 적어둘 내용) / 버전간 차이 이런 식으로?
  • 지금 작성되어있는 문서에서 소개하지 못한 스프라이트들 올리기. 예시1, 추가예정
    • 규칙에 맞게 파일 이름 바꾸기. (모르고 안바꾸고 올린 이미지가 있다...)
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  • 이 문서에 남겨 둘것: 안쓰인 이미지, 음악, 기타 에셋(리소스)등.

모든 대사는 AssetStudio를 통해 추출된 대사를 YarnEditor를 사용해 찾은겁니다.

맨 앞줄에 '//'이 붙은 줄은 주석 처리되어서 사용되지 않습니다. 대사의 맥락을 위해 주석처리 되지 않은 부분도 같이 인용할 수 있습니다. 그리고 '[...]'는 생략된 대사입니다. 사용되는 스크립트들 일부 해석: [1] <pre> 태그에 감싸져 있는건 [...]으로 생략된걸 제외하면 원본 대사입니다.

대사가 아닌것: 안보이는 지형?, 카메라 밖 지형들.

하위 문서

사용되지 않은 대사 / Unused Text

NITW Buttons talk 00000.png
Unused Text
이봐 알렉, 너 이 대화 숨겨야해!

user:uss0504/NITW/Unused Text

주석 / Comments



참고? 노트? / Notes user:uss0504/NITW/Note, 실제 문서로 옮길땐 Notes:Night in the Woods (Windows) 이런식으로 옮겨야 할지도.



처음에만 효과가 적용되어있고 나머진 효과가 적용되어 있지 않은 주석이 있다.

CatGod: and i am showing you now #line:e8cb49
<<playMusic unknowable 6>>
//flash to horrifying things//
<<trigger AstralAct3Day2 BeyondThings>> 
<<wait 9>>
<<fadeOutMusic 3>>
<<wait 3>>
<<playMusic cat_god 10>>
Mae: aaagh #line:f27b40
Mae: oh god. oh god. #line:bb6ef4
Mae: so... does anything mean anything? #line:63ec68
CatGod: this is not a question worth answering #line:f0c28d
-> what about my home? What about my friends? #line:d12326
	CatGod: soon they are dying #line:211db5
	CatGod: soon they are rotting #line:83e7b0
-> what about trees in the fall? What about the leaves? #line:77a1a2
	CatGod: bare existence, meaning nothing #line:543324
CatGod: you are atoms #line:6c5437
//begin blurry fade to black//
CatGod: and your atoms are not caring if you are existing #line:3add4e
CatGod: your atoms are monstrous existence #line:fe9968
Mae: then why am I here goddammit? Why was i chosen to see all of this? #line:fce248
Mae: where is this going? #line:99265f
CatGod: little creature, you are not chosen #line:551cbe
CatGod: there is no one to choose you #line:33f5a3
CatGod: this is going nowhere #line:034f0c
CatGod: we are not meeting again #line:a547d5
//fully black now//
CatGod: and the universe is forgetting you #line:02c14c
CatGod: and I am remembering you #line:6decf6
CatGod: goodbye, little creature #line:e97d11
<<fadeOutMusic 5>>
<<fadeOut 5 wait>>
<<wait 5>>


밴드 연습이 끝난 이후에 점수 평가 하는 부분에 붙어있는 주석들. 이후로도 공통적으로 존재하고, MaeRoom.yarn.txt 에서도 동일하게 존재한다.

<<if $band_practice_0_right is 100>>
    // player played the song perfectly!
<<elseif $band_practice_0_right > 90>>
    // player did pretty alright!!
<<elseif $band_practice_0_played < 50>>
    // player played less than 50% of the notes registered
<<elseif $band_practice_0_right < 20>>
    // player probably mashed random buttons for the whole song
<<elseif $band_practice_0_right < 50>>
    // pretty baaaad
    // a catch-all for doing pretty meh


도전과제를 위한 주석. Notes for Achievement.

// adjust these numbers later
// also see these in Continuity.cs


맨 윗줄만 제외하곤 DomFriendBeaEnding에도 존재한다.

//Gregg Domfriend
//fade it on empty bad practice room//
<<wait 3>>
//from offscreen to the left//


엔딩 부분(A4D2)에 주석 존재.


//fade in on bea, sitting in her living room doing bills as her dad is asleep on the couch. Mae chat continues in black box somewhere//


<<fadeIn 1 wait>>
//fade in on bea, sitting in her living room doing bills as her dad is asleep on the couch.//
//fade out. Fade in on germ in a parking lot. This will need to be a new scene//



우는 이모트를 사용하려던 흔적.

English Orginal(영어 원문) Korean User Translation(유저 한국어 패치)
Mae: he looked at me as i went past and #line:a802fe
//if we have a mae cry emote use it here//
Mae: I THINK HE KNEEEW-EW-EW... #line:1c781c
Mae: 내가 지나가는 걸 걔가 봐버렸어 #line:a802fe
//if we have a mae cry emote use it here//
Mae: 아마 걘 알....알아챘을..... #line:1c781c



주석 처리된 부분.

<<if $did_bea_coffin>>
    <<warp Mae MaeInPit>>
    <<warp Bea BeaInPit>>
    <<flip Mae -1>>
    <<cameraLookAt CameraEnd>>
    //<<hide Collision:Ground>>
    //<<hide Collision:Ground2>>
<<setSpriteLayer Bea CharacterFG>>


//<<hide Collision:Ground>>
//<<show Collision:Ground2>>



<<cameraFollowPlayer 2>>
//<<walk Jackie Jackie2 wait>>
//<<flip Jackie -1>>
<<walk Bea BeaDance>>


//they walk away. And you’re free to walk around or dance until you go talk to Bea again.
//How do we want to continue dancing?
//Is it like an interact spot?
//Otherwise you can wander and look at stuff


상황을 설명하는 주석이 많다.


//autotriggers when you get within range//
//you can now freerun and jump and stuff!//


//there is a guy and a girl standing in front of the car you need to jump on//
//she walks away to the right and down to the party//
//CarDude walks to the right and down to the party//


English Orginal(영어 원문) Korean User Translation(유저 한국어 패치)
Mae: college is stupid anyway #line:cc277b
//remember on blocking to do yelling text effects for this//
Bea: so why did you leave? #line:194313
Mae: i... #line:e1dfb8
//walk Mae over and sit next to Bea on bench//
<<if $did_bea_friendship_quest_1>>
    Mae: you know what the Fort Lucenne fish fountain would say #line:98c03c
    Bea: what? #line:79b026
    //remember size and shake//
    Mae: BEATRICE SANTELLO #line:8d6b83
Mae: 대학은 바보 같은 데란 말야. #line:cc277b
//remember on blocking to do yelling text effects for this//
Bea: 세상에 너 같은 머저리 새끼는 처음 본다 #line:220768
Bea: 그래서 왜 돌아온 건데? #line:194313
Mae: 난... #line:e1dfb8
//walk Mae over and sit next to Bea on bench//
<<if $did_bea_friendship_quest_1>>
    Mae: 아마 포트 루셴 물고기 분수가 지금 상황을 봤으면 이렇게 말했을 걸 #line:98c03c
    Bea: 뭐라고? #line:79b026
    //remember size and shake//
    Mae: 비아트리스 산텔로 #line:8d6b83
    Mae: 우리는 가는 길에 버거랑 쉐이크를 먹어야 하느니라 #line:7ca391



//this interaction is enabled only after talking to them after their quest is completed//



// note there is a matching extraZoom in the waitForRabies code
<<extraZoom 0 3>>



Pawmode로 들어가서 집지 않고 대사로 하려고 한 흔적이 있음. 실제로도 Pawmode에 들어가진 않음. [2]

    Mae: Okay, just gotta grab it. #line:94d4e3
	//<<set $soda to 1>>
	//Mae: Got it!



안쓰이는 변수와 주석처리된 부분.

<<set $taxi_stop to 2>>

안쓰이지만 꾸준히 나오는 $taxi_stop 변수. 택시 기능이 있었던 흔적이 롱기스트 나이트에 존재한다.

<<if $act is 2 and $day is 4>>
    // show wyrd teens
<<elseif $act is 4 and $day is 3 and $found_pentagrams >= 3>>
    // show wyrd teens
    <<hide Britt>>
    <<hide Pam>>
    <<hide Karla>>
<<elseif $act is 3 and $day is 2>>
    <<show Jen>>
//<<elseif $act is 2 and $day is 4 and $did_gregg_friendship_quest_3>>
//    <<show Jen>>



<<trigger ChurchAnimate Morph>>

// fade out characters //
//<<fadeOutMusic 7>>
<<fadeOutAmbientSFX _AmbientSFX:amb_deathprairie_church 7>>
//<<playAmbientSFX _AmbientSFX:amb_hospital 7>>
Janitor: Janitor! #line:d253a0
<<walk Janitor JanitorOffRight wait>>
//mae opens her eyes//
Mae: everything #line:4c22a3
//<<fadeOutAmbientSFX _AmbientSFX:amb_hospital 1>>




미사용 변수들이 많긴 한데... 일단 생략 하고 주석부분만 옮겨둠.

<<if $mallard_rats > 0>>
    <<if $act is 4 and $day is 1>>
        // do nothing
    <<elseif $act is 4 and $day is 2>>
        // do nothing
        <<set $rat_spread_days += 1>>
//<<if $cook > 0>>
//    <<set $cook_sequence += 1>>
//    <<set $cook to 0>>
//    <<set $cook_done to 0>>



Gregg: That's where I got my tattoo! #line:3f300e
Mae: What? #line:65e821
Gregg: Yeah! #line:0a2cfd
//emoticon of sheep tattoo//
Gregg:{emote=sheep_tattoo} #line:abf3c7
Mae: You're moving to Bright Harbor. #line:c70ff4
Gregg: Yeah! #line:b6e67e
Mae: Oh. #line:760f7a
// We need a variable to say I know about Bright Harbor and the tattoo so we don't repeat this later.
// ^ we can use $did_gregg_friendship_quest_1 to check this



주석 처리된 부분.

//Mae and Gregg and sitting basically where they were in the demo,
//with Angus on the far side of Gregg//
<<sit Gregg>>
<<sit Angus>>
<<hide GardenGnome>>



<<if $bathroom_mirror is 0>>
    //characters start offscreen to the left and start walking in to some locators by the door//
    <<hide Collision:Left>>


English Orginal(영어 원문) Korean User Translation(유저 한국어 패치)
Mae: I have to go to the bathroom. #line:8039c5
Gregg: ...ok... #line:e245b3
//Mae walks over to the bathroom. Camera stays on Gregg as she walks away. Poor Gregg. Or… poor Gregg???//
//<<setCameraMode Stationary>>
Mae: 난 화장실 갔다 와야겠어. #line:8039c5
Gregg: ...응... #line:e245b3
//Mae walks over to the bathroom. Camera stays on Gregg as she walks away. Poor Gregg. Or… poor Gregg???//
//<<setCameraMode Stationary>>


무슨 내용???

0 int state 1

242 int state 2 //4:02
263 int state 3 //4:23
290 int state 2 //4:50
294 int state 3 //4:54
307 int state 2 //5:07
309 int state 3 //5:09

315 int state 1 //5:15

505 int state 2 //8:25
526 int state 3 //8:46
553 int state 2 //9:13
557 int state 3 //9:17

566 int state 0 //9:26



$arcade_machine_1_done 이란 쓰이지 않는 변수를 설정한다.

<<set $arcade_machine_1_done to 1>>
<<set $arcade_machine_2_done to 1>>
<<set $arcade_machine_3_done to 1>>


$wont_open_food_donkey_basement_door_1 란 변수를 설정한다. (모든 스크립트 안에서 쓰이지 않음)



<<if $fort_lucenne_mall is 0>>
    // intro
<<elseif $fort_lucenne_mall is 1>>
    // after the not topic, first time
<<elseif $fort_lucenne_mall is 3>>
    // they're eating in the cafeteria
<<elseif $fort_lucenne_mall is 6>>
    // walking out of the not topic for the last time


<<if $demo2>>
    <<scene ShowJournalDoodles>>


// feedback noise, crackly, echoey, overblown V/O and a bit of screenshake when she talks?
<<playOneShot event:/fort_lucenne_mall/microphone_feedback>>



$like_a_poem 이란 안쓰이는 변수를 설정한다.

Germ: It was like... #line:5e3c2a
Germ: a poem. #line:ee3ac3
<<set $like_a_poem to 1>>


효과과 구현이 안된 주석만 있다.

Germ: ok we're done! #line:c46ef3
Mae: what? #line:115b36
Germ: let's go! #line:9fac1b
//germ starts walking away//
Mae: hey! #line:3d54f5
<<irisOut 1 wait>>
<<scene Outskirts>>


        <<waitForMove Germ>>
        //they walk out onto the bridge and Germ jumps up onto the railing.
        <<playOneShot event:/mae/footsteps/metal/footstep_metal_jump Germ>>
        <<jumpThroughUp Germ>>
        <<wait 2>>
        //We’ll need a Germ balancing idle here//
        <<lookAt Mae Germ>>
        Mae: So what are we doing here? #line:dd7b49
        Germ: ok #line:237a34
        <<lookForward Germ>>
        Germ: bye #line:67f48e
        <<wait 1>>
        //Germ jumps off the bridge//
        <<jumpThrough Germ>>
        Germ: JUMP! It’s fine! #line:a6e01d
        Mae: oh for real? #line:67e353
        //<<trigger Germ Blink>>
        <<toggleBlinks Germ 1>>
        <<flip Germ -1>>
        <<cameraFollowPlayer 2>>


추정: 이 스크립트 이후에 GermEnterOutskirts_A3D4를 다시 불러와야해서 주석 처리된걸로 추정된다.

//<<set $germ_done to 1>>



스크립트 뒤에 f가 있는 오타가 존재한다.

//<<walk Mae Mae1>>
//<<walk Germ Germ1>>f

//<<waitForMove Mae>>

//Germ: Dialogue 1.
//Mae: Dialogue 1.


<<runAndJumpOffPorchToTrampoline Germ>>
<<cameraLookAt CameraTrampoline 2>>
<<wait 3>>
// Germ runs and jumps off the porch onto the trampoline.


<<setCanInteract Germ 1>>
// this next command prevents Germ from making Mae walk and pause
<<setUsePlayerInteractStates Germ 0>>
<<alwaysRequireButtonToAdvance 0>>
//<<cameraFollowPlayer 1>>


// force Germ to blink to clear his eyes
//<<trigger Germ Blink>>
<<toggleBlinks Germ 1>>

그리고 wait 스크립트의 앞부분에 < 을 빼고 적은 오타가 존재한다. (게임 내에서 출력되진 않음.)

Germ: Glad you liked Sloppy Joe’s. #line:b767bc
Mae: Who doesn’t? #line:4af7d2
<wait 3>> #line:42b866
Germ: What were you going to say before dinner? #line:82f4e2

//Mae kinda slumps to the side and leans her head on Germ and closes her eyes//
<<wait 2>>
Mae: Thanks for dinner. #line:e82e68



//germ and mae walk in. GermMom is in the FG//



<<setAnimInt Mae layShocked 1>>
//mae is laying on the floor getting electrocuted.
//Her dialogue autoplays and you just advance Gregg’s.
//Robot is waggling around. Gregg is whooping and hollering and dancing.
<<show Angus>>
<<tell _AmbientSFX:door Play>>
<<wait 2>>
Angus: What the- #line:d6ba27
<<extraZoom 0 2>>
<<cameraLookAt GreggFQ2EndCam2 3>>
<<wait 2>>
//pan over and Angus is standing there with the door open//
//you control mae’s dialogue again. She is no longer being electrocuted.//


같은 주석이 InitLevel_A3D4, PostIQConvo에도 있다.

//left to right on the couch, seated: angus, gregg, bea. mae on the floor in floor sit pose//


<<hide Bea>>
<<hide Germ>>
//Gregg and Mae are in the living room.
<<warp Mae MaeRobotBody>>
<<warp Gregg GreggRobotBody>>
//The robot is on the couch(?).
//Angus is in the kitchen but we can’t see him yet.
<<warp Angus AngusKitchen>>
<<cameraLookAt CouchCamera>>


//camera pulls out to see Angus is standing like 6 feet away//
<<extraZoom 0 2>>
//angus walks across the screen and off the left//
<<walk Angus AngusOffLeft>>


Gregg: alright. #line:fdc513
Gregg: let's hunt some ghost. #line:d0979e
<<set $night to 1>>
//<<set $walking_up_to_the_woods to 1>>
<<fadeOut 1 wait>>
<<scene MineWoods left>>


<<if $dom_friend_bea>>
    //if Bea is domfriend, here’s the layout- Bea is sitting on the couch, on the right. Gregg is sitting on the ground in front of the couch to the left, germ on the right. Those two are playing videogames. Angus is in the kitchen, cooking. We just watch this for a few seconds. What era of games is it? Feel like they’d be playing some sort of two-player Tony Hawk thing or something but how do we want to show “old game” audibly w/o it being like 8-bit?
    //if Gregg is domfriend, here’s the layout- Gregg is standing in front of the couch, to the left. Bea is sitting on the couch, on the right. Germ is sitting in from of the couch on the right. Angus is in the kitchen, cooking. We just watch this for a few seconds. Video game noises.


그렉시점에서 움직일때 엥거스를 껴앉거나 비비는 애니메이션이 필요할 거 같다는 주석.

English Orginal(영어 원문) Korean User Translation(유저 한국어 패치)
        Angus: someone’s gotta take care of you! #line:2be864
        Gregg: Dude. Let me take care of *you*. #line:f7e69f
        Angus: This. This stuff I'm doing? #line:06e972
        Angus: this helps me. #line:1c3ab1
        Gregg: ok. that's cool. #line:e48a40
        //need some sort of animation of Gregg hugging or smooching Angus here//
        Gregg: We are gonna make it through this. #line:0c751c
        Angus: We are gonna make it through this. #line:a69785
        Gregg: love you. #line:900428
        Angus: love you. #line:401c6a
        Angus: 누군가는 널 돌봐줘야지! #line:2be864
        Gregg: 야. 내가 *널* 돌봐야 해. #line:f7e69f
        Angus: 이거. 지금 하고 있는 거? #line:06e972
        Angus: 이게 날 도와줘. #line:1c3ab1
        Gregg: 알겠어. 그거 좋네. #line:e48a40
        //need some sort of animation of Gregg hugging or smooching Angus here//
        Gregg: 우린 헤쳐나갈거야. #line:0c751c
        Angus: 우린 헤쳐나갈거야. #line:a69785
        Gregg: 사랑해. #line:900428
        Angus: 나도 사랑해. #line:401c6a


잘못 적힌 코드같은 주석 처리된 부분.

//    <<set $bea += 1>>
//    <<set $bea_done to 1>>


// mae laying on couch
//Germ still playing games. Bea and Angus talking to the right of the couch.//
//Gregg is standing to the left of the couch//
//Bea walks in from kitchen//
//Bea and Gregg are standing to the right of the couch. Angus is on the left//
//<<cameraLookAt CouchCamera>>

<<setAnimInt GreggAngusApartment blackOut 1>>

<<fadeIn 1 wait>>
//on black screen//
Mae: Hello? #line:21e92a
Bea: Look who’s awake! #line:ab3780
//buzzer rings//
<<tell _AmbientSFX:intercom_buzz_short Play>>


//Mae is talking to her mom on an actual land line in the kitchen! A LAND LINE! Mom’s responses come from receiver and hang out on a node opposite Mae?
<<set $gregg_angus_phone_off_hook to 0>>
//music does a thing during this pause here? Like an ambient sting or... something? Like foreboding? So players can think maybe her saying she loves her mom is like her last words to her?//
//Mae can deathwalk around the apartment.
//Angus is in the kitchen eating a brownie.
<<warp Angus AngusKitchen>>
//Gregg is on the couch watching
<<sit Gregg SitOnCouch2>>
//Germ, who is still sitting there playing the game.
//Bea is looking at her phone by their computer in the bedroom.
<<warp Bea BeaBedroom>>
<<flip Bea -1>>
<<warp Mae MaeKitchenLandline>>
<<fadeIn 1 wait>>
// need to prevent access to the door here! somehow... maybe the door should always be off?
<<cameraFollowPlayer 1>>


<<if $did_germ_friendship_quest_1 and $did_germ_friendship_quest_2>>
    //walk mae and germ over by door//
    <<walk Germ GermByDoorWithMae wait>>
    <<if $dom_friend_bea is 0>>
        // only flip if gregg is dom friend
        <<flip Mae -1>>
    Germ: See ya! #line:3c11cb
    Mae: Bye, Germ #line:08d0d1
    //Mae: What a weird guy.
    //Gregg: Aw, Germ’s alright.



//walking across to the car, which is on the right//
//they stop in front of the car//


//Mae: What?
//Gregg: I dunno! I go where the moment takes me!


Mae: =_= #line:e71cee
//mae is on the ground, gregg is standing on top of the car//



<<if $gregg_fq3_woods is 1>>
    // after knife fight
<<elseif $gregg_fq3_woods is 2>>
    // done shooting


<<if $gregg_fq3_woods is 0>>
    <<wait .1>>
    <<walk Mae Mae1>>
    <<walk Gregg Gregg1>>
    //enter from offscreen to the left and walk to locators we’ll set up when blocking happens//
    <<lookForward Gregg>>
    //Gregg runs to the right//
    <<run Gregg GreggOffRight1>>
    //Wait til he’s offscreen to trigger movement for Mae again. You can freerun around now until you go talk to Gregg. Gregg’ll be doing some amusing animation until you do.//
    <<waitForMove Gregg>>
<<elseif $gregg_fq3_woods is 1>>
    // after knife fight


Mae: With the knives? #line:0c7c19
Gregg: NO! :| #line:26230c
//gregg runs into place and starts jumping//
Mae: This is probably gonna kill us! #line:88c814
Gregg: Naw, dude. #line:7fb343
Mae: Good point. #line:49c8cf
//you can now jump, and then the log breaks, wooo//
<<tell GreggLogBreakBrain Run>>


Gregg: Dude, someone’s gonna die or get born because we broke that log. #line:9ffda4
Mae: crap, man. #line:9d801c
Gregg: yeah. #line:950395
// gregg jumps up
<<setAnimInt Gregg layingSide 0>>


<<walk Mae MaeOnLogKnifeFight wait>>
//mae walks to middle of log//
Mae: come get cut, Greggor. #line:6e31ad
//gregg walks to middle of log//
<<walk Gregg GreggOnLogKnifeFight wait>>
Gregg: Say goodbye to your fingers. :) #line:c369e9


//find Gregg and chat then shoot that beast!//
//when you enter, gregg is set to Gregg_bod_crossbow_down//
    //play Gregg_bod_crossbow_down2up//
    //hold on Gregg_bod_crossbow_up//
    <<setAnimInt Gregg crossbow 2>>
//there’s gonna be a camera panning over joke here//
Mae: So like... what’s going on there? #line:e11e25
Gregg: The Forest God. #line:6e81f4


//aperture in//
Mae: So, #line:92766e
//broken tv nearby pops on for a second. Loud static echoes through the woods//
<<playOneShot event:/gregg_woods/tv_on AmbientSFX:tv>>
<<tell AmbientSFX:tv Play1>>
//gregg sits//
<<lookRight Gregg>>



음식 조합을 정리해두는 글. 대사로 출력되진 않지만 처음부분만 주석 처리되어있다.

//question: Syntax looks inconsistent for these options.//
// Should there be a colon after $grocery_cooler and $grocery_meat?//
$grocery_canned_goods: #line:76a00b
1 - Succotash #line:3751d9
2 - Green Beans #line:796c2e
3 - Cream of Chicken Soup #line:85d290

$grocery_box: #line:e1f87d
1 - Mac n’ Cheese #line:f257b6
2 - Scalloped Potatoes #line:1d1e3a
3 - Mashed Potatoes #line:2dc6b6
4 - Rice #line:121815

$grocery_cooler #line:d3048c
1 - Biscuits #line:42defe
2 - Creamed Spinach #line:9c49f3

$grocery_meat #line:3c4582
1 - Ground Beef #line:cb319e
2 - Chicken #line:4362e8
3 - Fish #line:fa8f97
4 - Pork Chops #line:566a8e


<<if $grocery_meat is 1 and $grocery_bakey_shakey is 0 and $grocery_box is 1 and $grocery_canned_goods is 1>>
    //Ground Beef (no bakey shakey) + Mac n’ Cheese + Succotash = GOOD
    <<set $grocery_quality to 1>>
<<elseif $grocery_meat is 4 and $grocery_bakey_shakey is 1 and $grocery_box is 2 and $grocery_canned_goods is 2>>
    //Pork Chops (with Bakey Shakey) + Scalloped Potatoes + Green Beans = GOOD
    <<set $grocery_quality to 1>>
<<elseif $grocery_meat is 2 and $grocery_bakey_shakey is 0 and $grocery_canned_goods is 3 and $grocery_cooler is 1>>
    //Chicken (nobakey shakey) + Cream of Chicken Soup + Biscuits = GOOD
    <<set $grocery_quality to 1>>
<<elseif $grocery_meat is 3 and $grocery_bakey_shakey is 0 and $grocery_box is 1 and $grocery_cooler is 2>>
    //Fish (no bakey shakey) + Mac n’ Cheese + Creamed Spinach
    <<set $grocery_quality to 1>>
<<elseif $grocery_meat is 3 and $grocery_bakey_shakey is 1>>
    //Fish (bakey shakey)
    <<set $grocery_quality to -1>>
<<elseif $grocery_meat is 1 and $grocery_bakey_shakey is 2>>
    //Beef  (bakey shakey)
    <<set $grocery_quality to -1>>
<<elseif $grocery_meat is 1 and $grocery_box != 1>>
    //Beef + anything other than Mac n’ Cheese
    <<set $grocery_quality to -1>>
<<elseif $grocery_meat is 3 and $grocery_canned_goods is 3>>
    //Fish + Cream of Chicken
    <<set $grocery_quality to -1>>
<<elseif $grocery_meat is 2 and $grocery_bakey_shakey is 1 and $grocery_canned_goods is 3>>
    //Chicken (bakey shakey) + Cream of Chicken Soup
    <<set $grocery_quality to -1>>
<<elseif $grocery_meat is 4 and $grocery_canned_goods is 3>>
    //Pork Chops + Cream of Chicken Soup
    <<set $grocery_quality to -1>>
<<elseif $grocery_meat is 1 and $grocery_canned_goods is 3>>
    //Beef + Cream of Chicken Soup
    <<set $grocery_quality to -1>>



<<if $demontower_plays > 0>>
    // if player has played demontower already
    // if player hasn't played demontower yet


	GreggLaptop: it was a janitor and not a ghost. #line:f8d052
	Mae: I *felt* it dude. #line:b3c2cd
	//No more owl
	//GreggLaptop: well I felt getting attacked by an owl
	//GreggLaptop: maybe the owl was stalking us inside there
	GreggLaptop: i’m asking Angus if that could happen #line:f6edbc



처음에 메이가 카운터에 앉는것 말고는 구현된 효과가 없다.

MissQuelcy: Ahem! #line:fbd202
Mae: What is... #line:e9a2e1
//Librarian: Shhh!
->Yeah! #line:bdee13
    //lights go down
    //Mae hops up on library counter//
    MissQuelcy: Next up, "Fisherman" Jones. #line:98a17c
    //fisherman stands up//
    MissQuelcy: Fisherman Jones has a poem for us- #line:553b08
    Fisherman: ... #line:166f1f
    //fisherman sits down//
    Fisherman: that's it. #line:c87f28
        MissQuelcy: Finally, a poem by Selma Ann Forrester! #line:60817a
        //selmers stands up//
        Mae: :) #line:1e7f61



Lori: Nevermind it's ok I'm sorry I'm sorry #line:216268
//lori goes into panic animation//
Mae: :( #line:e6e6fd
Mae: It's ok! Calm down! #line:543279
Lori: I'm sorry I get all weird sometimes I'm sorry #line:4d82ee
Lori: *huff* *huff* *huff*  #line:bb10ec
Mae: I'll forgive you if you stop apologizing! #line:12c6d4
Lori: *huff* *huff* #line:686605
Lori: ok. #line:2161b9
Mae: :| #line:c27e84
//pause as transition back to lori normal//
Mae: The tracks are cool. Haven't been out there in a while. #line:131803


Lori: seeya! #line:071c02
Mae: later! #line:f9bcf2
//lori walks left offscreen//


Mae: =_= #line:e46280
//trigger hud2 drunk cam//
Mae: hhmmm hmmmm hmmm #line:e568d5
Mae: hmmmm mmm mmmmm #line:316d60
Mae: -_- #line:6e0d60
Lori: Mae? you ok? #line:1a02da
Mae: mm mmmm mmmmm #line:db2073
Lori: MAE!!! #line:e83d07
//fade out//
Mae: o_o #line:9e909e


        Lori: *huff huff* #line:52b74f
        Lori: It’s fine. #line:24e009
        //Lori goes into panic attack mode//
        Lori:{width=8} itsfineitsfineitsfineitsfine #line:dc9d3c
        Mae: hey hey ok. we can talk about it later. #line:54ee80
        Lori: *huff huff huff* #line:a44241


이 외

GarboAndMalloy 대사들에선 TV쇼 시작과 끝을 알려주는 주석이 있다. 예시:

<<tell TVOverlay Show>>
<<wait 2>>
<<animate TV Logo>>
<<wait 5.5>>
<<animate TV GarboTalk>>
<<animate TV Static>>
<<wait 3>>


TV: would be #line:d502c0
//Malloy stares for 2 seconds
<<animate TV MalloyStare>>
<<wait 2>>
<<animate TV GarboTalk>>
TV: “A WHOPPAH!” #line:c6965d



주석, 주석, 주석

<<if $safe_combination is 0>>
    <<if $tried_safe is 0>>
        // checking it out for the first time, no safe combo tho
        // repeated checking of the safe without the combo
    // opening the safe with the combination
    <<if $knows_tooth>>
        // if mae found out about the tooth from the microfiche already
        // if mae has no idea what the tooth is



4번째 베이스 연습곡이 존재했을 가능성이 있는 주석?

English Orginal(영어 원문) Korean User Translation(유저 한국어 패치)
    //-> Bass Practice 4 <<if $actday > 0400>>
    //    <<runBandPractice 6>>
    //->  베이스 연습 4 <<if $actday > 0400>>
    //    <<runBandPractice 6>>


BandPractice.yarn.txt 에서도 나온 점수에 따른 주석과 그 외에 주석.

<<if $quit_bass_practice>>
    <<if $bass_practice_right is 100>>
        Mae: Um, that was pretty much perfect. #line:9ef632
    <<elseif $bass_practice_right > 90>>
        // player did pretty alright!!
        Mae: Not bad considering I don't know how to play this song! #line:eaa421
    <<elseif $bass_practice_right < 50>>
        // player played less than 50% of the notes registered
        Mae: I don't even know how to play this song. Why am I doing this. #line:2c6a9e
    <<elseif $bass_practice_right < 20>>
        // player probably mashed random buttons for the whole song
        Mae: Well... #line:6da361
        Mae: Yeah, that wasn't good. #line:38d6d1
    <<elseif $bass_practice_right < 50>>
        // pretty baaaad
        Mae: Ouch. #line:bfac2b
        // a catch-all for doing pretty meh
        Mae: I literally do not know this song. #line:9b88f4
    // unlock doodles if player did well enough
    <<if $bass_practice_right > 90>>
        <<if $bass_practice_song_index is 3>>
            <<unlockDoodle SpaceDragon>>
        <<elseif $bass_practice_song_index is 4>>
            <<unlockDoodle Cycles>>
        <<elseif $bass_practice_song_index is 5>>
            <<unlockDoodle CharityBearity>>
    <<if $bass_practice_song_index is 0>>
        // die anywhere else
    <<elseif $bass_practice_song_index is 1>>
        // weird autumn
    <<elseif $bass_practice_song_index is 2>>
        // pumpkin head guy
    <<elseif $bass_practice_song_index is 3>>
        // Space Dragon
    <<elseif $bass_practice_song_index is 4>>
        // Cycles
    <<elseif $bass_practice_song_index is 5>>
        // Tick Tock



Mae: So how are we doing this? #line:31aa02
Gregg: You are going to hold the flashlight... #line:2c711a
//hands mae flashlight <- how do we want to do this?//
<<fadeOutInternal .5 wait>>
<<warp Mae MaeWithFlashlight>>
<<flip Mae -1>>
<<fadeInInternal .5 wait>>



<<if $did_germ_friendship_quest_2>> //or $did_gregg_friendship_quest_3>>
	Mae: I’m getting used to it. #line:edd97a



English Orginal(영어 원문) Korean User Translation(유저 한국어 패치)
//Mae and Gregg are laying on the floor, having fallen down the stairs//
Gregg: FRIGGIN’ #line:d3990d
Gregg: OWL! #line:9def13
Mae: Are you ok? #line:322f34
Gregg: I think so. #line:7cffe7
Gregg: That was dangerous! #line:6ec1b5
Mae: I didn’t know owls attacked like that! #line:6466db
Mae: What was his effing deal? #line:708cb5
//Gregg: You ok?
//Mae: Hurt my knee falling off the bike.
//Mae: reeeeally looking forward to all the stairs we’re gonna have to climb in here...
//Gregg: Alright well.
//both get up//
//Mae and Gregg are laying on the floor, having fallen down the stairs//
Gregg: 망할 #line:d3990d
Gregg: 부엉이! #line:9def13
Mae: 괜찮냐? #line:322f34
Gregg: 그런듯. #line:7cffe7
Gregg: 방금 엄청 위험했지! #line:6ec1b5
Mae: 부엉이들이 그렇게 공격하는 줄 몰랐어! #line:6466db
Mae: 쟤들은 뭐가 문제래? #line:708cb5
//Gregg: 너 ok?
//Mae: 자전거에서 떨어지면서 무릎 다쳤어 bike.
//Mae: 여기서 계단 오르는거 참 신나겠다 here...
//Gregg: 좋아 well.
//both get up//


꽤나 긴 주석.

<<fadeOutMusic 2>>
Mae: Dude, r- #line:7c461c
<<wait 1>>
<<playOneShot event:/mansion/muffled_thump CreepyNoise1>>
//interrupted by distant creepy noise (does it close the text window when it happens?). This noise is the animatronic guy upstairs (RUNNING GREGG THEME!) but we don’t know that yet, so it’s this distant muffled indistinct voice/thump that is spooky. Not like a scream or anything, just like a WMMWAAHMMWWAAAMUHHMUHH voice and then a BUMP. Shouldn’t come off as robotic until we’re in the same room as it, which will be in the Map Room//
<<wait 2>>
Mae: ... #line:7564b0
Gregg: What #line:778d4a


효과가 적용되지 않은 주석.

//muffled soft noise below//
Gregg: Ok well #line:9f6617
Mae: Yeah, let’s find a paperclip. #line:968a74


    Gregg: There I got it! #line:214592
    <<tell SceneLink6 Open>>
    <<wait 1>>
    Mae: GO!!! #line:27ccca
    //they get in and they zoom down to the basement//


Gregg: so the question I have is #line:7e8ca5
//camera pans over to other elevator//
<<lookLeft Mae>>
<<cameraLookAt CameraOtherElevator 2>>
Gregg: where does that one go? #line:547430
<<wait 2>>
<<lookRight Mae>>
Mae: ok #line:4331b0
Gregg: crimes? #line:dcc9ff
Mae: crimes. #line:4e9c8b
<<lookNearest Mae>>
<<cameraFollowPlayer 1>>
// delete SceneLink for elevator
<<destroy SceneLink7>>


<<createLocatorAt Gregg GreggReturn>>
<<stopFollowing Gregg>>
//Gregg runs to the left, waits for a sec and then runs back to you//
<<run Gregg OffLeft wait>>
<<playAmbientSFX _AmbientSFX:attic_window_locked>>
<<wait 1>>
<<run Gregg GreggRunBack wait>>
Gregg: I FOUND A WINDOW! #line:2770e9
Gregg: I THINK THERE’S A FIRE ESCAPE! #line:1fb0e5
Gregg: window doesn’t open, though... #line:db6d8d
//you are free to run into the weird room//
<<generateFollowPoints Mae Gregg>>
<<follow Gregg Mae>>


Mae: how do I know this? #line:647a5a
// elevator sound! it's going down
<<playAmbientSFX _AmbientSFX:elevator_run_other>>
<<fadeOutAmbientSFX _AmbientSFX:elevator_run_other 10>>
<<lookLeft Gregg>>
<<wait 3>>
Gregg: Shit, dude!  #line:02f868
Gregg: The elevator! #line:604e73
Mae: Why do I know this painting? #line:111239
<<flip Gregg -1>>
<<run Gregg OffLeft>>
<<wait 1>>
Gregg: DUDE! COME ON!!! #line:ed9f3b
<<wait 2>>
// window breaking sound
<<playAmbientSFX _AmbientSFX:window_smash>>
<<wait 3>>



모든 내용이 주석처리되어있음.

title: ExitLevel
colorID: 4
position: -819,631
//<<set $map_switch_0_done to 0>>
//<<set $map_switch_1_done to 0>>
//<<set $map_switch_2_done to 0>>
//<<set $map_switch_3_done to 0>>
//<<set $map_switch_4_done to 0>>
//<<set $map_switches to 0>>



Gregg: well, here we are #line:58ec90
//mae walks out and doubles over//
Mae: *cough cough* #line:aabefb


// walk through mine 2. Bad atmosphere getting slowly worse! You can’t double back past the screen as you go? The gang reaches the door(?) that’s down at the end//
Angus: Door. #line:c16e81


//fade in as they’re walking up to the elevator//
<<walk Bea BeaBeforeElevator>>
<<walk Gregg GreggBeforeElevator>>
<<walk Angus AngusBeforeElevator>>


<<tell MineElevator MoveUp>>
//they get in the elevator. As they go up there’s a big BUMP//
<<cameraLookAt CameraElevatorShaft 15>>



//in church room//
Gregg: aaaaaaaaaw geez #line:bf07af


English Orginal(영어 원문) Korean User Translation(유저 한국어 패치)
//walk mae into next room and stop//
<<set $boss_convo to 1>>
<<fadeOutInternal 1 wait>>
//next wait is just for dialogue as the animations happen//

<<trigger MineBottom2 LightsTurnOn>>
<<playOneShot event:/finale/lantern_light HeadMiner>>
<<wait 8>> 
Eide: there they are! They’re right there! #line:d553d0
HeadMiner: You don’t know what this is, do you? #line:475c24
<<playMusic boss_conversation 6>>
Mae: What? #line:2dc609
//miner lights another lantern and we can see the hole now. Camera backs up a bit to show more blackness around.
//Camera does some light blur/swimmy stuff for a second.//
Mae: oh god #line:420f34
<<cameraLookAt BossCamCenterLow 8>>
<<wait 1>>
<<allSpeechBubblesToY 5>>
<<extraZoom -5 8>>
Mae: i’ve seen this #line:e664cc
Mae: or I’ve… I’ve felt it… #line:2318c1
HeadMiner: maybe they shoulda cared more about him before it came to this. #line:a6aecf
<<fadeOutMusic 1>>
//play Gregg_bod_Crossbow_down2up and hold on Gregg_bod_crossbow_up//
<<setAnimInt Gregg crossbow 2>>
<<wait 1>>
Gregg: :| #line:f270c4
Gregg: WHICH ONE OF YOU DID IT!!! D: #line:8d54ee
Bea: Gregg- #line:023c70
Gregg: HE WAS MY FRIEND!!!! D: #line:6414f9
<<setAnimInt Miner1 raiseRifle 1>>
//miner1 raises rifle//
Miner1: Alright now. Throw it down right now or I will shoot. #line:19cd99
Gregg: :) #line:501dbe
Gregg: heh heh  #line:0dfe95
Gregg: What if I get you first? #line:f963cd
Gregg: bolt stickin' right outta your eye #line:419d8a
Gregg: *bang* #line:b00fc9
Gregg: *baaaaaaaaang* #line:8a2f14
<<setAnimInt Miner2 raiseRifle 1>>
//Miner2 raises rifle//
Gregg: :| #line:653af9
Angus: You brought guns down here? #line:8ce7d3
Miner2: Dangerous this far out in the woods at night. Basic safety. #line:167341
Gregg: I… I... #line:3941cf
Miner1: Throw it down, son. #line:b6cf35
Miner1: Don’t make this our time. #line:e45a89
Bea: Gregg… #line:1a4834
<<wait 2>>
Gregg: Dangit. #line:ac6de6
//play Gregg_bod_Crossbow_drop//
<<setAnimInt Gregg crossbow 1>>
<<trigger Gregg DropCrossbow>>
<<wait .5>>
<<setAnimInt Gregg crossbow 0>>
<<wait 2>>
<<playMusic boss_conversation 6>>
Mae: you’re monsters #line:be5aab
Mae: none of this #line:1cd4c8
Mae: none of this is happening #line:305a0c
//at this point we start mae’s cosmic tumble animation which is just some camera effects and some sprite overlays.
//We prob wanna wait a few seconds for it to get going before we continue the convo//
<<tell AmbientSFX:amb_cosmic_freakout Play3>>
<<setAnimInt CosmicShit state 1>>
<<extraZoom 0 20>>
<<wait 3>>
HeadMiner: we are not monsters #line:617f7a
HeadMiner: where it won’t be just… #line:cc5272
//would be good to cut the track here to something clearer for the duration of mae’s speech here
//and then go back to previous ambience//
<<wait 1>>
<<allSpeechBubblesToX 0>>
<<allSpeechBubblesToY 0>>
<<fadeOutMusic 1>>
Mae: shapes. #line:6e258c
<<wait 6>>
Mae: i’m going to die down here #line:c51e57
<<wait 2>>
<<tell AmbientSFX:amb_cosmic_freakout FadeOut3>>
<<setAnimInt CosmicShit state 0>>
<<wait 3>>
//cosmos stuff fades out, back to cave stuff//
Mae: why are you telling us all this? #line:5e4284
Mae: I... I can’t move you guys #line:596538
Angus: I’ll carry you. #line:1401c8
//angus walks up and throws mae on his back, piggy-back style//
//<<walk Angus AngusPickUpMae wait>>
//Angus: you good?
//Mae: yeah.
//<<walk Angus WalkOutRight>>
//<<walk Gregg WalkOutRight>>
//<<walk Bea WalkOutRight>>
//<<wait 1>>
<<fadeOut 1 wait>>
<<wait 1>>
<<scene MineBottom1>>
//walk mae into next room and stop//
<<set $boss_convo to 1>>
<<fadeOutInternal 1 wait>>
//next wait is just for dialogue as the animations happen//

<<trigger MineBottom2 LightsTurnOn>>
<<playOneShot event:/finale/lantern_light HeadMiner>>
<<wait 8>> 
Eide: 저기 있다! 저 놈들이야! #line:d553d0
HeadMiner: 넌 이게 뭔지도 잘 모르는 것 같구나, 그렇지? #line:475c24
<<playMusic boss_conversation 6>>
Mae: 뭐? #line:2dc609
//miner lights another lantern and we can see the hole now. Camera backs up a bit to show more blackness around.
//Camera does some light blur/swimmy stuff for a second.//
Mae: 세상에 #line:420f34
<<cameraLookAt BossCamCenterLow 8>>
<<wait 1>>
<<allSpeechBubblesToY 5>>
<<extraZoom -5 8>>
Mae: 본 적 있어 #line:e664cc
Mae: 아니면... 아니면 느낀 적 있는 건가... #line:2318c1
HeadMiner: 그만큼의 신경을 이렇게 되기 전에 써줬으면 어땠을까 싶군. #line:a6aecf
<<fadeOutMusic 1>>
//play Gregg_bod_Crossbow_down2up and hold on Gregg_bod_crossbow_up//
<<setAnimInt Gregg crossbow 2>>
<<wait 1>>
Gregg: :| #line:f270c4
Gregg: 어떤 새끼야!!! D: #line:8d54ee
Bea: 그렉- #line:023c70
Gregg: 케이시는 내 친구였다고!!!! D: #line:6414f9
<<setAnimInt Miner1 raiseRifle 1>>
//miner1 raises rifle//
Miner1: 자자. 당장 안 내려놓으면 쏜다. #line:19cd99
Gregg: :) #line:501dbe
Gregg: 헤 헤 #line:0dfe95
Gregg: 내가 먼저 쏘면 어떻게 할 건데? #line:f963cd
Gregg: 눈알에 화살이 박힌다고 생각해 봐. #line:419d8a
Gregg: *빵야* #line:b00fc9
Gregg: *빠아아아앙야아아아* #line:8a2f14
<<setAnimInt Miner2 raiseRifle 1>>
//Miner2 raises rifle//
Gregg: :| #line:653af9
Angus: 여기까지 총을 가지고 왔다고? #line:8ce7d3
Miner2: 한밤중에 깊은 숲 속에 들어오면 위험하니까. 기본 상식이지. #line:167341
Gregg: 난... 난... #line:3941cf
Miner1: 그거 떨궈라, 꼬마야. #line:b6cf35
Miner1: 괜히 일 치르지 말자. #line:e45a89
Bea: 그렉... #line:1a4834
<<wait 2>>
Gregg: 망할. #line:ac6de6
//play Gregg_bod_Crossbow_drop//
<<setAnimInt Gregg crossbow 1>>
<<trigger Gregg DropCrossbow>>
<<wait .5>>
<<setAnimInt Gregg crossbow 0>>
<<wait 2>>
<<playMusic boss_conversation 6>>
Mae: 괴물들 #line:be5aab
Mae: 아무것도 #line:1cd4c8
Mae: 이 모든 게 진짜가 아니야. #line:305a0c
//at this point we start mae’s cosmic tumble animation which is just some camera effects and some sprite overlays.
//We prob wanna wait a few seconds for it to get going before we continue the convo//
<<tell AmbientSFX:amb_cosmic_freakout Play3>>
<<setAnimInt CosmicShit state 1>>
<<extraZoom 0 20>>
<<wait 3>>
HeadMiner: 우린 괴물이 아니야. #line:617f7a
HeadMiner: 이곳이 그저... #line:cc5272
//would be good to cut the track here to something clearer for the duration of mae’s speech here
//and then go back to previous ambience//
<<wait 1>>
<<allSpeechBubblesToX 0>>
<<allSpeechBubblesToY 0>>
<<fadeOutMusic 1>>
Mae: 모양들이 아니던 때로. #line:6e258c
<<wait 6>>
Mae: 난 이 아래에서 죽을 거야. #line:c51e57
<<wait 2>>
<<tell AmbientSFX:amb_cosmic_freakout FadeOut3>>
<<setAnimInt CosmicShit state 0>>
<<wait 3>>
//cosmos stuff fades out, back to cave stuff//
Mae: 왜 우리한테 전부 얘기해주는 거지? #line:5e4284
Mae: 나... 나 움직이질 못하겠어 얘들아 #line:596538
Angus: 업어줄게 #line:1401c8
//angus walks up and throws mae on his back, piggy-back style//
//<<walk Angus AngusPickUpMae wait>>
//Angus: 내가 good?
//Mae: yeah.
//<<walk Angus WalkOutRight>>
//<<walk Gregg WalkOutRight>>
//<<walk Bea WalkOutRight>>
//<<wait 1>>
<<fadeOut 1 wait>>
<<wait 1>>
<<scene MineBottom1>>



<<if $mine_boards>>
    <<warp Mae MaeMineBoards>>
    // warp other characters too


//when they reach the elevator//
<<walk Angus LeverAngus wait>>
<<fadeOut 0>>
<<tell MineEntranceLever SetUp>>
<<playOneShot event:/finale/pull_lever Angus>>
<<flip Angus -1>>
<<wait 3>>
<<fadeIn 1>>
//angus pulls lever. Elevator comes up//
<<tell MineElevator MoveUpToOriginalPosition>>
<<wait 1>>
//they all get into the elevator//
Bea: we have Possum Springs tourism pamphlets at the shop #line:4987c2
Bea: and i get bored. #line:d4ffa0
Mae: *THIS* is in the brochure? #line:7d8e5b
<<wait 1>>
//note to self- remember to set up this joke in the intro bus station//
//elevator descends//


//all come out of the elevator//
<<walk Bea BeaOffElevator2>>
<<walk Gregg GreggOffElevator2>>
<<walk Angus AngusOffElevator2>>
<<fadeOut 1 wait>>
//angus lays mae on the ground//



<<playAnimation Mae MaeFlailLeft1>>
<<playAmbientSFX AmbientSFX:amb_ibon_void_underwater 1>>
<<fadeIn 1 wait>>

//at a point about halfway in, mae plunges underwater and into this inky blackness. It’s mostly blackness and she just floats there so this isn’t like super intensive or anything so I think we can do something simple here?//
<<wait 4>>
Mae: I know what you are now #line:f8bf61
Mae: if not, #line:9c91d6
//trigger ibon swarming animation that lasts like 2 seconds//
//abruptly cut to black//
<<stopAmbientSFX AmbientSFX:amb_ibon_void_underwater>>
<<fadeOut .0001 wait>>

//cut to everyone standing on the opposite bank
//and mae standing near them still in the water//
//others walk over to the bottom of the well//
<<walk Angus AngusBottom>>
<<walk Gregg GreggBottom>>
<<walk Bea BeaBottom>>
//as they go//


<<waitForMove Bea>>
//when you walk up to friends //



English Orginal(영어 원문) Korean User Translation(유저 한국어 패치)
//camera pulls up to obscure action below//

<<playOneShot event:/minewoods/miner_struggle Miner3>>
<<cameraLookAt LookAwayCamera 3>>
<<wait 1>>
<<setAnimInt Miner1 stoop 1>>
<<setAnimInt Miner2 stoop 1>>
<<wait 1>>
Miner3:{locator=Miner3LookawayBubble}[shake=.05]no no no no[/shake] #line:9e0696
Miner1:{locator=Miner1LookawayBubble}HOLD 'IM STILL #line:b8a8d3
Miner3:{locator=Miner3LookawayBubble}[shake=.07]NOOOO![/shake] #line:33f301
//horrible bone cracking noise//
<<setAnimInt Miner1 stoop 0>>
<<setAnimInt Miner2 stoop 0>>
<<wait 1>>
<<playOneShot event:/minewoods/miner_struggle Miner3>>
<<wait 1>>
Miner3:{locator=Miner3LookawayBubble, width=800}[shake=.1]AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGHHH!!!![/shake] #line:c22c4e
Miner1:{locator=Miner1LookawayBubble}HOLD STILL! THIS’LL GO EASIER IF- #line:dddb46
//horrible bone cracking noise//
<<wait 1>>
<<warp Miner3 MinerGround2>>
<<playOneShot event:/minewoods/miner_struggle Miner3>>
<<wait 1>>
Miner3:{locator=Miner3LookawayBubble, width=800}[shake=.1]AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGHHH!!![/shake] #line:a4fe53
Miner2:{locator=Miner2LookawayBubble}alright. he’s free. #line:74490a
<<setAnimInt Miner3 state 2>>
// camera goes back //
<<playOneShot event:/minewoods/miner_struggle Miner3>>
<<cameraLookAt MinerSceneCamera 2>>
<<wait 2>>
Miner1: Lurv. #line:39d045
Mae:{locator=MaeOffscreenBubble}*gasp* #line:8c24d6
<<playOneShot event:/minewoods/mae_discovered Mae>>
Miner2: the hell? #line:68f5ab
Mae:{locator=MaeOffscreenBubble}[shake=.05]SHIT.[/shake] #line:702cff
Miner1: Mae? Mae Borowski? #line:6351a7
Angus:{locator=MaeOffscreenBubble}[shake=.05]RUN!!!!!![/shake] #line:098a5d
//wipe to run scene//
<<cameraFollowPlayer 3>>
<<fadeOut 1 wait>>
<<scene MineWoodsRunAway>>
//camera pulls up to obscure action below//

<<playOneShot event:/minewoods/miner_struggle Miner3>>
<<cameraLookAt LookAwayCamera 3>>
<<wait 1>>
<<setAnimInt Miner1 stoop 1>>
<<setAnimInt Miner2 stoop 1>>
<<wait 1>>
Miner3:{locator=Miner3LookawayBubble}[shake=.05]안돼 안돼 안돼 안돼[/shake] #line:9e0696
Miner1:{locator=Miner1LookawayBubble}꽉 붙들고 있어 #line:b8a8d3
Miner3:{locator=Miner3LookawayBubble}[shake=.07]안돼애애![/shake] #line:33f301
//horrible bone cracking noise//
<<setAnimInt Miner1 stoop 0>>
<<setAnimInt Miner2 stoop 0>>
<<wait 1>>
<<playOneShot event:/minewoods/miner_struggle Miner3>>
<<wait 1>>
Miner3:{locator=Miner3LookawayBubble, width=800}[shake=.1]으아아아아아아아아아아아아아악!!!![/shake] #line:c22c4e
Miner1:{locator=Miner1LookawayBubble}꽉 붙잡아! 이렇게 해야 더 쉽게- #line:dddb46
//horrible bone cracking noise//
<<wait 1>>
<<warp Miner3 MinerGround2>>
<<playOneShot event:/minewoods/miner_struggle Miner3>>
<<wait 1>>
Miner3:{locator=Miner3LookawayBubble, width=800}[shake=.1]끄아아아아아아아아아아아아아악!!![/shake] #line:a4fe53
Miner2:{locator=Miner2LookawayBubble}좋아. 이제 빠졌네. #line:74490a
<<setAnimInt Miner3 state 2>>
// camera goes back //
<<playOneShot event:/minewoods/miner_struggle Miner3>>
<<cameraLookAt MinerSceneCamera 2>>
<<wait 2>>
Miner1: 루브 #line:39d045
Mae:{locator=MaeOffscreenBubble}*헉* #line:8c24d6
<<playOneShot event:/minewoods/mae_discovered Mae>>
Miner2: 뭐야? #line:68f5ab
Mae:{locator=MaeOffscreenBubble}[shake=.05]썅.[/shake] #line:702cff
Miner1: 메이? 메이 보로우스키? #line:6351a7
Angus:{locator=MaeOffscreenBubble}[shake=.05]도망쳐!!!!!![/shake] #line:098a5d
//wipe to run scene//
<<cameraFollowPlayer 3>>
<<fadeOut 1 wait>>
<<scene MineWoodsRunAway>>


버그를 피하기 위해 코드를 넣었다는 주석.

//gregg is using Gregg_walk_crossbow, when he stops play Gregg_bod_Crossbow_Down2Up and hold on Gregg_bod_Crossbow_up//
<<setAnimInt Gregg crossbow 2>>
//play Gregg_bod_Crossbow_Up2Down and hold on Gregg_bod_crossbow_down//
<<setAnimInt Gregg crossbow 1>>
<<if $dom_friend_bea>>
	Bea: You ok? #line:6aebb8
    // WARNING: These waits are essential to avoid a bug in Yarn Spinner
	->where did... #line:d8af59
        <<wait .5>>
	->what are... #line:416878
        <<wait .5>>
	//bea walks up to mae//
	Gregg: You ok dude? #line:b1781c
    // WARNING: These waits are essential to avoid a bug in Yarn Spinner
	->where did... #line:ad8524
        <<wait .5>>
	->what are... #line:ac38d2
        <<wait .5>>
	//gregg walks up to mae using Gregg_walk_crossbow ending in Gregg_bod_crossbow_down//


<<fadeIn 1 wait>>
//set gregg to Gregg_bod_crossbow_down//
//play gregg_bod_crossbow_down2up and hold on Gregg_bod_crossbow_up//
<<setAnimInt Gregg crossbow 2>>
Gregg: *bang bang* #line:801296
//<<playerCanMoveRight 1>>
<<fadeOut 1 wait>>
<<scene MineEntrance>>



주석만 있는 대사

// miranda_basement: 0 = first in
// miranda_basement: 1 = bea has gone behind furnace
// miranda_basement: 2 = "Fixed" the furnace


없는 대사인 Dialogue3를 불러낸다.

<<elseif $miranda_basement is 3>>
    <<warp Bea Bea4>>
    <<warp Mae Mae4>>
    <<playerFace -1>>
    <<setCanInteract Bea 0>>
    <<flip Bea -1>>



Miranda: Well, I won’t talk your ears off about it. #line:c88107
//walk bea and mae to fridge//
<<walk Miranda Miranda2>>



English Orginal(영어 원문) Korean User Translation(유저 한국어 패치)
Mae: There’s a thing back here by the driveway! #line:127947
Bea: Yeah. She’s an old lady. #line:346a4e
//look Bea right ?!?!} at other weird thing in yard//
Bea: She’s got weird shit in her yard. #line:2cd3a0
Mae: 저기 도로 쪽에 뭔가 있어! #line:127947
Bea: 그래, 할머니니까, #line:346a4e
//look Bea right ?!?!} at other weird thing in yard//
Bea: 마당에 이상한 거 하나쯤 가지고 있어도 이상하지 않잖아. #line:2cd3a0


<<cameraLookAt CameraDriftAway 10>>
//start drifting camera up into the skies
Mae: do you think you'd have the stomach for it? #line:67464f
<<walk Bea WalkOffLeft>>
//walk bea off to the left//
Bea: i'm leaving #line:3e6beb
<<walk Mae WalkOffLeft>>
//walk mae off to the left//
Mae: hey! wait up! #line:da951b



//revisit this with new expressions and animations//
<<if $mom is 0>>
    Mom: See you later, sweetie! #line:ac284c
    Mae: o_o :| #line:7ba33d
    //<<if $eels is 1>>
    //    Mom: Eels, honey.
    //    Mae: Eels.
    //    Mom: Hey this is gonna be a running joke til the end of this game.
    //    Mae: Gotta remember to use it sparingly!
    <<set $mom += 1>>
<<elseif $mom is 2>>
    Mom: Have a nice day, sweetie! #line:43547f
    <<set $mom_done to 1>>
//insert fish emoticon//


    //after you jump down//
    Mom: well, stop by the church if you're in the area! #line:8b72a2
    Mae: will do mom #line:3a7571
    Mae: see ya! #line:5f9f09


//sad mom//


    Mae: I'm really sorry, mom. #line:6a3857
    Mae: about all of it. #line:375bad
    //mae jumps down//
    Mom: hey mae... you ok? #line:3c95dc
    Mae: i'm fine. Guess i'm stressed too. #line:1d6be5

MomHome_A3D2_00, MomHome_A3D2_01

// needs to be changed, A3D1 is the rainy day


Mae: well. #line:b8ea59
//jumps down//
Mae: i’m off. #line:2715e5



수확제날. EnterLevel_A2D4이 따로 있지만 A2D4_00이란 없는 대사를 호출한다.

<<elseif $day is 4>>
    <<if $bea is 0>>


<<cameraLookAt HarfestCamLow 6>>
//organ fanfare as camera descends from ceiling//
<<playOneShot event:/music/harfest_organ_00>>
<<wait 7>>
<<walk Dan DanCounter wait>>
<<walk Bill BillCounter wait>>
//will do actual stage blocking after dialogue is in//
<<wait 1>>
<<dilate Bea .75 10>>
//dan enters//
Dan: Brother John! #line:1e3a53
//bill enters//
Bill: Yes, Brother Steven! #line:a650e0
<<lookForward Mae>>
//witchy organ riff//
<<playOneShot event:/music/harfest_organ_01>>
//spooky organ end of act theme//
<<playOneShot event:/music/harfest_organ_02>>


//OH NO! Organ theme//
<<cameraLookAt HarfestCamLow 6>>
//dan falls behind counter//
<<setAnimInt Dan die 1>>
//gregg falls behind counter//
<<setAnimInt Gregg die 1>>
//spooky organ end of act theme//
<<playOneShot event:/music/harfest_organ_04>>


<<cameraLookAt HarfestCamLow 8.5>>
<<playOneShot event:/music/harfest_organ_05>>
//bill and dan both say WOOOOOO!!!//
<<runNextLinesTogether 2>>
Bill:{locator=LeftSide} [wave]Wooooo!!![/wave] #line:ded394
Dan:{locator=LeftSide2} [wave]Wooooo!!![/wave] #line:640c1f
<<walk Janitor CounterOffLeft>>
<<wait 3>>
//walk janitor off//
//walk bill and dan off//
//spooky organ end of act theme//
<<cameraLookAt HarfestCamHigh 6>>
<<playOneShot event:/music/harfest_organ_06>>


//organ fanfare as camera ascends toceiling//
<<playOneShot event:/music/harfest_organ_07>>



A2D4에서 달려나간 이후에 자동으로 시작되는 대사 스크립트.

//camera pulls back/pans up so you can see the miner with the kid draped over his
//shoulder. there’s a solid few seconds of frozen poses here as the wind blows
//leaves around etc//
<<playMusic eide>>
<<cameraLookAt CameraLookAtEide 3>>
<<wait 10>>
//a flashing pops on behind Mae and the camera pulls back down to normal view,
//losing the guy on the hill//
<<cameraLookAt CameraBackToMaeAfterEideHill 3>>
//<<extraZoom 2 3>>
<<wait .5>>
Mae: he looked like a ghost! #line:6eb0b3
//molly shines a light up//
Molly: a ghost, huh? #line:77075e
Mae: Or something like that? #line:4727f4
//molly shines light back at mae//
Molly: Mae, you shouldn't be out here #line:b8a05e



    -> What were YOU doing out here last night? #line:aa3974
        Molly: Vagrants. Reports of. #line:0009a7
        Molly: That's why #line:561fb3
        //(waves hand at council)
        Molly: all this. #line:930906



//train noise in the distance to the right//
<<tell _AmbientSFX:train_whistle Play>>
//train flies past//
<<trigger OverheadTracks TrainPassBottom>>
<<wait 13>>
//after train passes//
<<setAnimInt Lori laying 1>>
//train flies past going other direction//
<<trigger OverheadTracks TrainPassBoth>>


<<playOneShot event:/lori_quest/legs_move Lori>>
<<wait 1>>
<<setAnimInt Mae laying 2>>
<<playOneShot event:/lori_quest/legs_move Mae>>
<<wait 1>>
//mae pulls her feet in as the train passes//
<<trigger OverheadTracks TrainPassBottom>>
//lori pulls her feet in as the train passes//
<<setAnimInt Lori laying 2>>



'question!'이란 태그가 PastorA4D3랑 같이 달려있다.

title: PastorA3D4
tags: question!
colorID: 4
position: 97,552
//question: need a variable that lets mae apologize if you did the godcatconvo. here and a4d3. not sure how to set that up//

Pastor: Wonder where Bruce has got to? #line:af0368


//<<walk Council2 Council2Camp>>
//<<walk Council3 Council3Camp>>
//<<walk Council4 Council4Camp>>
//<<walk Molly MollyCamp>>
//<<walk Bruce BruceCamp>>
//<<walk Council1 Council1Camp wait>>



//aperture in//
Mae: oh god #line:3b073f


$urev_theft는 사용되는 변수 이다.


Mae: THIS BLOWS #line:b15b8d
Mae: I'M OUT #line:907ed9
// $urev_theft will be 0
<<irisOut 1 wait>>
<<scene URev>>


Mae: SWEEEEET. :) #line:91284e
// $urev_theft will be 1
<<fadeOut 1 wait>>
<<scene URev>>



Mae: This entire area is so full of romance. #line:75ec6c
// would be funny if two rats scurried out of the boat just then//


Mae: This is all getting jumbled. I should write it down. #line:078aae
//journal time!//
<<unlockDoodle Intro>>
<<unlockDoodle RipGranddad>>



//Angus walks up to the log and sits down. You can wander until you go and talk to him//
<<walkAndSit Angus AngusLog>>


Angus: ok then. #line:b39b18
//aperture out//
<<wait 1>>
<<allSpeechBubblesToY 0>>
<<irisOut 1 wait>>
<<scene AngusConstellations>>


<<allSpeechBubblesToY 0>>
//angus stands up and turns around//
<<walk Angus AngusTurnAround wait>>
Mae: but your asthma #line:93fde8
//angus does inhaler animation//
Angus: I got an inhaler. #line:c97d02
<<run Angus AngusOffRight>>
//Angus begins running to the right.//
// next plays as he runs until he gets offscreen
<<alwaysUseWaitTime 1>>
<<waitTime .5>>
Angus:{width=4}RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWR!!! #line:4c97be
//After half a second Mae starts running right behind him.
<<run Mae MaeOffRight>>
<<cameraLookAt CameraGraves 12>>
//The camera follows them until it stops on the graves.
<<wait 9>>
//They run offscreen.
<<wait 6>>
//It’s quiet.
<<wait 4>>
//After several seconds Eide across the screen through the trees
//and the screen cuts to black//
<<trigger EideRun Run>>



<<cameraFollowPlayer 1>>
//now free to wander and stuff. Look around and then talk to Gregg and Angus,
// who are having some sort of auto-rolling argument or emoticon convo or something
<<runDialogue BackgroundDialogue ArgumentLoop>>


주석 주석 주석


//<<warp Angus AngusStart>>
//<<warp Mae MaeStart>>
//<<warp Gregg GreggStart>>

<<cameraLookAt CameraCenter>>


//fade up. after several seconds you hear them coming from the right.
//They carry the robot into the center of the screen and set it down.
//Also there’s an old abandoned mill way in the bg . this is a note for me so i remember that.
<<fadeIn 1>>
<<wait 2.5>>

//<<tell AmbientSFX:RobotCarry Play1>>
//<<walk Angus AngusLog>>
//<<walk Mae MaeLog>>
//<<walk Gregg GreggLog>>
//<<waitForMove Angus>>
//<<waitForMove Gregg>>

//<<tell RobotBody StopCarrying>>
//<<lerp RobotBody RobotDropPosition .15>>
//<<tell AmbientSFX:RobotCarry FadeOut1>>
//<<playOneShot event:/roadside/robot_mascot_dump RobotBody>>

//<<wait 1>>

//<<resetRig Angus>>
//<<resetRig Gregg>>

//<<walk Angus AngusPose 1>>
//<<walk Mae MaePose 1>>
//<<walk Gregg GreggPose -1>>
//<<waitForMove Mae>>
//they start walking offscreen to the right.
<<walk Angus AngusNextToGregg>>
<<waitForMove Mae>>
//Mae follows. Get it like she’s with them but they’re together she’s not between them it’s a metaphor.
//Camera slowly starts pulling back.
<<extraZoom -1 3>>
<<wait 3>>
//After several seconds we see the car in the distance go down the road to the left, back to Possum Springs.
<<wait 3>>
//After it does that, the robot pops on and wiggles around for a second or two before stopping.
<<tell RobotBody Activate>>
<<wait 6.5>>
//Fade to black//
<<fadeOut 1 wait>>



<<setCanInteract Donna 0>>

<<if $act is 0 and $day is 0>>
	<<show Donna>>
	<<show Gregg>>
    Gregg: =_= #line:2c6d68
	<<trigger Gregg Sit ShowGnome>>
	<<warp Gregg GreggRoof Sit>>
    <<setPlayerInteractLocator Gregg GreggRoofTalk>>
    <<setCanInteract Donna 1>>
    <<hide Lori>>
    <<hide TZEmployee1>>
    <<hide TZEmployee2>>
    <<show Bruce>>
    <<hide Gregg>>
    <<hide Bruce>>
<<if $act is 2 and $day is 1 and $demo2>>
    //<<sit Bea>>
<<set $taxi_stop to 1>>

<<if $demo2>>
    <<show Bea>>
    <<hide Bea>>
<<hide Donna>>
<<hide TZEmployee2>>
<<hide TZEmployee1>>

<<if $act is 1 and $day is 1>>
    <<show Donna>>
    <<show TZEmployee2>>
<<elseif $act is 1 and $day is 2>>
    <<show TZEmployee2>>
<<elseif $act is 1 and $day is 3>>
    <<show Donna>>
    <<show TZEmployee1>>
    <<show TZEmployee2>>
<<elseif $act is 2 and $day is 1>>
    <<show Donna>>
    <<show TZEmployee2>>
<<elseif $act is 2 and $day is 2>>
    <<show TZEmployee1>>
<<elseif $act is 2 and $day is 3>>
    // no one outside
<<elseif $act is 2 and $day is 4>>
    <<show TZEmployee1>>
    <<show TZEmployee2>>
<<elseif $act is 3 and $day is 1>>
    <<show Donna>>
    <<show TZEmployee1>>
    <<show TZEmployee2>>
<<elseif $act is 3 and $day is 2>>
    <<show TZEmployee1>>
    <<show TZEmployee2>>
<<elseif $act is 3 and $day is 3>>
    <<show TZEmployee2>>
<<elseif $act is 3 and $day is 4>>
    // no one outside
<<elseif $act is 4 and $day is 3>>
    <<show Donna>>
    <<show TZEmployee1>>
    <<show TZEmployee2>>


Night in the Woods (Windows)#Unfinished Scripts

English Orginal(영어 원문) Korean User Translation(유저 한국어 패치)
Mae: See ya around. #line:cd3431
Janitor: Not if I see you first, Mae. #line:356aeb
Mae: ha ha #line:27078b
Janitor: *wheeze* haw haw haw! #line:e73167
//janitor walks offscreen to the left//
<<walk Janitor JanitorOffLeft wait>>
Mae: wait! How do you know my name? #line:0196c8
<<wait 2>>
//giant astral-god-looking bird flys up and into the sky in the bg//
//Mae: oh my god
//Mae: he was-
//Mae: finally some part of this makes sense.
//<<walk Janitor JanitorBackOn wait>>
//janitor walks back onscreen interrupting//
//Janitor: HO-LEE JA-MOLEY
//Janitor: you see that big bird?
//Janitor: That’s a Great Nor’Easter King Crane!
//Janitor: Must be late to the migratin’.
//Janitor: Haw! Wait til the fellers at Miller’s hear about this!
//Mae: Ha ha ha ha.
//Mae: oh my god. This week.
//<<walk Janitor JanitorOffLeft wait>>
//Janitor: You said it.
<<hide Janitor>>
//janitor walks offscreen to the left//
<<set $janitor_done to 1>>
<<unlockDoodle Janitor1>>
Mae: 나중에 또 봐요. #line:cd3431
Janitor: 내가 너 먼저 봐버릴 거다, 메이. #line:356aeb
Mae: 하 하 #line:27078b
Janitor: *흐어어억* 허 허 허! #line:e73167
//janitor walks offscreen to the left//
<<walk Janitor JanitorOffLeft wait>>
Mae: 잠깐만요! 제 이름은 어떻게 아셨어요? #line:0196c8
<<wait 2>>
//giant astral-god-looking bird flys up and into the sky in the bg//
//Mae: 와 잠깐 god
//Mae: 아저씨가 was-
//Mae: 드디어 뭔가 좀 이해가 되네 sense.
//<<walk Janitor JanitorBackOn wait>>
//janitor walks back onscreen interrupting//
//Janitor: 우-와 JA-MOLEY
//Janitor: 저 큰 게 보이니 bird?
//Janitor: 저게 바로 힘센 북동풍의 왕이란다 Crane!
//Janitor: 아무래도 늦었는데 migratin’.
//Janitor: 하! 저 밀러쪽에 있는 머스마들이 들을때까지 기다려봐 this!
//Mae: 하하하 ha.
//Mae: 세상에나. 이거 week.
//<<walk Janitor JanitorOffLeft wait>>
//Janitor: 네가 말했잖아 it.
<<hide Janitor>>
//janitor walks offscreen to the left//
<<set $janitor_done to 1>>
<<unlockDoodle Janitor1>>



<<if $tracks_2 is 0>>
    //Mae: whoa!
    //Mae: WHOA.
    //Mae: This looks tortured.
    //Lori: Aaah look at mine!!!



데모2에서 몰리하고 자치회 사람이 어떻게 나오는지 설정하는 스크립트.

<<if $act is 2 and $day is 1 and $tunnel_west_city_council_a2d1_done is 0>>
    <<setCanInteract Molly 0>>
    <<setCanInteract Council1 1>>
    <<show Council1>>
    <<if $demo2>>
        <<hide Council2>>
        <<hide Council3>>
        <<hide Council4>>
        <<show Council2>>
        <<show Council3>>
        <<show Council4>>
    <<hide Council1>>
    <<hide Council2>>
    <<hide Council3>>
    <<hide Council4>>

<<if $act is 2 and $day is 1 and $tunnel_west_city_council_a2d1_done is 0>>
    <<show Molly>>
    <<hide Molly>>

점은 터널에 등장하지 않지만 관련된 스크립트가 있다.

<<if $act is 3 and $day is 2>>
    <<show Germ>>
    <<hide Germ>>

그리고 10대 꼬마들이 나오는 날짜를 적어두는 주석들.

// A1D1, A1D3, A2D2, A2D4, A3D1, A3D3, A4D3 //
<<if $act is 1 and $day is 1>>
    // show TunnelTeens
<<elseif $act is 1 and $day is 3>>
    // show TunnelTeens
<<elseif $act is 2 and $day is 2>>
    // show TunnelTeens
<<elseif $act is 3 and $day is 1>>
    // show TunnelTeens
<<elseif $act is 3 and $day is 3>>
    // show TunnelTeens
<<elseif $act is 4 and $day is 3>>
    // show TunnelTeens
    <<hide TunnelTeen1>>
    <<hide TunnelTeen2>>
    <<hide TunnelTeen3>>
    <<hide TunnelTeen4>>

퀠시씨는 도서관에서 시인회를 여는 '새' 캐릭터이다.[3] 그렇지만 Miss하고 Ms로 부르는 주어가 스크립트 안에서도 다르다. (MissQuelcy가 현재 게임안에서 이름이다.) 그리고 이외에 등장인물을 조정하는 스크립트들.

<<hide MissQuelcy>>
<<hide Fisherman>>

<<if $act is 0>>
    <<show MsQuelcy>>
    <<set $cook_done to 1>>

<<if $act is 1 and $day is 2>>
    <<show Fisherman>>
    <<setAnimInt Fisherman sitting 1>>
    //<<show Rosa>>
<<if $rosa_sequence > 2>>
    <<hide Rosa>>
<<elseif $act is 1 and $day is 2>>
    <<show Rosa>>
<<elseif $act is 2 and $day is 1>>
    <<show Rosa>>
<<elseif $act is 2 and $day is 3>>
    <<show Rosa>>
<<elseif $act is 3 and $day is 1>>
    <<show Rosa>>
<<elseif $act is 4 and $day is 3>>
    <<show Rosa>>
    <<hide Rosa>>

<<if $act is 2 and $day is 4>>
    // show PumpkinHeadGuy
    <<hide PumpkinHeadGuy>>

<<if $act is 3 and $day is 2>>
    // show Salvi and his TunnelBoat
    <<sit Salvi>>
    <<tell TunnelBoat Hide>>
    <<hide Salvi>>


<<if $mallard_rats>>
    //interaction shoudl be deactivated if this variable is set
    //Mae: My precious rat babies have left the nest! no need for Momma to feed 'em anymore.
    //Mae: ...they grow up so fast...


<<set $tunnel_teens_done to 1>>
<<if $met_tunnel_teens is 0>>
    // A1D1, A1D3, A2D2, A2D4, A3D1, A3D3, A4D3 //
    <<if $act is 1 and $day is 1>>


TunnelTeens_A2D4는 없는 대사이다. InitLevel 에서 A2D4땐 10대들이 나오지 않는것으로 되어있다.


// A1D1, A1D3, A2D2, A2D4, A3D1, A3D3, A4D3 //
<<if $act is 1 and $day is 1>>
<<elseif $act is 1 and $day is 3>>
<<elseif $act is 2 and $day is 2>>
<<elseif $act is 2 and $day is 4>>
<<elseif $act is 3 and $day is 1>>
<<elseif $act is 3 and $day is 3>>
<<elseif $act is 4 and $day is 3>>


English Orginal(영어 원문) Korean User Translation(유저 한국어 패치)
TunnelTeen3: some place called Mulvay #line:7fe46c
Mae: !!!! #line:da48dd
//(eyes dilate, big frown)
Mae: *Mulvay*? \o/ #line:83c091
Mae: You know someone from *Mulvay*? #line:9bf72b
TunnelTeen3: 멀베이라는 곳 출신이라던데 #line:7fe46c
Mae: !!!! #line:da48dd
//(eyes dilate, big frown)
Mae: *멀베이*? \o/ #line:83c091
Mae: *멀베이* 출신인 사람을 안다고? #line:9bf72b



<<if $tunnel_bats_1_percent > 75 and $tunnel_bats_2_percent > 75>>
	//(if scared away most of the bats both times)
	Salvi: well #line:976316
	Salvi: you got rid of most of the bats back there... #line:e3c7e6



Bea: We're leaving. #line:9fad59
Mae: Stay strong you beautiful dreamer. You have nothing to lose but your chains. #line:56fb71
//<<walk Bea Exit>>
<<walk Mae Exit>>
URevClerk: What? #line:2e7e2d
<<set $fort_lucenne_mall to 6>>
<<irisOut 1 wait>>
<<scene FortLucenneMall>>



<<fadeIn 1>>
<<hide Mae>>
<<wait 1>>
//animation of mae dragging herself out of the well//
<<trigger MaeClimboutWell Climbout>>
<<wait 9>>
<<show Mae>>
<<wait 2>>
Mae: this place. #line:f77b21
Mae: huh. #line:fa2d27
Mae: Got any rope or something? #line:4a7672
Germ: Yeah! #line:c70145
<<wait 2>>
Mae: caaaan you go get it? #line:7fbb5e
<<run Germ GermOff>>
<<wait 2>>
//friend bubbles come from the well//
BeaWell: Hey Mae! #line:81e448
<<fadeOut 1 wait>>

//everyone is laying on the ground, tired//
<<warp Angus AngusOnGround>>
<<warp Bea BeaOnGround>>
<<warp Gregg GreggOnGround>>
<<warp Germ GermOnGround>>
<<cameraLookAt CameraStartToLeave>>

<<warp Angus AngusStanding>>
<<warp Bea BeaStanding>>
<<warp Gregg GreggStanding>>
<<warp Germ GermStanding>>

<<lookAt Bea Germ>>
<<lookRight Gregg>>
<<lookRight Mae>>
<<wait 1>>
<<lookNearest Mae>>

//everyone is standing//
<<fadeIn 1 wait>>
Mae: oh uh. anyone else want to get far away from this well? #line:133c19
Bea: yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup. #line:782ecf
<<cameraLookAt CameraLeave 8.5>>
//you can walk now and this convo happens while you do that.
<<walk Bea BeaWalk1>>
<<walk Gregg GreggWalk1>>
<<walk Angus AngusWalk1>>
<<walk Mae MaeWalk1>>
<<wait 1>>
<<lookNearest Mae>>
Bea: it strikes me that we just murdered all of those dudes down there #line:10b6e8
Gregg: what trolley thing? #line:0de596
<<lookRight Gregg>>
Bea: ok, i'll explain it if we keep walking. #line:3e8ba2

<<waitForMove Bea>>
<<waitForMove Gregg>>
<<waitForMove Angus>>
<<waitForMove Mae>>

//<<cameraLookAt CameraLeave 1>>

<<wait 1>>

<<walk Bea OffRight>>
<<walk Gregg OffRight>>
<<walk Angus OffRight>>
<<walk Mae OffRight>>

<<wait 3>>
//When you get to the right edge of the screen, you all stop and hang for a sec until the convo is done//

//they walk offscreen to the right//

<<set $night to 1>>
<<wait 3>>
<<fadeOut 1 wait>>
<<scene Laptop>>